#include <TopoDS_Vertex.hxx>
#include <TopoDS_Iterator.hxx>
+#include <BRepGProp.hxx>
+#include <GProp_GProps.hxx>
#include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
#include <BRep_Builder.hxx>
#include <BRepTools.hxx>
#include <BRepAdaptor_Curve2d.hxx>
#include <BRepTopAdaptor_FClass2d.hxx>
+#include <BRepClass_FaceClassifier.hxx>
#include <ElSLib.hxx>
#include <Geom_Circle.hxx>
#include <Geom_TrimmedCurve.hxx>
#include <Geom_SphericalSurface.hxx>
#include <Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface.hxx>
#include <Geom_Curve.hxx>
#include <Geom_Surface.hxx>
//purpose :
+: myTolerance(Precision::Confusion()),
+ mySmallRotation(Standard_True)
myTolerance = Tol;
+//function : SetTrySmallRotation
+//purpose :
+void BlockFix_SphereSpaceModifier::SetTrySmallRotation(const Standard_Boolean isSmallRotation)
+ mySmallRotation = isSmallRotation;
//function : NewSurface
//purpose :
static Standard_Boolean ModifySurface(const TopoDS_Face& theFace,
const Handle(Geom_Surface)& theSurface,
- Handle(Geom_Surface)& theNewSurface)
+ Handle(Geom_Surface)& theNewSurface,
+ const Standard_Boolean theTrySmallRotation)
- TopoDS_Face aFace = theFace;
- aFace.Orientation (TopAbs_FORWARD);
- Handle(Geom_Surface) aNewSurface;
Handle(Geom_Surface) aSurf = theSurface;
if (aSurf->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface))) {
Handle(Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface) RTS =
aSurf = RTS->BasisSurface();
- if (aSurf->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_SphericalSurface))) {
- Standard_Real Umin, Umax, Vmin, Vmax;
- BRepTools::UVBounds(aFace, Umin, Umax, Vmin, Vmax);
- Standard_Real PI2 = M_PI/2.;
- Handle(Geom_SphericalSurface) aSphere = Handle(Geom_SphericalSurface)::DownCast(aSurf);
- gp_Sphere sp = aSphere->Sphere();
- Standard_Real Radius = sp.Radius();
- gp_Ax3 ax3 = sp.Position();
- gp_Pnt aCentre = sp.Location();
- TopoDS_Wire aWire = BRepTools::OuterWire (aFace);
- BRepTopAdaptor_FClass2d aClassifier (aFace, Precision::PConfusion());
- TopTools_MapOfShape aEmap;
- const Standard_Real anOffsetValue = 0.01*M_PI;
- for (Standard_Integer ii = 1; ii <= 2; ii++)
- {
- TopoDS_Iterator itw (aWire);
- for (; itw.More(); itw.Next())
- {
- const TopoDS_Edge& anEdge = TopoDS::Edge (itw.Value());
- if (aEmap.Contains (anEdge) ||
- anEdge.Orientation() == TopAbs_INTERNAL ||
- anEdge.Orientation() == TopAbs_EXTERNAL ||
- BRep_Tool::Degenerated (anEdge) ||
- BRepTools::IsReallyClosed (anEdge, aFace))
- continue;
- BRepAdaptor_Curve2d aBAcurve2d (anEdge, aFace);
- GeomAbs_CurveType aType = aBAcurve2d.GetType();
- if (ii == 1 && aType == GeomAbs_Line) //first pass: consider only curvilinear edges
- continue;
- Standard_Real aMidPar = (aBAcurve2d.FirstParameter() + aBAcurve2d.LastParameter())/2;
- gp_Pnt2d aMidP2d;
- gp_Vec2d aTangent;
- aBAcurve2d.D1 (aMidPar, aMidP2d, aTangent);
- if (anEdge.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED)
- aTangent.Reverse();
- aTangent.Normalize();
- gp_Vec2d aNormal (aTangent.Y(), -aTangent.X());
- aNormal *= anOffsetValue;
- gp_Pnt2d anUpperPole = aMidP2d.Translated (aNormal);
- if (anUpperPole.Y() < -PI2 || anUpperPole.Y() > PI2)
- {
- aEmap.Add(anEdge);
- continue;
- }
- if (anUpperPole.X() < 0.)
- anUpperPole.SetX (anUpperPole.X() + 2.*M_PI);
- else if (anUpperPole.X() > 2.*M_PI)
- anUpperPole.SetX (anUpperPole.X() - 2.*M_PI);
- TopAbs_State aStatus = aClassifier.Perform (anUpperPole);
- if (aStatus != TopAbs_OUT)
- {
- aEmap.Add(anEdge);
- continue;
- }
- gp_Pnt anUpperPole3d = aSphere->Value (anUpperPole.X(), anUpperPole.Y());
- gp_Vec aVec (aCentre, anUpperPole3d);
- aVec.Reverse();
- gp_Pnt aLowerPole3d = aCentre.Translated (aVec);
- Standard_Real aU, aV;
- ElSLib::Parameters (sp, aLowerPole3d, aU, aV);
- gp_Pnt2d aLowerPole (aU, aV);
- aStatus = aClassifier.Perform (aLowerPole);
- if (aStatus != TopAbs_OUT)
- {
- aEmap.Add(anEdge);
- continue;
+ if (!aSurf->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_SphericalSurface)))
+ return Standard_False;
+ Standard_Real PI2 = M_PI/2.;
+ Handle(Geom_SphericalSurface) aSphere = Handle(Geom_SphericalSurface)::DownCast(aSurf);
+ gp_Sphere sp = aSphere->Sphere();
+ Standard_Real Radius = sp.Radius();
+ Standard_Real Umin, Umax, Vmin, Vmax;
+ // try with small rotation (old implementation, giving better result in some cases
+ if (theTrySmallRotation) {
+ BRepTools::UVBounds(theFace, Umin, Umax, Vmin, Vmax);
+ if (Vmax > PI2 - Precision::PConfusion() || Vmin < -PI2 + Precision::PConfusion()) {
+ //modified by jgv, 12.11.2012 for issue 21777//
+ Standard_Real HalfArea = 2.*M_PI*Radius*Radius;
+ GProp_GProps Properties;
+ BRepGProp::SurfaceProperties(theFace, Properties);
+ Standard_Real anArea = Properties.Mass();
+ Standard_Real AreaTol = Radius*Radius*1.e-6;
+ if (anArea < HalfArea - AreaTol) { // a chance to avoid singularity
+ gp_Ax3 ax3 = sp.Position();
+ if (Abs(Vmax-Vmin) < PI2) {
+ gp_Ax3 axnew3 (ax3.Axis().Location(), ax3.Direction()^ax3.XDirection(), ax3.XDirection());
+ sp.SetPosition(axnew3);
+ Handle(Geom_SphericalSurface) aNewSphere = new Geom_SphericalSurface(sp);
+ theNewSurface = aNewSphere;
+ return Standard_True;
- //Build a meridian
- gp_Vec anUp (aCentre, anUpperPole3d);
- anUp.Normalize();
- gp_Pnt aMidPnt = aSphere->Value (aMidP2d.X(), aMidP2d.Y());
- gp_Vec aMidOnEdge (aCentre, aMidPnt);
- aMidOnEdge.Normalize();
- gp_Vec AxisOfCircle = anUp ^ aMidOnEdge;
- gp_Vec XDirOfCircle = anUp ^ AxisOfCircle;
- gp_Ax2 anAxis (aCentre, AxisOfCircle, XDirOfCircle);
- Handle(Geom_Circle) aCircle = new Geom_Circle (anAxis, Radius);
- Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve) aMeridian = new Geom_TrimmedCurve (aCircle, -PI2, PI2);
- //Check the meridian
- Standard_Boolean IsInnerPointFound = Standard_False;
- Standard_Integer NbSamples = 10;
- Standard_Real aDelta = M_PI / NbSamples;
- for (Standard_Integer jj = 1; jj < NbSamples; jj++)
- {
- Standard_Real aParam = -PI2 + jj*aDelta;
- gp_Pnt aPnt = aMeridian->Value (aParam);
- ElSLib::Parameters (sp, aPnt, aU, aV);
- gp_Pnt2d aP2d (aU, aV);
- aStatus = aClassifier.Perform (aP2d);
- if (aStatus != TopAbs_OUT)
- {
- IsInnerPointFound = Standard_True;
- break;
+ else {
+ gp_Pnt PC = ax3.Location();
+ Standard_Real Vpar;
+ if (fabs(PI2-Vmax) > fabs(-PI2-Vmin))
+ Vpar = (PI2+Vmax)/2.;
+ else
+ Vpar = (-PI2+Vmin)/2.;
+ Standard_Real Upar = (Umin+Umax)/2.;
+ gp_Pnt PN,PX;
+ aSurf->D0(Upar,Vpar,PN);
+ aSurf->D0(Upar+PI2,0.,PX);
+ gp_Dir newNorm(gp_Vec(PC,PN));
+ gp_Dir newDirX(gp_Vec(PC,PX));
+ gp_Ax3 axnew3(ax3.Axis().Location(), newNorm, newDirX);
+ sp.SetPosition(axnew3);
+ // check if both new poles are outside theFace
+ gp_Pnt LP; // lowest pole (opposite to PN)
+ aSurf->D0(Upar + M_PI, -Vpar, LP);
+ BRepClass_FaceClassifier aClsf (theFace, LP, Precision::PConfusion());
+ if (aClsf.State() != TopAbs_IN && aClsf.State() != TopAbs_ON) {
+ Handle(Geom_SphericalSurface) aNewSphere = new Geom_SphericalSurface(sp);
+ theNewSurface = aNewSphere;
+ return Standard_True;
- if (IsInnerPointFound)
- {
- aEmap.Add(anEdge);
- continue;
- }
- gp_Ax3 anAxisOfNewSphere (aCentre, anUp, XDirOfCircle);
- aNewSurface = new Geom_SphericalSurface (anAxisOfNewSphere, Radius);
- break;
- } //for (; itw.More(); itw.Next()) (iteration on outer wire)
- if (!aNewSurface.IsNull())
- break;
- } //for (Standard_Integer ii = 1; ii <= 2; ii++) (two passes)
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // no rotation needed
+ return Standard_False;
+ }
- if (aNewSurface.IsNull())
- return Standard_False;
+ // try with big rotation (new implementation)
+ TopoDS_Face aFace = theFace;
+ aFace.Orientation (TopAbs_FORWARD);
+ BRepTools::UVBounds(aFace, Umin, Umax, Vmin, Vmax);
+ gp_Pnt aCentre = sp.Location();
+ TopoDS_Wire aWire = BRepTools::OuterWire (aFace);
+ BRepTopAdaptor_FClass2d aClassifier (aFace, Precision::PConfusion());
+ TopTools_MapOfShape aEmap;
+ const Standard_Real anOffsetValue = 0.01*M_PI;
+ for (Standard_Integer ii = 1; ii <= 2; ii++) {
+ TopoDS_Iterator itw (aWire);
+ for (; itw.More(); itw.Next()) {
+ const TopoDS_Edge& anEdge = TopoDS::Edge (itw.Value());
+ if (aEmap.Contains (anEdge) ||
+ anEdge.Orientation() == TopAbs_INTERNAL ||
+ anEdge.Orientation() == TopAbs_EXTERNAL ||
+ BRep_Tool::Degenerated (anEdge) ||
+ BRepTools::IsReallyClosed (anEdge, aFace))
+ continue;
+ BRepAdaptor_Curve2d aBAcurve2d (anEdge, aFace);
+ GeomAbs_CurveType aType = aBAcurve2d.GetType();
+ if (ii == 1 && aType == GeomAbs_Line) //first pass: consider only curvilinear edges
+ continue;
+ Standard_Real aMidPar = (aBAcurve2d.FirstParameter() + aBAcurve2d.LastParameter())/2;
+ gp_Pnt2d aMidP2d;
+ gp_Vec2d aTangent;
+ aBAcurve2d.D1 (aMidPar, aMidP2d, aTangent);
+ if (anEdge.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED)
+ aTangent.Reverse();
+ aTangent.Normalize();
+ gp_Vec2d aNormal (aTangent.Y(), -aTangent.X());
+ aNormal *= anOffsetValue;
+ gp_Pnt2d anUpperPole = aMidP2d.Translated (aNormal);
+ if (anUpperPole.Y() < -PI2 || anUpperPole.Y() > PI2) {
+ aEmap.Add(anEdge);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (anUpperPole.X() < 0.)
+ anUpperPole.SetX (anUpperPole.X() + 2.*M_PI);
+ else if (anUpperPole.X() > 2.*M_PI)
+ anUpperPole.SetX (anUpperPole.X() - 2.*M_PI);
+ TopAbs_State aStatus = aClassifier.Perform (anUpperPole);
+ if (aStatus != TopAbs_OUT) {
+ aEmap.Add(anEdge);
+ continue;
+ }
+ gp_Pnt anUpperPole3d = aSphere->Value (anUpperPole.X(), anUpperPole.Y());
+ gp_Vec aVec (aCentre, anUpperPole3d);
+ aVec.Reverse();
+ gp_Pnt aLowerPole3d = aCentre.Translated (aVec);
+ Standard_Real aU, aV;
+ ElSLib::Parameters (sp, aLowerPole3d, aU, aV);
+ gp_Pnt2d aLowerPole (aU, aV);
+ aStatus = aClassifier.Perform (aLowerPole);
+ if (aStatus != TopAbs_OUT) {
+ aEmap.Add(anEdge);
+ continue;
+ }
+ //Build a meridian
+ gp_Vec anUp (aCentre, anUpperPole3d);
+ anUp.Normalize();
+ gp_Pnt aMidPnt = aSphere->Value (aMidP2d.X(), aMidP2d.Y());
+ gp_Vec aMidOnEdge (aCentre, aMidPnt);
+ aMidOnEdge.Normalize();
+ gp_Vec AxisOfCircle = anUp ^ aMidOnEdge;
+ gp_Vec XDirOfCircle = anUp ^ AxisOfCircle;
+ gp_Ax2 anAxis (aCentre, AxisOfCircle, XDirOfCircle);
+ Handle(Geom_Circle) aCircle = new Geom_Circle (anAxis, Radius);
+ Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve) aMeridian = new Geom_TrimmedCurve (aCircle, -PI2, PI2);
+ //Check the meridian
+ Standard_Boolean IsInnerPointFound = Standard_False;
+ Standard_Integer NbSamples = 10;
+ Standard_Real aDelta = M_PI / NbSamples;
+ for (Standard_Integer jj = 1; jj < NbSamples; jj++) {
+ Standard_Real aParam = -PI2 + jj*aDelta;
+ gp_Pnt aPnt = aMeridian->Value (aParam);
+ ElSLib::Parameters (sp, aPnt, aU, aV);
+ gp_Pnt2d aP2d (aU, aV);
+ aStatus = aClassifier.Perform (aP2d);
+ if (aStatus != TopAbs_OUT) {
+ IsInnerPointFound = Standard_True;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (IsInnerPointFound) {
+ aEmap.Add(anEdge);
+ continue;
+ }
+ gp_Ax3 anAxisOfNewSphere (aCentre, anUp, XDirOfCircle);
+ theNewSurface = new Geom_SphericalSurface (anAxisOfNewSphere, Radius);
+ break;
+ } //for (; itw.More(); itw.Next()) (iteration on outer wire)
+ if (!theNewSurface.IsNull())
+ break;
+ } //for (Standard_Integer ii = 1; ii <= 2; ii++) (two passes)
- theNewSurface = aNewSurface;
- return Standard_True;
+ return (!theNewSurface.IsNull());
Standard_Boolean BlockFix_SphereSpaceModifier::NewSurface(const TopoDS_Face& F,
- Handle(Geom_Surface)& S,
- TopLoc_Location& L,Standard_Real& Tol,
- Standard_Boolean& RevWires,
- Standard_Boolean& RevFace)
+ Handle(Geom_Surface)& S,
+ TopLoc_Location& L,
+ Standard_Real& Tol,
+ Standard_Boolean& RevWires,
+ Standard_Boolean& RevFace)
TopLoc_Location LS;
Handle(Geom_Surface) SIni = BRep_Tool::Surface(F, LS);
//check if pole of the sphere in the parametric space
- if(ModifySurface(F, SIni, S)) {
+ if (ModifySurface(F, SIni, S, mySmallRotation)) {
RevWires = Standard_False;
RevFace = Standard_False;
# Module : GEOM
# ! Please, if you edit this example file, update also
-# ! GEOM_SRC/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_test_others.doc
+# ! GEOM/doc/salome/gui/GEOM/input/tui_test_others.doc
# ! as some sequences of symbols from this example are used during
# ! documentation generation to identify certain places of this file
import os
import GEOM
+import tempfile
def TestExportImport (geompy, shape):
print("Test Export/Import ...", end=' ')
- tmpDir = os.getenv("TEMP")
- if tmpDir == None:
- tmpDir = "/tmp"
- # Files for Export/Import testing
- fileExportImport = tmpDir + "/testExportImport.brep"
- fileExportImportBREP = tmpDir + "/testExportImportBREP.brep"
- fileExportImportIGES = tmpDir + "/testExportImportIGES.iges"
- fileExportImportSTEP = tmpDir + "/testExportImportSTEP.step"
- if os.access(fileExportImport, os.F_OK):
- if os.access(fileExportImport, os.W_OK):
- os.remove(fileExportImport)
- else:
- fileExportImport = tmpDir + "/testExportImport1.brep"
- if os.access(fileExportImportBREP, os.W_OK):
- os.remove(fileExportImportBREP)
- else:
- fileExportImportBREP = tmpDir + "/testExportImportBREP1.brep"
- if os.access(fileExportImportIGES, os.W_OK):
- os.remove(fileExportImportIGES)
- else:
- fileExportImportIGES = tmpDir + "/testExportImportIGES1.iges"
- if os.access(fileExportImportSTEP, os.W_OK):
- os.remove(fileExportImportSTEP)
- else:
- fileExportImportSTEP = tmpDir + "/testExportImportSTEP1.step"
- # Export
- geompy.Export(shape, fileExportImport, "BREP")
- # ExportBREP, ExportIGES, ExportSTEP
- geompy.ExportBREP(shape, fileExportImportBREP)
- geompy.ExportIGES(shape, fileExportImportIGES)
- geompy.ExportSTEP(shape, fileExportImportSTEP)
- # Import
- Import = geompy.ImportFile(fileExportImport, "BREP")
- geompy.addToStudy(Import, "Import")
- # ImportBREP, ImportIGES, ImportSTEP
- ImportBREP = geompy.ImportBREP(fileExportImportBREP)
- ImportIGES = geompy.ImportIGES(fileExportImportIGES)
- ImportSTEP = geompy.ImportSTEP(fileExportImportSTEP)
- geompy.addToStudy(ImportBREP, "ImportBREP")
- geompy.addToStudy(ImportIGES, "ImportIGES")
- geompy.addToStudy(ImportSTEP, "ImportSTEP")
- # GetIGESUnit and GetSTEPUnit
- if geompy.GetIGESUnit(fileExportImportIGES) != "M":
- ImportIGES_scaled = geompy.ImportIGES(fileExportImportIGES, True)
- geompy.addToStudy(ImportIGES_scaled, "ImportIGES_scaled")
- if geompy.GetSTEPUnit(fileExportImportSTEP) != "M":
- ImportSTEP_scaled = geompy.ImportSTEP(fileExportImportSTEP, True)
- geompy.addToStudy(ImportSTEP_scaled, "ImportSTEP_scaled")
- # Remove files for Export/Import testing
- os.remove(fileExportImport)
- os.remove(fileExportImportBREP)
- os.remove(fileExportImportIGES)
- os.remove(fileExportImportSTEP)
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpDir:
+ # Files for Export/Import testing
+ fileExportImportBREP = os.path.join(tmpDir, "testExportImportBREP.brep")
+ fileExportImportIGES = os.path.join(tmpDir, "testExportImportIGES.iges")
+ fileExportImportSTEP = os.path.join(tmpDir, "testExportImportSTEP.step")
+ # ExportBREP, ExportIGES, ExportSTEP
+ geompy.ExportBREP(shape, fileExportImportBREP)
+ geompy.ExportIGES(shape, fileExportImportIGES)
+ geompy.ExportSTEP(shape, fileExportImportSTEP)
+ # ImportBREP, ImportIGES, ImportSTEP
+ ImportBREP = geompy.ImportBREP(fileExportImportBREP)
+ ImportIGES = geompy.ImportIGES(fileExportImportIGES)
+ ImportSTEP = geompy.ImportSTEP(fileExportImportSTEP)
+ geompy.addToStudy(ImportBREP, "ImportBREP")
+ geompy.addToStudy(ImportIGES, "ImportIGES")
+ geompy.addToStudy(ImportSTEP, "ImportSTEP")
+ # GetIGESUnit and GetSTEPUnit
+ if geompy.GetIGESUnit(fileExportImportIGES) != "M":
+ ImportIGES_scaled = geompy.ImportIGES(fileExportImportIGES, True)
+ geompy.addToStudy(ImportIGES_scaled, "ImportIGES_scaled")
+ pass
+ if geompy.GetSTEPUnit(fileExportImportSTEP) != "M":
+ ImportSTEP_scaled = geompy.ImportSTEP(fileExportImportSTEP, True)
+ geompy.addToStudy(ImportSTEP_scaled, "ImportSTEP_scaled")
+ pass
+ pass
# Test RestoreShape from binary BRep stream
aStream = shape.GetShapeStream()
p100 = geompy.MakeVertex(100, 100, 100)
p300 = geompy.MakeVertex(300, 300, 300)
Box1 = geompy.MakeBoxTwoPnt(p100, p300)
- #Partition = geompy.Partition([Box], [Box1], [], [Box])
Partition = geompy.Partition([Box], [Box1])
id_Partition = geompy.addToStudy(Partition, "Partition of Box by Box1")
# NumberOf
NumberOfFaces = geompy.NumberOfFaces(Box)
- if NumberOfFaces != 6:
- print("Bad number of faces in BOX!")
NumberOfEdges = geompy.NumberOfEdges(Box)
- if NumberOfEdges != 12:
- print("Bad number of edges in BOX!")
NumberOfSolids = geompy.NumberOfSolids(Box)
- if NumberOfSolids != 1:
- print("Bad number of solids in BOX!")
NumberOfShapes = geompy.NumberOfSubShapes(Box, geompy.ShapeType["SHAPE"])
- if NumberOfShapes != 34:
- print("Bad number of shapes in BOX!")
+ assert (NumberOfFaces == 6), "Bad number of faces in BOX!"
+ assert (NumberOfEdges == 12), "Bad number of edges in BOX!"
+ assert (NumberOfSolids == 1), "Bad number of solids in BOX!"
+ assert (NumberOfShapes == 34), "Bad number of shapes in BOX!"
# MakeBlockExplode
Compound = geompy.MakeCompound([Box, Sphere])
Cyl = geompy.MakeCylinderRH(50, 300)
Cone = geompy.MakeConeR1R2H(150, 10, 400)
- Compound1 = geompy.MakeCompound([Box, Cyl, Cone, Box3, Box2])
+ Compound1 = geompy.MakeCompound([Box, Cyl, Cone, Box3, Box2], "Compound1")
+ print("Printing errors of not valid Blocks Compound (EXPECTED):")
IsValid = geompy.CheckCompoundOfBlocks(Compound1)
- if IsValid == 0:
- print("The Blocks Compound is NOT VALID")
- (NonBlocks, NonQuads) = geompy.GetNonBlocks(Compound1)
- if NonBlocks is not None:
- geompy.addToStudyInFather(Compound1, NonBlocks, "Group of non-hexahedral solids")
- if NonQuads is not None:
- geompy.addToStudyInFather(Compound1, NonQuads, "Group of non-quadrangular faces")
- else:
- print("The Blocks Compound is VALID")
+ # This Blocks Compound is NOT VALID
+ assert (not IsValid)
+ (NonBlocks, NonQuads) = geompy.GetNonBlocks(Compound1)
+ if NonBlocks is not None:
+ geompy.addToStudyInFather(Compound1, NonBlocks, "Group of non-hexahedral solids")
+ if NonQuads is not None:
+ geompy.addToStudyInFather(Compound1, NonQuads, "Group of non-quadrangular faces")
IsValid = geompy.CheckCompoundOfBlocks(Box)
- if IsValid == 0:
- print("The Box is NOT VALID")
- else:
- print("The Box is VALID")
+ assert (IsValid) # Box is a VALID Blocks Compound
# GetSame
Cone_ss = geompy.GetSame(Compound1, Cone)
# GetObjectIDs
GetObjectIDs = geompy.GetObjectIDs(CreateGroup)
- print("Group of Box's faces includes the following IDs:")
- print("(must be ", f_ind_6, ", ", f_ind_3, " and ", f_ind_5, ")")
- for ObjectID in GetObjectIDs:
- print(" ", ObjectID)
+ assert (sorted(GetObjectIDs) == sorted([f_ind_6, f_ind_3, f_ind_5]))
# GetMainShape
BoxCopy = geompy.GetMainShape(CreateGroup)
# Check
GetObjectIDs = geompy.GetObjectIDs(CreateGroup)
- print("Group of Box's faces includes the following IDs:")
- print("(must be ", f_ind_6, ", ", f_ind_1, " and ", f_ind_2, ")")
- for ObjectID in GetObjectIDs:
- print(" ", ObjectID)
+ assert (sorted(GetObjectIDs) == sorted([f_ind_6, f_ind_1, f_ind_2]))
# Boolean Operations on Groups (Union, Intersection, Cut)
Group_1 = geompy.CreateGroup(Box, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])
geompy.addToStudyInFather(Box, Group_C_2_4, 'Group_C_2_4')
geompy.addToStudyInFather(Box, Group_CL_2_4, 'Group_CL_2_4')
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # enumeration ShapeTypeString as a dictionary
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ShapeTypeString = {'0':"COMPOUND", '1':"COMPSOLID", '2':"SOLID", '3':"SHELL",
- '4':"FACE", '5':"WIRE", '6':"EDGE", '7':"VERTEX", '8':"SHAPE"}
GroupType = geompy.GetType(CreateGroup)
- print("Type of elements of the created group is ", ShapeTypeString[repr(GroupType)])
+ assert (GroupType == geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])
- # Prepare data for the following operations
+ # Example of sphere partitioning into hexahedral blocks
p0 = geompy.MakeVertex(0, 0, 0)
b0 = geompy.MakeBox(-50, -50, -50, 50, 50, 50)
s0 = geompy.MakeSphereR(100)
id_s0 = geompy.addToStudy(s0, "s0")
v_0pp = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ( 0, 1, 1)
- #v_0np = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ( 0, -1, 1)
+ v_0np = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ( 0, -1, 1)
v_p0p = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ( 1, 0, 1)
- v_p0n = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(1, 0, -1)
+ v_p0n = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ( 1, 0, -1)
v_pp0 = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ( 1, 1, 0)
- v_pn0 = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(1, -1, 0)
+ v_pn0 = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ( 1, -1, 0)
- #pln_0pp = geompy.MakePlane(p0, v_0pp, 300)
- #pln_0np = geompy.MakePlane(p0, v_0np, 300)
+ pln_0pp = geompy.MakePlane(p0, v_0pp, 300)
+ pln_0np = geompy.MakePlane(p0, v_0np, 300)
pln_p0p = geompy.MakePlane(p0, v_p0p, 300)
pln_p0n = geompy.MakePlane(p0, v_p0n, 300)
pln_pp0 = geompy.MakePlane(p0, v_pp0, 300)
pln_pn0 = geompy.MakePlane(p0, v_pn0, 300)
- #
- #part_objs = [b0, pln_0pp, pln_0np, pln_p0p, pln_n0p, pln_pp0, pln_np0]
- #part_tool_1 = geompy.MakePartition(part_objs, [], [], [b0])
- #part_tool_1 = geompy.MakePartition(part_objs)
- #
- #id_part_tool_1 = geompy.addToStudy(part_tool_1, "part_tool_1")
- #
- #pt_pnt_1 = geompy.MakeVertex( 55, 0, 55)
- #pt_pnt_2 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0, 55, 55)
- #pt_pnt_3 = geompy.MakeVertex(-55, 0, 55)
- #pt_pnt_4 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0, -55, 55)
- #pt_pnt_5 = geompy.MakeVertex( 55, 55, 0)
- #pt_pnt_6 = geompy.MakeVertex( 55, -55, 0)
- #pt_pnt_7 = geompy.MakeVertex(-55, 55, 0)
- #pt_pnt_8 = geompy.MakeVertex(-55, -55, 0)
- #pt_pnt_9 = geompy.MakeVertex( 55, 0, -55)
- #pt_pnt_10 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0, 55, -55)
- #pt_pnt_11 = geompy.MakeVertex(-55, 0, -55)
- #pt_pnt_12 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0, -55, -55)
- #
- #pt_face_1 = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(part_tool_1, pt_pnt_1)
- #pt_face_2 = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(part_tool_1, pt_pnt_2)
- #pt_face_3 = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(part_tool_1, pt_pnt_3)
- #pt_face_4 = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(part_tool_1, pt_pnt_4)
- #pt_face_5 = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(part_tool_1, pt_pnt_5)
- #pt_face_6 = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(part_tool_1, pt_pnt_6)
- #pt_face_7 = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(part_tool_1, pt_pnt_7)
- #pt_face_8 = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(part_tool_1, pt_pnt_8)
- #pt_face_9 = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(part_tool_1, pt_pnt_9)
- #pt_face_10 = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(part_tool_1, pt_pnt_10)
- #pt_face_11 = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(part_tool_1, pt_pnt_11)
- #pt_face_12 = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(part_tool_1, pt_pnt_12)
- #
- #pt_box = geompy.GetBlockNearPoint(part_tool_1, p0)
- #
- #comp_parts = [pt_face_1, pt_face_4, pt_face_7, pt_face_10,
- # pt_face_2, pt_face_5, pt_face_8, pt_face_11,
- # #pt_face_3, pt_face_6, pt_face_9, pt_face_12, pt_box]
- # pt_face_3, pt_face_6, pt_face_9, pt_face_12]
- #part_tool = geompy.MakeCompound(comp_parts)
- #id_part_tool = geompy.addToStudy(part_tool, "part_tool")
- #
- #part = geompy.MakePartition([s0], [part_tool])
- #
- #part_tools = [pt_face_1, pt_face_4, pt_face_7, pt_face_10,
- # pt_face_2, pt_face_5, pt_face_8, pt_face_11,
- # pt_face_3, pt_face_6, pt_face_9, pt_face_12, b0]
- #part = geompy.MakePartition([s0], part_tools)
- p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(50, 0, 0)
- p2 = geompy.MakeVertex(-50, 0, 0)
- p3 = geompy.MakeVertex(0, 50, 0)
- p4 = geompy.MakeVertex(0, -50, 0)
- p5 = geompy.MakeVertex(0, 0, 50)
- p6 = geompy.MakeVertex(0, 0, -50)
- plnX1 = geompy.MakePlane(p1, vx, 300)
- plnX2 = geompy.MakePlane(p2, vx, 300)
- plnY1 = geompy.MakePlane(p3, vy, 300)
- plnY2 = geompy.MakePlane(p4, vy, 300)
- plnZ1 = geompy.MakePlane(p5, vz, 300)
- plnZ2 = geompy.MakePlane(p6, vz, 300)
- #part = geompy.MakePartition([s0], [plnX1,plnX2,plnY1,plnY2,plnZ1,plnZ2])
- part = geompy.MakePartition([s0], [plnX1])
- part = geompy.MakePartition([part], [plnX2])
- part = geompy.MakePartition([part], [plnY1])
- part = geompy.MakePartition([part], [plnY2])
- part = geompy.MakePartition([part], [plnZ1])
- part = geompy.MakePartition([part], [plnZ2])
+ part_objs = [b0, pln_0pp, pln_0np, pln_p0p, pln_p0n, pln_pp0, pln_pn0]
+ part_tool_1 = geompy.MakePartition(part_objs, KeepNonlimitShapes=1)
+ geompy.addToStudy(part_tool_1, "part_tool_1")
+ pt_pnt_1 = geompy.MakeVertex( 55, 0, 55)
+ pt_pnt_2 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0, 55, 55)
+ pt_pnt_3 = geompy.MakeVertex(-55, 0, 55)
+ pt_pnt_4 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0, -55, 55)
+ pt_pnt_5 = geompy.MakeVertex( 55, 55, 0)
+ pt_pnt_6 = geompy.MakeVertex( 55, -55, 0)
+ pt_pnt_7 = geompy.MakeVertex(-55, 55, 0)
+ pt_pnt_8 = geompy.MakeVertex(-55, -55, 0)
+ pt_pnt_9 = geompy.MakeVertex( 55, 0, -55)
+ pt_pnt_10 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0, 55, -55)
+ pt_pnt_11 = geompy.MakeVertex(-55, 0, -55)
+ pt_pnt_12 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0, -55, -55)
+ pt_face_1 = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(part_tool_1, pt_pnt_1)
+ pt_face_2 = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(part_tool_1, pt_pnt_2)
+ pt_face_3 = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(part_tool_1, pt_pnt_3)
+ pt_face_4 = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(part_tool_1, pt_pnt_4)
+ pt_face_5 = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(part_tool_1, pt_pnt_5)
+ pt_face_6 = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(part_tool_1, pt_pnt_6)
+ pt_face_7 = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(part_tool_1, pt_pnt_7)
+ pt_face_8 = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(part_tool_1, pt_pnt_8)
+ pt_face_9 = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(part_tool_1, pt_pnt_9)
+ pt_face_10 = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(part_tool_1, pt_pnt_10)
+ pt_face_11 = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(part_tool_1, pt_pnt_11)
+ pt_face_12 = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(part_tool_1, pt_pnt_12)
+ part_tools = [pt_face_1, pt_face_4, pt_face_7, pt_face_10,
+ pt_face_2, pt_face_5, pt_face_8, pt_face_11,
+ pt_face_3, pt_face_6, pt_face_9, pt_face_12, b0]
+ part_tool = geompy.MakeCompound(part_tools)
+ geompy.addToStudy(part_tool, "part_tool")
+ part = geompy.MakePartition([s0], [part_tool])
geompy.addToStudy(part, "part")
# GetFreeFacesIDs
geompy.addToStudy(freeFaces, "freeFaces")
- # RemoveExtraEdges with union of all faces, sharing common surfaces
+ # Example of hexahedral sphere creation
+ # (spherical surface of solid is made of six quasi-quadrangular faces)
tools = [pln_pp0, pln_pn0, pln_p0p, pln_p0n]
Partition_1 = geompy.MakePartition([Sphere], tools, [], [], geompy.ShapeType["SOLID"], 0, [])
geompy.addToStudy(Partition_1, "Partition_1")
Shell_1 = geompy.MakeShell([Face_1, Rotation_1, Rotation_2, Rotation_3, Rotation_4, Rotation_5])
Solid_1 = geompy.MakeSolid([Shell_1])
- #NoExtraEdges_1 = geompy.RemoveExtraEdges(Solid_1, True) # doUnionFaces = True
+ # RemoveExtraEdges with union of all faces, sharing common surfaces
box10 = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(10, 10, 10, "box10")
box11 = geompy.MakeTranslation(box10, 10, 0, 0, "box11")
FuseB = geompy.MakeFuse(box10, box11, checkSelfInte=False, rmExtraEdges=False, theName="FuseB")
geompy.addToStudyInFather( blackWhiteCopy, subBlackWhite[1], "" )
# CheckAndImprove
- blocksComp = geompy.CheckAndImprove(part)
- geompy.addToStudy(blocksComp, "blocksComp")
+ blocksComp = geompy.CheckAndImprove(part, "blocksComp")
+ assert (geompy.CheckCompoundOfBlocks(blocksComp))
# Propagate
listChains = geompy.Propagate(blocksComp)
tl, tr, bl, br, GEOM.ST_ONIN)
comp = geompy.MakeCompound(edges_onin_quad)
geompy.addToStudy(comp, "Edges of F12 ONIN Quadrangle")
- if len( edges_onin_quad ) != 4:
- print("Error in GetShapesOnQuadrangle()")
+ assert (len( edges_onin_quad ) == 4), "Error in GetShapesOnQuadrangle()"
# GetShapesOnQuadrangleIDs
vertices_on_quad_ids = geompy.GetShapesOnQuadrangleIDs(f12, geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"],
comp = geompy.MakeCompound(edges_on_box)
geompy.addToStudy(comp, "Edges of part ON box b0")
- if len( edges_on_box ) != 12:
- print("Error in GetShapesOnBox()")
+ assert (len( edges_on_box ) == 12), "Error in GetShapesOnBox()"
# GetShapesOnBoxIDs
faces_on_box_ids = geompy.GetShapesOnBoxIDs(b0, part, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"],
geompy.UnionIDs(faces_on_box, faces_on_box_ids)
geompy.addToStudyInFather(part, faces_on_box, "Group of faces on box b0")
- # Prepare arguments for GetShapesOnShape
- sph1 = geompy.MakeSphere(50, 50, 50, 40)
- sph2 = geompy.MakeSphere(50, 50, -50, 40)
- pcyl = geompy.MakeVertex(50, 50, -50)
- cyli = geompy.MakeCylinder(pcyl, vz, 40, 100)
- sh_1 = geompy.MakeFuseList([sph1, cyli, sph2])
- # As after Fuse we have a compound, we need to obtain a solid from it
- #shsh = geompy.SubShapeAll(sh_1, geompy.ShapeType["SOLID"])
- #sh_1 = shsh[0]
- geompy.addToStudy(sh_1, "sh_1")
# GetShapesOnShape
+ sh_1 = geompy.MakeTranslation(s0, 100, 0, 0, "sh_1")
faces_in_sh = geompy.GetShapesOnShape(sh_1, part, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"],
comp = geompy.MakeCompound(faces_in_sh)
geompy.addToStudy(comp, "Faces of part IN shape sh_1")
- if len(faces_in_sh) != 11:
- print("Error in GetShapesOnShape()")
+ assert (len(faces_in_sh) == 7), "Error in GetShapesOnShape()"
# GetShapesOnShapeAsCompound
faces_in_sh_c = geompy.GetShapesOnShapeAsCompound(sh_1, part, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"],
edges_in_sh = geompy.CreateGroup(part, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])
geompy.UnionIDs(edges_in_sh, edges_in_sh_ids)
geompy.addToStudyInFather(part, edges_in_sh, "Group of edges in shape sh_1")
- if len(edges_in_sh_ids) != 15:
- print("Error in GetShapesOnShapeIDs()")
+ assert (len(edges_in_sh_ids) == 15), "Error in GetShapesOnShapeIDs()"
# Prepare arguments for GetInPlace and GetInPlaceByHistory
- box5 = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(100, 100, 100)
- box6 = geompy.MakeTranslation(box5, 50, 50, 0)
- geompy.addToStudy(box5, "Box 5")
- geompy.addToStudy(box6, "Box 6")
+ box5 = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(100, 100, 100, "Box 5")
+ box6 = geompy.MakeTranslation(box5, 50, 50, 0, "Box 6")
part = geompy.MakePartition([box5], [box6])
geompy.addToStudy(part, "Partitioned")