""" Try to import module fqname
It's parent is module parent and has name partname
+ #print "import_module",partname, fqname, parent
m = sys.modules[fqname]
except KeyError:
def ensure_fromlist(m, fromlist, recursive=0):
""" Return the real modules list to be imported
+ #print "ensure_fromlist",m, fromlist, recursive
for sub in fromlist:
if sub == "*":
l.extend(ensure_fromlist(m, all, 1))
- elif hasattr(m,sub):
- submod=getattr(m,sub)
+ else:
+ #try to find if sub is an attribute (eventually dotted) of m
+ components=sub.split('.')
+ has_submod=True
+ submod=m
+ for comp in components:
+ if hasattr(submod,comp):
+ submod=getattr(submod, comp)
+ else:
+ has_submod=False
+ break
+ if has_submod:
+ #the attribute has been found
if type(submod) == type(sys):
l.append(("%s.%s" % (m.__name__, sub),submod))
- else:
+ else:
subname="%s.%s" % (m.__name__, sub)
submod = import_module(sub, subname, m)
if not submod: