return new MEDFileUMesh;
+ * Please refer to the other MEDFileUMesh::LoadConnectivityOnlyPartOf method that has the same semantic and the same parameter (excepted the first).
+ * This method is \b NOT wrapped into python.
+ */
+MCAuto<MEDFileUMesh> MEDFileUMesh::LoadConnectivityOnlyPartOf(med_idt fid, const std::string& mName, const std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>& types, const std::vector<mcIdType>& slicPerTyp, int dt, int it, MEDFileMeshReadSelector *mrs)
+ MCAuto<MEDFileUMesh> ret(MEDFileUMesh::New());
+ ret->loadPartUMeshFromFile(fid,mName,types,slicPerTyp,[](MEDFileUMeshL2& loader,med_idt fid, MeshOrStructMeshCls *mid,const std::string& mName,const std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>& types, const std::vector<mcIdType>&slicPerTyp,int dt,int it,MEDFileMeshReadSelector *mrs){ int Mdim; loader.loadPartConnectivityOnly(fid,mid,mName,types,slicPerTyp,dt,it,mrs,Mdim); },dt,it,mrs);
+ return ret;
+ * This method loads from file with name \a fileName the mesh called \a mName as New does. The difference is that
+ * here only a part of cells contained in the file will be loaded. The selection of cell is specified using the two consecutive parameters
+ * \a types and \a slicPerTyp. This method allows to load from a mesh (typically huge) in a MED file a part of cells of that mesh.
+ * The part of cells is specified using triplet (start,stop,step) for each geometric type. Only nodes lying on selected cells will be loaded to reduce
+ * at most the memory consumtion. Contrary to MEDFileUMesh::LoadPart this method does not load coordinates but only connectivities
+ *
+ * \param [in] fileName - the name of the file.
+ * \param [in] mName - the name of the mesh to be read.
+ * \param [in] types - the list of the geo types of which some part will be taken. A geometric type in \a types must appear only once at most.
+ * \param [in] slicPerTyp - an array of size 3 times larger than \a types that specifies for each type in \a types (in the same order) resp the start, the stop and the step.
+ * \param [in] dt - the iteration, that is to say the first element of the pair that locates the asked time step.
+ * \param [in] it - the order, that is to say the second element of the pair that locates the asked time step.
+ * \param [in] mrs - the request for what to be loaded.
+ * \return MEDFileUMesh * - a new instance of MEDFileUMesh. The caller is to delete this mesh using decrRef() as it is no more needed.
+ * \sa MEDFileUMesh::LoadPartOf
+ */
+MCAuto<MEDFileUMesh> MEDFileUMesh::LoadConnectivityOnlyPartOf(const std::string& fileName, const std::string& mName, const std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>& types, const std::vector<mcIdType>& slicPerTyp, int dt, int it, MEDFileMeshReadSelector *mrs)
+ MEDFileUtilities::CheckFileForRead(fileName);
+ MEDFileUtilities::AutoFid fid(MEDfileOpen(fileName.c_str(),MED_ACC_RDONLY));
+ return MEDFileUMesh::LoadConnectivityOnlyPartOf(fid,mName,types,slicPerTyp,dt,it,mrs);
* This method loads from file with name \a fileName the mesh called \a mName as New does. The difference is that
* here only a part of cells contained in the file will be loaded. The selection of cell is specified using the two consecutive parameters
* \param [in] it - the order, that is to say the second element of the pair that locates the asked time step.
* \param [in] mrs - the request for what to be loaded.
* \return MEDFileUMesh * - a new instance of MEDFileUMesh. The caller is to delete this mesh using decrRef() as it is no more needed.
+ * \sa MEDFileUMesh::LoadConnectivityOnlyPartOf
MEDFileUMesh *MEDFileUMesh::LoadPartOf(const std::string& fileName, const std::string& mName, const std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>& types, const std::vector<mcIdType>& slicPerTyp, int dt, int it, MEDFileMeshReadSelector *mrs)
MEDFileUMesh *MEDFileUMesh::LoadPartOf(med_idt fid, const std::string& mName, const std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>& types, const std::vector<mcIdType>& slicPerTyp, int dt, int it, MEDFileMeshReadSelector *mrs)
MCAuto<MEDFileUMesh> ret(MEDFileUMesh::New());
- ret->loadPartUMeshFromFile(fid,mName,types,slicPerTyp,dt,it,mrs);
+ ret->loadPartUMeshFromFile(fid,mName,types,slicPerTyp,[](MEDFileUMeshL2& loader,med_idt fid, MeshOrStructMeshCls *mid,const std::string& mName,const std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>& types, const std::vector<mcIdType>&slicPerTyp,int dt,int it,MEDFileMeshReadSelector *mrs){ loader.loadPart(fid,mid,mName,types,slicPerTyp,dt,it,mrs); },dt,it,mrs);
return ret.retn();
* \sa loadLL
-void MEDFileUMesh::loadPartUMeshFromFile(med_idt fid, const std::string& mName, const std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>& types, const std::vector<mcIdType>& slicPerTyp, int dt, int it, MEDFileMeshReadSelector *mrs)
+void MEDFileUMesh::loadPartUMeshFromFile(med_idt fid, const std::string& mName, const std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>& types, const std::vector<mcIdType>& slicPerTyp,
+std::function<void(MEDFileUMeshL2&,med_idt fid, MeshOrStructMeshCls *,const std::string&, const std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>& types, const std::vector<mcIdType>&,int,int,MEDFileMeshReadSelector *)> functorOnUMeshL2, int dt, int it, MEDFileMeshReadSelector *mrs)
MEDFileUMeshL2 loaderl2;
MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMeshType meshType;
std::ostringstream oss; oss << "loadPartUMeshFromFile : Trying to load as unstructured an existing mesh with name '" << mName << "' !";
throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(oss.str().c_str());
- loaderl2.loadPart(fid,mid,mName,types,slicPerTyp,dt,it,mrs);
+ functorOnUMeshL2(loaderl2,fid,mid,mName,types,slicPerTyp,dt,it,mrs);
MEDLOADER_EXPORT static MEDFileUMesh *New(const MEDCouplingMappedExtrudedMesh *mem);
MEDLOADER_EXPORT static MEDFileUMesh *New();
MEDLOADER_EXPORT std::string getClassName() const override { return std::string("MEDFileUMesh"); }
- MEDLOADER_EXPORT static MEDFileUMesh *LoadPartOf(const std::string& fileName, const std::string& mName, const std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>& types, const std::vector<mcIdType>& slicPerTyp, int dt=-1, int it=-1, MEDFileMeshReadSelector *mrs=0);
- MEDLOADER_EXPORT static MEDFileUMesh *LoadPartOf(med_idt fid, const std::string& mName, const std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>& types, const std::vector<mcIdType>& slicPerTyp, int dt=-1, int it=-1, MEDFileMeshReadSelector *mrs=0);
+ MEDLOADER_EXPORT static MCAuto<MEDFileUMesh> LoadConnectivityOnlyPartOf(const std::string& fileName, const std::string& mName, const std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>& types, const std::vector<mcIdType>& slicPerTyp, int dt=-1, int it=-1, MEDFileMeshReadSelector *mrs=nullptr);
+ MEDLOADER_EXPORT static MCAuto<MEDFileUMesh> LoadConnectivityOnlyPartOf(med_idt fid, const std::string& mName, const std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>& types, const std::vector<mcIdType>& slicPerTyp, int dt=-1, int it=-1, MEDFileMeshReadSelector *mrs=nullptr);
+ MEDLOADER_EXPORT static MEDFileUMesh *LoadPartOf(const std::string& fileName, const std::string& mName, const std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>& types, const std::vector<mcIdType>& slicPerTyp, int dt=-1, int it=-1, MEDFileMeshReadSelector *mrs=nullptr);
+ MEDLOADER_EXPORT static MEDFileUMesh *LoadPartOf(med_idt fid, const std::string& mName, const std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>& types, const std::vector<mcIdType>& slicPerTyp, int dt=-1, int it=-1, MEDFileMeshReadSelector *mrs=nullptr);
MEDLOADER_EXPORT static void LoadPartCoords(const std::string& fileName, const std::string& mName, int dt, int it, const std::vector<std::string>& infosOnComp, mcIdType startNodeId, mcIdType stopNodeId,
MCAuto<DataArrayDouble>& coords, MCAuto<PartDefinition>& partCoords, MCAuto<DataArrayIdType>& famCoords, MCAuto<DataArrayIdType>& numCoords, MCAuto<DataArrayAsciiChar>& nameCoords);
MEDLOADER_EXPORT static const char *GetSpeStr4ExtMesh() { return SPE_FAM_STR_EXTRUDED_MESH; }
void writeMeshLL(med_idt fid) const;
MEDFileUMesh(med_idt fid, const std::string& mName, int dt, int it, MEDFileMeshReadSelector *mrs);
- void loadPartUMeshFromFile(med_idt fid, const std::string& mName, const std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>& types, const std::vector<mcIdType>& slicPerTyp, int dt=-1, int it=-1, MEDFileMeshReadSelector *mrs=0);
+ void loadPartUMeshFromFile(med_idt fid, const std::string& mName, const std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>& types, const std::vector<mcIdType>& slicPerTyp, std::function<void(MEDFileUMeshL2&,med_idt fid, MeshOrStructMeshCls*,const std::string&,const std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>& types, const std::vector<mcIdType>&,int,int,MEDFileMeshReadSelector *)> functorOnUMeshL2, int dt=-1, int it=-1, MEDFileMeshReadSelector *mrs=0);
void loadLL(med_idt fid, const std::string& mName, int dt, int it, MEDFileMeshReadSelector *mrs);
void dispatchLoadedPart(med_idt fid, const MEDFileUMeshL2& loaderl2, const std::string& mName, MEDFileMeshReadSelector *mrs);
const MEDFileUMeshSplitL1 *getMeshAtLevSafe(int meshDimRelToMaxExt) const;
-void MEDFileUMeshL2::loadPart(med_idt fid, const MeshOrStructMeshCls *mId, const std::string& mName, const std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>& types, const std::vector<mcIdType>& slicPerTyp, int dt, int it, MEDFileMeshReadSelector *mrs)
+ * This method is expected to be invoked after the load of connectivity.
+ * This method is in charge of :
+ * - dealing with optimized load of coordinates (loading only points fetched by the already loaded cells)
+ * - update the connectivity in \a this to fit the coordinates loaded just above
+ */
+void MEDFileUMeshL2::dealWithCoordsInLoadPart(med_idt fid, const MeshOrStructMeshCls *mId, const std::string& mName, const std::vector<std::string>& infosOnComp, const std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>& types, const std::vector<mcIdType>& slicPerTyp, int dt, int it, MEDFileMeshReadSelector *mrs)
- int Mdim;
- std::vector<std::string> infosOnComp(loadCommonPart(fid,mId,mName,dt,it,Mdim));
- if(Mdim==-4)
- return ;
- loadPartOfConnectivity(fid,Mdim,mName,types,slicPerTyp,dt,it,mrs);
med_bool changement,transformation;
mcIdType nCoords(MEDmeshnEntity(fid,mName.c_str(),dt,it,MED_NODE,MED_NONE,MED_COORDINATE,MED_NO_CMODE,&changement,&transformation));
std::vector<bool> fetchedNodeIds(nCoords,false);
+std::vector<std::string> MEDFileUMeshL2::loadPartConnectivityOnly(med_idt fid, const MeshOrStructMeshCls *mId, const std::string& mName, const std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>& types, const std::vector<mcIdType>& slicPerTyp, int dt, int it, MEDFileMeshReadSelector *mrs, int& Mdim)
+ std::vector<std::string> infosOnComp(loadCommonPart(fid,mId,mName,dt,it,Mdim));
+ if(Mdim==-4)
+ return infosOnComp;
+ loadPartOfConnectivity(fid,Mdim,mName,types,slicPerTyp,dt,it,mrs);
+ return infosOnComp;
+void MEDFileUMeshL2::loadPart(med_idt fid, const MeshOrStructMeshCls *mId, const std::string& mName, const std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>& types, const std::vector<mcIdType>& slicPerTyp, int dt, int it, MEDFileMeshReadSelector *mrs)
+ int Mdim;
+ std::vector<std::string> infosOnComp(loadPartConnectivityOnly(fid,mId,mName,types,slicPerTyp,dt,it,mrs,Mdim));
+ if(Mdim==-4)
+ return ;
+ loadPartOfConnectivity(fid,Mdim,mName,types,slicPerTyp,dt,it,mrs);
+ dealWithCoordsInLoadPart(fid,mId,mName,infosOnComp,types,slicPerTyp,dt,it,mrs);
void MEDFileUMeshL2::loadConnectivity(med_idt fid, int mdim, const std::string& mName, int dt, int it, MEDFileMeshReadSelector *mrs)
std::vector<std::string> loadCommonPart(med_idt fid, const MeshOrStructMeshCls *mId, const std::string& mName, int dt, int it, int& Mdim);
void loadAll(med_idt fid, const MeshOrStructMeshCls *mId, const std::string& mName, int dt, int it, MEDFileMeshReadSelector *mrs);
void loadPart(med_idt fid, const MeshOrStructMeshCls *mId, const std::string& mName, const std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>& types, const std::vector<mcIdType>& slicPerTyp, int dt, int it, MEDFileMeshReadSelector *mrs);
+ void dealWithCoordsInLoadPart(med_idt fid, const MeshOrStructMeshCls *mId, const std::string& mName, const std::vector<std::string>& infosOnComp, const std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>& types, const std::vector<mcIdType>& slicPerTyp, int dt, int it, MEDFileMeshReadSelector *mrs);
+ std::vector<std::string> loadPartConnectivityOnly(med_idt fid, const MeshOrStructMeshCls *mId, const std::string& mName, const std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>& types, const std::vector<mcIdType>& slicPerTyp, int dt, int it, MEDFileMeshReadSelector *mrs, int& Mdim);
void loadConnectivity(med_idt fid, int mdim, const std::string& mName, int dt, int it, MEDFileMeshReadSelector *mrs);
void loadPartOfConnectivity(med_idt fid, int mdim, const std::string& mName, const std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>& types, const std::vector<mcIdType>& slicPerTyp, int dt, int it, MEDFileMeshReadSelector *mrs);
void loadCoords(med_idt fid, const std::vector<std::string>& infosOnComp, const std::string& mName, int dt, int it);
%newobject MEDCoupling::MEDFileData::getJoints;
%newobject MEDCoupling::MEDFileStructuredMesh::getImplicitFaceMesh;
%newobject MEDCoupling::MEDFileUMesh::New;
+%newobject MEDCoupling::MEDFileUMesh::LoadConnectivityOnlyPartOf;
%newobject MEDCoupling::MEDFileUMesh::LoadPartOf;
%newobject MEDCoupling::MEDFileUMesh::getCoords;
%newobject MEDCoupling::MEDFileUMesh::getPartDefAtLevel;
return MEDFileUMesh::New();
+ static MEDFileUMesh *LoadConnectivityOnlyPartOf(const std::string& fileName, const std::string& mName, PyObject *types, const std::vector<mcIdType>& slicPerTyp, int dt=-1, int it=-1, MEDFileMeshReadSelector *mrs=0)
+ {
+ std::vector<int> typesCpp1;
+ convertPyToNewIntArr3(types,typesCpp1);
+ std::size_t sz(typesCpp1.size());
+ std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType> typesCpp2(sz);
+ for(std::size_t ii=0;ii<sz;ii++)
+ typesCpp2[ii]=(INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType)typesCpp1[ii];
+ return MEDFileUMesh::LoadConnectivityOnlyPartOf(fileName,mName,typesCpp2,slicPerTyp,dt,it,mrs).retn();
+ }
static MEDFileUMesh *LoadPartOf(const std::string& fileName, const std::string& mName, PyObject *types, const std::vector<mcIdType>& slicPerTyp, int dt=-1, int it=-1, MEDFileMeshReadSelector *mrs=0)
arr = DataArrayDouble(21, 2) ; arr[:, 0] = list(range(203, 224)) ; arr[:, 1] = list(range(303, 324))
+ # [EDF27364] : test of LoadConnectivityOnlyPartOf
+ mm3=MEDFileUMesh.LoadConnectivityOnlyPartOf(fileName,meshName,[NORM_QUAD4],[0,6,1])
+ mm3.forceComputationOfParts()
+ m3s = mm3.getDirectUndergroundSingleGeoTypeMeshes(0)
+ self.assertEqual( len(m3s), 1 )
+ m3s = m3s[0]
+ self.assertTrue( m3s.getCoords() is None )
+ self.assertEqual( m3s.getCellModelEnum() , NORM_QUAD4 )
+ self.assertTrue( m3s.getNodalConnectivity().isEqual(DataArrayInt([1,0,6,7,2,1,7,8,3,2,8,9,4,3,9,10,5,4,10,11,7,6,12,13])) )
+ mm4 = MEDFileUMesh.LoadConnectivityOnlyPartOf(fileName,meshName,[NORM_QUAD4],[3,15,1])
+ mm4.forceComputationOfParts()
+ m4s = mm4.getDirectUndergroundSingleGeoTypeMeshes(0)
+ self.assertEqual( len(m4s), 1 )
+ m4s = m4s[0]
+ self.assertTrue( m4s.getCoords() is None )
+ self.assertEqual( m4s.getCellModelEnum() , NORM_QUAD4 )
+ self.assertTrue( m4s.getNodalConnectivity().isEqual(DataArrayInt([4,3,9,10,5,4,10,11,7,6,12,13,8,7,13,14,9,8,14,15,10,9,15,16,11,10,16,17,13,12,18,19,14,13,19,20,15,14,20,21,16,15,21,22,17,16,22,23])) )