--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2010-2013 CEA/DEN
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import os
+import src
+# create a parser for command line options
+parser = src.options.Options()
+ "sources",
+ "boolean",
+ "sources",
+ _("Search the duplicate files in the SOURCES directory."))
+ "path",
+ "string",
+ "path",
+ _("Search the duplicate files in the given directory path."))
+ "exclude-file",
+ "list2",
+ "exclude_file",
+ _("Override the default list of filtered files."))
+ "exclude-extension",
+ "list2",
+ "exclude_extension",
+ _("Override the default list of filtered extensions."))
+ "exclude-path",
+ "list2",
+ "exclude_path",
+ _("Override the default list of filtered pathes."))
+default_extension_ignored = ['html', 'png', 'txt', 'js', 'xml', 'cmake', 'gif',
+ 'm4', 'in', 'pyo', 'pyc', 'doctree', 'css']
+default_files_ignored = ['__init__.py', 'Makefile.am', 'VERSION',
+ 'build_configure',
+ 'README', 'AUTHORS', 'NEWS', 'COPYING', 'ChangeLog']
+default_directories_ignored = []
+def list_directory(path, extension_ignored, files_ignored, directories_ignored):
+ '''Make the list of all files and paths that are not filtered
+ :param path Str: The path to of the directory where to search for duplicates
+ :param extension_ignored List: The list of extensions to ignore
+ :param files_ignored List: The list of files to ignore
+ :param directories_ignored List: The list of directory paths to ignore
+ :return: files_arb_out is the list of [file, path]
+ and files_out is is the list of files
+ :rtype: List, List
+ '''
+ files_out = []
+ files_arb_out=[]
+ for root, __, files in os.walk(path):
+ for fic in files:
+ extension = fic.split('.')[-1]
+ if extension not in extension_ignored and fic not in files_ignored:
+ in_ignored_dir = False
+ for rep in directories_ignored:
+ if rep in root:
+ in_ignored_dir = True
+ if not in_ignored_dir:
+ files_out.append([fic])
+ files_arb_out.append([fic, root])
+ return files_arb_out, files_out
+def format_list_of_str(l_str):
+ '''Make a list from a string
+ :param l_str List or Str: The variable to format
+ :return: the formatted variable
+ :rtype: List
+ '''
+ if not isinstance(l_str, list):
+ return l_str
+ return ",".join(l_str)
+def print_info(logger, info, level=2):
+ '''Format a display
+ :param logger Logger: The logger instance
+ :param info List: the list of tuple to display
+ :param valMax float: the maximum value of the variable
+ :param level int: the verbose level that will be used
+ '''
+ smax = max(map(lambda l: len(l[0]), info))
+ for i in info:
+ sp = " " * (smax - len(i[0]))
+ src.printcolors.print_value(logger,
+ sp + i[0],
+ format_list_of_str(i[1]),
+ 2)
+ logger.write("\n", level)
+class Progress_bar:
+ "Create a progress bar in the terminal"
+ def __init__(self, name, valMin, valMax, logger, length = 50):
+ '''Initialization of the progress bar.
+ :param name str: The name of the progress bar
+ :param valMin float: the minimum value of the variable
+ :param valMax float: the maximum value of the variable
+ :param logger Logger: the logger instance
+ :param length int: the lenght of the progress bar
+ '''
+ self.name = name
+ self.valMin = valMin
+ self.valMax = valMax
+ self.length = length
+ self.logger = logger
+ if (self.valMax - self.valMin) <= 0 or length <= 0:
+ out_err = _('ERROR: Wrong init values for the progress bar\n')
+ raise src.SatException(out_err)
+ def display_value_progression(self,val):
+ '''Display the progress bar.
+ :param val float: val must be between valMin and valMax.
+ '''
+ if val < self.valMin or val > self.valMax:
+ self.logger.write(src.printcolors.printcWarning(_(
+ 'WARNING : wrong value for the progress bar.\n')), 3)
+ else:
+ perc = (float(val-self.valMin) / (self.valMax - self.valMin)) * 100.
+ nb_equals = int(perc * self.length / 100)
+ out = '\r %s : %3d %% [%s%s]' % (self.name, perc, nb_equals*'=',
+ (self.length - nb_equals)*' ' )
+ self.logger.write(out, 3)
+ self.logger.flush()
+def description():
+ '''method that is called when salomeTools is called with --help option.
+ :return: The text to display for the find_duplicates command description.
+ :rtype: str
+ '''
+ return _("The find_duplicates command search recursively for all duplicates"
+ " files in a the INSTALL directory (or the optionally given "
+ "directory) and prints the found files to the terminal.")
+def run(args, runner, logger):
+ '''method that is called when salomeTools is called with find_duplicates
+ parameter.
+ '''
+ # parse the arguments
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
+ # Determine the directory path where to search
+ # for duplicates files regarding the options
+ if options.path:
+ dir_path = options.path
+ else:
+ src.check_config_has_application(runner.cfg)
+ if options.sources:
+ dir_path = os.path.join(runner.cfg.APPLICATION.workdir, "SOURCES")
+ else:
+ dir_path = os.path.join(runner.cfg.APPLICATION.workdir, "INSTALL")
+ # Get the files to ignore during the searching
+ files_ignored = default_files_ignored
+ if options.exclude_file:
+ files_ignored = options.exclude_file
+ # Get the extension to ignore during the searching
+ extension_ignored = default_extension_ignored
+ if options.exclude_extension:
+ extension_ignored = options.exclude_extension
+ # Get the directory paths to ignore during the searching
+ directories_ignored = default_directories_ignored
+ if options.exclude_path:
+ directories_ignored = options.exclude_path
+ # Check the directory
+ if not(os.path.isdir(dir_path)):
+ msg = _("%s has to be a valid repository path." % dir_path)
+ logger.write(src.printcolors.printcError(msg), 1)
+ return 1
+ # Display some information
+ info = [(_("Directory"), dir_path),
+ (_("Ignored files"), files_ignored),
+ (_("Ignored extensions"), extension_ignored),
+ (_("Ignored directories"), directories_ignored)
+ ]
+ print_info(logger, info)
+ # Get all the files and paths
+ logger.write(_("Store all file paths ... "), 3)
+ logger.flush()
+ dic, fic = list_directory(dir_path,
+ extension_ignored,
+ files_ignored,
+ directories_ignored)
+ logger.write(src.printcolors.printcSuccess('OK\n'), 3)
+ # Eliminate all the singletons
+ len_fic = len(fic)
+ range_fic = range(0,len_fic)
+ range_fic.reverse()
+ my_bar = Progress_bar(_('Eliminate the files that are not duplicated'),
+ 0,
+ len_fic,
+ logger,
+ length = 50)
+ for i in range_fic:
+ my_bar.display_value_progression(len_fic - i)
+ if fic.count(fic[i])==1:
+ fic.remove(fic[i])
+ dic.remove(dic[i])
+ # Format the resulting variable to get a dictionary
+ logger.write(_("\n\nCompute the dict {files : [list of pathes]} ... "), 3)
+ fic.sort()
+ len_fic = len(fic)
+ rg_fic = range(0,len_fic)
+ rg_fic.reverse()
+ for i in rg_fic:
+ if fic[i-1] != fic[i]:
+ fic.remove(fic[i])
+ dic_fic_paths = {}
+ for fichier in fic:
+ the_file = fichier[0]
+ l_path = []
+ for fic_path in dic:
+ if fic_path[0] == the_file:
+ l_path.append(fic_path[1])
+ dic_fic_paths[the_file] = l_path
+ logger.write(src.printcolors.printcSuccess('OK\n'), 3)
+ # End the execution if no duplicates were found
+ if len(dic_fic_paths) == 0:
+ logger.write(_("No duplicate files found.\n"), 3)
+ return 0
+ # Check that there are no singletons in the result (it would be a bug)
+ for elem in dic_fic_paths:
+ if len(dic_fic_paths[elem])<2:
+ logger.write(_("Warning : element %s has not more than"
+ " two paths.\n") % elem, 3)
+ # Display the results
+ logger.write(src.printcolors.printcInfo(_('\nResults:\n\n')), 3)
+ max_file_name_lenght = max(map(lambda l: len(l), dic_fic_paths.keys()))
+ for fich in dic_fic_paths:
+ logger.write(src.printcolors.printcLabel(fich), 1)
+ sp = " " * (max_file_name_lenght - len(fich))
+ logger.write(sp, 1)
+ for rep in dic_fic_paths[fich]:
+ logger.write(rep, 1)
+ logger.write(" ", 1)
+ logger.write("\n", 1)
+ return 0