--- /dev/null
+# Constant Parameters
+PARAM mvp[4] = { state.matrix.mvp }; # modelview projection matrix
+PARAM constColor = program.env[0]; # constant color (defined by the application)
+PARAM constSize = program.env[1]; # constant size
+# constColor.x == 1.0
+# constColor.y == 1.0
+# constColor.z == 1.0
+# constColor.w == 1.0
+# constSize.x == 1.0
+# constSize.y == 10.0
+# constSize.z == 100.0
+# constSize.w == 1000.0
+# Per-vertex inputs
+ATTRIB inPosition = vertex.position;
+ATTRIB inColor = vertex.color;
+# Per-vertex outputs
+OUTPUT outPosition = result.position;
+OUTPUT outColor = result.color;
+OUTPUT outSize = result.pointsize;
+DP4 outPosition.x, mvp[0], inPosition; # Transform the x component of the per-vertex position into clip-space
+DP4 outPosition.y, mvp[1], inPosition; # Transform the y component of the per-vertex position into clip-space
+DP4 outPosition.z, mvp[2], inPosition; # Transform the z component of the per-vertex position into clip-space
+DP4 outPosition.w, mvp[3], inPosition; # Transform the w component of the per-vertex position into clip-space
+# Color management
+TEMP color1;
+TEMP color2;
+#MOV color1, inColor.y;
+#DP4 color2, color1, color1;
+#MOV outColor, color1;
+MOV outColor, inColor; # Use the original per-vertex color specified
+#MOV outColor, constColor; # Uncomment this to use the constant color stored at "program.env[0]"
+# Size management
+TEMP size1;
+MOV size1, constSize;
+DP4 size1.x, inColor, inColor;
+MUL size1.x, size1.x, constSize.y;
+#MUL size1.x, size1.x, inColor.w;
+#MUL size1.x, size1.x, constSize.y;
+MOV outSize, size1;
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