QString objectInfo(const ObjectPtr& theObj)
ResultPtr aRes = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_Result>(theObj);
- FeaturePtr aFeature;// = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_Feature>(theObj);
+ FeaturePtr aFeature = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_Feature>(theObj);
QString aFeatureStr = "feature";
if(aRes.get()) {
- //aFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(aRes);
+ aFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(aRes);
if (aFeature.get()) {
aFeatureStr.append(QString(": %1").arg(aFeature->getKind().c_str()).toStdString().c_str());
// deactivate object in all modes, which are not in the list of activation
+ // It seems that after the IO deactivation the selected state of the IO's owners
+ // is modified in OCC(version: 6.8.0) and the selection of the object later is lost.
+ // By this reason, the number of the IO deactivate is decreased and the object is deactivated
+ // only if there is a difference in the current modes and the parameters modes.
+ // If the selection problem happens again, it is possible to write a test scenario and create
+ // a bug. The bug steps are the following:
+ // Create two IO, activate them in 5 modes, select the first IO, deactivate 3 modes for both,
+ // with clicked SHIFT select the second object. The result is the selection of the first IO is lost.
TColStd_ListOfInteger aTColModes;
aContext->ActivatedModes(theIO, aTColModes);
TColStd_ListIteratorOfListOfInteger itr( aTColModes );