--- /dev/null
+def main():
+ #[project] NewGEOM
+ #[Scenario] Sketch_001
+ #[Topic]
+ #[Tested functionality]
+ #[Summary description]
+ #[Expected results]
+ #[General comments]
+ source(findFile("scripts", "common.py"))
+ #[section] Application start
+ #[step] Launch SALOME
+ startApplication("salome_run.sh")
+ set_defaults()
+ #[step] Open 'for_sketch_004.hdf'
+ open(DATA_PATH + "for_sketch_004.hdf")
+ #[step] Activate NewGeom
+ clickButton(waitForObject(":SALOME 7.6.0.NewGeom_QToolButton"))
+ #[step] Activate Part_1
+ waitForObjectItem(":Object browser_XGUI_DataTree_2", "Part\\_1")
+ clickItem(":Object browser_XGUI_DataTree_2", "Part\\_1", 51, 7, 0, Qt.LeftButton)
+ openItemContextMenu(waitForObject(":Object browser_XGUI_DataTree_2"), "Part\\_1", 51, 7, 0)
+ activateItem(waitForObjectItem(":_QMenu", "Activate"))
+ #[step] Edit Sketch_1
+ waitForObjectItem(":Object browser_XGUI_DataTree_2", "Part\\_1.Sketch\\_1")
+ clickItem(":Object browser_XGUI_DataTree_2", "Part\\_1.Sketch\\_1", 54, 11, 0, Qt.LeftButton)
+ openItemContextMenu(waitForObject(":Object browser_XGUI_DataTree_2"), "Part\\_1.Sketch\\_1", 54, 11, 0)
+ activateItem(waitForObjectItem(":_QMenu", "Edit..."))
+ #[step] Click '+OY' view button
+ clickButton(waitForObject(":SALOME*.+OY_QToolButton"))
+ #[step] Set constraint 'Distance' between circle and point
+ distance((44, 224), (601, 259), (561, 195))
+ #[check] Check that constraint has been set
+ test.vp("VP1")
+ #[step] Change distance to 500
+ change_distance((324, 176), 500)
+ #[check] Check that distance is 500
+ test.vp("VP2")
+ #[step] Delete constraint
+ mouseClick(waitForObject(":SALOME*.3D View Operations_OCCViewer_ViewPort3d"), 302, 270, 0, Qt.LeftButton)
+ mouseClick(waitForObject(":SALOME*.3D View Operations_OCCViewer_ViewPort3d"), 326, 181, 0, Qt.LeftButton)
+ type(waitForObject(":SALOME*.3D View Operations_OCCViewer_ViewPort3d"), "<Del>")
+ #[check] Check that constraint has been removed
+ test.vp("VP3")
+ #[step] Close application
+ close_application()
+ #[section]
+ #[step]
+ #[step]
+ #[comment]
+ #[check]