-add_custom_target (tests_CoreFlows COMMAND ctest -O testsCoreFlows.log)
+add_custom_target (CoreFlows COMMAND ctest -O testsCoreFlows.log)
+add_custom_target (cpp COMMAND ctest -R .exe)# may be replace ctest -R with ctest -L
+add_custom_target (mpi COMMAND ctest -R Procs)# may be replace ctest -R with ctest -L
+add_custom_target (eos COMMAND ctest -R EOS)# may be replace ctest -R with ctest -L
+add_custom_target (coupled COMMAND ctest -R Coupled)# may be replace ctest -R with ctest -L
add_custom_target (SinglePhase COMMAND ctest -R SinglePhase)# may be replace ctest -R with ctest -L
add_custom_target (DriftModel COMMAND ctest -R DriftModel) # may be replace ctest -R with ctest -L