#include "SALOME_Launcher_Handler.hxx"
#include "Launcher.hxx"
+#include "Launcher_Job_Command.hxx"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <sys/stat.h>
* with non thread-safe usage like Change_Directory in SALOME naming service
-#if defined(_DEBUG_) || defined(_DEBUG)
- cerr << "Launcher_cpp constructor" << endl;
+ LAUNCHER_MESSAGE("Launcher_cpp constructor");
_job_cpt = 0;
_job_cpt_mutex = new pthread_mutex_t();
pthread_mutex_init(_job_cpt_mutex, NULL);
* destructor
LAUNCHER_MESSAGE("Launcher_cpp destructor");
std::map < string, Batch::BatchManager_eClient * >::const_iterator it1;
delete it1->second;
- std::map < std::pair<std::string,long> , Batch::Job* >::const_iterator it2;
- for(it2=_jobmap.begin();it2!=_jobmap.end();it2++)
- delete it2->second;
std::map<int, Launcher::Job *>::const_iterator it_job;
for(it_job = _launcher_job_map.begin(); it_job != _launcher_job_map.end(); it_job++)
delete it_job->second;
delete _job_cpt_mutex;
-/*! CORBA Method:
- * Submit a batch job on a cluster and returns the JobId
- * \param xmlExecuteFile : to define the execution on the batch cluster
- * \param clusterName : name of the batch cluster
- */
-long Launcher_cpp::submitJob( const std::string xmlExecuteFile,
- const std::string clusterName) throw(LauncherException)
-#if defined(_DEBUG_) || defined(_DEBUG)
- cout << "BEGIN OF Launcher_cpp::submitJob" << endl;
- long jobId;
- vector<string> aMachineList;
- if(!_ResManager)
- throw LauncherException("You must set Resources Manager to Launcher!!");
- // verify if cluster is in resources catalog
- machineParams params;
- params.hostname = clusterName;
- try{
- aMachineList = _ResManager->GetFittingResources(params);
- }
- catch(const ResourcesException &ex){
- throw LauncherException(ex.msg.c_str());
- }
- if (aMachineList.size() == 0)
- throw LauncherException("This cluster is not in resources catalog");
- // Parsing xml file
- ParseXmlFile(xmlExecuteFile);
- // verify if clustername is in xml file
- map<std::string,MachineParameters>::const_iterator it1 = _launch.MachinesList.find(clusterName);
- if(it1 == _launch.MachinesList.end())
- throw LauncherException("This cluster is not in xml file");
- ParserResourcesType p = _ResManager->GetResourcesList(aMachineList[0]);
- string cname(p.Alias);
-#if defined(_DEBUG_) || defined(_DEBUG)
- cout << "Choose cluster: " << cname << endl;
- // search batch manager for that cluster in map or instanciate one
- map < string, Batch::BatchManager_eClient * >::const_iterator it2 = _batchmap.find(cname);
- if(it2 == _batchmap.end())
- {
- _batchmap[cname] = FactoryBatchManager(p);
- // TODO: Add a test for the cluster !
- }
- try{
- // directory on cluster to put files to execute
- string remotedir = _launch.MachinesList[clusterName].WorkDirectory;
- // local directory to get files to execute and to put results
- string localdir = _launch.RefDirectory;
- int idx1 = xmlExecuteFile.find_last_of("/");
- if(idx1 == string::npos) idx1 = -1;
- int idx2 = xmlExecuteFile.find(".xml");
- string logfile = xmlExecuteFile.substr(idx1+1,idx2-idx1-1);
- string ologfile = logfile + ".output.log";
- string elogfile = logfile + ".error.log";
- // create and submit job on cluster
- Batch::Parametre param;
- param[USER] = p.UserName;
- param[EXECUTABLE] = "";
- for(int i=0; i<_launch.InputFile.size();i++)
- param[INFILE] += Batch::Couple( localdir + "/" + _launch.InputFile[i], remotedir + "/" + _launch.InputFile[i] );
- for(int i=0; i<_launch.OutputFile.size();i++)
- param[OUTFILE] += Batch::Couple( localdir + "/" + _launch.OutputFile[i], remotedir + "/" + _launch.OutputFile[i] );
- param[OUTFILE] += Batch::Couple( localdir + "/" + ologfile, remotedir + "/" + ologfile );
- param[OUTFILE] += Batch::Couple( localdir + "/" + elogfile, remotedir + "/" + elogfile );
- param[NBPROC] = _launch.NbOfProcesses;
- param[WORKDIR] = remotedir;
- param[TMPDIR] = remotedir;
- param[MAXWALLTIME] = getWallTime("");
- param[MAXRAMSIZE] = getRamSize("");
- param[HOMEDIR] = "";
- Batch::Environnement env;
- env["COMMAND"] = _launch.Command;
- env["SOURCEFILE"] = _launch.MachinesList[clusterName].EnvFile;
- env["LOGFILE"] = logfile;
- Batch::Job* job = new Batch::Job(param,env);
- // submit job on cluster
- Batch::JobId jid = _batchmap[cname]->submitJob(*job);
- // get job id in long
- istringstream iss(jid.getReference());
- iss >> jobId;
- _jobmap[ pair<string,long>(cname,jobId) ] = job;
- }
- catch(const Batch::EmulationException &ex){
- throw LauncherException(ex.message.c_str());
- }
- return jobId;
- throw LauncherException("Method Launcher_cpp::submitJob is not available "
- "(libBatch was not present at compilation time)");
-/*! CORBA Method:
- * Submit a batch job on a cluster and returns the JobId
- * \param fileToExecute : .py/.exe/.sh/... to execute on the batch cluster
- * \param filesToExport : to export on the batch cluster
- * \param NumberOfProcessors : Number of processors needed on the batch cluster
- * \param params : Constraints for the choice of the batch cluster
- */
-long Launcher_cpp::submitSalomeJob( const string fileToExecute ,
- const vector<string>& filesToExport ,
- const vector<string>& filesToImport ,
- const batchParams& batch_params,
- const machineParams& params) throw(LauncherException)
-#if defined(_DEBUG_) || defined(_DEBUG)
- cerr << "BEGIN OF Launcher_cpp::submitSalomeJob" << endl;
- long jobId;
- vector<string> aMachineList;
- if(!_ResManager)
- throw LauncherException("You must set Resources Manager to Launcher!!");
- // check batch params
- if ( !check(batch_params) )
- throw LauncherException("Batch parameters are bad (see informations above)");
- // find a cluster matching the structure params
- try{
- aMachineList = _ResManager->GetFittingResources(params);
- }
- catch(const ResourcesException &ex){
- throw LauncherException(ex.msg.c_str());
- }
- if (aMachineList.size() == 0)
- throw LauncherException("No resources have been found with your parameters");
- std::cerr << "Machine name is : " << aMachineList[0] << std::endl;
- ParserResourcesType p = _ResManager->GetResourcesList(aMachineList[0]);
- string clustername(p.Alias);
- if (clustername == "")
- {
- throw LauncherException("Alias is not defined in machine configuration, please correct your Resource File");
- }
- if (p.Batch == ssh_batch)
- {
- std::cerr << "p.batch value = " << p.Batch << std::endl;
- std::cerr << "ssh_batch machine detected !" << std::endl;
- }
- else
- std::cerr << "p.batch value = " << p.Batch << std::endl;
-#if defined(_DEBUG_) || defined(_DEBUG)
- cerr << "Choose cluster: " << clustername << endl;
- // search batch manager for that cluster in map or instanciate one
- map < string, Batch::BatchManager_eClient * >::const_iterator it = _batchmap.find(clustername);
- if(it == _batchmap.end())
- {
- _batchmap[clustername] = FactoryBatchManager(p);
- // TODO: Add a test for the cluster !
- }
- try{
- // tmp directory on cluster to put files to execute
- string tmpdir = getTmpDirForBatchFiles();
- // create and submit job on cluster
- Batch::Parametre param;
- param[USER] = p.UserName;
- param[EXECUTABLE] = buildSalomeCouplingScript(fileToExecute,tmpdir,p);
- param[INFILE] = Batch::Couple( "/tmp/" + param[EXECUTABLE].str(), getRemoteFile(tmpdir, param[EXECUTABLE].str()) );
- param[INFILE] += Batch::Couple( fileToExecute, getRemoteFile(tmpdir,fileToExecute) );
- for(int i=0;i<filesToExport.size();i++)
- param[INFILE] += Batch::Couple( filesToExport[i], getRemoteFile(tmpdir,filesToExport[i]) );
- param[OUTFILE] = Batch::Couple( "", "~/" + tmpdir + "/" + "output.log*" );
- param[OUTFILE] += Batch::Couple( "", "~/" + tmpdir + "/" + "error.log*" );
- param[OUTFILE] += Batch::Couple( "", "~/" + tmpdir + "/" + "YACS_Server*" );
- for(int i=0;i<filesToImport.size();i++)
- {
- if (filesToImport[i].find("/") == std::string::npos)
- param[OUTFILE] += Batch::Couple( "", "~/" + tmpdir + "/" + filesToImport[i] );
- else
- param[OUTFILE] += Batch::Couple( "", filesToImport[i] );
- }
- param[NBPROC] = batch_params.nb_proc;
- //param[WORKDIR] = batch_params.batch_directory;
- param[WORKDIR] = "~";
- param[TMPDIR] = tmpdir;
- if (p.Batch == ssh_batch)
- {
- std::cerr << "WallTime == " << getWallTime(batch_params.expected_during_time)*60 << std::endl;
- param[MAXWALLTIME] = getWallTime(batch_params.expected_during_time)*60;
- }
- else
- param[MAXWALLTIME] = getWallTime(batch_params.expected_during_time);
- if(getRamSize(batch_params.mem) != 0)
- {
- if (p.Batch == ssh_batch)
- {
- std::cerr << "RamSize in kbytes == " << getRamSize(batch_params.mem) * 1024 << std::endl;
- param[MAXRAMSIZE] = getRamSize(batch_params.mem) * 1024;
- }
- else
- param[MAXRAMSIZE] = getRamSize(batch_params.mem);
- }
- param[HOMEDIR] = getHomeDir(p, tmpdir);
- param[QUEUE] = p.batchQueue;
- Batch::Environnement env;
- Batch::Job* job = new Batch::Job(param,env);
- // submit job on cluster
- Batch::JobId jid = _batchmap[clustername]->submitJob(*job);
- // get job id in long
- istringstream iss(jid.getReference());
- iss >> jobId;
- _jobmap[ pair<string,long>(clustername,jobId) ] = job;
- }
- catch(const Batch::EmulationException &ex){
- throw LauncherException(ex.message.c_str());
- }
- return jobId;
- throw LauncherException("Method Launcher_cpp::submitSalomeJob is not available "
- "(libBatch was not present at compilation time)");
-/*! CORBA Method:
- * Query a batch job on a cluster and returns the status of job
- * \param jobId : identification of Salome job
- * \param params : Constraints for the choice of the batch cluster
- */
-string Launcher_cpp::queryJob( long id,
- const machineParams& params) throw(LauncherException)
- if(!_ResManager)
- throw LauncherException("You must set Resources Manager to Launcher!!");
- // find a cluster matching params structure
- vector<string> aMachineList = _ResManager->GetFittingResources( params ) ;
- ParserResourcesType p = _ResManager->GetResourcesList(aMachineList[0]);
- string clustername(p.Alias);
- // search batch manager for that cluster in map
- std::map < string, Batch::BatchManager_eClient * >::const_iterator it = _batchmap.find(clustername);
- if(it == _batchmap.end())
- throw LauncherException("no batchmanager for that cluster");
- Batch::Parametre par;
- try{
- ostringstream oss;
- oss << id;
- Batch::JobId jobId( _batchmap[clustername], oss.str() );
- Batch::JobInfo jinfo = jobId.queryJob();
- par = jinfo.getParametre();
- }
- catch(const Batch::EmulationException &ex){
- throw LauncherException(ex.message.c_str());
- }
- return par[STATE];
- throw LauncherException("Method Launcher_cpp::queryJob is not available "
- "(libBatch was not present at compilation time)");
-string Launcher_cpp::queryJob( long id,
- const std::string clusterName) throw (LauncherException)
- machineParams params;
- params.hostname = clusterName;
- return queryJob(id,params);
-/*! CORBA Method:
- * Delete a batch job on a cluster
- * \param jobId : identification of Salome job
- * \param params : Constraints for the choice of the batch cluster
- */
-void Launcher_cpp::deleteJob( const long id,
- const machineParams& params) throw(LauncherException)
- if(!_ResManager)
- throw LauncherException("You must set Resources Manager to Launcher!!");
- // find a cluster matching params structure
- vector<string> aMachineList = _ResManager->GetFittingResources( params ) ;
- ParserResourcesType p = _ResManager->GetResourcesList(aMachineList[0]);
- string clustername(p.Alias);
- // search batch manager for that cluster in map
- map < string, Batch::BatchManager_eClient * >::const_iterator it = _batchmap.find(clustername);
- if(it == _batchmap.end())
- throw LauncherException("no batchmanager for that cluster");
- ostringstream oss;
- oss << id;
- Batch::JobId jobId( _batchmap[clustername], oss.str() );
- jobId.deleteJob();
- throw LauncherException("Method Launcher_cpp::deleteJob is not available "
- "(libBatch was not present at compilation time)");
-void Launcher_cpp::deleteJob( long id,
- const std::string clusterName) throw (LauncherException)
- machineParams params;
- params.hostname = clusterName;
- deleteJob(id,params);
-/*! CORBA Method:
- * Get result files of job on a cluster
- * \param jobId : identification of Salome job
- * \param params : Constraints for the choice of the batch cluster
- */
-void Launcher_cpp::getResultsJob( const string directory,
- const long id,
- const machineParams& params) throw(LauncherException)
- if(!_ResManager)
- throw LauncherException("You must set Resources Manager to Launcher!!");
- vector<string> aMachineList = _ResManager->GetFittingResources( params ) ;
- ParserResourcesType p = _ResManager->GetResourcesList(aMachineList[0]);
- string clustername(p.Alias);
- // search batch manager for that cluster in map
- map < string, Batch::BatchManager_eClient * >::const_iterator it = _batchmap.find(clustername);
- if(it == _batchmap.end())
- throw LauncherException("no batchmanager for that cluster");
- Batch::Job* job = _jobmap[ pair<string,long>(clustername,id) ];
- _batchmap[clustername]->importOutputFiles( *job, directory );
- throw LauncherException("Method Launcher_cpp::getResultsJob is not available "
- "(libBatch was not present at compilation time)");
-void Launcher_cpp::getResultsJob( const std::string directory,
- long id,
- const std::string clusterName) throw (LauncherException)
- machineParams params;
- params.hostname = clusterName;
- getResultsJob(directory,id,params);
- * Factory to instanciate the good batch manager for choosen cluster.
- */
-Batch::BatchManager_eClient *Launcher_cpp::FactoryBatchManager(ParserResourcesType& params ) throw(LauncherException)
- std::string hostname, mpi;
- Batch::CommunicationProtocolType protocol;
- Batch::FactBatchManager_eClient* fact;
- int nb_proc_per_node = params.DataForSort._nbOfProcPerNode;
- hostname = params.Alias;
- switch(params.Protocol){
- case rsh:
- protocol = Batch::RSH;
- break;
- case ssh:
- protocol = Batch::SSH;
- break;
- default:
- throw LauncherException("unknown protocol");
- break;
- }
- switch(params.mpi){
- case lam:
- mpi = "lam";
- break;
- case mpich1:
- mpi = "mpich1";
- break;
- case mpich2:
- mpi = "mpich2";
- break;
- case openmpi:
- mpi = "openmpi";
- break;
- case slurm:
- mpi = "slurm";
- break;
- case prun:
- mpi = "prun";
- break;
- default:
- mpi = "nompi";
- }
-#if defined(_DEBUG_) || defined(_DEBUG)
- cerr << "Instanciation of batch manager" << endl;
- switch( params.Batch ){
- case pbs:
-#if defined(_DEBUG_) || defined(_DEBUG)
- cerr << "Instantiation of PBS batch manager" << endl;
- fact = new Batch::FactBatchManager_ePBS;
- break;
- case lsf:
-#if defined(_DEBUG_) || defined(_DEBUG)
- cerr << "Instantiation of LSF batch manager" << endl;
- fact = new Batch::FactBatchManager_eLSF;
- break;
- case sge:
-#if defined(_DEBUG_) || defined(_DEBUG)
- cout << "Instantiation of SGE batch manager" << endl;
- fact = new Batch::FactBatchManager_eSGE;
- break;
- case ssh_batch:
-#if defined(_DEBUG_) || defined(_DEBUG)
- cout << "Instantiation of SSH batch manager" << endl;
- fact = new Batch::FactBatchManager_eSSH;
- break;
- default:
-#if defined(_DEBUG_) || defined(_DEBUG)
- cerr << "BATCH = " << params.Batch << endl;
- throw LauncherException("no batchmanager for that cluster");
- }
- return (*fact)(hostname.c_str(), protocol, mpi.c_str(), nb_proc_per_node);
- throw LauncherException("Method Launcher_cpp::FactoryBatchManager is not available "
- "(libBatch was not present at compilation time)");
-string Launcher_cpp::buildSalomeCouplingScript(const string fileToExecute, const string dirForTmpFiles, const ParserResourcesType& params)
-#ifndef WIN32 //TODO: need for porting on Windows
- int idx = dirForTmpFiles.find("Batch/");
- std::string filelogtemp = dirForTmpFiles.substr(idx+6, dirForTmpFiles.length());
- std::string dfilelogtemp = params.AppliPath + "/" + filelogtemp;
- string::size_type p1 = fileToExecute.find_last_of("/");
- string::size_type p2 = fileToExecute.find_last_of(".");
- std::string fileNameToExecute = fileToExecute.substr(p1+1,p2-p1-1);
- std::string TmpFileName = "/tmp/runSalome_" + fileNameToExecute + ".sh";
- ofstream tempOutputFile;
- tempOutputFile.open(TmpFileName.c_str(), ofstream::out );
- if (params.Batch == ssh_batch)
- {
- tempOutputFile << "#! /bin/sh -f" << endl ;
- tempOutputFile << "cd ~/" ;
- tempOutputFile << dirForTmpFiles << endl ;
- tempOutputFile << params.AppliPath << "/runAppli --terminal --ns-port-log=" << filelogtemp << endl;
- tempOutputFile << "current=0\n"
- << "stop=20\n"
- << "while ! test -f " << dfilelogtemp << "\n"
- << "do\n"
- << " sleep 2\n"
- << " let current=current+1\n"
- << " if [ \"$current\" -eq \"$stop\" ] ; then\n"
- << " echo Error Naming Service failed ! >&2"
- << " exit\n"
- << " fi\n"
- << "done\n"
- << "port=`cat " << dfilelogtemp << "`\n";
- tempOutputFile << params.AppliPath << "/runSession driver " << fileNameToExecute << ".xml" << endl;
- tempOutputFile << params.AppliPath << "/runSession killSalomeWithPort.py $port" << endl;
- tempOutputFile.flush();
- tempOutputFile.close();
- chmod(TmpFileName.c_str(), 0x1ED);
-#if defined(_DEBUG_) || defined(_DEBUG)
- cerr << TmpFileName.c_str() << endl;
- return "runSalome_" + fileNameToExecute + ".sh";
- }
- else
- {
- MpiImpl* mpiImpl = FactoryMpiImpl(params.mpi);
- // Begin
- tempOutputFile << "#! /bin/sh -f" << endl ;
- tempOutputFile << "cd ~/" ;
- tempOutputFile << dirForTmpFiles << endl ;
- tempOutputFile << "export SALOME_BATCH=1\n";
- tempOutputFile << "export PYTHONPATH=~/" ;
- tempOutputFile << dirForTmpFiles ;
- tempOutputFile << ":$PYTHONPATH" << endl ;
- // Adding user script
- std::string script = params.userCommands;
- if (script != "")
- tempOutputFile << script << endl;
- // Test node rank
- tempOutputFile << "if test \"" ;
- tempOutputFile << mpiImpl->rank() ;
- tempOutputFile << "\" = \"0\"; then" << endl ;
- // -----------------------------------------------
- // Code for rank 0 : launch runAppli and a container
- // RunAppli
- if(params.ModulesList.size()>0)
- tempOutputFile << " " << params.AppliPath << "/runAppli --terminal --modules=" ;
- else
- tempOutputFile << " " << params.AppliPath << "/runAppli --terminal ";
- for ( int i = 0 ; i < params.ModulesList.size() ; i++ ) {
- tempOutputFile << params.ModulesList[i] ;
- if ( i != params.ModulesList.size()-1 )
- tempOutputFile << "," ;
- }
- tempOutputFile << " --standalone=registry,study,moduleCatalog --ns-port-log="
- << filelogtemp
- << " &\n";
- // Wait NamingService
- tempOutputFile << " current=0\n"
- << " stop=20\n"
- << " while ! test -f " << dfilelogtemp << "\n"
- << " do\n"
- << " sleep 2\n"
- << " let current=current+1\n"
- << " if [ \"$current\" -eq \"$stop\" ] ; then\n"
- << " echo Error Naming Service failed ! >&2"
- << " exit\n"
- << " fi\n"
- << " done\n"
- << " port=`cat " << dfilelogtemp << "`\n";
- // Wait other containers
- tempOutputFile << " for ((ip=1; ip < ";
- tempOutputFile << mpiImpl->size();
- tempOutputFile << " ; ip++))" << endl;
- tempOutputFile << " do" << endl ;
- tempOutputFile << " arglist=\"$arglist YACS_Server_\"$ip" << endl ;
- tempOutputFile << " done" << endl ;
- tempOutputFile << " sleep 5" << endl ;
- tempOutputFile << " " << params.AppliPath << "/runSession waitContainers.py $arglist" << endl ;
- // Launch user script
- tempOutputFile << " " << params.AppliPath << "/runSession python ~/" << dirForTmpFiles << "/" << fileNameToExecute << ".py" << endl;
- // Stop application
- tempOutputFile << " rm " << dfilelogtemp << "\n"
- << " " << params.AppliPath << "/runSession shutdownSalome.py" << endl;
- // -------------------------------------
- // Other nodes launch a container
- tempOutputFile << "else" << endl ;
- // Wait NamingService
- tempOutputFile << " current=0\n"
- << " stop=20\n"
- << " while ! test -f " << dfilelogtemp << "\n"
- << " do\n"
- << " sleep 2\n"
- << " let current=current+1\n"
- << " if [ \"$current\" -eq \"$stop\" ] ; then\n"
- << " echo Error Naming Service failed ! >&2"
- << " exit\n"
- << " fi\n"
- << " done\n"
- << " port=`cat " << dfilelogtemp << "`\n";
- // Launching container
- tempOutputFile << " " << params.AppliPath << "/runSession SALOME_Container YACS_Server_";
- tempOutputFile << mpiImpl->rank()
- << " > ~/" << dirForTmpFiles << "/YACS_Server_"
- << mpiImpl->rank() << "_container_log." << filelogtemp
- << " 2>&1\n";
- tempOutputFile << "fi" << endl ;
- tempOutputFile.flush();
- tempOutputFile.close();
- chmod(TmpFileName.c_str(), 0x1ED);
-#if defined(_DEBUG_) || defined(_DEBUG)
- cerr << TmpFileName.c_str() << endl;
- delete mpiImpl;
- return TmpFileName;
- }
- return "";
- throw LauncherException("Method Launcher_cpp::buildSalomeCouplingScript is not available "
- "(libBatch was not present at compilation time)");
-MpiImpl *Launcher_cpp::FactoryMpiImpl(MpiImplType mpi) throw(LauncherException)
- switch(mpi){
- case lam:
- return new MpiImpl_LAM();
- case mpich1:
- return new MpiImpl_MPICH1();
- case mpich2:
- return new MpiImpl_MPICH2();
- case openmpi:
- return new MpiImpl_OPENMPI();
- case slurm:
- return new MpiImpl_SLURM();
- case prun:
- return new MpiImpl_PRUN();
- case nompi:
- throw LauncherException("you must specify an mpi implementation for batch manager");
- default:
- ostringstream oss;
- oss << mpi << " : not yet implemented";
- throw LauncherException(oss.str().c_str());
- }
- throw LauncherException("Method Launcher_cpp::FactoryMpiImpl is not available "
- "(libBatch was not present at compilation time)");
-string Launcher_cpp::getTmpDirForBatchFiles()
- string ret;
- string thedate;
- // Adding date to the directory name
- Batch::Date date = Batch::Date(time(0));
- thedate = date.str();
- int lend = thedate.size() ;
- int i = 0 ;
- while ( i < lend ) {
- if ( thedate[i] == '/' || thedate[i] == '-' || thedate[i] == ':' ) {
- thedate[i] = '_' ;
- }
- i++ ;
- }
- ret = string("Batch/");
- ret += thedate;
- return ret;
- throw LauncherException("Method Launcher_cpp::getTmpDirForBatchFiles is not available "
- "(libBatch was not present at compilation time)");
-string Launcher_cpp::getRemoteFile( std::string remoteDir, std::string localFile )
- string::size_type pos = localFile.find_last_of("/") + 1;
- int ln = localFile.length() - pos;
- string remoteFile = remoteDir + "/" + localFile.substr(pos,ln);
- return remoteFile;
-bool Launcher_cpp::check(const batchParams& batch_params)
- bool rtn = true;
-#if defined(_DEBUG_) || defined(_DEBUG)
- cerr << "Job parameters are :" << endl;
- cerr << "Directory : $HOME/Batch/$date" << endl;
- // check expected_during_time (check the format)
- std::string edt_info = batch_params.expected_during_time;
- std::string edt_value = batch_params.expected_during_time;
- if (edt_value != "") {
- std::string begin_edt_value = edt_value.substr(0, 2);
- std::string mid_edt_value = edt_value.substr(2, 1);
- std::string end_edt_value = edt_value.substr(3);
- long value;
- std::istringstream iss(begin_edt_value);
- if (!(iss >> value)) {
- edt_info = "Error on definition ! : " + edt_value;
- rtn = false;
- }
- else if (value < 0) {
- edt_info = "Error on definition time is negative ! : " + value;
- rtn = false;
- }
- std::istringstream iss_2(end_edt_value);
- if (!(iss_2 >> value)) {
- edt_info = "Error on definition ! : " + edt_value;
- rtn = false;
- }
- else if (value < 0) {
- edt_info = "Error on definition time is negative ! : " + value;
- rtn = false;
- }
- if (mid_edt_value != ":") {
- edt_info = "Error on definition ! :" + edt_value;
- rtn = false;
- }
- }
- else {
- edt_info = "No value given";
- }
-#if defined(_DEBUG_) || defined(_DEBUG)
- cerr << "Expected during time : " << edt_info << endl;;
- // check memory (check the format)
- std::string mem_info = batch_params.mem;
- std::string mem_value = batch_params.mem;
- if (mem_value != "") {
- std::string begin_mem_value = mem_value.substr(0, mem_value.length()-2);
- long re_mem_value;
- std::istringstream iss(begin_mem_value);
- if (!(iss >> re_mem_value)) {
- mem_info = "Error on definition ! : " + mem_value;
- rtn = false;
- }
- else if (re_mem_value <= 0) {
- mem_info = "Error on definition memory is negative ! : " + mem_value;
- rtn = false;
- }
- std::string end_mem_value = mem_value.substr(mem_value.length()-2);
- if (end_mem_value != "gb" && end_mem_value != "mb") {
- mem_info = "Error on definition, type is bad ! " + mem_value;
- rtn = false;
- }
- }
- else {
- mem_info = "No value given";
- }
-#if defined(_DEBUG_) || defined(_DEBUG)
- cerr << "Memory : " << mem_info << endl;
- // check nb_proc
- std::string nb_proc_info;
- ostringstream nb_proc_value;
- nb_proc_value << batch_params.nb_proc;
- if(batch_params.nb_proc <= 0) {
- nb_proc_info = "Bad value ! nb_proc = ";
- nb_proc_info += nb_proc_value.str();
- rtn = false;
- }
- else {
- nb_proc_info = nb_proc_value.str();
- }
-#if defined(_DEBUG_) || defined(_DEBUG)
- cerr << "Nb of processors : " << nb_proc_info << endl;
- return rtn;
-long Launcher_cpp::getWallTime(std::string edt)
- long hh, mm, ret;
- if( edt.size() == 0 )
- return 0;
- string::size_type pos = edt.find(":");
- string h = edt.substr(0,pos);
- string m = edt.substr(pos+1,edt.size()-pos+1);
- istringstream issh(h);
- issh >> hh;
- istringstream issm(m);
- issm >> mm;
- ret = hh*60 + mm;
- return ret;
-long Launcher_cpp::getRamSize(std::string mem)
- long mv;
- if( mem.size() == 0 )
- return 0;
- string ram = mem.substr(0,mem.size()-2);
- istringstream iss(ram);
- iss >> mv;
- string unity = mem.substr(mem.size()-2,2);
- if( (unity.find("gb") != string::npos) || (unity.find("GB") != string::npos) )
- return mv*1024;
- else if( (unity.find("mb") != string::npos) || (unity.find("MB") != string::npos) )
- return mv;
- else if( (unity.find("kb") != string::npos) || (unity.find("KB") != string::npos) )
- return mv/1024;
- else if( (unity.find("b") != string::npos) || (unity.find("B") != string::npos) )
- return mv/(1024*1024);
- else
- return 0;
-void Launcher_cpp::ParseXmlFile(string xmlExecuteFile)
- SALOME_Launcher_Handler* handler = new SALOME_Launcher_Handler(_launch);
- const char* aFilePath = xmlExecuteFile.c_str();
- FILE* aFile = fopen(aFilePath, "r");
- if (aFile != NULL)
- {
- xmlDocPtr aDoc = xmlReadFile(aFilePath, NULL, 0);
- if (aDoc != NULL)
- handler->ProcessXmlDocument(aDoc);
- else{
-#if defined(_DEBUG_) || defined(_DEBUG)
- cout << "ResourcesManager_cpp: could not parse file "<< aFilePath << endl;
- }
- // Free the document
- xmlFreeDoc(aDoc);
- fclose(aFile);
- }
- else{
-#if defined(_DEBUG_) || defined(_DEBUG)
- cout << "Launcher_cpp: file "<<aFilePath<<" is not readable." << endl;
- }
- delete handler;
-std::string Launcher_cpp::getHomeDir(const ParserResourcesType& p, const std::string& tmpdir)
- std::string home;
- std::string command;
- int idx = tmpdir.find("Batch/");
- std::string filelogtemp = tmpdir.substr(idx+6, tmpdir.length());
- filelogtemp = "/tmp/logs" + filelogtemp + "_home";
- if( p.Protocol == rsh )
- command = "rsh ";
- else if( p.Protocol == ssh )
- command = "ssh ";
- else
- throw LauncherException("Unknown protocol");
- if (p.UserName != ""){
- command += p.UserName;
- command += "@";
- }
- command += p.Alias;
- command += " 'echo $HOME' > ";
- command += filelogtemp;
-#if defined(_DEBUG_) || defined(_DEBUG)
- std::cerr << command.c_str() << std::endl;
- int status = system(command.c_str());
- if(status)
- throw LauncherException("Error of launching home command on remote host");
- std::ifstream file_home(filelogtemp.c_str());
- std::getline(file_home, home);
- file_home.close();
- return home;
throw ex;
- // Part dependent of LIBBATCH - Without it we delete the job and send an exception
// Third step search batch manager for the resource into the map -> instanciate one if does not exist
std::string machine_name = machine_definition.Alias;
std::map<std::string, Batch::BatchManager_eClient *>::const_iterator it = _batchmap.find(machine_name);
throw LauncherException("A job as already the same id - job is not created !");
LAUNCHER_MESSAGE("New Job created");
- LAUNCHER_INFOS("Launcher compiled without LIBBATCH - cannot create a job !!!");
- delete new_job;
- throw LauncherException("Method Launcher_cpp::createJob is not available "
- "(libBatch was not present at compilation time)");
throw LauncherException("Bad state of the job: " + job->getState());
- // Part dependent of LIBBATCH - Without it we delete the job and send an exception
std::string machine_name = job->getMachineDefinition().Alias;
try {
Batch::JobId batch_manager_job_id = _batchmap[machine_name]->submitJob(*(job->getBatchJob()));
throw LauncherException(ex.message.c_str());
LAUNCHER_MESSAGE("Job launched");
- LAUNCHER_INFOS("Launcher compiled without LIBBATCH - cannot launch a job !!!");
- throw LauncherException("Method Launcher_cpp::launchJob is not available "
- "(libBatch was not present at compilation time)");
Launcher::Job * job = it_job->second;
- // Part dependent of LIBBATCH
- // We may have to check job state and only get files when job is fisnished or in error...
- // We may also change default result directory...
std::string machine_name = job->getMachineDefinition().Alias;
throw LauncherException(ex.message.c_str());
LAUNCHER_MESSAGE("getJobResult ended");
- LAUNCHER_INFOS("Launcher compiled without LIBBATCH - cannot get job results!!!");
- throw LauncherException("Method Launcher_cpp::getJobResults is not available "
- "(libBatch was not present at compilation time)");
_launcher_job_map.erase(it_job); // Erase call delete on it_job->second
+ * create a launcher job based on a file
+ * \param xmlExecuteFile : to define the execution on the batch cluster
+ */
+Launcher_cpp::createJobWithFile(const std::string xmlExecuteFile,
+ const std::string clusterName)
+ LAUNCHER_MESSAGE("Begin of Launcher_cpp::createJobWithFile");
+ // Parsing xml file
+ ParserLauncherType job_params = ParseXmlFile(xmlExecuteFile);
+ // Creating a new job
+ Launcher::Job_Command * new_job = new Launcher::Job_Command(job_params.Command);
+ new_job->setLocalDirectory(job_params.RefDirectory);
+ new_job->setWorkDirectory(job_params.MachinesList[clusterName].WorkDirectory);
+ new_job->setEnvFile(job_params.MachinesList[clusterName].EnvFile);
+ for(int i=0; i < job_params.InputFile.size(); i++)
+ new_job->add_in_file(job_params.InputFile[i]);
+ for(int i=0; i < job_params.OutputFile.size();i++)
+ new_job->add_out_file(job_params.OutputFile[i]);
+ machineParams p;
+ p.hostname = clusterName;
+ p.nb_node = job_params.NbOfProcesses;
+ new_job->setMachineRequiredParams(p);
+ createJob(new_job);
+ return new_job->getNumber();
+ * Factory to instanciate the good batch manager for choosen cluster.
+ */
+Batch::BatchManager_eClient *
+Launcher_cpp::FactoryBatchManager(ParserResourcesType& params)
+ std::string mpi;
+ Batch::CommunicationProtocolType protocol;
+ Batch::FactBatchManager_eClient* fact;
+ int nb_proc_per_node = params.DataForSort._nbOfProcPerNode;
+ std::string hostname = params.Alias;
+ switch(params.Protocol)
+ {
+ case rsh:
+ protocol = Batch::RSH;
+ break;
+ case ssh:
+ protocol = Batch::SSH;
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw LauncherException("Unknown protocol for this resource");
+ break;
+ }
+ switch(params.mpi)
+ {
+ case lam:
+ mpi = "lam";
+ break;
+ case mpich1:
+ mpi = "mpich1";
+ break;
+ case mpich2:
+ mpi = "mpich2";
+ break;
+ case openmpi:
+ mpi = "openmpi";
+ break;
+ case slurm:
+ mpi = "slurm";
+ break;
+ case prun:
+ mpi = "prun";
+ break;
+ default:
+ mpi = "nompi";
+ }
+ std::string message = "Instanciation of batch manager of type: ";
+ switch( params.Batch )
+ {
+ case pbs:
+ message += "ePBS";
+ fact = new Batch::FactBatchManager_ePBS;
+ break;
+ case lsf:
+ message += "eLSF";
+ fact = new Batch::FactBatchManager_eLSF;
+ break;
+ case sge:
+ message += "eSGE";
+ fact = new Batch::FactBatchManager_eSGE;
+ break;
+ case ssh_batch:
+ message += "eSSH";
+ fact = new Batch::FactBatchManager_eSSH;
+ break;
+ default:
+ LAUNCHER_MESSAGE("Bad batch description of the resource: Batch = " << params.Batch);
+ throw LauncherException("No batchmanager for that cluster - Bad batch description of the resource");
+ }
+ return (*fact)(hostname.c_str(), protocol, mpi.c_str(), nb_proc_per_node);
+// Without LIBBATCH - Launcher_cpp do nothing...
+Launcher_cpp::createJob(Launcher::Job * new_job)
+ LAUNCHER_INFOS("Launcher compiled without LIBBATCH - cannot create a job !!!");
+ delete new_job;
+ throw LauncherException("Method Launcher_cpp::createJob is not available "
+ "(libBatch was not present at compilation time)");
+Launcher_cpp::launchJob(int job_id)
+ LAUNCHER_INFOS("Launcher compiled without LIBBATCH - cannot launch a job !!!");
+ throw LauncherException("Method Launcher_cpp::launchJob is not available "
+ "(libBatch was not present at compilation time)");
+const char *
+Launcher_cpp::getJobState(int job_id)
+ LAUNCHER_INFOS("Launcher compiled without LIBBATCH - cannot get job state!!!");
+ throw LauncherException("Method Launcher_cpp::getJobState is not available "
+ "(libBatch was not present at compilation time)");
+Launcher_cpp::getJobResults(int job_id, std::string directory)
+ LAUNCHER_INFOS("Launcher compiled without LIBBATCH - cannot get job results!!!");
+ throw LauncherException("Method Launcher_cpp::getJobResults is not available "
+ "(libBatch was not present at compilation time)");
+Launcher_cpp::removeJob(int job_id)
+ LAUNCHER_INFOS("Launcher compiled without LIBBATCH - cannot remove job!!!");
+ throw LauncherException("Method Launcher_cpp::removeJob is not available "
+ "(libBatch was not present at compilation time)");
+Launcher_cpp::createJobWithFile( const std::string xmlExecuteFile)
+ throw LauncherException("Method Launcher_cpp::createJobWithFile is not available "
+ "(libBatch was not present at compilation time)");
+ return 0;
+Batch::BatchManager_eClient *
+Launcher_cpp::FactoryBatchManager(ParserResourcesType& params ) throw(LauncherException)
+ throw LauncherException("Method Launcher_cpp::FactoryBatchManager is not available "
+ "(libBatch was not present at compilation time)");
+ return NULL;
+Launcher_cpp::ParseXmlFile(string xmlExecuteFile)
+ ParserLauncherType job_params;
+ SALOME_Launcher_Handler * handler = new SALOME_Launcher_Handler(job_params);
+ const char* aFilePath = xmlExecuteFile.c_str();
+ FILE* aFile = fopen(aFilePath, "r");
+ if (aFile != NULL)
+ {
+ xmlDocPtr aDoc = xmlReadFile(aFilePath, NULL, 0);
+ if (aDoc != NULL)
+ handler->ProcessXmlDocument(aDoc);
+ else
+ {
+ std::string message = "ResourcesManager_cpp: could not parse file: " + xmlExecuteFile;
+ delete handler;
+ throw LauncherException(message);
+ }
+ // Free the document
+ xmlFreeDoc(aDoc);
+ fclose(aFile);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::string message = "ResourcesManager_cpp: file is not readable: " + xmlExecuteFile;
+ delete handler;
+ throw LauncherException(message);
+ }
+ // Return
+ delete handler;
+ return job_params;
* Constructor
* \param orb
- * Define a CORBA single thread policy for the server, which avoid to deal
- * with non thread-safe usage like Change_Directory in SALOME naming service
SALOME_Launcher::SALOME_Launcher(CORBA::ORB_ptr orb, PortableServer::POA_var poa) : _l()
MESSAGE("SALOME_Launcher constructor");
Engines::SalomeLauncher_var refContMan = Engines::SalomeLauncher::_narrow(obj);
MESSAGE("SALOME_Launcher constructor end");
* destructor
- MESSAGE("destructor");
+ MESSAGE("SALOME_Launcher destructor");
delete _NS;
+ MESSAGE("SALOME_Launcher destructor end");
-/*! CORBA method:
- * shutdown all the containers, then the ContainerManager servant
- */
-void SALOME_Launcher::Shutdown()
- MESSAGE("Shutdown");
- _NS->Destroy_Name(_LauncherNameInNS);
- _ContManager->Shutdown();
- _ResManager->Shutdown();
- PortableServer::ObjectId_var oid = _poa->servant_to_id(this);
- _poa->deactivate_object(oid);
- if(!CORBA::is_nil(_orb))
- _orb->shutdown(0);
-/*! CORBA Method:
- * Returns the PID of the process
- */
-CORBA::Long SALOME_Launcher::getPID()
- return
-#ifndef WIN32
- (CORBA::Long)getpid();
- (CORBA::Long)_getpid();
-/*! CORBA Method:
- * Submit a batch job on a cluster and returns the JobId
- * \param xmlExecuteFile : .xml to parse to execute on the batch cluster
- * \param clusterName : cluster name
- */
-CORBA::Long SALOME_Launcher::submitJob(const char * xmlExecuteFile,
- const char * clusterName)
- CORBA::Long jobId;
- try{
- jobId = _l.submitJob(xmlExecuteFile,clusterName);
- }
- catch(const LauncherException &ex){
- INFOS(ex.msg.c_str());
- }
- return jobId;
-/*! CORBA Method:
- * Submit a batch job on a cluster and returns the JobId
- * \param fileToExecute : .py/.exe/.sh/... to execute on the batch cluster
- * \param filesToExport : to export on the batch cluster
- * \param NumberOfProcessors : Number of processors needed on the batch cluster
- * \param params : Constraints for the choice of the batch cluster
- */
-CORBA::Long SALOME_Launcher::submitSalomeJob( const char * fileToExecute ,
- const Engines::FilesList& filesToExport ,
- const Engines::FilesList& filesToImport ,
- const Engines::BatchParameters& batch_params,
- const Engines::MachineParameters& params)
- MESSAGE("BEGIN OF SALOME_Launcher::submitSalomeJob");
- CORBA::Long jobId;
- machineParams p;
- p.hostname = params.hostname;
- p.OS = params.OS;
- p.nb_node = params.nb_node;
- p.nb_proc_per_node = params.nb_proc_per_node;
- p.cpu_clock = params.cpu_clock;
- p.mem_mb = params.mem_mb;
- batchParams bp;
- bp.batch_directory = batch_params.batch_directory;
- bp.expected_during_time = batch_params.expected_during_time;
- bp.mem = batch_params.mem;
- bp.nb_proc = batch_params.nb_proc;
- vector<string> efl;
- for(int i=0;i<filesToExport.length();i++)
- efl.push_back(string(filesToExport[i]));
- vector<string> ifl;
- for(int i=0;i<filesToImport.length();i++)
- ifl.push_back(string(filesToImport[i]));
- try{
- jobId = _l.submitSalomeJob(fileToExecute,efl,ifl,bp,p);
- }
- catch(const LauncherException &ex){
- INFOS(ex.msg.c_str());
- }
- return jobId;
SALOME_Launcher::createJob(const Engines::JobParameters & job_parameters)
+/*! CORBA Method:
+ * Create a job in the launcher with a file
+ * \param xmlExecuteFile : .xml to parse that contains job description
+ * \param clusterName : machine choosed
+ */
+SALOME_Launcher::createJobWithFile(const char * xmlExecuteFile,
+ const char * clusterName)
+ CORBA::Long jobId;
+ try{
+ jobId = _l.createJobWithFile(xmlExecuteFile, clusterName);
+ }
+ catch(const LauncherException &ex){
+ INFOS(ex.msg.c_str());
+ }
+ return jobId;
/*! CORBA Method:
* the test batch configuration
-/*! CORBA Method:
- * Query a batch job on a cluster and returns the status of job
- * \param jobId : identification of Salome job
- * \param params : Constraints for the choice of the batch cluster
- */
-char* SALOME_Launcher::queryJob( const CORBA::Long jobId,
- const Engines::MachineParameters& params)
- string status;
- machineParams p;
- p.hostname = params.hostname;
- p.OS = params.OS;
- p.nb_node = params.nb_node;
- p.nb_proc_per_node = params.nb_proc_per_node;
- p.cpu_clock = params.cpu_clock;
- p.mem_mb = params.mem_mb;
- try{
- status = _l.queryJob(jobId,p);
- }
- catch(const LauncherException &ex){
- INFOS(ex.msg.c_str());
- }
- return CORBA::string_dup(status.c_str());
-/*! CORBA Method:
- * Delete a batch job on a cluster
- * \param jobId : identification of Salome job
- * \param params : Constraints for the choice of the batch cluster
+/*! CORBA method:
+ * shutdown all the containers, then the ContainerManager servant
-void SALOME_Launcher::deleteJob( const CORBA::Long jobId,
- const Engines::MachineParameters& params)
+void SALOME_Launcher::Shutdown()
- machineParams p;
- p.hostname = params.hostname;
- p.OS = params.OS;
- p.nb_node = params.nb_node;
- p.nb_proc_per_node = params.nb_proc_per_node;
- p.cpu_clock = params.cpu_clock;
- p.mem_mb = params.mem_mb;
- try{
- _l.deleteJob(jobId,p);
- }
- catch(const LauncherException &ex){
- INFOS("Caught exception.");
- }
+ MESSAGE("Shutdown");
+ _NS->Destroy_Name(_LauncherNameInNS);
+ _ContManager->Shutdown();
+ _ResManager->Shutdown();
+ PortableServer::ObjectId_var oid = _poa->servant_to_id(this);
+ _poa->deactivate_object(oid);
+ if(!CORBA::is_nil(_orb))
+ _orb->shutdown(0);
/*! CORBA Method:
- * Get result files of job on a cluster
- * \param jobId : identification of Salome job
- * \param params : Constraints for the choice of the batch cluster
+ * Returns the PID of the process
-void SALOME_Launcher::getResultsJob( const char *directory,
- const CORBA::Long jobId,
- const Engines::MachineParameters& params)
+CORBA::Long SALOME_Launcher::getPID()
- machineParams p;
- p.hostname = params.hostname;
- p.OS = params.OS;
- p.nb_node = params.nb_node;
- p.nb_proc_per_node = params.nb_proc_per_node;
- p.cpu_clock = params.cpu_clock;
- p.mem_mb = params.mem_mb;
- try{
- _l.getResultsJob( directory, jobId, p );
- }
- catch(const LauncherException &ex){
- INFOS("Caught exception.");
- }
+ return
+#ifndef WIN32
+ (CORBA::Long)getpid();
+ (CORBA::Long)_getpid();