void PartSet_OperationFeatureEditMulti::initSelection(ModuleBase_ISelection* theSelection,
ModuleBase_IViewer* theViewer)
+ // 1. unite selected and hightlighted objects in order to have an opportunity to drag
+ // by the highlighted object
QList<ModuleBase_ViewerPrs> aFeatures;
aFeatures = theSelection->getSelected();
QList<ModuleBase_ViewerPrs> aHighlighted = theSelection->getHighlighted();
- // firstly iterate the operation presentations and move all features
- // if there is no selected vertex shape for it. Create a set of moved features
+ // 1. find all features with skipping features with selected vertex shapes
// firstly, collect the features without local selection
std::set<FeaturePtr> aMovedFeatures;
FeaturePtr aFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(aObject);
if (aFeature && myFeature2Attribute.find(aFeature) == myFeature2Attribute.end()) {
std::list<std::string> aList;
+ // using an empty list as a sign, that this feature should be moved itself
myFeature2Attribute[aFeature] = aList;
- // secondly, collect the features with a local selection on them
+ // 2. collect the features with a local selection on them.
// if the list already has this feature, the local selection is skipped
+ // that means that if the selection contains a feature and a feature with local selected point,
+ // the edit is performed for a full feature
Handle(V3d_View) aView = theViewer->activeView();
foreach (ModuleBase_ViewerPrs aPrs, aFeatures) {
const TopoDS_Shape& aShape = aPrs.shape();
if (!aFeature)
// if the feature is already moved, do nothing for this feature local selection
if (myFeature2Attribute.find(aFeature) != myFeature2Attribute.end())
+ // append the attribute of the vertex if it is found on the current feature
gp_Pnt aPoint = BRep_Tool::Pnt(aVertex);
double aVX, aVY;
PartSet_Tools::convertTo2D(aPoint, sketch(), aView, aVX, aVY);
boost::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D> aPoint2D = PartSet_Tools::getFeaturePoint(
aFeature, aVX, aVY);
std::string anAttribute = aFeature->data()->id(aPoint2D);
while (aFeatIter != myFeature2Attribute.end()) {
FeaturePtr aFeature = aFeatIter->first;
std::list<std::string> anAttributes = aFeatIter->second;
+ // perform edit for the feature
if (anAttributes.empty()) {
boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Feature> aSketchFeature =
aSketchFeature->move(aDeltaX, aDeltaY);
+ // perform edit for the feature's attribute
else {
std::list<std::string>::const_iterator anAttrIter = anAttributes.begin(),
anAttrEnd = anAttributes.end();