-# \ref f-visu
-# \ref f-p0p1
-# \ref f-number
+ -# \ref f-struct-ordering
\ref faq-python
-# \ref f-hellow
\section Answers
\subsection faq-general General questions
-\subsubsection f-newbie "I am a complete newbie, where should I start?"
+\subsubsection f-newbie I am a complete newbie, where should I start?
Take a look at the \ref start "getting started" section and the \ref tutorial.
-\subsubsection f-mehsf "What is a mesh, what is a field?"
+\subsubsection f-mehsf What is a mesh, what is a field?
Take a look at \ref terminology
-\subsubsection f-constel "What is a the difference between MED file, MEDCoupling and the SALOME MED module?"
+\subsubsection f-constel What is a the difference between MED file, MEDCoupling and the SALOME MED module?
Take a look at \ref library
-\subsubsection f-visu "How can I visualize a mesh and/or a field?"
+\subsubsection f-visu How can I visualize a mesh and/or a field?
Use the PARAVIS module of SALOME to visualize your MED file. The following dedicated fitlers have been
written specifically for MED files: Extract group, Extract cell types, ELNO Mesh, ELNO Points, ELNO Surface.
-\subsubsection f-p0p1 "What does a P0- (or P1-) field mean?"
+\subsubsection f-p0p1 What does a P0- (or P1-) field mean?
Take a look at \ref terminology
-\subsubsection f-number "What does surjective/old-2-new/new-2-old format mean?"
+\subsubsection f-number What does surjective/old-2-new/new-2-old format mean?
Take a look at \ref numbering
+\subsubsection f-struct-ordering What is the implicit numbering of a structured mesh?
+When converting a structured mesh to unstructured one, or when storing a field onto a structured
+mesh, the numbering convention detailed in \ref MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingStructuredMesh::buildUnstructured() is used.
\subsection faq-python MEDCoupling scripts in Python
\subsubsection f-hellow "Can you show me a simple example to get me started"
* Creates a new unstructured mesh (MEDCoupling1SGTUMesh) from \a this structured one.
+ *
+ * In the returned mesh, the nodes are ordered with the first axis varying first: (X0,Y0), (X1,Y0), ... (X0,Y1), (X1,Y1), ...
+ * and the cells are ordered with the same logic, i.e. in (i,j) notation: (0,0), (1,0), (2,0), ... (0,1), (1,1), ...
+ *
* \return MEDCouplingUMesh * - a new instance of MEDCouplingUMesh. The caller is to
* delete this array using decrRef() as it is no more needed.
* \throw If \a this->getMeshDimension() is not among [1,2,3].
* Creates a new unstructured mesh (MEDCouplingUMesh) from \a this structured one.
+ *
+ * In the returned mesh, the nodes are ordered with the first axis varying first: (X0,Y0), (X1,Y0), ... (X0,Y1), (X1,Y1), ...
+ * and the cells are ordered with the same logic, i.e. in (i,j) notation: (0,0), (1,0), (2,0), ... (0,1), (1,1), ...
+ *
* \return MEDCouplingUMesh * - a new instance of MEDCouplingUMesh. The caller is to
* delete this array using decrRef() as it is no more needed.
* \throw If \a this->getMeshDimension() is not among [1,2,3].