std::map<FeaturePtr, Slvs_hEntity>::iterator aFeatIt = myFeatureMap.begin();
for (; aFeatIt != myFeatureMap.end(); aFeatIt++)
+ myStorage->removeUnusedEntities();
+ std::map<FeaturePtr, Slvs_hEntity> aFeatureMapCopy = myFeatureMap;
if (isFullyRemoved) {
} else
+ // Restore initial features
+ std::map<FeaturePtr, Slvs_hEntity>::iterator aFIter = aFeatureMapCopy.begin();
+ for (; aFIter != aFeatureMapCopy.end(); ++aFIter)
+ {
+ if (myFeatureMap.find(aFIter->first) != myFeatureMap.end())
+ continue; // the feature was not removed
+ Slvs_hEntity anEntity = myGroup->getFeatureId(aFIter->first);
+ if (anEntity != SLVS_E_UNKNOWN)
+ myFeatureMap[aFIter->first] = anEntity;
+ }
return true;
if (squareDistance(myStorage, aLine.point[0], aLine.point[1]) < tolerance * tolerance) {
isFirstRemoved = aConstr == mySlvsConstraints.begin();
- std::vector<Slvs_hConstraint>::iterator aTmpIter = aConstr--;
+ std::vector<Slvs_hConstraint>::iterator aTmpIter = aConstr;
+ if (!isFirstRemoved)
+ --aConstr;
// Store the lines into the map
for (; aFeatIt != myFeatureMap.end(); aFeatIt++)
+ std::map<FeaturePtr, Slvs_hEntity> aFeatureMapCopy = myFeatureMap;
if (isFullyRemoved) {
} else
+ // Restore initial features
+ std::map<FeaturePtr, Slvs_hEntity>::iterator aFIter = aFeatureMapCopy.begin();
+ for (; aFIter != aFeatureMapCopy.end(); ++aFIter)
+ {
+ if (myFeatureMap.find(aFIter->first) != myFeatureMap.end())
+ continue; // the feature was not removed
+ Slvs_hEntity anEntity = myGroup->getFeatureId(aFIter->first);
+ if (anEntity != SLVS_E_UNKNOWN)
+ myFeatureMap[aFIter->first] = anEntity;
+ }
return true;
return aResult;
+void SketchSolver_Storage::removeUnusedEntities()
+ std::set<Slvs_hEntity> anUnusedEntities;
+ std::vector<Slvs_Entity>::const_iterator aEIt = myEntities.begin();
+ for (; aEIt != myEntities.end(); ++aEIt) {
+ if (aEIt->h == aEIt->wrkpl) {
+ // don't remove workplane
+ anUnusedEntities.erase(aEIt->point[0]);
+ anUnusedEntities.erase(aEIt->normal);
+ continue;
+ }
+ anUnusedEntities.insert(aEIt->h);
+ }
+ std::vector<Slvs_Constraint>::const_iterator aCIt = myConstraints.begin();
+ for (; aCIt != myConstraints.end(); ++aCIt) {
+ Slvs_hEntity aSubs[6] = {
+ aCIt->entityA, aCIt->entityB,
+ aCIt->entityC, aCIt->entityD,
+ aCIt->ptA, aCIt->ptB};
+ for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+ if (aSubs[i] != SLVS_E_UNKNOWN) {
+ anUnusedEntities.erase(aSubs[i]);
+ int aPos = Search(aSubs[i], myEntities);
+ if (aPos >= 0 && aPos < (int)myEntities.size()) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
+ if (myEntities[aPos].point[j] != 0)
+ anUnusedEntities.erase(myEntities[aPos].point[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ std::set<Slvs_hEntity>::const_iterator anEntIt = anUnusedEntities.begin();
+ for (; anEntIt != anUnusedEntities.end(); ++anEntIt) {
+ int aPos = Search(*anEntIt, myEntities);
+ if (aPos >= 0 && aPos < (int)myEntities.size()) {
+ // Remove entity and its parameters
+ Slvs_Entity anEntity = myEntities[aPos];
+ myEntities.erase(myEntities.begin() + aPos);
+ myEntityMaxID = myEntities.empty() ? SLVS_E_UNKNOWN : myEntities.back().h;
+ if (anEntity.distance != SLVS_E_UNKNOWN)
+ removeParameter(anEntity.distance);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ if (anEntity.param[i] != SLVS_E_UNKNOWN)
+ removeParameter(anEntity.param[i]);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ if (anEntity.point[i] != SLVS_E_UNKNOWN)
+ removeEntity(anEntity.point[i]);
+ myRemovedEntities.insert(*anEntIt);
+ if (anEntity.type == SLVS_E_POINT_IN_2D || anEntity.type == SLVS_E_POINT_IN_3D)
+ removeCoincidentPoint(*anEntIt);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!anUnusedEntities.empty())
+ myNeedToResolve = true;
const Slvs_Entity& SketchSolver_Storage::getEntity(const Slvs_hEntity& theEntityID) const
int aPos = Search(theEntityID, myEntities);