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feat(upgrade): Adding upgrade feature, that only cleans install of outdated vcs products
authorSONOLET Aymeric <aymeric.sonolet@cea.fr>
Tue, 5 Dec 2023 14:52:50 +0000 (15:52 +0100)
committerSONOLET Aymeric <aymeric.sonolet@cea.fr>
Tue, 12 Dec 2023 12:47:00 +0000 (13:47 +0100)
fix(upgrade): add space between product name and --install for the clean operation

fix(upgrade): really check if sources are newer than compiled binary.

fix(upgrade): add retry of the compilation after cleaning when there is an error.

commands/upgrade.py [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/commands/upgrade.py b/commands/upgrade.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7f301d7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,995 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
+#  Copyright (C) 2010-2012  CEA/DEN
+#  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+#  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+#  version 2.1 of the License.
+#  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA
+import os
+import re
+import subprocess
+import src
+import src.debug as DBG
+# Compatibility python 2/3 for input function
+# input stays input for python 3 and input = raw_input for python 2
+    input = raw_input
+except NameError:
+    pass
+# Define all possible option for the upgrade command :  sat upgrade <options>
+parser = src.options.Options()
+    "p",
+    "products",
+    "list2",
+    "products",
+    _("Optional: products to upgrade. This option accepts a comma separated list."),
+    "",
+    "with_fathers",
+    "boolean",
+    "fathers",
+    _(
+        "Optional: build all necessary products to the given product (KERNEL is "
+        "build before building GUI)."
+    ),
+    False,
+    "",
+    "with_children",
+    "boolean",
+    "children",
+    _(
+        "Optional: build all products using the given product (all SMESH plugins"
+        " are build after SMESH)."
+    ),
+    False,
+    "",
+    "make_flags",
+    "string",
+    "makeflags",
+    _("Optional: add extra options to the 'make' command."),
+    "",
+    "show",
+    "boolean",
+    "no_compile",
+    _("Optional: DO NOT COMPILE just show if products are installed or not."),
+    False,
+    "",
+    "stop_first_fail",
+    "boolean",
+    "stop_first_fail",
+    _("Optional: Stops the command at first product compilation" " fail."),
+    False,
+    "",
+    "check",
+    "boolean",
+    "check",
+    _("Optional: execute the unit tests after compilation"),
+    False,
+    "",
+    "clean_build_after",
+    "boolean",
+    "clean_build_after",
+    _("Optional: remove the build directory after successful compilation"),
+    False,
+# from sat product infos, represent the product dependencies in a simple python graph
+# keys are nodes, the list of dependencies are values
+def get_dependencies_graph(p_infos, compile_time=True):
+    graph = {}
+    for p_name, p_info in p_infos:
+        depprod = []
+        for d in p_info.depend:
+            depprod.append(d)
+        if compile_time and "build_depend" in p_info:
+            for d in p_info.build_depend:
+                depprod.append(d)
+        graph[p_name] = depprod
+    return graph
+# this recursive function calculates all the dependencies of node start
+def depth_search_graph(graph, start, visited=[]):
+    visited = visited + [start]
+    for node in graph[start]:  # for all nodes in start dependencies
+        if node not in visited:
+            visited = depth_search_graph(graph, node, visited)
+    return visited
+# find a path from start node to end (a group of nodes)
+def find_path_graph(graph, start, end, path=[]):
+    path = path + [start]
+    if start in end:
+        return path
+    if start not in graph:
+        return None
+    for node in graph[start]:
+        if node not in path:
+            newpath = find_path_graph(graph, node, end, path)
+            if newpath:
+                return newpath
+    return None
+# Topological sorting algo
+# return in sorted_nodes the list of sorted nodes
+def depth_first_topo_graph(graph, start, visited=[], sorted_nodes=[]):
+    visited = visited + [start]
+    if start not in graph:
+        # get more explicit error
+        where = [k for k in graph if start in graph[k]]
+        raise src.SatException(
+            "Error in product dependencies : %s product is referenced in products dependencies, but is not present in the application, from %s"
+            % (start, where)
+        )
+        # may be in debug mode, continue loop to get all problems, (if comment raise)
+        # print("WARNING : %s product is referenced in products dependencies but is not present in the application, from %s" % (start, where))
+        # sorted_nodes = sorted_nodes + [start]
+        # return visited, sorted_nodes
+    for node in graph[start]:
+        if node not in visited:
+            visited, sorted_nodes = depth_first_topo_graph(
+                graph, node, visited, sorted_nodes
+            )
+        else:
+            if node not in sorted_nodes:
+                raise src.SatException(
+                    "Error in product dependencies : cycle detection for node %s and %s"
+                    % (start, node)
+                )
+    sorted_nodes = sorted_nodes + [start]
+    return visited, sorted_nodes
+# check for p_name that all dependencies are installed
+def check_dependencies(config, p_name_p_info, all_products_dict):
+    l_depends_not_installed = []
+    for prod in p_name_p_info[1]["depend_all"]:
+        # for each dependency, check the install
+        prod_name, prod_info = all_products_dict[prod]
+        if not (src.product.check_installation(config, prod_info)):
+            l_depends_not_installed.append(prod_name)
+    return l_depends_not_installed  # non installed deps
+def log_step(logger, header, step):
+    logger.write("\r%s%s" % (header, " " * 30), 3)
+    logger.write("\r%s%s" % (header, step), 3)
+    logger.flush()
+def log_res_step(logger, res):
+    if res == 0:
+        logger.write("%s \n" % src.printcolors.printcSuccess("OK"), 4)
+        logger.flush()
+    else:
+        logger.write("%s \n" % src.printcolors.printcError("KO"), 4)
+        logger.flush()
+def clean_before_build(
+    sat, config, options, products_infos, all_products_dict, all_products_graph, logger
+    check_salome_configuration = False
+    updated_products = []
+    for p_name_info in products_infos:
+        p_name, p_info = p_name_info
+        if src.product.product_is_salome(p_info):
+            check_salome_configuration = True
+        # nothing to clean for native or fixed products
+        if (
+            (not src.product.product_compiles(p_info))
+            or src.product.product_is_native(p_info)
+            or src.product.product_is_fixed(p_info)
+        ):
+            continue
+        if src.product.product_is_vcs(p_info):
+            try:
+                do_update = False
+                if len(updated_products) > 0:
+                    # if other products where updated, check that the current product is a child
+                    # in this case it will be also updated
+                    if find_path_graph(all_products_graph, p_name, updated_products):
+                        logger.write("\nUpdate product %s (child)" % p_name, 5)
+                        do_update = True
+                if (
+                    (not do_update)
+                    and os.path.isdir(p_info.source_dir)
+                    and os.path.isdir(p_info.install_dir)
+                ):
+                    source_time = os.path.getmtime(p_info.source_dir)
+                    install_time = os.path.getmtime(p_info.install_dir)
+                    if install_time < source_time:
+                        logger.write("\nupdate product %s" % p_name, 5)
+                        do_update = True
+                if do_update:
+                    updated_products.append(p_name)
+                    sat.clean(
+                        config.VARS.application
+                        + " --products "
+                        + p_name
+                        + " --install",
+                        batch=True,
+                        verbose=0,
+                        logger_add_link=logger,
+                    )
+            except:
+                pass
+    if check_salome_configuration:
+        # For salome applications, we check if the sources of configuration modules are present
+        # configuration modules have the property "configure_dependency"
+        # they are implicit prerequisites of the compilation.
+        res = 0
+        # get the list of all modules in application
+        all_products_infos = src.product.get_products_infos(
+            config.APPLICATION.products, config
+        )
+        check_source = True
+        # for configuration modules, check if sources are present
+        for prod in all_products_dict:
+            product_name, product_info = all_products_dict[prod]
+            if src.product.product_is_configuration(product_info):
+                check_source = check_source and src.product.check_source(product_info)
+                if not check_source:
+                    logger.write(
+                        _(
+                            "\nERROR : SOURCES of %s not found! It is required for"
+                            " the configuration\n" % product_name
+                        )
+                    )
+                    logger.write(
+                        _(
+                            "        Get it with the command : sat prepare %s -p %s \n"
+                            % (config.APPLICATION.name, product_name)
+                        )
+                    )
+                    res += 1
+        if res > 0:
+            return res  # error configure dependency : we stop the compilation
+    return 0
+def upgrade_all_products(
+    sat, config, options, products_infos, all_products_dict, all_products_graph, logger
+    """Execute the proper configuration commands
+       in each product build directory.
+    :param config Config: The global configuration
+    :param products_info list: List of
+                                 (str, Config) => (product_name, product_info)
+    :param all_products_dict: Dict of all products
+    :param all_products_graph: graph of all products
+    :param logger Logger: The logger instance to use for the display and logging
+    :return: the number of failing commands.
+    :rtype: int
+    """
+    # first loop for the cleaning
+    clean_before_build(
+        sat,
+        config,
+        options,
+        products_infos,
+        all_products_dict,
+        all_products_graph,
+        logger,
+    )
+    # second loop to upgrade
+    res = 0
+    for p_name_info in products_infos:
+        p_name, p_info = p_name_info
+        # Logging
+        len_end_line = 30
+        header = _("Compilation of %s") % src.printcolors.printcLabel(p_name)
+        header += " %s " % ("." * (len_end_line - len(p_name)))
+        logger.write(header, 3)
+        logger.flush()
+        # Do nothing if the product is not compilable
+        if not src.product.product_compiles(p_info):
+            log_step(logger, header, "ignored")
+            logger.write("\n", 3, False)
+            continue
+        # Do nothing if the product is native
+        if src.product.product_is_native(p_info):
+            log_step(logger, header, "native")
+            logger.write("\n", 3, False)
+            continue
+        # Do nothing if the product is fixed (already upgraded by third party)
+        if src.product.product_is_fixed(p_info):
+            log_step(logger, header, "native")
+            logger.write("\n", 3, False)
+            continue
+        # if not src.product.product_is_vcs(p_info):
+        #     log_step(logger, header, "not vcs")
+        #     logger.write("\n", 3, False)
+        #     continue
+        # Recompute the product information to get the right install_dir
+        # (it could change if there is a clean of the install directory)
+        p_info = src.product.get_product_config(config, p_name)
+        # Check if sources was already successfully installed
+        check_source = src.product.check_source(p_info)
+        is_pip = src.appli_test_property(
+            config, "pip", "yes"
+        ) and src.product.product_test_property(p_info, "pip", "yes")
+        # don't check sources with option --show
+        # or for products managed by pip (there sources are in wheels stored in LOCAL.ARCHIVE
+        if not (options.no_compile or is_pip):
+            if not check_source:
+                logger.write(
+                    _("Sources of product not found (try 'sat -h prepare') \n")
+                )
+                res += 1  # one more error
+                continue
+        # if we don't force compilation, check if the was already successfully installed.
+        # we don't compile in this case.
+        if src.product.check_installation(config, p_info):
+            logger.write(_("Already installed"))
+            logger.write(_(" in %s" % p_info.install_dir), 4)
+            logger.write(_("\n"))
+            continue
+        # If the show option was called, do not launch the compilation
+        if options.no_compile:
+            logger.write(_("Not installed in %s\n" % p_info.install_dir))
+            continue
+        # Check if the dependencies are installed
+        l_depends_not_installed = check_dependencies(
+            config, p_name_info, all_products_dict
+        )
+        if len(l_depends_not_installed) > 0:
+            log_step(logger, header, "")
+            logger.write(
+                src.printcolors.printcError(
+                    _(
+                        "ERROR : the following mandatory product(s) is(are) not installed: "
+                    )
+                )
+            )
+            for prod_name in l_depends_not_installed:
+                logger.write(src.printcolors.printcError(prod_name + " "))
+            logger.write("\n")
+            continue
+        # Call the function to upgrade the product
+        res_prod, len_end_line, error_step = upgrade_product(
+            sat, p_name_info, config, options, logger, header, len_end_line
+        )
+        if res_prod > 0:
+            logger.write(
+                src.printcolors.printcError(
+                    _(
+                        "\nERROR : the product does not compile, retrying after clean it."
+                    )
+                )
+            )
+            sat.clean(
+                config.VARS.application
+                + " --products "
+                + p_name
+                + " --install"
+                + " --build",
+                batch=True,
+                verbose=0,
+                logger_add_link=logger,
+            )
+            res_prod, len_end_line, error_step = upgrade_product(
+                sat, p_name_info, config, options, logger, header, len_end_line
+            )
+        if res_prod != 0:
+            res += 1
+            # there was an error, we clean install dir, unless :
+            #  - the error step is "check", or
+            #  - the product is managed by pip and installed in python dir
+            do_not_clean_install = False
+            is_single_dir = src.appli_test_property(
+                config, "single_install_dir", "yes"
+            ) and src.product.product_test_property(p_info, "single_install_dir", "yes")
+            if (
+                (error_step == "CHECK")
+                or (
+                    is_pip
+                    and src.appli_test_property(config, "pip_install_dir", "python")
+                )
+                or is_single_dir
+            ):
+                # cases for which we do not want to remove install dir
+                #   for is_single_dir and is_pip, the test to determine if the product is already
+                #   upgraded is based on configuration file, not the directory
+                do_not_clean_install = True
+            if not do_not_clean_install:
+                # Clean the install directory if there is any
+                logger.write(_("Cleaning the install directory if there is any\n"), 5)
+                sat.clean(
+                    config.VARS.application + " --products " + p_name + " --install",
+                    batch=True,
+                    verbose=0,
+                    logger_add_link=logger,
+                )
+        else:
+            # Clean the build directory if the compilation and tests succeed
+            if options.clean_build_after:
+                log_step(logger, header, "CLEAN BUILD")
+                sat.clean(
+                    config.VARS.application + " --products " + p_name + " --build",
+                    batch=True,
+                    verbose=0,
+                    logger_add_link=logger,
+                )
+        # Log the result
+        if res_prod > 0:
+            logger.write("\r%s%s" % (header, " " * len_end_line), 3)
+            logger.write(
+                "\r" + header + src.printcolors.printcError("KO ") + error_step
+            )
+            logger.write(
+                "\n==== %(KO)s in compile of %(name)s \n"
+                % {"name": p_name, "KO": src.printcolors.printcInfo("ERROR")},
+                4,
+            )
+            if error_step == "CHECK":
+                logger.write(
+                    _(
+                        "\nINSTALL directory = %s"
+                        % src.printcolors.printcInfo(p_info.install_dir)
+                    ),
+                    3,
+                )
+            logger.flush()
+        else:
+            logger.write("\r%s%s" % (header, " " * len_end_line), 3)
+            logger.write("\r" + header + src.printcolors.printcSuccess("OK"))
+            logger.write(
+                _(
+                    "\nINSTALL directory = %s"
+                    % src.printcolors.printcInfo(p_info.install_dir)
+                ),
+                3,
+            )
+            logger.write("\n==== %s \n" % src.printcolors.printcInfo("OK"), 4)
+            logger.write(
+                "\n==== Compilation of %(name)s %(OK)s \n"
+                % {"name": p_name, "OK": src.printcolors.printcInfo("OK")},
+                4,
+            )
+            logger.flush()
+        logger.write("\n", 3, False)
+        if res_prod != 0 and options.stop_first_fail:
+            break
+    return res
+def upgrade_product(sat, p_name_info, config, options, logger, header, len_end):
+    """Execute the proper configuration command(s)
+       in the product build directory.
+    :param p_name_info tuple: (str, Config) => (product_name, product_info)
+    :param config Config: The global configuration
+    :param logger Logger: The logger instance to use for the display
+                          and logging
+    :param header Str: the header to display when logging
+    :param len_end Int: the lenght of the the end of line (used in display)
+    :return: 1 if it fails, else 0.
+    :rtype: int
+    """
+    p_name, p_info = p_name_info
+    # Get the build procedure from the product configuration.
+    # It can be :
+    # build_sources : autotools -> build_configure, configure, make, make install
+    # build_sources : cmake     -> cmake, make, make install
+    # build_sources : script    -> script executions
+    res = 0
+    # check if pip should be used : the application and product have pip property
+    if src.appli_test_property(
+        config, "pip", "yes"
+    ) and src.product.product_test_property(p_info, "pip", "yes"):
+        res, len_end_line, error_step = upgrade_product_pip(
+            sat, p_name_info, config, options, logger, header, len_end
+        )
+    else:
+        if src.product.product_is_autotools(p_info) or src.product.product_is_cmake(
+            p_info
+        ):
+            res, len_end_line, error_step = upgrade_product_cmake_autotools(
+                sat, p_name_info, config, options, logger, header, len_end
+            )
+        if src.product.product_has_script(p_info):
+            res, len_end_line, error_step = upgrade_product_script(
+                sat, p_name_info, config, options, logger, header, len_end
+            )
+    # Check that the install directory exists
+    if res == 0 and not (os.path.exists(p_info.install_dir)):
+        res = 1
+        error_step = "NO INSTALL DIR"
+        msg = _(
+            "Error: despite the fact that all the steps ended successfully,"
+            " no install directory was found !"
+        )
+        logger.write(src.printcolors.printcError(msg), 4)
+        logger.write("\n", 4)
+        return res, len_end, error_step
+    # Add the config file corresponding to the dependencies/versions of the
+    # product that have been successfully compiled
+    if res == 0:
+        logger.write(_("Add the config file in installation directory\n"), 5)
+        # for git bases : add the description of git tag
+        src_sha1 = src.system.git_describe(p_info.source_dir)
+        if src_sha1:
+            p_info.git_tag_description = src_sha1
+        src.product.add_compile_config_file(p_info, config)
+        if options.check:
+            # Do the unit tests (call the check command)
+            log_step(logger, header, "CHECK")
+            res_check = sat.check(
+                config.VARS.application + " --products " + p_name,
+                verbose=0,
+                logger_add_link=logger,
+            )
+            if res_check != 0:
+                error_step = "CHECK"
+            res += res_check
+    return res, len_end_line, error_step
+def upgrade_product_pip(sat, p_name_info, config, options, logger, header, len_end):
+    """Execute the proper build procedure for pip products
+    :param p_name_info tuple: (str, Config) => (product_name, product_info)
+    :param config Config: The global configuration
+    :param logger Logger: The logger instance to use for the display
+                          and logging
+    :param header Str: the header to display when logging
+    :param len_end Int: the lenght of the the end of line (used in display)
+    :return: 1 if it fails, else 0.
+    :rtype: int
+    """
+    # pip needs openssl-dev. If openssl is declared in the application, we check it!
+    if "openssl" in config.APPLICATION.products:
+        openssl_cfg = src.product.get_product_config(config, "openssl")
+        if not src.product.check_installation(config, openssl_cfg):
+            raise src.SatException(
+                _(
+                    "please install system openssl development package, it is required for products managed by pip."
+                )
+            )
+    # a) initialisation
+    p_name, p_info = p_name_info
+    res = 0
+    error_step = ""
+    pip_install_in_python = False
+    pip_wheels_dir = os.path.join(config.LOCAL.archive_dir, "wheels")
+    pip_install_cmd = (
+        config.INTERNAL.command.pip_install
+    )  # parametrized in src/internal
+    # b) get the build environment (useful to get the installed python & pip3)
+    build_environ = src.environment.SalomeEnviron(
+        config, src.environment.Environ(dict(os.environ)), True
+    )
+    environ_info = src.product.get_product_dependencies(config, p_name, p_info)
+    build_environ.silent = config.USER.output_verbose_level < 5
+    build_environ.set_full_environ(logger, environ_info)
+    # c- download : check/get pip wheel in pip_wheels_dir
+    pip_download_cmd = (
+        config.INTERNAL.command.pip_download
+        + " --destination-directory %s --no-deps %s==%s "
+        % (pip_wheels_dir, p_info.name, p_info.version)
+    )
+    logger.write("\n" + pip_download_cmd + "\n", 4, False)
+    res_pip_dwl = (
+        subprocess.call(
+            pip_download_cmd,
+            shell=True,
+            cwd=config.LOCAL.workdir,
+            env=build_environ.environ.environ,
+            stdout=logger.logTxtFile,
+            stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
+        )
+        == 0
+    )
+    # error is not managed at the stage. error will be handled by pip install
+    # here we just print a message
+    if not res_pip_dwl:
+        logger.write("Error in pip download\n", 4, False)
+    try:
+        pip_version_cmd = 'python -c "import pip;print(pip.__version__)"'
+        res_pip_version = subprocess.check_output(
+            pip_version_cmd,
+            shell=True,
+            cwd=config.LOCAL.workdir,
+            env=build_environ.environ.environ,
+            stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
+        ).strip()
+        pip_build_options = res_pip_version.split(".")[0] < 21
+    except:
+        pip_build_options = True
+    # d- install (in python or in separate product directory)
+    if src.appli_test_property(config, "pip_install_dir", "python"):
+        # pip will install product in python directory"
+        if pip_build_options:
+            pip_install_cmd += " --find-links=%s --build %s %s==%s" % (
+                pip_wheels_dir,
+                p_info.build_dir,
+                p_info.name,
+                p_info.version,
+            )
+        else:
+            pip_install_cmd += " --find-links=%s --cache-dir %s %s==%s" % (
+                pip_wheels_dir,
+                p_info.build_dir,
+                p_info.name,
+                p_info.version,
+            )
+        pip_install_in_python = True
+    else:
+        # pip will install product in product install_dir
+        pip_install_dir = os.path.join(
+            p_info.install_dir, "lib", "python${PYTHON}", "site-packages"
+        )
+        if pip_build_options:
+            pip_install_cmd += " --find-links=%s --build %s --target %s %s==%s" % (
+                pip_wheels_dir,
+                p_info.build_dir,
+                pip_install_dir,
+                p_info.name,
+                p_info.version,
+            )
+        else:
+            pip_install_cmd += " --find-links=%s --cache-dir %s --target %s %s==%s" % (
+                pip_wheels_dir,
+                p_info.build_dir,
+                pip_install_dir,
+                p_info.name,
+                p_info.version,
+            )
+    log_step(logger, header, "PIP")
+    logger.write("\n" + pip_install_cmd + "\n", 4)
+    len_end_line = len_end + 3
+    error_step = ""
+    res_pip = (
+        subprocess.call(
+            pip_install_cmd,
+            shell=True,
+            cwd=config.LOCAL.workdir,
+            env=build_environ.environ.environ,
+            stdout=logger.logTxtFile,
+            stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
+        )
+        == 0
+    )
+    if res_pip:
+        res = 0
+    else:
+        # log_res_step(logger, res)
+        res = 1
+        error_step = "PIP"
+        logger.write(
+            "\nError in pip command, please consult details with sat log command's internal traces\n",
+            3,
+        )
+    return res, len_end_line, error_step
+def upgrade_product_cmake_autotools(
+    sat, p_name_info, config, options, logger, header, len_end
+    """Execute the proper build procedure for autotools or cmake
+       in the product build directory.
+    :param p_name_info tuple: (str, Config) => (product_name, product_info)
+    :param config Config: The global configuration
+    :param logger Logger: The logger instance to use for the display
+                          and logging
+    :param header Str: the header to display when logging
+    :param len_end Int: the lenght of the the end of line (used in display)
+    :return: 1 if it fails, else 0.
+    :rtype: int
+    """
+    p_name, p_info = p_name_info
+    # Execute "sat configure", "sat make" and "sat install"
+    res = 0
+    error_step = ""
+    # Logging and sat command call for configure step
+    len_end_line = len_end
+    log_step(logger, header, "CONFIGURE")
+    res_c = sat.configure(
+        config.VARS.application + " --products " + p_name,
+        verbose=0,
+        logger_add_link=logger,
+    )
+    log_res_step(logger, res_c)
+    res += res_c
+    if res_c > 0:
+        error_step = "CONFIGURE"
+    else:
+        # Logging and sat command call for make step
+        # Logging take account of the fact that the product has a compilation
+        # script or not
+        if src.product.product_has_script(p_info):
+            # if the product has a compilation script,
+            # it is executed during make step
+            scrit_path_display = src.printcolors.printcLabel(p_info.compil_script)
+            log_step(logger, header, "SCRIPT " + scrit_path_display)
+            len_end_line = len(scrit_path_display)
+        else:
+            log_step(logger, header, "MAKE")
+        make_arguments = config.VARS.application + " --products " + p_name
+        # Get the make_flags option if there is any
+        if options.makeflags:
+            make_arguments += " --option -j" + options.makeflags
+        res_m = sat.make(make_arguments, verbose=0, logger_add_link=logger)
+        log_res_step(logger, res_m)
+        res += res_m
+        if res_m > 0:
+            error_step = "MAKE"
+        else:
+            # Logging and sat command call for make install step
+            log_step(logger, header, "MAKE INSTALL")
+            res_mi = sat.makeinstall(
+                config.VARS.application + " --products " + p_name,
+                verbose=0,
+                logger_add_link=logger,
+            )
+            log_res_step(logger, res_mi)
+            res += res_mi
+            if res_mi > 0:
+                error_step = "MAKE INSTALL"
+    return res, len_end_line, error_step
+def upgrade_product_script(sat, p_name_info, config, options, logger, header, len_end):
+    """Execute the script build procedure in the product build directory.
+    :param p_name_info tuple: (str, Config) => (product_name, product_info)
+    :param config Config: The global configuration
+    :param logger Logger: The logger instance to use for the display
+                          and logging
+    :param header Str: the header to display when logging
+    :param len_end Int: the lenght of the the end of line (used in display)
+    :return: 1 if it fails, else 0.
+    :rtype: int
+    """
+    p_name, p_info = p_name_info
+    # Execute "sat configure", "sat make" and "sat install"
+    error_step = ""
+    # Logging and sat command call for the script step
+    scrit_path_display = src.printcolors.printcLabel(p_info.compil_script)
+    log_step(logger, header, "SCRIPT " + scrit_path_display)
+    len_end_line = len_end + len(scrit_path_display)
+    res = sat.script(
+        config.VARS.application + " --products " + p_name,
+        verbose=0,
+        logger_add_link=logger,
+    )
+    log_res_step(logger, res)
+    return res, len_end_line, error_step
+def description():
+    """method that is called when salomeTools is called with --help option.
+    :return: The text to display for the upgrade command description.
+    :rtype: str
+    """
+    return _(
+        "The upgrade command constructs the products of the application"
+        "\n\nexample:\nsat upgrade SALOME-master --products KERNEL,GUI,"
+        "MEDCOUPLING --clean_all"
+    )
+def run(args, runner, logger):
+    """method that is called when salomeTools is called with upgrade parameter."""
+    # Parse the options
+    (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
+    # check that the command has been called with an application
+    src.check_config_has_application(runner.cfg)
+    # write warning if platform is not declared as supported
+    src.check_platform_is_supported(runner.cfg, logger)
+    # Print some informations
+    logger.write(
+        _(
+            "Executing the upgrade commands in the build "
+            "directories of the products of "
+            "the application %s\n"
+        )
+        % src.printcolors.printcLabel(runner.cfg.VARS.application),
+        1,
+    )
+    info = [
+        (
+            _("SOURCE directory"),
+            os.path.join(runner.cfg.APPLICATION.workdir, "SOURCES"),
+        ),
+        (_("BUILD directory"), os.path.join(runner.cfg.APPLICATION.workdir, "BUILD")),
+    ]
+    src.print_info(logger, info)
+    # Get the list of all application products, and create its dependency graph
+    all_products_infos = src.product.get_products_infos(
+        runner.cfg.APPLICATION.products, runner.cfg
+    )
+    all_products_graph = get_dependencies_graph(all_products_infos)
+    logger.write(
+        "Dependency graph of all application products : %s\n" % all_products_graph, 6
+    )
+    # DBG.write("Dependency graph of all application products : ", all_products_graph)
+    # Get the list of products we have to upgrade
+    products_infos = src.product.get_products_list(options, runner.cfg, logger)
+    products_list = [pi[0] for pi in products_infos]
+    logger.write(
+        "Product we have to upgrade (as specified by user) : %s\n" % products_list, 5
+    )
+    if options.fathers:
+        # Extend the list with all recursive dependencies of the given products
+        visited = []
+        for p_name in products_list:
+            visited = depth_search_graph(all_products_graph, p_name, visited)
+        products_list = visited
+    logger.write("Product list to upgrade with fathers : %s\n" % products_list, 5)
+    if options.children:
+        # Extend the list with all products that depends upon the given products
+        children = []
+        for n in all_products_graph:
+            # for all products (that are not in products_list):
+            # if we we find a path from the product to the product list,
+            # then we product is a child and we add it to the children list
+            if (n not in children) and (n not in products_list):
+                if find_path_graph(all_products_graph, n, products_list):
+                    children = children + [n]
+        # complete products_list (the products we have to upgrade) with the list of children
+        products_list = products_list + children
+        logger.write("Product list to upgrade with children : %s\n" % products_list, 5)
+    # Sort the list of all products (topological sort).
+    # the products listed first do not depend upon products listed after
+    visited_nodes = []
+    sorted_nodes = []
+    for n in all_products_graph:
+        if n not in visited_nodes:
+            visited_nodes, sorted_nodes = depth_first_topo_graph(
+                all_products_graph, n, visited_nodes, sorted_nodes
+            )
+    logger.write(
+        "Complete dependency graph topological search (sorting): %s\n" % sorted_nodes, 6
+    )
+    #  Create a dict of all products to facilitate products_infos sorting
+    all_products_dict = {}
+    for pname, pinfo in all_products_infos:
+        all_products_dict[pname] = (pname, pinfo)
+    # Use the sorted list of all products to sort the list of products we have to upgrade
+    sorted_product_list = []
+    product_list_runtime = []
+    product_list_compiletime = []
+    # store at beginning compile time products, we need to compile them before!
+    for n in sorted_nodes:
+        if n in products_list:
+            sorted_product_list.append(n)
+    logger.write("Sorted list of products to upgrade : %s\n" % sorted_product_list, 5)
+    # from the sorted list of products to upgrade, build a sorted list of products infos
+    products_infos = []
+    for product in sorted_product_list:
+        products_infos.append(all_products_dict[product])
+    # for all products to upgrade, store in "depend_all" field the complete dependencies (recursive)
+    # (will be used by check_dependencies function)
+    for pi in products_infos:
+        dep_prod = []
+        dep_prod = depth_search_graph(all_products_graph, pi[0], dep_prod)
+        pi[1]["depend_all"] = dep_prod[1:]
+    # Call the function that will loop over all the products and execute
+    # the right command(s)
+    res = upgrade_all_products(
+        runner,
+        runner.cfg,
+        options,
+        products_infos,
+        all_products_dict,
+        all_products_graph,
+        logger,
+    )
+    # Print the final state
+    nb_products = len(products_infos)
+    if res == 0:
+        final_status = "OK"
+    else:
+        final_status = "KO"
+    logger.write(
+        _("\nCompilation: %(status)s (%(valid_result)d/%(nb_products)d)\n")
+        % {
+            "status": src.printcolors.printc(final_status),
+            "valid_result": nb_products - res,
+            "nb_products": nb_products,
+        },
+        1,
+    )
+    code = res
+    if code != 0:
+        code = 1
+    return code