<li>specify the axis (point and vector) around which the elements will
be revolved,</li>
-<li>angle of rotation,</li>
-<li>number of steps,</li>
+<li>angle of rotation and number of steps,</li>
+<ul> <li> Angle by Step - the elements are extruded by the specified angle at each step (i.e. for Angle=30 and Number of Steps=2, the elements will be extruded
+ by 30 degrees twice for a total of 30*2=60)</li>
+\image html revolutionsn2.png
+<li> Total Angle - the elements are extruded by the specified angle only once and the number of steps defines the number of iterations
+(i.e.for Angle=30 and Number of Steps=2, the elements will be extruded by 30/2=15 degrees twice for a total of 30). </li>
+\image html revolutionsn1.png
<li>tolerance of rotation</li>
+<li> <b>Preview</b> checkbox allows showing the results of parameter-setting in the viewer </li>
<li> <b>Generate Groups</b> checkbox allows copying the groups of
elements of the source mesh to the newly created one. </li>
<li>Click the \b Apply or \b OK button.</li>
-\image html image78.jpg
<br><b>See Also</b> a sample TUI Script of a
\ref tui_revolution "Revolution" operation.