#include "PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane.h"
-#include "ui_pqOptionsDialog.h"
+#include "ui_pqCustomSettingsWidget.h"
-#include <pqApplicationSettingsReaction.h>
+#include <QtxDialog.h>
#include <QString>
-//class OptionsDialogModelItem
-// OptionsDialogModelItem();
-// OptionsDialogModelItem(const QString &name);
-// ~OptionsDialogModelItem();
-// OptionsDialogModelItem *Parent;
-// QString Name;
-// QList<OptionsDialogModelItem *> Children;
-//class OptionsDialogModel : public QAbstractItemModel
-// OptionsDialogModel(QObject *parent=0);
-// virtual ~OptionsDialogModel();
-// virtual int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent=QModelIndex()) const;
-// virtual int columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent=QModelIndex()) const;
-// virtual QModelIndex index(int row, int column,
-// const QModelIndex &parent=QModelIndex()) const;
-// virtual QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex &child) const;
-// virtual QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index,
-// int role=Qt::DisplayRole) const;
-// QModelIndex getIndex(const QString &path) const;
-// QString getPath(const QModelIndex &index) const;
-// void addPath(const QString &path);
-// bool removeIndex(const QModelIndex &index);
-// QModelIndex getIndex(OptionsDialogModelItem *item) const;
-// OptionsDialogModelItem *Root;
+#include "pqActiveObjects.h"
+#include "pqApplicationCore.h"
+#include "pqProxyWidget.h"
+#include "pqSearchBox.h"
+#include "pqServer.h"
+#include "pqSettings.h"
+#include "pqUndoStack.h"
+#include "vtkNew.h"
+#include "vtkPVXMLElement.h"
+#include "vtkSmartPointer.h"
+#include "vtkSMProperty.h"
+#include "vtkSMPropertyHelper.h"
+#include "vtkSMPropertyIterator.h"
+#include "vtkSMProxy.h"
+#include "vtkSMProxyIterator.h"
+#include "vtkSMSessionProxyManager.h"
+#include "vtkSMSettings.h"
+#include <QKeyEvent>
+#include <QMap>
+#include <QPushButton>
+#include <QScrollArea>
+#include <QSpacerItem>
+#include <QVBoxLayout>
+#include <QShowEvent>
+#include <QHideEvent>
-class OptionsDialogForm : public Ui::PVGUIOptionsFrame
+// This class is revisited to hack on the SALOME's Preferences "Default" button
+// to ParaView's "Default" behavior.
+class PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane::pqInternals
- OptionsDialogForm();
- ~OptionsDialogForm();
+ pqInternals()
+ {
+ // Get the containing preference tab to identify when it has focus
+ }
+ ~pqInternals();
-// QMap<QString, pqOptionsPage *> Pages;
-// OptionsDialogModel *Model;
-// int ApplyUseCount;
- //bool ApplyNeeded;
+ Ui::CustomSettingsWidget Ui;
+ // Map from tab indices to stack widget indices. This is needed because there
+ // are more widgets in the stacked widgets than just what we add.
+ QMap<int, int> TabToStackedWidgets;
+bool PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane::ShowRestartRequired = false;
-// : Name(), Children()
-// this->Parent = 0;
-//OptionsDialogModelItem::OptionsDialogModelItem(const QString &name)
-// : Name(name), Children()
-// this->Parent = 0;
-// QList<OptionsDialogModelItem *>::Iterator iter = this->Children.begin();
-// for( ; iter != this->Children.end(); ++iter)
-// {
-// delete *iter;
-// }
+PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane::PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane(QWidget *widgetParent)
+ : QtxUserDefinedContent(widgetParent),
+ Internals (new PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane::pqInternals())
+ Ui::CustomSettingsWidget &ui = this->Internals->Ui;
+ ui.setupUi(this);
+ ui.tabBar->setDocumentMode(false);
+ ui.tabBar->setDrawBase(false);
+ ui.tabBar->setExpanding(false);
+ ui.tabBar->setUsesScrollButtons(true);
+ // Hide restart message
+ ui.restartRequiredLabel->setVisible(PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane::ShowRestartRequired);
-//OptionsDialogModel::OptionsDialogModel(QObject *parentObject)
-// : QAbstractItemModel(parentObject)
-// this->Root = new OptionsDialogModelItem();
-// delete this->Root;
-//int OptionsDialogModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parentIndex) const
-// OptionsDialogModelItem *item = this->Root;
-// if(parentIndex.isValid())
-// {
-// item = reinterpret_cast<OptionsDialogModelItem *>(
-// parentIndex.internalPointer());
-// }
-// return item->Children.size();
-//int OptionsDialogModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &) const
-// return 1;
-//QModelIndex OptionsDialogModel::index(int row, int column,
-// const QModelIndex &parentIndex) const
-// OptionsDialogModelItem *item = this->Root;
-// if(parentIndex.isValid())
-// {
-// item = reinterpret_cast<OptionsDialogModelItem *>(
-// parentIndex.internalPointer());
-// }
-// if(column == 0 && row >= 0 && row < item->Children.size())
-// {
-// return this->createIndex(row, column, item->Children[row]);
-// }
-// return QModelIndex();
-//QModelIndex OptionsDialogModel::parent(const QModelIndex &child) const
-// if(child.isValid())
-// {
-// OptionsDialogModelItem *item =
-// reinterpret_cast<OptionsDialogModelItem *>(child.internalPointer());
-// return this->getIndex(item->Parent);
-// }
-// return QModelIndex();
-//QVariant OptionsDialogModel::data(const QModelIndex &idx, int role) const
-// if(idx.isValid())
-// {
-// OptionsDialogModelItem *item =
-// reinterpret_cast<OptionsDialogModelItem *>(idx.internalPointer());
-// if(role == Qt::DisplayRole || role == Qt::ToolTipRole)
-// {
-// return QVariant(item->Name);
-// }
-// }
-// return QVariant();
-//QModelIndex OptionsDialogModel::getIndex(const QString &path) const
-// OptionsDialogModelItem *item = this->Root;
-// QStringList names = path.split(".");
-// QStringList::Iterator iter = names.begin();
-// for( ; item && iter != names.end(); ++iter)
-// {
-// OptionsDialogModelItem *child = 0;
-// QList<OptionsDialogModelItem *>::Iterator jter = item->Children.begin();
-// for( ; jter != item->Children.end(); ++jter)
-// {
-// if((*jter)->Name == *iter)
-// {
-// child = *jter;
-// break;
-// }
-// }
-// item = child;
-// }
-// if(item && item != this->Root)
-// {
-// return this->getIndex(item);
-// }
-// return QModelIndex();
-//QString OptionsDialogModel::getPath(const QModelIndex &idx) const
-// if(idx.isValid())
-// {
-// QString path;
-// OptionsDialogModelItem *item =
-// reinterpret_cast<OptionsDialogModelItem *>(idx.internalPointer());
-// if(item)
-// {
-// path = item->Name;
-// item = item->Parent;
-// }
-// while(item && item != this->Root)
-// {
-// path.prepend(".").prepend(item->Name);
-// item = item->Parent;
-// }
-// return path;
-// }
-// return QString();
-//void OptionsDialogModel::addPath(const QString &path)
-// OptionsDialogModelItem *item = this->Root;
-// QStringList names = path.split(".");
-// QStringList::Iterator iter = names.begin();
-// for( ; iter != names.end(); ++iter)
-// {
-// OptionsDialogModelItem *child = 0;
-// QList<OptionsDialogModelItem *>::Iterator jter = item->Children.begin();
-// for( ; jter != item->Children.end(); ++jter)
-// {
-// if((*jter)->Name == *iter)
-// {
-// child = *jter;
-// break;
-// }
-// }
-// if(!child)
-// {
-// child = new OptionsDialogModelItem(*iter);
-// child->Parent = item;
-// QModelIndex parentIndex = this->getIndex(item);
-// int row = item->Children.size();
-// this->beginInsertRows(parentIndex, row, row);
-// item->Children.append(child);
-// this->endInsertRows();
-// }
-// item = child;
-// }
-//bool OptionsDialogModel::removeIndex(const QModelIndex &idx)
-// if(idx.isValid())
-// {
-// OptionsDialogModelItem *item =
-// reinterpret_cast<OptionsDialogModelItem *>(idx.internalPointer());
-// if(item->Children.size() == 0)
-// {
-// QModelIndex parentIndex = this->getIndex(item->Parent);
-// this->beginRemoveRows(parentIndex, idx.row(), idx.row());
-// item->Parent->Children.removeAt(idx.row());
-// this->endRemoveRows();
-// delete item;
-// return true;
-// }
-// }
-// return false;
-//QModelIndex OptionsDialogModel::getIndex(
-// OptionsDialogModelItem *item) const
-// if(item && item->Parent)
-// {
-// return this->createIndex(item->Parent->Children.indexOf(item), 0, item);
-// }
-// return QModelIndex();
+ QList<vtkSMProxy*> proxies_to_show;
+ pqServer* server = pqActiveObjects::instance().activeServer();
+ vtkNew<vtkSMProxyIterator> iter;
+ iter->SetSession(server->session());
+ iter->SetModeToOneGroup();
+ for (iter->Begin("settings"); !iter->IsAtEnd(); iter->Next())
+ {
+ vtkSMProxy* proxy = iter->GetProxy();
+ if (proxy)
+ {
+ proxies_to_show.push_back(proxy);
+ }
+ }
- : Ui::PVGUIOptionsFrame()
+ // Add color palette.
+ if (vtkSMProxy* proxy = server->proxyManager()->GetProxy("global_properties", "ColorPalette"))
+ {
+ proxies_to_show.push_back(proxy);
+ }
+ foreach (vtkSMProxy* proxy, proxies_to_show)
+ {
+ QString proxyName = proxy->GetXMLName();
+ QScrollArea *scrollArea = new QScrollArea(this);
+ scrollArea->setObjectName(QString("ScrollArea%1").arg(proxyName));
+ scrollArea->setWidgetResizable(true);
+ scrollArea->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter);
+ scrollArea->setFrameShape(QFrame::NoFrame);
+ QWidget* container = new QWidget(scrollArea);
+ container->setObjectName("Container");
+ container->setContentsMargins(6, 0, 6, 0);
+ QVBoxLayout* vbox = new QVBoxLayout(container);
+ vbox->setMargin(0);
+ vbox->setSpacing(0);
+ pqProxyWidget* widget = new pqProxyWidget(proxy, container);
+ widget->setObjectName("ProxyWidget");
+ widget->setApplyChangesImmediately(false);
+ widget->setView(NULL);
+ widget->connect(this, SIGNAL(accepted()), SLOT(apply()));
+ widget->connect(this, SIGNAL(rejected()), SLOT(reset()));
+ this->connect(widget, SIGNAL(restartRequired()), SLOT(showRestartRequiredMessage()));
+ vbox->addWidget(widget);
+ QSpacerItem* spacer = new QSpacerItem(0, 0,QSizePolicy::Fixed,
+ QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding);
+ vbox->addItem(spacer);
+ scrollArea->setWidget(container);
+ // show panel widgets
+ widget->updatePanel();
+ int tabIndex = ui.tabBar->addTab(proxy->GetXMLLabel());
+ int stackIndex = ui.stackedWidget->addWidget(scrollArea);
+ this->Internals->TabToStackedWidgets[tabIndex] = stackIndex;
+ this->connect(widget, SIGNAL(changeAvailable()), SLOT(onChangeAvailable()));
+ widget->connect(this, SIGNAL(filterWidgets(bool, QString)), SLOT(filterWidgets(bool, QString)));
+ }
+ // Disable some buttons to start
+// ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Reset)->setEnabled(false);
+// ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Apply)->setEnabled(false);
+// this->connect(ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::RestoreDefaults), SIGNAL(clicked()),
+// SLOT(onRestoreDefaults()));
+// this->connect(ui.buttonBox, SIGNAL(clicked(QAbstractButton*)), SLOT(clicked(QAbstractButton*)));
+ this->connect(this, SIGNAL(accepted()), SLOT(onAccepted()));
+ this->connect(this, SIGNAL(rejected()), SLOT(onRejected()));
+ this->connect(ui.tabBar, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onTabIndexChanged(int)));
+ this->connect(ui.SearchBox, SIGNAL(advancedSearchActivated(bool)), SLOT(filterPanelWidgets()));
+ this->connect(ui.SearchBox, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), SLOT(filterPanelWidgets()));
+ // After all the tabs are set up, select the first
+ this->onTabIndexChanged(0);
+ this->filterPanelWidgets();
-// this->Model = new OptionsDialogModel();
-// this->ApplyUseCount = 0;
-// //this->ApplyNeeded = false;
+ delete this->Internals;
+ this->Internals = NULL;
+void PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane::store(QtxResourceMgr* , QtxPreferenceMgr* )
-// delete this->Model;
+ emit this->accepted();
+void PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane::retrieve(QtxResourceMgr* , QtxPreferenceMgr* )
+// onRestoreDefaults();
-PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane::PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane(QWidget *widgetParent)
- : QtxUserDefinedContent(widgetParent)
+void PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane::showEvent(QShowEvent * ev)
- Form = new OptionsDialogForm();
- Form->setupUi(this);
- // Connect the button to the standard ParaView 4.2 setting reaction for now:
- connect(Form->pvButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),
- this, SLOT(onRequestParaviewSettings()));
-//// this->Form->PageNames->setModel(this->Form->Model);
-// // Hide the tree widget header view.
-// this->Form->PageNames->header()->hide();
-// // Hide the apply and reset buttons until they are needed.
-// //this->Form->ApplyButton->setEnabled(false);
-// //this->Form->ResetButton->setEnabled(false);
-// //this->Form->ApplyButton->hide();
-// //this->Form->ResetButton->hide();
-// this->connect(this->Form->PageNames->selectionModel(),
-// SIGNAL(currentChanged(const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &)),
-// this, SLOT(changeCurrentPage()));
-// //this->connect(this->Form->ApplyButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),
-// // this, SLOT(applyChanges()));
-// //this->connect(this->Form->ResetButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),
-// // this, SLOT(resetChanges()));
-// //this->connect(this->Form->CloseButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),
-// // this, SLOT(accept()));
-// // Code From pqApplicationOptionsDialog
-// //this->setApplyNeeded(true);
-// pqApplicationOptions* appOptions = new pqApplicationOptions;
-// this->addOptions(appOptions);
-// pqGlobalRenderViewOptions* renOptions = new pqGlobalRenderViewOptions;
-// this->addOptions(renOptions);
-// QStringList pages = appOptions->getPageList();
-// if(pages.size())
-// {
-// this->setCurrentPage(pages[0]);
-// }
-// /// Add panes as plugins are loaded.
-// QObject::connect(pqApplicationCore::instance()->getPluginManager(),
-// SIGNAL(guiInterfaceLoaded(QObject*)),
-// this, SLOT(pluginLoaded(QObject*)));
-// // Load panes from already loaded plugins.
-// foreach (QObject* plugin_interface, pqApplicationCore::instance()->interfaceTracker()->interfaces())
-// //pqApplicationCore::instance()->getPluginManager()->interfaces())
+// // Connect SALOME's default button to ParaView's default restore.
+// LightApp_PreferencesDlg * prefDg;
+// QWidget *w = this->parentWidget();
+// // UGLY!!!
+// while (w)
// {
-// this->pluginLoaded(plugin_interface);
+// LightApp_PreferencesDlg * prefDg = dynamic_cast<LightApp_PreferencesDlg *>( w );
+// if (prefDg)
+// break;
+// w = w->parentWidget();
// }
+// if (prefDg)
+// prefDg->connect(btn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onRestoreDefaults()));
+ ev->accept();
+void PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane::hideEvent(QHideEvent * ev)
- delete this->Form;
+ // Connect SALOME's default button to ParaView's default restore.
+ ev->accept();
-void PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane::onRequestParaviewSettings()
+void PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane::clicked(QAbstractButton *button)
- pqApplicationSettingsReaction::showApplicationSettingsDialog();
+// Ui::CustomSettingsWidget &ui = this->Internals->Ui;
+// QDialogButtonBox::ButtonRole role = ui.buttonBox->buttonRole(button);
+// switch (role)
+// {
+// case QDialogButtonBox::AcceptRole:
+// case QDialogButtonBox::ApplyRole:
+// emit this->accepted();
+// break;
+// case QDialogButtonBox::ResetRole:
+// case QDialogButtonBox::RejectRole:
+// emit this->rejected();
+// break;
+// default:
+// break;
+// }
-bool PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane::isApplyNeeded() const
+void PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane::onAccepted()
- return this->Form->ApplyNeeded;
-void PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane::setApplyNeeded(bool applyNeeded)
- if(applyNeeded != this->Form->ApplyNeeded)
+ // If there are any properties that needed to save their values in QSettings,
+ // do that. Otherwise, save to the vtkSMSettings singleton.
+ vtkSMSettings * settings = vtkSMSettings::GetInstance();
+ pqServer* server = pqActiveObjects::instance().activeServer();
+ vtkNew<vtkSMProxyIterator> iter;
+ iter->SetSession(server->session());
+ iter->SetModeToOneGroup();
+ for (iter->Begin("settings"); !iter->IsAtEnd(); iter->Next())
- if(!applyNeeded)
+ vtkSMProxy* proxy = iter->GetProxy();
+ settings->SetProxySettings(proxy);
+ vtkSmartPointer<vtkSMPropertyIterator> iter2;
+ iter2.TakeReference(proxy->NewPropertyIterator());
+ for (iter2->Begin(); !iter2->IsAtEnd(); iter2->Next())
- this->Form->ApplyNeeded = false;
- //this->Form->ApplyButton->setEnabled(false);
- //this->Form->ResetButton->setEnabled(false);
+ vtkSMProperty* smproperty = iter2->GetProperty();
+ if (smproperty && smproperty->GetHints() &&
+ smproperty->GetHints()->FindNestedElementByName("SaveInQSettings"))
+ {
+ QString key = QString("%1.%2").arg(iter->GetKey()).arg(iter2->GetKey());
+ this->saveInQSettings(key.toLatin1().data(), smproperty);
+ }
- else if(this->Form->ApplyUseCount > 0)
+ }
+ // Save color palette settings
+ vtkSMProxy* paletteProxy = server->proxyManager()->GetProxy("global_properties", "ColorPalette");
+ if (paletteProxy)
+ {
+ settings->SetProxySettings(paletteProxy);
+ }
+ // Disable buttons
+// Ui::CustomSettingsWidget &ui = this->Internals->Ui;
+// ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Reset)->setEnabled(false);
+// ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Apply)->setEnabled(false);
+ // In theory, the above changes are undo-redo able, the only things that's not
+ // undo-able is the "serialized" values. Hence we just clear the undo stack.
+void PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane::onRejected()
+ // Disable buttons
+// Ui::CustomSettingsWidget &ui = this->Internals->Ui;
+// ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Reset)->setEnabled(false);
+// ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Apply)->setEnabled(false);
+void PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane::onRestoreDefaults()
+ pqServer* server = pqActiveObjects::instance().activeServer();
+ vtkSMSession * session = server->session();
+ vtkNew<vtkSMProxyIterator> iter;
+ iter->SetSession(session);
+ iter->SetModeToOneGroup();
+ for (iter->Begin("settings"); !iter->IsAtEnd(); iter->Next())
+ {
+ vtkSMProxy* proxy = iter->GetProxy();
+ if (proxy)
- this->Form->ApplyNeeded = true;
- //this->Form->ApplyButton->setEnabled(true);
- //this->Form->ResetButton->setEnabled(true);
+ proxy->ResetPropertiesToXMLDefaults();
+ vtkSMProxy* paletteProxy = server->proxyManager()->GetProxy("global_properties", "ColorPalette");
+ if (paletteProxy)
+ {
+ paletteProxy->ResetPropertiesToXMLDefaults();
+ }
-//void PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane::addOptions(const QString &path, pqOptionsPage *options)
-// if(!options)
-// {
-// return;
-// }
-// // See if the page is a container.
-// pqOptionsContainer *container = qobject_cast<pqOptionsContainer *>(options);
-// if(!container && path.isEmpty())
-// {
-// return;
-// }
-// // See if the page/container uses the apply button.
-// if(options->isApplyUsed())
-// {
-// this->Form->ApplyUseCount++;
-// /*if(this->Form->ApplyUseCount == 1)
-// {
-// //this->Form->ApplyButton->show();
-// //this->Form->ResetButton->show();
-// //QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(applyChanges()));
-// }*/
-// //this->connect(options, SIGNAL(changesAvailable()),
-// //this, SLOT(enableButtons()));
-// }
-// // Add the widget to the stack.
-// this->Form->Stack->addWidget(options);
-// // Add the page(s) to the map and the model.
-// if(container)
-// {
-// // If the path is not empty, use it as the page prefix.
-// QString prefix;
-// if(!path.isEmpty())
-// {
-// prefix = path;
-// prefix.append(".");
-// }
-// container->setPagePrefix(prefix);
-// // Get the list of pages from the container.
-// QStringList pathList = container->getPageList();
-// QStringList::Iterator iter = pathList.begin();
-// for( ; iter != pathList.end(); ++iter)
-// {
-// this->Form->Pages.insert(prefix + *iter, options);
-// this->Form->Model->addPath(prefix + *iter);
-// }
-// }
-// else
-// {
-// this->Form->Pages.insert(path, options);
-// this->Form->Model->addPath(path);
-// }
-//void PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane::addOptions(pqOptionsContainer *options)
-// this->addOptions(QString(), options);
-//void PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane::removeOptions(pqOptionsPage *options)
-// if(!options)
-// {
-// return;
-// }
-// // Remove the widget from the stack.
-// this->Form->Stack->removeWidget(options);
-// // See if the options use the apply button.
-// if(options->isApplyUsed())
-// {
-// this->Form->ApplyUseCount--;
-// /*if(this->Form->ApplyUseCount == 0)
-// {
-// //this->Form->ApplyNeeded = false;
-// //this->Form->ApplyButton->setEnabled(false);
-// //this->Form->ResetButton->setEnabled(false);
-// //this->Form->ApplyButton->hide();
-// //this->Form->ResetButton->hide();
-// //QObject::disconnect(this, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(applyChanges()));
-// }*/
-// this->disconnect(options, 0, this, 0);
-// }
-// // Search the map for the paths to remove.
-// QMap<QString, pqOptionsPage *>::Iterator iter = this->Form->Pages.begin();
-// while(iter != this->Form->Pages.end())
-// {
-// if(*iter == options)
-// {
-// QString path = iter.key();
-// iter = this->Form->Pages.erase(iter);
-// // Remove the item from the tree model as well.
-// QModelIndex index = this->Form->Model->getIndex(path);
-// QPersistentModelIndex parentIndex = index.parent();
-// if(this->Form->Model->removeIndex(index))
-// {
-// // Remove any empty parent items.
-// while(parentIndex.isValid() &&
-// this->Form->Model->rowCount(parentIndex) == 0)
-// {
-// index = parentIndex;
-// parentIndex = index.parent();
-// // Make sure the index path isn't in the map.
-// path = this->Form->Model->getPath(index);
-// if(this->Form->Pages.find(path) == this->Form->Pages.end())
-// {
-// if(!this->Form->Model->removeIndex(index))
-// {
-// break;
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// else
-// {
-// ++iter;
-// }
-// }
-//void PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane::setCurrentPage(const QString &path)
-// QModelIndex current = this->Form->Model->getIndex(path);
-// this->Form->PageNames->setCurrentIndex(current);
-void PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane::applyChanges()
+void PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane::onTabIndexChanged(int index)
- //if(this->Form->ApplyNeeded)
- // {
-// BEGIN_UNDO_SET("Changed View Settings");
-// emit this->aboutToApplyChanges();
-// QMap<QString, pqOptionsPage *>::Iterator iter = this->Form->Pages.begin();
-// for( ; iter != this->Form->Pages.end(); ++iter)
-// {
-// (*iter)->applyChanges();
-// }
-// //this->setApplyNeeded(false);
-// emit this->appliedChanges();
- //}
+ int stackWidgetIndex = this->Internals->TabToStackedWidgets[index];
+ Ui::CustomSettingsWidget &ui = this->Internals->Ui;
+ ui.stackedWidget->setCurrentIndex(stackWidgetIndex);
-void PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane::resetChanges()
+void PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane::filterPanelWidgets()
- //if(this->Form->ApplyNeeded)
- //{
-// QMap<QString, pqOptionsPage *>::Iterator iter = this->Form->Pages.begin();
-// for( ; iter != this->Form->Pages.end(); ++iter)
-// {
-// (*iter)->resetChanges();
-// }
- //this->setApplyNeeded(false);
- //}
+ Ui::CustomSettingsWidget &ui = this->Internals->Ui;
+ emit this->filterWidgets(
+ ui.SearchBox->isAdvancedSearchActive(), ui.SearchBox->text());
-//void PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane::changeCurrentPage()
-// // Get the current index from the view.
-// QModelIndex current = this->Form->PageNames->currentIndex();
-// // Look up the path for the current index.
-// QString path = this->Form->Model->getPath(current);
-// QMap<QString, pqOptionsPage *>::Iterator iter = this->Form->Pages.find(path);
-// if(iter == this->Form->Pages.end())
-// {
-// // If no page is found, show the blank page.
-// this->Form->Stack->setCurrentWidget(this->Form->BlankPage);
-// }
-// else
-// {
-// this->Form->Stack->setCurrentWidget(*iter);
-// pqOptionsContainer *container = qobject_cast<pqOptionsContainer *>(*iter);
-// if(container)
-// {
-// // Get the path prefix from the container.
-// QString prefix = container->getPagePrefix();
-// if(!prefix.isEmpty())
-// {
-// // Remove the prefix from the path.
-// path.remove(0, prefix.length());
-// }
-// // Set the page on the container object.
-// container->setPage(path);
-// }
-// }
-//void PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane::pluginLoaded(QObject* iface)
-// pqViewOptionsInterface* viewOptions =
-// qobject_cast<pqViewOptionsInterface*>(iface);
-// if (viewOptions)
-// {
-// foreach(QString viewtype, viewOptions->viewTypes())
-// {
-// // Try to create global view options
-// pqOptionsContainer* globalOptions =
-// viewOptions->createGlobalViewOptions(viewtype, this);
-// if (globalOptions)
-// {
-// this->addOptions(globalOptions);
-// }
-// }
-// }
+void PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane::onChangeAvailable()
+// Ui::CustomSettingsWidget &ui = this->Internals->Ui;
+// ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Reset)->setEnabled(true);
+// ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Apply)->setEnabled(true);
-void PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane::store(QtxResourceMgr* , QtxPreferenceMgr* )
+void PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane::showRestartRequiredMessage()
- applyChanges();
+ Ui::CustomSettingsWidget &ui = this->Internals->Ui;
+ ui.restartRequiredLabel->setVisible(true);
+ PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane::ShowRestartRequired = true;
-void PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane::retrieve(QtxResourceMgr* , QtxPreferenceMgr* )
+void PVGUI_ParaViewSettingsPane::saveInQSettings(
+ const char* key, vtkSMProperty* smproperty)
+ pqSettings* settings = pqApplicationCore::instance()->settings();
+ // FIXME: handle all property types. This will only work for single value
+ // properties.
+ if (smproperty->IsA("vtkSMIntVectorProperty") ||
+ smproperty->IsA("vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty"))
+ {
+ settings->setValue(key, vtkSMPropertyHelper(smproperty).GetAsInt());
+ }
+ else if (smproperty->IsA("vtkSMDoubleVectorProperty"))
+ {
+ settings->setValue(key, vtkSMPropertyHelper(smproperty).GetAsDouble());
+ }
+ else if (smproperty->IsA("vtkSMStringVectorProperty"))
+ {
+ settings->setValue(key, vtkSMPropertyHelper(smproperty).GetAsString());
+ }
+++ /dev/null
-** Form generated from reading ui file 'pqOptionsDialog.ui'
-** Created: Wed Apr 21 12:59:58 2010
-** by: Qt User Interface Compiler version 4.5.3
-** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost when recompiling ui file!
-#include <QtCore/QVariant>
-#include <QtGui/QAction>
-#include <QtGui/QApplication>
-#include <QtGui/QButtonGroup>
-#include <QtGui/QDialog>
-#include <QtGui/QFrame>
-#include <QtGui/QGridLayout>
-#include <QtGui/QHBoxLayout>
-#include <QtGui/QHeaderView>
-#include <QtGui/QPushButton>
-#include <QtGui/QSpacerItem>
-#include <QtGui/QStackedWidget>
-#include <QtGui/QTreeView>
-#include <QtGui/QWidget>
-#include <QtGui/QPushButton>
-class Ui_PVGUIOptionsFrame
- QGridLayout *gridLayout;
- QHBoxLayout *hboxLayout;
- QSpacerItem *spacerItem;
- //QPushButton *ApplyButton;
- //QPushButton *ResetButton;
- //QPushButton *CloseButton;
- QStackedWidget *Stack;
- QWidget *BlankPage;
- QTreeView *PageNames;
- QFrame *Separator;
- QPushButton * pvButton;
- void setupUi(QWidget *pvguiOptionsFrame)
- {
- if (pvguiOptionsFrame->objectName().isEmpty())
- pvguiOptionsFrame->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("pvguiOptionsFrame"));
- pvguiOptionsFrame->resize(514, 382);
- gridLayout = new QGridLayout(pvguiOptionsFrame);
-#ifndef Q_OS_MAC
- gridLayout->setSpacing(6);
-#ifndef Q_OS_MAC
- gridLayout->setMargin(9);
- gridLayout->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("gridLayout"));
- pvButton = new QPushButton("Edit ParaView settings ...", pvguiOptionsFrame);
- gridLayout->addWidget(pvButton, 0, 0, 1, 1);
-// hboxLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
-//#ifndef Q_OS_MAC
-// hboxLayout->setSpacing(6);
-// hboxLayout->setMargin(4);
-// hboxLayout->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("hboxLayout"));
-// spacerItem = new QSpacerItem(0, 26, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum);
-// hboxLayout->addItem(spacerItem);
-// //ApplyButton = new QPushButton(pqOptionsFrame);
-// //ApplyButton->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("ApplyButton"));
-// //hboxLayout->addWidget(ApplyButton);
-// //ResetButton = new QPushButton(pqOptionsFrame);
-// //ResetButton->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("ResetButton"));
-// //hboxLayout->addWidget(ResetButton);
-// //CloseButton = new QPushButton(pqOptionsFrame);
-// //CloseButton->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("CloseButton"));
-// //CloseButton->setDefault(true);
-// //hboxLayout->addWidget(CloseButton);
-// gridLayout->addLayout(hboxLayout, 2, 0, 1, 2);
-// Stack = new QStackedWidget(pqOptionsFrame);
-// Stack->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("Stack"));
-// BlankPage = new QWidget();
-// BlankPage->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("BlankPage"));
-// Stack->addWidget(BlankPage);
-// gridLayout->addWidget(Stack, 0, 1, 1, 1);
-// PageNames = new QTreeView(pqOptionsFrame);
-// PageNames->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("PageNames"));
-// QSizePolicy sizePolicy(static_cast<QSizePolicy::Policy>(0), static_cast<QSizePolicy::Policy>(7));
-// sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch(0);
-// sizePolicy.setVerticalStretch(0);
-// sizePolicy.setHeightForWidth(PageNames->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth());
-// PageNames->setSizePolicy(sizePolicy);
-// PageNames->setMinimumSize(QSize(160, 0));
-// PageNames->setMaximumSize(QSize(160, 16777215));
-// gridLayout->addWidget(PageNames, 0, 0, 1, 1);
-// Separator = new QFrame(pqOptionsFrame);
-// Separator->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("Separator"));
-// Separator->setFrameShape(QFrame::HLine);
-// Separator->setFrameShadow(QFrame::Sunken);
-// gridLayout->addWidget(Separator, 1, 0, 1, 2);
-// //QWidget::setTabOrder(CloseButton, PageNames);
-// //QWidget::setTabOrder(PageNames, ApplyButton);
-// //QWidget::setTabOrder(ApplyButton, ResetButton);
-// retranslateUi(pqOptionsFrame);
-// Stack->setCurrentIndex(0);
- QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName(pvguiOptionsFrame);
- } // setupUi
- void retranslateUi(QWidget *pvguiOptionsFrame)
- {
- pvguiOptionsFrame->setWindowTitle(QApplication::translate("pvguiOptionsFrame", "Options", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
- //ApplyButton->setText(QApplication::translate("pqOptionsFrame", "&Apply", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
- //ResetButton->setText(QApplication::translate("pqOptionsFrame", "&Reset", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
- //CloseButton->setText(QApplication::translate("pqOptionsFrame", "&Ok", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
-// PageNames->setWhatsThis(QApplication::translate("pvguiOptionsFrame", "Select a category to show the options for that category.", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
-#endif // QT_NO_WHATSTHIS
- Q_UNUSED(pvguiOptionsFrame);
- } // retranslateUi
-namespace Ui {
- class PVGUIOptionsFrame: public Ui_PVGUIOptionsFrame {};
-} // namespace Ui