if(!mesh2D || !mesh1D)
throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDCouplingUMesh::Intersect2DMeshWith1DLine : input meshes must be not NULL !");
+ { // (In a scope to free mem early)
+ // Check if any node within mesh1D is connected to more than two edges
+ DataArrayIdType *mesh1DDesc1(DataArrayIdType::New()),*mesh1DDescIndx1(DataArrayIdType::New()),*mesh1DRevDesc1(DataArrayIdType::New()),*mesh1DRevDescIndx1(DataArrayIdType::New());
+ MCAuto<DataArrayIdType> m1dd1(mesh1DDesc1),m1dd2(mesh1DDescIndx1),m1dd3(mesh1DRevDesc1),m1dd4(mesh1DRevDescIndx1);
+ MCAuto<MEDCouplingUMesh> mesh1Desc(mesh1D->buildDescendingConnectivity(mesh1DDesc1,mesh1DDescIndx1,mesh1DRevDesc1,mesh1DRevDescIndx1));
+ MCAuto<DataArrayIdType> dsi=mesh1DRevDescIndx1->deltaShiftIndex();
+ MCAuto<DataArrayIdType> tpls = dsi->findIdsGreaterOrEqualTo(3);
+ if(tpls->getNumberOfTuples() != 0)
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDCouplingUMesh::Intersect2DMeshWith1DLine : Certain nodes of the 1D mesh are connected to more than 2 edges !\
+ If the 1D mesh consists of mutiple lines, make sure those lines are not overlapping. ");
+ }
const std::vector<std::string>& compNames(mesh2D->getCoords()->getInfoOnComponents());
if(mesh2D->getMeshDimension()!=2 || mesh2D->getSpaceDimension()!=2 || mesh1D->getMeshDimension()!=1 || mesh1D->getSpaceDimension()!=2)
throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDCouplingUMesh::Intersect2DMeshWith1DLine works with mesh2D with spacedim=meshdim=2 and mesh1D with meshdim=1 spaceDim=2 !");
self.assertEqual(resToSelf.getValues(), [0, 1, 1])
self.assertEqual(mapLeftRight.getValues(), [-1, -1, 1, 0, 1, 2, -1, -1])
+ def testSwig2Intersect2DMeshWith1DLine22(self):
+ """ Simple check that an execption is thrown if 1D mesh is not a single line (one point
+ connected to more than 2 edges. """
+ m2 = MEDCouplingCMesh.New()
+ da = DataArrayDouble(3)
+ da.iota()
+ m2.setCoords(da, da)
+ m2 = m2.buildUnstructured()
+ m1,_,_,_,_ = m2.buildDescendingConnectivity() # m1 will have it central point connected to 4 edges
+ # MEDCouplingUMesh.Intersect2DMeshWith1DLine(m2, m1, 1.0e-8)
+ self.assertRaises(InterpKernelException, MEDCouplingUMesh.Intersect2DMeshWith1DLine, m2, m1, 1.0e-8)
def testSwig2Conformize2D1(self):
eps = 1.0e-8