int getNumberOfNodes() const;
int getSpaceDimension() const;
void setCoords(const DataArrayDouble *coords);
+ //! This method returns directly the array in 'this' \b without incrementing ref counter. The pointer is dealed by the mesh. The caller should not deal (decrRef) with this pointer
const DataArrayDouble *getCoords() const { return _coords; }
+ //! This method returns directly the array in 'this' \b without incrementing ref counter. The pointer is dealed by the mesh. The caller should not deal (decrRef) with this pointer
DataArrayDouble *getCoords() { return _coords; }
DataArrayDouble *getCoordinatesAndOwner() const;
void copyTinyStringsFrom(const MEDCouplingMesh *other) throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception);