- _ts(0)
+ _ts(0),
+ _dimMesh(-1)
QListViewItem *element;
int row = 0;
- // 0) tree to visualize meshes and fields
+ // 0) label to select field on 3D mesh
+ _myGroupLayout->addWidget( new QLabel(tr("FILTER_SEL_3D"),_GroupC1), row, 0 );
+ row++;
+ // 1) tree to visualize meshes and fields
_myList = new QListView( _GroupC1, "List of fields" );
_myList->setMinimumSize( 400, 400 );
_myList->setMaximumSize( 400, 400 );
+ _myList->addColumn(tr("FILTER_DIM"));
for(int i=0;i<numberOfMeshes;i++){
- element = new QListViewItem( _myList, meshesNames[i], tr("FILTER_MESH") );
+ _dimMesh = _med->getMesh(meshesNames[i])->getMeshDimension();
+ char strd[4];
+ sprintf(strd,"%dD\0",_dimMesh);
+ element = new QListViewItem( _myList, meshesNames[i], tr("FILTER_MESH") ,strd);
for (int j=0; j<numberOfFields; j++){
deque<DT_IT_> myIteration = _med->getFieldIteration (fieldsNames[j]);
string meshName = _med->getField(fieldsNames[j],myIteration[0].dt,myIteration[0].it)->getSupport()->getMesh()->getName();
- if( strcmp(meshName.c_str(),meshesNames[i].c_str()) == 0)
- new QListViewItem( element, fieldsNames[j], tr("FILTER_FIELD") );
+ if( strcmp(meshName.c_str(),meshesNames[i].c_str()) == 0){
+ QListViewItem *elem = new QListViewItem( element, fieldsNames[j], tr("FILTER_FIELD") );
+ if(_dimMesh != 3)
+ elem->setSelectable(false);
+ }
_myGroupLayout->addWidget( _myList, row, 0 );
- // 1) label for time steps
+ // 2) label for time steps
_myLab = new QLabel(tr("FILTER_SEL_TS"),_GroupC1);
_myGroupLayout->addWidget( _myLab, row, 0 );
- // 2) slider to visualize time steps
+ // 3) slider to visualize time steps
_mySlider = new QSlider(_GroupC1);
- // 3) buttons Close and Help
+ // 4) buttons Ok, Cancel and Help
_GroupButtons = new QGroupBox(_GroupC1, "GroupButtons");
_GroupButtons->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy((QSizePolicy::SizeType)7, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)0, 0, 0, _GroupButtons->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()));
// _GroupButtons->setGeometry(QRect(10, 10, 281, 48));
void SelectField::fieldSelected(QListViewItem *lvi)
- if( strcmp(lvi->text(1),"Field") == 0){
+ if( (strcmp(lvi->text(1),"Field") == 0) && (_dimMesh == 3) ){
_field = lvi->text(0);
_mesh = lvi->parent()->text(0);
deque<DT_IT_> myIteration = _med->getFieldIteration (lvi->text(0));
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "SelectParams.h"
-#include "utilities.h"
+#include "MEDMEM_MedMeshDriver.hxx"
#include <SUIT_FileDlg.h>
SelectParams::SelectParams(FilterGUI* theModule,SelectField *sel,
const char* name,
bool modal, WFlags fl)
- : QDialog(FILTER::GetDesktop( theModule ), name, modal, WStyle_Customize | WStyle_NormalBorder | WStyle_Title | WStyle_SysMenu | Qt::WDestructiveClose), _size(1024),_sel(sel)
+ : QDialog(FILTER::GetDesktop( theModule ), name, modal, WStyle_Customize | WStyle_NormalBorder | WStyle_Title | WStyle_SysMenu | Qt::WDestructiveClose), _size(1024),_sel(sel),_criteria(NULL),_boundary(NULL)
// read reference field values
- ::MEDMEM::MED *med = sel->getMED();
+ _med = sel->getMED();
// Get reference field and time step
_inputFile = sel->getFile();
throw SALOME_Exception("Salome Exception");
- deque<DT_IT_> myIteration = med->getFieldIteration (_inputField);
- MEDMEM::FIELD_* field = med->getField(_inputField,myIteration[_inputTS].dt,myIteration[_inputTS].it);
+ // read of input mesh
+ _mesh = _med->getMesh(_inputMesh);
+ _mesh->read();
+ // read of input field
+ deque<DT_IT_> myIteration = _med->getFieldIteration (_inputField);
+ MEDMEM::FIELD_* field = _med->getField(_inputField,myIteration[_inputTS].dt,myIteration[_inputTS].it);
if (dynamic_cast<MEDMEM::FIELD<double>*>(field)){
- _myDField = new MEDMEM::FIELD<double>(MEDMEM::MED_DRIVER,_inputFile,_inputField,myIteration[_inputTS].dt,myIteration[_inputTS].it);
+ _myDField = (MEDMEM::FIELD<double>*)field;
+ _myDField->read();
_myIField = NULL;
- _myIField = new MEDMEM::FIELD<int>(MEDMEM::MED_DRIVER,_inputFile,_inputField,myIteration[_inputTS].dt,myIteration[_inputTS].it);
+ _myIField = (MEDMEM::FIELD<int>*)field;
+ _myIField->read();
_myDField = NULL;
+ // Build QT widgets
// if no reference field selection: throw exception
cout << "SelectParams: destructor called" << endl;
+ // destrcution of histogram arrays
delete _x;
delete _y;
- if(_myIField){
+ // destruction of support of reference field: reference filed is destroyed
+ // by destruction of med object in _sel destruction
+ if(_myIField)
delete _myIField->getSupport();
- delete _myIField;
- }
- if(_myDField){
+ if(_myDField)
delete _myDField->getSupport();
- delete _myDField;
+ // destruction of criteria: support and field
+ if(_criteria){
+ delete _criteria->getSupport();
+ delete _criteria;
+ // destruction of criteria: support and field
+ if(_boundary)
+ delete _boundary;
+ // destruction of SelectField object and MED object in it
delete _sel;
_GroupC2->setMaximumSize( 500, 500 );
setMinimumSize( 750, 500 );
setMaximumSize( 750, 500 );
-// this->show(); /* displays Dialog */
void SelectParams::enterSHisto()
string command;
- // have to call ensight driver MED to generate input for filtoo
MESSAGE("Input MED File : "<<_inputFile);
MESSAGE("Input Mesh : "<<_inputMesh);
MESSAGE("Input Field : "<<_inputField);
MESSAGE("Input Time Step : "<<_inputTS);
MESSAGE("Output file name: " << _myOFN->text() );
+ // generate MED integer field (0 or 1) for filtoo input
+ generateCriteria();
+ // generate MED boundary of geometry
+ generateBoundary();
+ // have to call ensight driver MED to generate input ensight mesh ,
+ // input ensight boundary mesh and input criteria ensight field for filtoo
// send filtoo command
command = "cd /export/home/secher/filtoo/example;filtoo -f s -o sf > /tmp/filter.log";
+void SelectParams::generateBoundary()
+ int nbTria3=0;
+ int nbQuad4=0;
+ int nbTria6=0;
+ int nbQuad8=0;
+ const int *faces3, *faces4, *faces6, *faces8;
+ // get support of faces on boundary
+ MEDMEM::SUPPORT *supF = _mesh->getBoundaryElements(MED_EN::MED_FACE);
+ // get support of nodes on boundary
+ MEDMEM::SUPPORT *supN = _mesh->getBoundaryElements(MED_EN::MED_NODE);
+ // number of faces on boundary
+ int nbFaces = supF->getNumberOfElements(MED_ALL_ELEMENTS);
+ // type of face on boundary
+ const MED_EN::medGeometryElement* geotype = supF->getTypes();
+ // number of type of face on boundary
+ int nbTypes = supF->getNumberOfTypes();
+ for(int i=0;i<nbTypes;i++){
+ switch(geotype[i]){
+ case MED_TRIA3:
+ // number of tria3 on boundary
+ nbTria3 = supF->getNumberOfElements(MED_TRIA3);
+ // array of number of tria6 of boundary
+ faces3 = supF->getNumber(MED_TRIA3);
+ break;
+ case MED_QUAD4:
+ // number of quad4 on boundary
+ nbQuad4 = supF->getNumberOfElements(MED_QUAD4);
+ // array of number of tria6 of boundary
+ faces4 = supF->getNumber(MED_QUAD4);
+ break;
+ case MED_TRIA6:
+ // number of tria6 on boundary
+ nbTria6 = supF->getNumberOfElements(MED_TRIA6);
+ // array of number of tria6 of boundary
+ faces6 = supF->getNumber(MED_TRIA6);
+ break;
+ case MED_QUAD8:
+ // number of quad8 on boundary
+ nbQuad8 = supF->getNumberOfElements(MED_QUAD8);
+ // array of number of tria6 of boundary
+ faces8 = supF->getNumber(MED_QUAD8);
+ break;
+ default:
+ MESSAGE("OTHER FACE THAN TRIA3 OR QUAD4 : " << geotype[i]);
+ throw SALOME_Exception("Salome Exception");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // number of nodes on boundary
+ int nbNodes = supN->getNumberOfElements(MED_ALL_ELEMENTS);
+ MESSAGE(nbFaces<< " FACES " << nbTria3 << " TRIA3 " << nbQuad4 << " QUAD4 " << nbTria6 << " TRIA6 " << nbQuad8 << " QUAD8 " << nbNodes << " NODES on BOUNDARY");
+ // array of number of faces of boundary
+ const int *faces = supF->getNumber(MED_ALL_ELEMENTS);
+ // array of number of nodes of boundary
+ const int *nodes = supN->getNumber(MED_ALL_ELEMENTS);
+ // array of coordinates of nodes in input 3D mesh
+ const double *coord = _mesh->getCoordinates(MED_FULL_INTERLACE);
+ // space dimension of input mesh
+ int spaceDim = _mesh->getSpaceDimension();
+ // array of coordinates of nodes in boundary
+ double *coordB = new double[spaceDim*nbNodes];
+ map<int,int> ONNodes;
+ for(int i=0;i<nbNodes;i++){
+ for(int j=0;j<spaceDim;j++)
+ coordB[spaceDim*i+j] = coord[(nodes[i]-1)*spaceDim+j];
+ ONNodes[nodes[i]] = i+1;
+ }
+ // size of nodal connectivity of the faces of boundary
+ int nbElem = 3*nbTria3 + 4*nbQuad4 + 6*nbTria6 + 8*nbQuad8;
+ // allocation of array of nodal connectivity of the faces of boudary
+ int *connB = new int[nbElem];
+ int ind=0;
+ // array of nodal connectivity of the tria3 of input 3D mesh
+ if( nbTria3 > 0 ){
+ const int *conn3 = _mesh->getConnectivity(MED_FULL_INTERLACE,MED_NODAL,MED_FACE,MED_TRIA3);
+ for(int i=0;i<nbTria3;i++){
+ for(int j=0;j<3;j++)
+ connB[ind+j] = ONNodes[conn3[(faces3[i]-1)*3+j]];
+ ind+=3;
+ }
+ }
+ // array of nodal connectivity of the quad4 of input 3D mesh
+ if( nbQuad4 > 0 ){
+ const int *conn4 = _mesh->getConnectivity(MED_FULL_INTERLACE,MED_NODAL,MED_FACE,MED_QUAD4);
+ for(int i=0;i<nbQuad4;i++){
+ for(int j=0;j<4;j++)
+ connB[ind+j] = ONNodes[conn4[(faces4[i]-1)*4+j]];
+ ind+=4;
+ }
+ }
+ // array of nodal connectivity of the tria6 of input 3D mesh
+ if( nbTria6 > 0 ){
+ const int *conn6 = _mesh->getConnectivity(MED_FULL_INTERLACE,MED_NODAL,MED_FACE,MED_TRIA6);
+ for(int i=0;i<nbTria6;i++){
+ for(int j=0;j<6;j++)
+ connB[ind+j] = ONNodes[conn6[(faces6[i]-1)*6+j]];
+ ind+=6;
+ }
+ }
+ // array of nodal connectivity of the quad4 of input 3D mesh
+ if( nbQuad8 > 0 ){
+ const int *conn8 = _mesh->getConnectivity(MED_FULL_INTERLACE,MED_NODAL,MED_FACE,MED_QUAD8);
+ for(int i=0;i<nbQuad8;i++){
+ for(int j=0;j<8;j++)
+ connB[ind+j] = ONNodes[conn8[(faces8[i]-1)*8+j]];
+ ind+=8;
+ }
+ }
+ // boundary mesh creation
+ _boundary = new MESHING();
+ _boundary->setName( "Boundary" );
+ int nbOfClassicalTypesFace[4];
+ medGeometryElement classicalTypesFace[4];
+ ind=0;
+ if( nbTria3 > 0 ){
+ nbOfClassicalTypesFace[ind] = nbTria3;
+ classicalTypesFace[ind] = MED_EN::MED_TRIA3;
+ ind++;
+ }
+ if( nbQuad4 > 0 ){
+ nbOfClassicalTypesFace[ind] = nbQuad4;
+ classicalTypesFace[ind] = MED_EN::MED_QUAD4;
+ ind++;
+ }
+ if( nbTria6 > 0 ){
+ nbOfClassicalTypesFace[ind] = nbTria6;
+ classicalTypesFace[ind] = MED_EN::MED_TRIA6;
+ ind++;
+ }
+ if( nbQuad8 > 0 ){
+ nbOfClassicalTypesFace[ind] = nbQuad8;
+ classicalTypesFace[ind] = MED_EN::MED_QUAD8;
+ ind++;
+ }
+ _boundary->setNumberOfTypes(ind, MED_EN::MED_CELL) ;
+ _boundary->setTypes( classicalTypesFace, MED_EN::MED_CELL) ;
+ _boundary->setNumberOfElements(nbOfClassicalTypesFace, MED_EN::MED_CELL);
+ if( nbTria3 > 0 )
+ _boundary->setConnectivity( connB, MED_EN::MED_CELL, MED_EN::MED_TRIA3);
+ if( nbQuad4 > 0 )
+ _boundary->setConnectivity( connB+3*nbTria3, MED_EN::MED_CELL, MED_EN::MED_QUAD4);
+ if( nbTria6 > 0 )
+ _boundary->setConnectivity( connB+3*nbTria3+4*nbQuad4, MED_EN::MED_CELL, MED_EN::MED_TRIA6);
+ if( nbQuad8 > 0 )
+ _boundary->setConnectivity( connB+3*nbTria3+4*nbQuad4+6*nbTria6, MED_EN::MED_CELL, MED_EN::MED_QUAD8);
+ _boundary->setMeshDimension(3);
+ _boundary->setSpaceDimension(3);
+ _boundary->setNumberOfNodes(nbNodes);
+ _boundary->setCoordinates(3, nbNodes, coordB, "CARTESIAN",
+ // Set coordinates names
+ string coordname[3] = { "x", "y", "z" } ;
+ _boundary->setCoordinatesNames(coordname) ;
+ // Set coordinates units
+ string coordunit[3] = { "m", "m", "m" } ;
+ _boundary->setCoordinatesUnits(coordunit) ;
+ // write the boundary mesh in a MED file for test
+// MED_MESH_WRONLY_DRIVER myMeshDriver("/home/secher/mymesh.med",_boundary);
+// int current=_boundary->addDriver(myMeshDriver);
+// _boundary->write(current);
+ // support destruction
+ delete supF;
+ delete supN;
+ // connectivity destruction
+ delete [] connB;
+ // coordinate destruction
+ delete [] coordB;
+void SelectParams::generateCriteria()
+ double val, min, max;
+ bool isGVal;
+ MED_EN::medEntityMesh typ;
+ // if reference field is on elements create reference field on nodes
+ if(_myDField)
+ typ = _myDField->getSupport()->getEntity();
+ else
+ typ = _myIField->getSupport()->getEntity();
+ switch(typ){
+ case MED_CELL:
+ return;
+ case MED_FACE:
+ return;
+ case MED_EDGE:
+ return;
+ case MED_NODE:
+ break;
+ return;
+ }
+ // create support on nodes
+ SUPPORT *sup = new SUPPORT(_mesh,"Support",MED_NODE);
+ // create integer field on nodes
+ _criteria = new FIELD<int>(sup,1);
+ // read number of nodes
+ int NumberOf = sup->getNumberOfElements(MED_ALL_ELEMENTS);
+ for (int i=1; i<NumberOf+1; i++){
+ // read reference field value
+ if(_myDField)
+ val = _myDField->getValueIJ(i,1);
+ else
+ val = (double)_myIField->getValueIJ(i,1);
+ // set criteria field value
+ if( _myOneThresh->isChecked() ){
+ if( _myExt->isChecked() )
+ if( val >= _fthresh ) isGVal = true;
+ else isGVal = false;
+ else
+ if( val <= _fthresh ) isGVal = true;
+ else isGVal = false;
+ }
+ else{
+ min = _fthresh;
+ max = _sthresh;
+ if(_sthresh < _fthresh){
+ min = _sthresh;
+ max = _fthresh;
+ }
+ if( _myExt->isChecked() )
+ if( (val <= min) || (val >= max) ) isGVal = true;
+ else isGVal = false;
+ else
+ if( (val >= min) && (val <= max) ) isGVal = true;
+ else isGVal = false;
+ }
+ if( isGVal )
+ _criteria->setValueIJ(i,1,1);
+ else
+ _criteria->setValueIJ(i,1,0);
+ }
void SelectParams::calcRateRed()
int i1, i2, i;