return self.editor
- def getWebEditor(self, sId, cataFile = None, datasetFile=None, jdc=None, include=0, formatIn='python', formatOut='python'):
+ def getWebEditor(self, cId, cataFile = None, datasetFile=None, jdc=None, include=0, formatIn='python', formatOut='python'):
- # en Web sId est le canal Id
- debug = 1
- if sId in self.dictChannelType.keys() and self.dictChannelType[sId] != 'Web' :
- message = 'Numero de Session deja allouée pour autre chose que de Web'
- CR = 1000
- return (sId, None, CR, message, None)
- if not sId in self.dictChannelType.keys() :
- self.dictChannelType[sId] = 'Web'
+ debug = 0
+ if debug :
+ print ('______________________________ Eficas_appli getWebEditor ________________________')
+ print ('self', self)
+ print (cId, cataFile, datasetFile, jdc, include, formatIn, formatOut)
#PN TODO initialiser info
- info = None
- (editor, CR, message, info) = self.editorManager.getWebEditor(sId, cataFile,datasetFile, jdc, include)
- if not editor :
+ info = ''
+ if cId == None :
+ CR = 1000 + 40
+ message = dictErreurs[1000].format('cId') + dictErreurs[40]
+ return (None, CR, message, info)
+ if formatIn not in ('python', 'xml') :
+ CR = 1000 + 40
+ message = dictErreurs[1000].format('formatIn') + dictErreurs[40]
+ return (None, CR, message, info)
+ if formatOut not in ('python', 'xml') :
+ CR = 1000 + 40
+ message = dictErreurs[1000].format('formatIn') + dictErreurs[40]
return (None, CR, message, info)
+ if cId in self.dictChannelType.keys() and self.dictChannelType[cId] != 'Web' :
+ CR = 100
+ return (cId, None, CR, dictErreurs[100], info)
+ if not cId in self.dictChannelType.keys() : self.dictChannelType[cId] = 'Web'
+ (editor, CR, message, info) = self.editorManager.getWebEditor(cId, cataFile,datasetFile, jdc, include)
+ if not editor : return (None, CR, message, info)
+ # on pose une lock egalement pour la mise a jour des dico
with lock :
- externalEditorId = uuid1().hex
+ externalEditorId = uuid1().hex
+ if editor.editorId not in self.dictEditorIdChannelIdExternEid.keys() :
+ self.dictEditorIdChannelIdExternEid[editor.editorId] = {}
+ if cId not in self.dictEditorIdChannelIdExternEid[editor.editorId] :
+ self.dictEditorIdChannelIdExternEid[editor.editorId][cId] = [externalEditorId,]
+ else :
+ self.dictEditorIdChannelIdExternEid[editor.editorId][cId].append(externalEditorId)
self.dictExternalEidEditor[externalEditorId] = editor
- if editor.editorId not in self.dictEditorIdChannelIdExternEid.keys() :
- self.dictEditorIdChannelIdExternEid[editor.editorId] = {}
- if sId not in self.dictEditorIdChannelIdExternEid[editor.editorId] :
- self.dictEditorIdChannelIdExternEid[editor.editorId][sId] = [externalEditorId,]
- else :
- self.dictEditorIdChannelIdExternEid[editor.editorId][sId].append(externalEditorId)
if debug :
- if editor : print ('getWebEditor id de sesssion :', sId, ' editor : ', editor.editorId, 'externe ', externalEditorId)
- print (externalEditorId, CR, message, info)
+ if editor : print ('getWebEditor id de sesssion :', cId, ' editor : ', editor.editorId, 'externe ', externalEditorId)
+ print ('dictionnaire ' , self.dictEditorIdChannelIdExternEid)
+ print ('______________________________ fin getWebEditor ________________________')
return (externalEditorId, CR, message, info)
- def getWebEditorById(self, sId, eId):
+ def getWebEditorById(self, cId, eId):
- if sId == None :
- return ( None, 1000, dict[1000].format ('session Id'))
+ if cId == None :
+ return ( None, 1000, dict[1000].format ('session Id'), "")
editor = self.dictExternalEidEditor[eId]
- if sId not in self.dictEditorIdChannelIdExternEid[editor.editorId] :
- return ( None, 1000, 'la session ne possede pas cet Editeur')
- if eId not in self.dictEditorIdChannelIdExternEid[editor.editorId][sId] :
- return ( None, 1000, 'incoherence entre Editeur et session')
- return (editor, 0, "")
+ if cId not in self.dictEditorIdChannelIdExternEid[editor.editorId] :
+ return ( None, 1000, 'la session ne possede pas cet Editeur', "")
+ if eId not in self.dictEditorIdChannelIdExternEid[editor.editorId][cId] :
+ return ( None, 1000, 'incoherence entre Editeur et session', "")
+ return (editor, 0, "", "")
def propageChange (self, editorId, emitChannelId , emitEditorId, toAll , fction, *args, **kwargs):
- if fction == 'appendChildren' : debug = 1
- else : debug = 0
+ #if fction == 'appendChildren' : debug = 1
+ #else : debug = 0
+ debug = 1
if debug :
print ("------------------------------------------ Eficas")
print ('propageChange avec les arguments ')
--- /dev/null
+# coding: utf-8
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import sys, os
+_no = 1
+from flask import Flask, request, render_template, url_for, jsonify, make_response, session, g, Response
+# File management
+from flask import redirect, send_from_directory
+from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename
+from lib.upload_file import uploadfile
+import PIL
+from PIL import Image
+import simplejson
+import traceback
+# from flask import ?? json, jsonify ??
+import json
+import os
+from pprint import pprint
+#from forms import BasicForm #Essais WtForms
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from markupsafe import escape
+# Flask management of Server Side Event
+# Necessite redis
+from flask_sse import sse
+# from flask_uploads import UploadSet, configure_uploads, IMAGES
+app = Flask(__name__)
+# CATALOGS_EXT=("py","jpg") #TODO : supprimer jpg pour test
+# catalogs = UploadSet("catalogs",CATALOGS_EXT)
+# app.config["UPLOADED_CATALOGS_DEST"] = "data/catalogs"
+# app.config["SECRET_KEY"] = os.urandom(24)
+# configure_uploads(app, catalogs)
+app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = os.urandom(24)
+app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'] = 'data/'
+app.config['THUMBNAIL_FOLDER'] = 'data/thumbnail/'
+app.config['MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH'] = 50 * 1024 * 1024
+#app.config['SESSION_REFRESH_EACH_REQUEST'] = False
+ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = set(['py','comm','txt', 'gif', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'bmp', 'rar', 'zip', '7zip', 'doc', 'docx'])
+IGNORED_FILES = set(['.gitignore'])
+### Server Side Event config
+app.config["REDIS_URL"] = "redis://localhost"
+#app.config["REDIS_URL"] = "redis://:password@localhost"
+#TODO: personaliser l'url en fonction de la session utilisateur
+app.register_blueprint(sse, url_prefix='/stream')
+### Eficas Connector
+def createWebAppli(app):
+ import os
+ print('Create Appli');
+ sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)),'..'))
+ from Editeur.eficas_go import getEficas
+ eficasAppli=getEficas(code, langue='ang',appWeb=app)
+ return eficasAppli
+if debug : print ('eficasAppli = ', eficasAppli)
+def fromConnecteur(maFonction, sessionId, externEditorId, *args,**kwargs):
+ if debug :
+ print ('________________________________________________________________________')
+ print ('fromConnecteur : ', maFonction, sessionId, externEditorId, *args,**kwargs)
+ print ('________________________________________________________________________')
+ fnct=globals()[maFonction]
+ fnct(sessionId, externEditorId, *args,**kwargs)
+#TODO : Rattacher à une session
+# gérer un appel register callback
+## ServerSideEvent from Eficas signals :
+# - Validite
+# - Ajouter un noeud (et ses enfants)
+# - Supprimer un noeud (et ses enfants),
+# - ReAffichage d'un noeud (et ses enfants)
+# - Changement d'un nom de mot-cle reference
+def propageValide(cId, eId, id, valid): #TODO: RENAME TO ... propagateValidation
+ if debug : print ('Flask/propageValide: ', id, valid)
+ sse.publish( {'eId' : eId, 'id':id, 'valid':valid, 'message': "Hello from propageValide!"}, type='propageValide', channel = str(cId))
+def updateNodeInfo(cId, eId, id, info):
+ debug=1
+ if debug : print ('Flask/updateNodeInfo', cId, eId, id, info)
+ sse.publish( {'eId' : eId, 'id':id, 'info':info, 'message': "Hello from updateNodeInfo!"}, type='updateNodeInfo', channel = str(cId))
+def appendChildren(cId, eId, id, fcyTreeJson, pos):
+ debug = 0
+ if debug : print ('Flask/appendChildren: ', id, fcyTreeJson, pos)
+ sse.publish( {'eId' : eId, 'id':id, 'fcyTreeSrc':fcyTreeJson, 'pos':pos, 'message': "Hello from appendChildren!"}, type='appendChildren', channel = str(cId))
+def deleteChildren(cId, eId, idList):
+ if debug : print ('Flask/deleteChildren: ', idList)
+ sse.publish( {'eId' : eId, 'idList':idList,'message': "Hello from deleteChildren!"}, type='deleteChildren', channel = str(cId))
+#TODO: Câbler la sélection du catalogue avant d'activer les appels suivants
+# car si la page Web n'est pas rendue et que le connecteur génère une erreur... boom !
+def afficheMessage(sId, txt, couleur): #TODO: RENAME TO ... displayWarning
+ if sId != session['eficasSession'] : return
+ print ('Flask/afficheMessage: ', txt, couleur)
+ # sse.publish( {'txt':txt, 'color':couleur, 'messageClass':"alert-warning" ,'message': "Hello from afficheMessage!"},
+ # type='displayMessage')
+def afficheAlerte(sId, titre, message): #TODO: RENAME TO ... displayDanger
+ if sId != session['eficasSession'] : return
+ print ('Flask/afficheAlerte: ', titre, message) #TODO: titre & message VS txt ?
+ # sse.publish( {'txt':titre, 'color':couleur, 'messageClass':"alert-danger", 'message': "Hello from afficheAlerte!"},
+ # type='displayMessage')
+#Messages Globaux ?
+def afficheMessage2(cId, eId, txt, couleur): #TODO: RENAME TO ... displayWarning
+ if debug : print ('Flask/afficheMessage: ', txt, couleur)
+ sse.publish( {'txt':txt, 'color':couleur, 'messageClass':"alert-warning" ,'message': txt},
+ type='message', channel = str(cId))
+def afficheAlerte2(cId, eId, titre, message, couleur): #TODO: RENAME TO ... displayDanger
+ if debug : print ('Flask/afficheAlerte: ', titre, message) #TODO: titre & message VS txt ?
+ sse.publish( {'txt':titre, 'color':couleur, 'messageClass':"alert-danger", 'message': "Hello from afficheAlerte!"},
+ type='error', channel = str(cId))
+## WebApp -> Eficas :
+# Pour SIMP : Ajoute, Supprime (MC facultatif), Change la valeur
+# Pour FACT : Ajoute, Supprime
+# Pour PROC : Ajoute, Supprime
+# Pour OPER : Ajoute, Supprime, Nomme, Renomme
+# @app.route('/post/<uuid:post_id>')
+@app.route("/updateSimp", methods=['POST'])
+def updateSimp():
+ # Validate the request body contains JSON
+ if request.is_json:
+ # Parse the JSON into a Python dictionary
+ req = request.get_json()
+ # Print the dictionary
+ if debug : print("Flask/updateSimp request : ", req)
+ if debug : print("Flask/updateSimp request['id'] : ",req['id'])
+ eId = req['eId'];id=req['id'];value=req['value']
+ # id, value = req.values() # Dangereux correspondance implicite
+ value = str(value) # L'utilisateur peut écrire la valeur Pi
+ (eficasEditor, errorCode, errorMsg, infoMsg) = eficasAppli.getWebEditorById(session['canalId'],eId)
+ if errorCode :
+ messageLevel = "alert-danger"
+ message = errorMsg + infoMsg
+ return make_response(json.dumps( {'errorCode' : errorCode, 'message': message,'msgLevel':msgLevel} ))
+ #(rId, errorCode, errorMsg, infoMsg) = eficasEditor.changeValue(session['canalId'], eId, id,value);
+ #assert(rId==id)
+ #changeDone = True
+ # if debug : print ("Flask/updateSimp changeDone : ",changeDone)
+ # Ne pas recuperer et ne pas renvoyer le noeud dans le cas du SIMP
+ # (le changeDone et l''ancienne valeur ds la WebApp suffit
+ #(node, errorCode, errorMsg, errorLevel) = eficasEditor.getDicoForFancy(eficasEditor.getNodeById(id))
+ if debug : print("Flask/updateSimp node : ",node)
+ # return jsonify([myTreeDico])
+ (node, errorCode, errorMsg, infoMsg) = eficasEditor.changeValue(session['canalId'], eId, id,value);
+ if errorCode :
+ messageLevel = "alert-danger"
+ message = errorMsg + infoMsg
+ return make_response(json.dumps( {'errorCode' : errorCode, 'message': message,'msgLevel':msgLevel} ))
+ if infoMessage != "" : msgLevel = 'alert-success'
+ else : msgLevel = "alert-info"
+ return make_response(json.dumps( {'source':node, 'errorCode' : errorCode, 'message': infoMessage,'msgLevel':msgLevel} ))
+ # Return a string along with an HTTP status code
+ # return "JSON received!", 200
+ else:
+ # The request body wasn't JSON so return a 400 HTTP status code
+ return "Request was not JSON", 400
+ #return make_response(jsonify({"message": "Request body must be JSON"}), 400)
+@app.route("/updateSDName", methods=['POST'])
+def updateSDName():
+ # Validate the request body contains JSON
+ if request.is_json:
+ # Parse the JSON into a Python dictionary
+ req = request.get_json()
+ # Print the dictionary
+ #print(req)
+ #print(req['id'])
+ eId=req['eId'];id=req['id'];sdnom=req['sdnom']
+ sdnom = str(sdnom) #On peut écrire Pi
+ # On attendant que l externalEditorId soit dans le tree
+ (eficasEditor, errorCode, errorMsg, infoMsg) = eficasAppli.getWebEditorById(session['canalId'],eId)
+ if errorCode :
+ messageLevel = "alert-danger"
+ message = errorMsg + infoMsg
+ return make_response(json.dumps( {'changeIsAccepted' : changeDone, 'message': message} ))
+ (errorCode, errorMsg, infoMsg) = eficasEditor.updateSDName(session['canalId'],eId,id,sdnom);
+ if errorCode :
+ messageLevel = "alert-danger"
+ message = errorMsg + infoMsg
+ else :
+ messageLevel = "alert-success"
+ return make_response(json.dumps( {'errorCode' : errorCode, 'message': message,'msgLevel':msgLevel} ))
+ else:
+ # The request body wasn't JSON so return a 400 HTTP status code
+ return "Request was not JSON", 400
+ #return make_response(jsonify({"message": "Request body must be JSON"}), 400)
+@app.route("/removeNode", methods=['POST'])
+def removeNode():
+ # Validate the request body contains JSON
+ if request.is_json:
+ # Parse the JSON into a Python dictionary
+ req = request.get_json()
+ # Print the dictionary
+ if debug : print("Flask/removeNode ",req);print("/removeNode ",req['eId'],req['id']);
+ eId = req['eId'];
+ id = req['id'];
+ (eficasEditor, errorCode, errorMsg, infoMsg) = eficasAppli.getWebEditorById(session['canalId'],eId)
+ if errorCode :
+ messageLevel = "alert-danger"
+ message = errorMsg + infoMsg
+ return make_response(json.dumps( {'errorCode' : errorCode, 'message': message,'msgLevel':msgLevel} ))
+ (errorCode, errorMsg, infoMsg) = eficasEditor.removeNode(session['canalId'],session['externEditorId'],id);
+ if debug : print ("Flask/removeNode : ret : ",ret," message : ",message)
+ if errorCode :
+ messageLevel = "alert-danger"
+ message = errorMsg + infoMsg
+ else :
+ messageLevel = "alert-success"
+ return make_response(json.dumps( {'errorCode' : errorCode, 'message': message,'msgLevel':msgLevel} ))
+ else:
+ # The request body wasn't JSON so return a 400 HTTP status code
+ return "Request was not JSON", 400
+ #return make_response(jsonify({"message": "Request body must be JSON"}), 400)
+@app.route("/appendChild", methods=['POST'])
+def appendChild():
+ # Validate the request body contains JSON
+ # print ('__________________________________________')
+ # print ( 'in appendChild')
+ # print ('__________________________________________')
+ if request.is_json:
+ # Parse the JSON into a Python dictionary
+ req = request.get_json()
+ # Print the dictionary
+ if debug : print(__file__+"Flask/appendChild : ",req);
+ eId = req['eId'];id=req['id'];name=req['name'];pos=req['pos'];
+ # id, value = req.values() # Dangereux correspondance implicite
+ #rId,message,changeDone = eficasEditor.appendChild(id,name,pos);
+ (eficasEditor, errorCode, message) = eficasAppli.getWebEditorById(session['canalId'],eId)
+ if errorCode :
+ messageLevel = "alert-danger"
+ message = errorMsg + infoMsg
+ return make_response(json.dumps( {'errorCode' : errorCode, 'message': message,'msgLevel':msgLevel} ))
+ (newId, errorCode, message) = eficasEditor.appendChild(session['canalId'],eId,id,name,pos);
+ if debug : print (__file__+"Flask/appendChild : newId : ",newId);
+ if errorCode :
+ messageLevel = "alert-danger"
+ message = errorMsg + infoMsg
+ else :
+ messageLevel = "alert-success"
+ return make_response(json.dumps( {'id':newId, 'errorCode' : errorCode, 'message': message,'msgLevel':msgLevel} )) #TODO: Code Erreur
+ # return make_response(json.dumps( {'source':node, 'changeIsAccepted' : changeDone, 'message': message} ))
+ # Return a string along with an HTTP status code
+ # return "JSON received!", 200
+ else:
+ # The request body wasn't JSON so return a 400 HTTP status code
+ return "Request was not JSON", 400
+ #return make_response(jsonify({"message": "Request body must be JSON"}), 400)
+@app.route("/newDataset", methods=['POST'])
+def newDataset():
+ # Validate the request body contains JSON
+ if request.is_json:
+ # Parse the JSON into a Python dictionary
+ req = request.get_json()
+ # Print the dictionary
+ print(__file__+"/newDataset : ",req);
+ #cataFile =os.path.abspath("../Codes/WebTest/"+req['catalogName']);
+ cataFile =os.path.abspath("./data/"+req['catalogName']);
+ dataSetFile =os.path.abspath("./data/"+req['datasetName']);
+ #cataFile = os.path.abspath('../Codes/WebTest/')
+ #dataSetFile = os.path.abspath('../Codes/WebTest/web_tres_simple_avec_2Fact.comm')
+ else:
+ # The request body wasn't JSON so return a 400 HTTP status code
+ return "Request was not JSON", 400
+ #return make_response(jsonify({"message": "Request body must be JSON"}), 400)
+ cId=session['canalId'];
+ (editorId, errorCode, errorMessage, messageInfo) = eficasAppli.getWebEditor(cId, cataFile, dataSetFile)
+ debug = 1
+ if debug :
+ print ('apres getWebEditor : canalId, : ', cId, ' editorId, : ', editorId,
+ ' code Erreur : ', errorCode,'message : ', errorMessage, 'messageInfo ', messageInfo)
+ if errorCode :
+ afficheMessage2(cId, editorId, errorMessage,'macouleur');
+ return make_response(jsonify({"message": errorMessage, "code": errorCode}), 400)
+ session['externEditorId'] = editorId;
+ if debug : print ('idEditor = ', session['externEditorId'])
+ (eficasEditor, errorCode, errorMessage,messageInfo) = eficasAppli.getWebEditorById(session['canalId'],editorId)
+ if errorCode:
+ return make_response(jsonify({"message": errorMessage, "code": errorCode}), 400)
+ fancyTreeDict=eficasEditor.getDicoForFancy(eficasEditor.tree.racine) #TODO: changer le nom Dico en Dict
+ #fancyTreeJS=json.dumps([fancyTreeDict],indent=4) #TODO : remove indent if not DEBUG
+ fancyTreeDict['eId']=editorId;
+ #print("---- myFancyTreeDico ----")
+ pprint(fancyTreeDict)
+ #print("---- myFancyTreeJS ----")
+ #pprint( myFancyTreeJS)
+ commands = eficasEditor.getListeCommandes(); #TODO: Renommer la fonction
+ title = os.path.basename(cataFile)+'/'+os.path.basename(dataSetFile)
+ if debug : print('liste des commandes', eficasEditor.getListeCommandes())
+ return make_response(json.dumps( {'source': [fancyTreeDict], 'commands':commands, 'title':title,} ))
+def index():
+ # Example :
+ # tree4Fancy = """ [
+ # {"title": "Node 1", "key": "1"},
+ # {"title": "Folder 2", "key": "2", "folder": true, "children": [
+ # {"title": "Node 2.1", "key": "3"},
+ # {"title": "Node 2.2", "key": "4"}
+ # ]}
+ # ]
+ # """.replace('\n','')
+ #print ('_______________________________________________')
+ #cataFile = os.path.abspath('../Codes/WebTest/')
+ #dataSetFile = os.path.abspath('../Codes/WebTest/web_tres_simple_avec_2Fact.comm')
+ # En attendant la génération d'un n° de canal unique
+ # notion de plage
+ if not 'canalId' in session :
+ global _no
+ _no = _no + 1
+ canalId = _no
+ session['canalId'] = canalId
+ else :
+ canalId = session['canalId']
+ #if _no == 3:
+ # dataSetFile = os.path.abspath('../Codes/WebTest/web_tres_simple_incomplet.comm')
+ #(canalId, eficasEditor, errorCode, message) = eficasAppli.getWebEditor(cataFile, dataSetFile)
+ #(externEditorId, errorCode, errorMsg, messageInfo) = eficasAppli.getWebEditor(canalId, cataFile, dataSetFile)
+ #debug = 0
+ #if debug : print ('apres getWebEditor : canalId, : ', canalId, ' externEditorId, : ', externEditorId, ' code Erreur : ', errorCode,'message : ', errorMsg, 'messageInfo ', messageInfo)
+ #if not errorCode :
+ # if debug :
+ # print ('_______________________________________________')
+ # print ('canalId', canalId)
+ # print ('externEditorId', externEditorId)
+ # print ('_______________________________________________')
+ # session['externEditorId'] = externEditorId
+ #else :
+ # # Il faudrait gerer les erreurs
+ # return render_template('commandes_2.html',
+ # titre= errorMsg,
+ # listeCommandes = [],
+ # tree= None
+ # )
+ #if debug : print ('idEditor = ', session['externEditorId'])
+ #(eficasEditor, errorCode, message) = eficasAppli.getWebEditorById(canalId,externEditorId)
+ #if errorCode:
+ # return render_template('commandes_2.html',
+ # titre= errorMsg,
+ # listeCommandes = [],
+ # tree= None
+ # )
+ #myFancyTreeDico=eficasEditor.getDicoForFancy(eficasEditor.tree.racine)
+ #if debug : pprint (myFancyTreeDico)
+ #myFancyTreeJS=json.dumps([myFancyTreeDico],indent=4) #TODO : remove indent if not DEBUG
+ #print("---- myFancyTreeDico ----")
+ #pprint(myFancyTreeDico)
+ #print("---- myFancyTreeJS ----")
+ #pprint( myFancyTreeJS)
+ #if debug : print ( 'liste des commandes', eficasEditor.getListeCommandes())
+ #return render_template('commandes_2.html',
+ # titre=code,
+ # efi_update_channel = str(canalId),
+ # listeCommandes = eficasEditor.getListeCommandes(),
+ # tree=myFancyTreeJS,
+ # tree=tree4Fancy,
+ #)
+ myFancyTreeJS=json.dumps([{}],indent=4) #TODO : remove indent if not DEBUG
+ return render_template('commandes_2.html',
+ titre=code,
+ efi_update_channel = str(canalId),
+ listeCommandes = [],
+ tree=myFancyTreeJS,
+ )
+ # etape = str(escape(request.args.get("etape", "")))
+# @app.route("/forward/", methods=['POST'])
+# def move_forward():
+# #Moving forward code
+# forward_message = "Moving Forward..."
+# return render_template('mdm.html', message=forward_message)
+# @app.route('/form', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
+# def basicform():
+# form = BasicForm(request.form)
+# if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
+# with open('/tmp/test.txt', 'w') as f:
+# for k in request.form:
+# f.write('{0}: {1}\n'.format(k, request.form[k]))
+# return render_template('basic.html', form=form)
+# @app.route("/json", methods=["POST"])
+# def json_example():
+# if request.is_json:
+# req = request.get_json()
+# response_body = {
+# "message": "JSON received!",
+# "sender": req.get("name")
+# }
+# res = make_response(jsonify(response_body), 200)
+# return res
+# else:
+# return make_response(jsonify({"message": "Request body must be JSON"}), 400)
+#from fileManagement import *
+def allowed_file(filename):
+ return '.' in filename and \
+ filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1].lower() in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS
+def gen_file_name(filename):
+ """
+ If file was exist already, rename it and return a new name
+ """
+ i = 1
+ while os.path.exists(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)):
+ name, extension = os.path.splitext(filename)
+ filename = '%s_%s%s' % (name, str(i), extension)
+ i += 1
+ return filename
+def create_thumbnail(image):
+ try:
+ base_width = 80
+ img =['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], image))
+ w_percent = (base_width / float(img.size[0]))
+ h_size = int((float(img.size[1]) * float(w_percent)))
+ img = img.resize((base_width, h_size), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
+['THUMBNAIL_FOLDER'], image))
+ return True
+ except:
+ print(traceback.format_exc())
+ return False
+@app.route("/upload", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
+def upload():
+ if request.method == 'POST':
+ files = request.files['file']
+ if files:
+ filename = secure_filename(files.filename)
+ filename = gen_file_name(filename)
+ mime_type = files.content_type
+ if not allowed_file(files.filename):
+ result = uploadfile(name=filename, type=mime_type, size=0, not_allowed_msg="File type not allowed")
+ else:
+ # save file to disk
+ uploaded_file_path = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)
+ # create thumbnail after saving
+ if mime_type.startswith('image'):
+ create_thumbnail(filename)
+ # get file size after saving
+ size = os.path.getsize(uploaded_file_path)
+ # return json for js call back
+ result = uploadfile(name=filename, type=mime_type, size=size)
+ return simplejson.dumps({"files": [result.get_file()]})
+ if request.method == 'GET':
+ # get all file in ./data directory
+ files = [f for f in os.listdir(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER']) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'],f)) and f not in IGNORED_FILES ]
+ file_display = []
+ for f in files:
+ size = os.path.getsize(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], f))
+ file_saved = uploadfile(name=f, size=size)
+ file_display.append(file_saved.get_file())
+ return simplejson.dumps({"files": file_display})
+ return redirect(url_for('index'))
+@app.route("/delete/<string:filename>", methods=['DELETE'])
+def delete(filename):
+ file_path = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)
+ file_thumb_path = os.path.join(app.config['THUMBNAIL_FOLDER'], filename)
+ if os.path.exists(file_path):
+ try:
+ os.remove(file_path)
+ if os.path.exists(file_thumb_path):
+ os.remove(file_thumb_path)
+ return simplejson.dumps({filename: 'True'})
+ except:
+ return simplejson.dumps({filename: 'False'})
+# serve static files
+@app.route("/thumbnail/<string:filename>", methods=['GET'])
+def get_thumbnail(filename):
+ return send_from_directory(app.config['THUMBNAIL_FOLDER'], filename=filename)
+@app.route("/data/<string:filename>", methods=['GET'])
+def get_file(filename):
+ return send_from_directory(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER']), filename=filename)
+# @app.route("/_upload", methods=['POST'])
+# def _upload():
+# # Validate the request body contains JSON
+# if request.is_json:
+# # Parse the JSON into a Python dictionary
+# req = request.get_json()
+# # Print the dictionary
+# uploadRequest=json.dumps([req],indent=4); #TODO : remove indent if not DEBUG
+# pprint(uploadRequest);
+# return make_response(json.dumps( {'source':node, 'changeIsAccepted' : changeDone, 'message': message} ))
+# # Return a string along with an HTTP status code
+# # return "JSON received!", 200
+# else:
+# print(request)
+# files = request.files['files']
+# if files:
+# return make_response(json.dumps( {"files": ["coucou"]} ))
+# # if request.method == 'POST' and 'files' in request.files:
+# # The request body wasn't JSON so return a 400 HTTP status code
+# return "Request was not JSON", 400
+# #return make_response(jsonify({"message": "Request body must be JSON"}), 400)
+# For example, you may want to override how request parameters are handled to preserve their order:
+# from flask import Flask, Request
+# from werkzeug.datastructures import ImmutableOrderedMultiDict
+# class MyRequest(Request):
+# """Request subclass to override request parameter storage"""
+# parameter_storage_class = ImmutableOrderedMultiDict
+# class MyFlask(Flask):
+# """Flask subclass using the custom request class"""
+# request_class = MyReq
+def create_app(test_config=None):
+ # create and configure the app
+ app = Flask(__name__, instance_relative_config=True)
+ app.config.from_mapping(
+ SECRET_KEY='dev',
+ DATABASE=os.path.join(app.instance_path, 'flaskr.sqlite'),
+ )
+ if test_config is None:
+ # load the instance config, if it exists, when not testing
+ app.config.from_pyfile('', silent=True)
+ else:
+ # load the test config if passed in
+ app.config.from_mapping(test_config)
+ # ensure the instance folder exists
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(app.instance_path)
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ return app
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+"localhost", port=8321, debug=True)
+#$("#386bc28a2ff811ec853cac220bca9aa6").html('<label class="form-check-label">Test1<input type="text" class="form-control form-control-sm"></label><essai>Essai</essai>')
+# $("#550f63502b6611ecab61ac220bca9aa6").hover(function(){
+# alert("The text has been changed.");
+# });
+# $("#1f3ca24a2cf911ecab61ac220bca9aa6").hover(function(){
+# $.post("{{ url_for('static', filename='demo_test.txt') }}",
+# {
+# id: $(this).attr("id"),
+# },
+# function(data, status){
+# alert("Data: " + data + "\nStatus: " + status);
+# });
+# });
+# $("#e0a1f2862cfa11ecab61ac220bca9aa6").hover(function(){
+# $.post("",
+# {
+# id: $(this).attr("id"),
+# },
+# function(data, status){
+# alert("Data: " + data + "\nStatus: " + status);
+# });
+# });
+# $(".MCSIMPValide").hover(function(){
+# alert("-5-- :"+ $(this).text() + $("#e0a1f2862cfa11ecab61ac220bca9aa6").text() + $(this).attr("class") + $(this).attr("id"));
+# $.post("",
+# {
+# id: $(this).attr("id"),
+# },
+# function(data, status){
+# alert("Data: " + data + "\nStatus: " + status +"\nId :", $(this).attr("id") );
+# });
+# });
+# # # $("#550f63502b6611ecab61ac220bca9aa6")[0].id
+# $("#e0a1f2862cfa11ecab61ac220bca9aa6").hover(function(){
+# alert("-4-- :"+ $(this).text() + $("#e0a1f2862cfa11ecab61ac220bca9aa6").text() + $(this).attr("class") + $(this).attr("id"));
+# });
+# $("#550f63502b6611ecab61ac220bca9aa6")[0].id
+# Pour obtenir le nodeid treeview a partir de l'eficasID