/*! \file
This is a package that contains IDL interfaces that permits to add
- a dynamic port model to the %SALOME object model.
+ a dynamic port model to the SALOME object model.
module Engines {
- /*! \brief Interface of a %DSC component.
+ /*! \brief Interface of a DSC component.
This interface defines the operations needed to add a component model with dynamic port
- declaration to the %SALOME object model. A component is a black box that interacts with
+ declaration to the SALOME object model. A component is a black box that interacts with
other components only by his ports. A port represents a connection point for the component.
In this model, a port is a CORBA interface, so a CORBA object.
This enumeration is used when the connection of a port (uses or provides)
- is changed. This information is for the user code that implements the
- component.
+ is changed. This information is for the component's user code.
enum Message {AddingConnection,
This exception is raised when a port's name is gived before
- is added to the component.
+ it is added to the component.
exception PortNotDefined {};
exception PortNotConnected {};
- This exception is raised is the type of the provides port is bad.
+ This exception is raised if the type of the provides port is bad.
This exception contains a string that gives what type is expected
and the type that the operation received.
exception NilPort {};
- Port's reference is not good for the operation
+ Port's reference is not the right reference.
exception BadPortReference {};
- /*!
- Port is disconnected and someone is using it.
- */
- exception PortDisconnected {};
Object porperty is not good for the port
\exception NilPort
\exception BadProperty
- \note Notice that the name of the port is unique on the component. So if there is
- a uses port that has the same the PorAlreadyDefined exception will be throw. Also
- notice that each port as an object property that is associated with.
+ \note Notice that the name of the port is unique on a component. So if there is
+ a uses port that has the same name, the PortAlreadyDefined exception will be throw.
+ Also notice that each port as an object property that is associated with.
void add_provides_port(in Ports::Port ref,
in string provides_port_name,
\exception BadProperty
\note Notice that the name of the port is unique on the component. So if there is
- a provides port that has the same the PorAlreadyDefined exception will be throw. Also
- notice that each port as an object property that is associated with.
+ a provides port that has the same name, the PortAlreadyDefined exception will be throw.
+ Also notice that each port as an object property that is associated with.
void add_uses_port(in string repository_id,
in string uses_port_name,
If it's the framework that wants the port, the reference has to be gived
even if the port is not connected (boolean connection_error to false).
- Contrary if it's the component that wants the port, the port is given
- only if it is connected (boolean connection_error to true). Notice that you can
- choose the behaviour that you want. In the DSC_User layer, the user code has no
- choice.
+ Contrary, if it's the component that wants the port, the port is given
+ in most of cases only if it is connected (boolean connection_error to true).
+ Notice that you can choose the behaviour that you want.
\param provides_port_name port's name.
\param connection_error true if you want to wait that the port is connected with
This operation is used to get a uses port of the component.
It can be used by the framework or the component himself.
Actually, only the user layer of the component will use this operation.
- A uses port could be obtain if and only if the uses port is connected. The sequence
+ A uses port could be obtained if and only if the uses port is connected. The sequence
contains all the connections since a uses port can have multiple connections.
There is a system of callbacks to prevent the user code that there is a new
- (or a deletion) connection (see DSC_Callbacks class).
+ (or a deletion) of a connection (see DSC_Callbacks class).
\param uses_port_name port's name.
- \return port's Corba reference.
- \see DSC_Callbacks
+ \return uses port's sequence.
\exception PortNotDefined
\exception PortNotConnected
\exception BadPortType
+ \see DSC_Callbacks
uses_port get_uses_port(in string uses_port_name) raises(PortNotDefined,
\param provides_port_name provides port's name.
- \exception PortAlreadyConnected
\exception PortNotDefined
- */
+ \note Notice that the provides doesn't uses port names or component reference.
+ */
void connect_provides_port(in string provides_port_name) raises(PortNotDefined);
This operation connects a uses port with a provides port.
- \param ref provides port's Corba reference.
\param uses_port_name uses port's name.
+ \param ref provides port's Corba reference.
\exception PortNotDefined
\exception BadPortType
- This operation tests if a port is connected.
+ This operation tests if a port is connected. You can test
+ a uses port or a provides port.
- \param port_name uses port's name.
+ \param port_name port's name.
\return true if the uses port is connected.
\exception PortNotDefined
This operation disconnects a uses port to a provides port.
\param provides_port_name provides port's name.
- \param message state associated with the deconnection.
+ \param message state associated with the disconnection.
\exception PortNotDefined
\exception PortNotConnected
\param uses_port_name uses port's name.
\param provides_port_ref CORBA reference of the provides port.
- \param message state associated with the deconnection.
+ \param message state associated with the disconnection.
\exception PortNotDefined
\exception PortNotConnected
in Engines::DSC::Message message) raises(PortNotDefined,
+ /*!
+ This operation permits to get port's property object.
+ \param port_name port's name.
+ \return properties object's CORBA reference.
+ \exception PortNotDefined
+ */
Ports::PortProperties get_port_properties(in string port_name) raises(PortNotDefined);
- /*! \brief Interface of the %ConnectionManager
- This interface defines a helper object for connection operations.
- The ConnectionManager is used like other services of Salomé.
+ /*! \brief Interface of the ConnectionManager.
+ It is a helper object for connection operations.
+ The ConnectionManager is used like other services of SALOME (e.g ContainerManager).
interface ConnectionManager {
typedef short connectionId;
- This operation connect a uses port with a provides port.
+ This operation connects a uses port with a provides port.
\param uses_component The component that have the uses port.
- \param uses_port_name port's uses name.
+ \param uses_port_name uses port's name.
\param provides_component The component that have the provides port.
- \param provides_port_name port's provides name.
+ \param provides_port_name provides port's name.
\exception Engines::DSC::PortNotDefined
\exception Engines::DSC::BadPortType
\exception Engines::DSC::NilPort
\return the id of the connection that the ConnectionManager will use
- to release this connection when the framework will call disconnect.
+ to release this connection when the framework (or a user script, ...)
+ will call ConnectionManager::disconnect.
connectionId connect(in Engines::DSC uses_component,
in string uses_port_name,
- This operation release a connection that has been previously created by
+ This operation releases a connection that has been previously created by
the ConnectionManager.
\param id The id of the connection previously gived by the connect operation
of the ConnectionManager.
- \param message state associated with the deconnection.
+ \param message state associated with the disconnection.
\exception Engines::ConnectionManager::BadId
- /*! \brief Interface of the %Superv_Component
- This interface is a component that contains services for the Salomé module SUPERV.
+ /*! \brief Interface of the Superv_Component
+ This interface is a DSC component that contains services for the SALOME module SUPERV.
This interface contains methods that are only in local (so they are described
- and explained in the implementation class). These methods give access to data-oriented
- ports provided by default by Salomé.
+ and explained in the implementation class Superv_Component_i). These methods give access
+ to data-oriented ports provided by default by SALOME's kernel.
interface Superv_Component : Engines::DSC {
The SUPERV module call this method before starting the service. Thus the service
- can add is dynamics ports before is started.
+ can add is dynamics ports before it is started.
\param service_name service's name.
\return true if the service is correctly initialised.
- /*! \brief Interface of a parallel DSC component
+ /*! \brief Interface of a Parallel_DSC component
This interface defines the operations needed to add a paco++ port
- into a parallel component in Salomé.
+ into a parallel DSC component.
interface Parallel_DSC : Engines::DSC {
- This operation gives the proxy node of a paco++ port
- to all the nodes.
+ This operation gives the proxy node of a paco++ port to all the nodes.
Only a node of the parallel component is going to add a proxy object
with an internal method.
\param ref provides proxy port's reference.
\param name provides port's name.
+ \see Engines_ParallelDSC_i::add_parallel_provides_proxy_port
void set_paco_proxy(in Object ref,
in string provides_port_name);