* BatchManager_ePBS.cxx : emulation of PBS client
- * Auteur : Bernard SECHER - CEA DEN
+ * Auteur : Bernard SECHER - CEA DEN, André RIBES - EDF R&D
* Mail : mailto:bernard.secher@cea.fr
* Date : Thu Apr 24 10:17:22 2008
* Projet : PAL Salome
if (status)
throw EmulationException("Error of connection on remote host, cannot copy batch submission file");
- void BatchManager_ePBS::oldbuildBatchScript(const Job & job)
- {
- Parametre params = job.getParametre();
- Environnement env = job.getEnvironnement();
- const long nbproc = params[NBPROC];
- const long edt = params[MAXWALLTIME];
- const long mem = params[MAXRAMSIZE];
- const string workDir = params[WORKDIR];
- const std::string dirForTmpFiles = params[TMPDIR];
- const string fileToExecute = params[EXECUTABLE];
- const string home = params[HOMEDIR];
- const std::string queue = params[QUEUE];
- std::string rootNameToExecute;
- std::string fileNameToExecute;
- std::string filelogtemp;
- if( fileToExecute.size() > 0 ){
- string::size_type p1 = fileToExecute.find_last_of("/");
- string::size_type p2 = fileToExecute.find_last_of(".");
- rootNameToExecute = fileToExecute.substr(p1+1,p2-p1-1);
-#ifdef MSVC
- char fname[_MAX_FNAME];
- char ext[_MAX_EXT];
- _splitpath_s(fileToExecute.c_str(), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, fname, _MAX_FNAME, ext, _MAX_EXT);
- string execBaseName = string(fname) + ext;
- char* basec=strdup(fileToExecute.c_str());
- string execBaseName = string(basename(basec));
- free(basec);
- fileNameToExecute = "~/" + dirForTmpFiles + "/" + execBaseName;
- int idx = dirForTmpFiles.find("Batch/");
- filelogtemp = dirForTmpFiles.substr(idx+6, dirForTmpFiles.length());
- }
- else{
- rootNameToExecute = "command";
- }
- ofstream tempOutputFile;
- std::string TmpFileName = createAndOpenTemporaryFile("PBS-script", tempOutputFile);
- tempOutputFile << "#! /bin/sh -f" << endl;
- if (queue != "")
- tempOutputFile << "#BSUB -q " << queue << endl;
- if( edt > 0 )
- tempOutputFile << "#PBS -l walltime=" << edt*60 << endl ;
- if( mem > 0 )
- tempOutputFile << "#PBS -l mem=" << mem << "mb" << endl ;
- if( fileToExecute.size() > 0 ){
- tempOutputFile << "#PBS -o " << home << "/" << dirForTmpFiles << "/output.log." << filelogtemp << endl ;
- tempOutputFile << "#PBS -e " << home << "/" << dirForTmpFiles << "/error.log." << filelogtemp << endl ;
- }
- else{
- tempOutputFile << "#PBS -o " << dirForTmpFiles << "/" << env["LOGFILE"] << ".output.log" << endl ;
- tempOutputFile << "#PBS -e " << dirForTmpFiles << "/" << env["LOGFILE"] << ".error.log" << endl ;
- }
- if( workDir.size() > 0 )
- tempOutputFile << "cd " << workDir << endl ;
- if( fileToExecute.size() > 0 ){
- tempOutputFile << _mpiImpl->boot("${PBS_NODEFILE}",nbproc);
- tempOutputFile << _mpiImpl->run("${PBS_NODEFILE}",nbproc,fileNameToExecute);
- tempOutputFile << _mpiImpl->halt();
- }
- else{
- tempOutputFile << "source " << env["SOURCEFILE"] << endl ;
- tempOutputFile << env["COMMAND"];
- }
- tempOutputFile.flush();
- tempOutputFile.close();
-#ifdef WIN32
- _chmod(
- chmod(
- TmpFileName.c_str(), 0x1ED);
- cerr << TmpFileName.c_str() << endl;
- int status = _protocol.copyFile(TmpFileName, "", "",
- dirForTmpFiles + "/" + rootNameToExecute + "_Batch.sh",
- _hostname, _username);
- if (status)
- throw EmulationException("Error of connection on remote host");
- remove(TmpFileName.c_str());
- }