#include <QtxDialog.h>
- Descr: LightApp help about dialog
class QLabel;
+ \class LightApp_AboutDlg
+ LightApp help about dialog
class LIGHTAPP_EXPORT LightApp_AboutDlg : public QtxDialog
class QString;
+ \class LightApp_Displayer
+ Uniform mechanism of display/erase of objects in different views.
+ Objects are specified by string entry
class LightApp_Displayer : public SALOME_Displayer
#include <string>
#include <GLViewer_Object.h>
+ \class LightApp_GLSelector
+ Custom selector to get/set selection from GL viewer
class LIGHTAPP_EXPORT LightApp_GLSelector : public SUIT_Selector
class QLabel;
class QPushButton;
+ \class LightApp_ModuleDlg
+ Dialog allows to choose action on module activation when there is no document.
+ It is possible to create new document, to open existing or to cancel module activation
class LIGHTAPP_EXPORT LightApp_ModuleDlg : public QDialog
class LightApp_SelectionMgr;
+ \class LightApp_OBFilter
+ Custom Object Browser filter, that checks correctness of object by all filters set in selection manager
class LIGHTAPP_EXPORT LightApp_OBFilter: public OB_Filter
class OB_Browser;
class LightApp_DataObject;
+ \class LightApp_OBSelector
+ Custom selector to get/set selection from object browser
class LIGHTAPP_EXPORT LightApp_OBSelector : public SUIT_Selector
class Handle_AIS_InteractiveObject;
+ \class LightApp_OCCSelector
+ Custom selector to get/set selection from OCC viewer
class LIGHTAPP_EXPORT LightApp_OCCSelector : public SUIT_Selector
class QtxResourceMgr;
+ \class LightApp_Preferences
+ Custom preference container. Assign each preference category with module.
+ Emits signal on preference changing
class LIGHTAPP_EXPORT LightApp_Preferences : public QtxListResourceEdit
class LightApp_Preferences;
+ \class LightApp_PreferencesDlg
+ Dialog for preferences edition
class LIGHTAPP_EXPORT LightApp_PreferencesDlg : public QtxDialog
class LightApp_Study;
class SUIT_ViewWindow;
+ \class LightApp_Selection
+ Custom selection class, allowing to build popup with rules on the base
+ of owners selected in all selectors (popup client has more priority).
+ It is able to return values of standard object properties
+ (isVisible,isComponent,canBeDisplayed,isReference, etc)
class LIGHTAPP_EXPORT LightApp_Selection : public QtxPopupMgr::Selection
class LightApp_Application;
+ Custom selection manager, allowing to work with object selection
+ (additionally to data owners) and to access to sub-selection of objects
class LIGHTAPP_EXPORT LightApp_SelectionMgr : public SUIT_SelectionMgr
#include "LightApp_Operation.h"
class LightApp_Displayer;
+ \class LightApp_ShowHideOp
+ Standard operation allowing to show/hide selected objects
+ corresponding to any module with help of module displayer
class LIGHTAPP_EXPORT LightApp_ShowHideOp : public LightApp_Operation
class SUIT_Application;
class CAM_DataModel;
+ Custom study, using for open/close of documents HDF format.
+ Data of each module can be saved to different files, those
+ after that are combined into one HDF file
class LIGHTAPP_EXPORT LightApp_Study : public CAM_Study
- Provide vtk selection of data owners.
+ \class LightApp_VTKSelector
+ Custom selector to get/set selection from object browser
class LIGHTAPP_EXPORT LightApp_VTKSelector : public SUIT_Selector
class Standard_Transient;
class Handle_Standard_Type;
+ \class Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)
+ Smart pointer (handle) to AIS_InteractiveObject
class Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject);
class SALOME_AISObject;
Standard_EXPORT Handle_Standard_Type& STANDARD_TYPE(SALOME_AISObject);
+ \class Handle(SALOME_AISObject)
+ Smart pointer (handle) to SALOME_AISObject
class Handle(SALOME_AISObject) : public Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) {
inline void* operator new(size_t,void* anAddress)
class Standard_Transient;
class Handle_Standard_Type;
+ \class Handle(AIS_Shape)
+ Smart pointer (handle) to AIS_Shape
class Handle(AIS_Shape);
class SALOME_AISShape;
Standard_EXPORT Handle_Standard_Type& STANDARD_TYPE(SALOME_AISShape);
+ \class Handle(SALOME_AISShape)
+ Smart pointer (handle) to SALOME_AISShape
class Handle(SALOME_AISShape) : public Handle(AIS_Shape) {
inline void* operator new(size_t,void* anAddress)
class Standard_Transient;
class Handle_Standard_Type;
+ \class Handle(MMgt_TShared)
+ Smart pointer (handle) to MMgt_TShared
class Handle(MMgt_TShared);
class SALOME_Filter;
Standard_EXPORT Handle_Standard_Type& STANDARD_TYPE(SALOME_Filter);
+ \class Handle(SALOME_Filter)
+ Smart pointer (handle) to SALOME_Filter
class Handle(SALOME_Filter) : public Handle(MMgt_TShared) {
inline void* operator new(size_t,void* anAddress)
class Standard_Transient;
class Handle_Standard_Type;
+ \class Handle(MMgt_TShared)
+ Smart pointer (handle) to MMgt_TShared
class Handle(MMgt_TShared);
class SALOME_InteractiveObject;
Standard_EXPORT Handle_Standard_Type& STANDARD_TYPE(SALOME_InteractiveObject);
+ \class Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)
+ Smart pointer (handle) to SALOME_InteractiveObject
class Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) : public Handle(MMgt_TShared) {
void* operator new(size_t,void* anAddress)
class Standard_Transient;
class Handle_Standard_Type;
+ \class Handle(TCollection_MapNode)
+ Smart pointer (handle) to TCollection_MapNode
class Handle(TCollection_MapNode);
class SALOME_ListNodeOfListIO;
Standard_EXPORT Handle_Standard_Type& STANDARD_TYPE(SALOME_ListNodeOfListIO);
+ \class Handle(SALOME_ListNodeOfListIO)
+ Smart pointer (handle) to SALOME_ListNodeOfListIO
class Handle(SALOME_ListNodeOfListIO) : public Handle(TCollection_MapNode) {
void* operator new(size_t,void* anAddress)
class Standard_Transient;
class Handle_Standard_Type;
+ \class Handle(SALOME_Filter)
+ Smart pointer (handle) to SALOME_Filter
class Handle(SALOME_Filter);
class SALOME_TypeFilter;
Standard_EXPORT Handle_Standard_Type& STANDARD_TYPE(SALOME_TypeFilter);
+ \class Handle(SALOME_TypeFilter)
+ Smart pointer (handle) to SALOME_TypeFilter
class Handle(SALOME_TypeFilter) : public Handle(SALOME_Filter) {
inline void* operator new(size_t,void* anAddress)
#include <Standard_Macro.hxx>
+ \class SALOME_ListIO
+ List of SALOME interactive objects
class SALOME_ListIO {
class SALOME_ListIO;
class SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO;
+ \class SALOME_ListNodeOfListIO
+ Auxiliary class, represents list node for SALOME_ListIO
class SALOME_ListNodeOfListIO : public TCollection_MapNode {
+ Sets pixmap of splash screen
+ \param pix - new pixmap
void InquireServersGUI::setPixmap( QPixmap pix )
if ( !pix.isNull() )
delete myThread;
+ Gets parameters from qApp
+ \param _argc - variable to return number of arguments
+ \param _argv - variable to return array of arguments
void InquireServersGUI::getArgs( int& _argc, char *** _argv)
_argc = qApp->argc();
qApp->exit( 1 );
+ Custom event filter
void InquireServersGUI::customEvent( QCustomEvent* pe )
switch( pe->type() )
+ \return status of thread exit
int InquireServersGUI::getExitStatus()
return myThread->getExitStatus();
+ The main loop of this thread
void InquireServersQThread::run()
while ( IsChecking && receiver )
qApp->exit( myExitStatus );
+ Stops this thread
void InquireServersQThread::stop()
IsChecking = false;
mapOfListOfFiles[componentName] = theListOfFiles;
+ \return shared instance of engine
SalomeApp_Engine_i* SalomeApp_Engine_i::GetInstance()
return myInstance;