<!-- <button id="bt1">Get External Content</button> -->
<!-- {%- for key, value in mcTraite.items() recursive %} -->
<!-- <h3>{{ key }} </h3> -->
<!-- <div id="tree2"></div> -->
- <!-- <div class="row"> -->
- <!-- <hr> -->
- <!-- <h2>MyDataModel : Testing the WebAPP approach</h2> -->
+<!-- <div class="row"> -->
+<!-- <hr> -->
+<!-- <h2>MyDataModel : Testing the WebAPP approach</h2> -->
+<!-- <div class="col-sm-4"> -->
+<!-- <h2>Searching</h2> -->
+<!-- <\!-- <form> -\-> -->
+<!-- <div class="form-group"> -->
+<!-- <label for="input-search" class="sr-only">Search Tree:</label> -->
+<!-- <input type="input" class="form-control" id="input-search" placeholder="Type to search..." value=""> -->
+<!-- </div> -->
+<!-- <div class="checkbox"> -->
+<!-- <label> -->
+<!-- <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="chk-ignore-case" value="false"> -->
+<!-- Ignore Case -->
+<!-- </label> -->
+<!-- </div> -->
+<!-- <div class="checkbox"> -->
+<!-- <label> -->
+<!-- <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="chk-exact-match" value="false"> -->
+<!-- Exact Match -->
+<!-- </label> -->
+<!-- </div> -->
+<!-- <div class="checkbox"> -->
+<!-- <label> -->
+<!-- <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="chk-reveal-results" value="false"> -->
+<!-- Reveal Results -->
+<!-- </label> -->
+<!-- </div> -->
+<!-- <button type="button" class="btn btn-success" id="btn-search">Search</button> -->
+<!-- <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" id="btn-clear-search">Clear</button> -->
+<!-- <\!-- </form> -\-> -->
+<!-- </div> -->
+<!-- <div class="col-sm-4"> -->
+<!-- <h2>Results</h2> -->
+<!-- <div id="search-output"></div> -->
+<!-- </div> -->
+<!-- </div> -->
+<div class="row">
+ <div class="col-sm-12 panel panel-default">
+ <!-- <h2>Choose Object to add</h2> -->
- <!-- <div class="col-sm-4"> -->
- <!-- <h2>Searching</h2> -->
- <!-- <\!-- <form> -\-> -->
- <!-- <div class="form-group"> -->
- <!-- <label for="input-search" class="sr-only">Search Tree:</label> -->
- <!-- <input type="input" class="form-control" id="input-search" placeholder="Type to search..." value=""> -->
- <!-- </div> -->
- <!-- <div class="checkbox"> -->
- <!-- <label> -->
- <!-- <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="chk-ignore-case" value="false"> -->
- <!-- Ignore Case -->
- <!-- </label> -->
- <!-- </div> -->
- <!-- <div class="checkbox"> -->
- <!-- <label> -->
- <!-- <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="chk-exact-match" value="false"> -->
- <!-- Exact Match -->
- <!-- </label> -->
- <!-- </div> -->
- <!-- <div class="checkbox"> -->
- <!-- <label> -->
- <!-- <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="chk-reveal-results" value="false"> -->
- <!-- Reveal Results -->
- <!-- </label> -->
- <!-- </div> -->
- <!-- <button type="button" class="btn btn-success" id="btn-search">Search</button> -->
- <!-- <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" id="btn-clear-search">Clear</button> -->
- <!-- <\!-- </form> -\-> -->
- <!-- </div> -->
- <!-- <div class="col-sm-4"> -->
- <!-- <h2>Results</h2> -->
- <!-- <div id="search-output"></div> -->
- <!-- </div> -->
- <!-- </div> -->
- <div class="row">
- <div class="col-sm-12 panel panel-default">
- <!-- <h2>Choose Object to add</h2> -->
- <!-- <h1>Choose command to add </h1> -->
- <!-- <h2>Commandes en ligne </h2> -->
- <!-- <ul> -->
- <!-- {% for commande in listeCommandes %} -->
- <!-- <li>{{ commande|e }}</li> -->
- <!-- {% endfor %} -->
- <!-- </ul> -->
- <!-- <h2>Commandes en checkbutton </h2> -->
- {% for commande in listeCommandes %}
- <!-- PN : pourquoi peut-il avoir plusieurs cheched -> à cause de name -->
- <div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons" onclick="clickOnCommand( '#tree1','#tree1-messages', '{{ commande }}' )">
- <!-- <input type="radio" name={{ commande }} id={{ commande }} > -->
- <!-- <input type="radio" class="form-check-input" name='Etapes' id={{ commande }} > -->
- <label class="btn btn-primary activate" for={{ commande }}> {{ commande }}</label><!-- <br> -->
- <!-- <label class="btn btn-primary" for={{ commande }}> -->
- <!-- <input class="form_check_input" type="radio" name='Etapes' id={{ commande }} > {{ commande }} -->
- <!-- </label> -->
- </div>
- {% endfor %}
- </div>
- </div>
- <!-- <div class="row panel panel-default"> -->
- <!-- <h2> </h2> -->
- <!-- <\!-- <div id="treeview-searchable" class=""></div> -\-> -->
- <!-- </div> -->
- <div class="row">
- <div class="col-sm-8 panel panel-default">
- <div class="panel-heading">DatasetName : {{titre}}</div>
+ <!-- <h1>Choose command to add </h1> -->
+ <!-- <h2>Commandes en ligne </h2> -->
+ <!-- <ul> -->
+ <!-- {% for commande in listeCommandes %} -->
+ <!-- <li>{{ commande|e }}</li> -->
+ <!-- {% endfor %} -->
+ <!-- </ul> -->
+ <!-- <h2>Commandes en checkbutton </h2> -->
- <!-- <div id="tree1" class="table table-condensed table-hover table-striped fancytree-fade-expander"> -->
- <table id="tree1" class="table table-condensed table-hover table-striped fancytree-fade-expander">
- <!-- TODO : Manage the space between Title and Value while choosing a Value size adapted to the value -->
- <colgroup>
- <col width="80px"></col>
- <col width="30px"></col>
- <col width="300px"></col>
- <col width="300px"></col>
- <col width="60px"></col>
- <col width="*"></col>
- </colgroup>
- <thead>
- <tr> <th></th> <th></th> <th>Mot Clé</th> <th>Value</th> <th></th> <th></th> </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr>
- </tbody>
- <!-- </div> -->
- </table>
- </div>
- <!-- <div class="col-sm-4" ><table class="fancytree-ext-table"><tr>Optionals :</tr></table> -->
- <div class="col-sm-4 panel panel-default" >
- <div class="panel-heading">Optionals</div>
- <div class="panel-body">Essai</div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="row">
- <!-- <footer class="footer"> -->
- <!-- <nav class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-bottom"> -->
- <!-- <nav class="navbar navbar-inverse"> -->
- <!-- <div class="container-fluid"> -->
- <!-- <div class="navbar-header" > -->
- <!-- <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">Messages</a> -->
- <!-- </div> -->
- <!-- <h2>Messages</h2> -->
- <!-- <span id="tree1-messages" class="nav navbar-nav col-sm-12 navbar-right alert alert-success" >....</span> -->
- <footer id="tree1-messages" class="container-fluid footer col-sm-12 alert alert-success" >....</footer>
- <!-- alert alert-success alert-info alert-warning alert-danger -->
- <!-- </div> -->
- <!-- </nav> -->
- <!-- </footer> -->
- </div>
- </div> <!-- fin container-fluid principal-->
- <script>
+ {% for commande in listeCommandes %}
+ <!-- PN : pourquoi peut-il avoir plusieurs cheched -> à cause de name -->
+ <div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons" onclick="clickOnCommand( '#tree1','#tree1-messages', '{{ commande }}' , '' )">
+ <!-- <input type="radio" name={{ commande }} id={{ commande }} > -->
+ <!-- <input type="radio" class="form-check-input" name='Etapes' id={{ commande }} > -->
+ <label class="btn btn-primary activate" for={{ commande }}> {{ commande }}</label><!-- <br> -->
+ <!-- <label class="btn btn-primary" for={{ commande }}> -->
+ <!-- <input class="form_check_input" type="radio" name='Etapes' id={{ commande }} > {{ commande }} -->
+ <!-- </label> -->
+ </div>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </div>
+<!-- <div class="row panel panel-default"> -->
+<!-- <h2> </h2> -->
+<!-- <\!-- <div id="treeview-searchable" class=""></div> -\-> -->
+<!-- </div> -->
+<div class="row">
+ <div class="col-sm-8 panel panel-default"> <!-- Panel Arbre Principal -->
+ <div class="panel-heading">DatasetName : {{titre}}</div>
+ <!-- <div id="tree1" class="table table-condensed table-hover table-striped fancytree-fade-expander"> -->
+ <table id="tree1" class="table table-condensed table-hover table-striped fancytree-fade-expander">
+ <!-- TODO : Manage the space between Title and Value while choosing a Value size adapted to the value -->
+ <colgroup>
+ <col width="80px"></col>
+ <col width="30px"></col>
+ <col width="300px"></col>
+ <col width="300px"></col>
+ <col width="20px"></col>
+ <col width="20px"></col>
+ <col width="20px"></col>
+ <col width="*"></col>
+ </colgroup>
+ <thead>
+ <tr> <th></th> <th></th> <th>Mot Clé</th> <th>Value</th> <th></th> <th></th> <th></th> <th></th> </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ <!-- </div> -->
+ </table>
+ </div>
+ <!-- <div class="col-sm-4" ><table class="fancytree-ext-table"><tr>Optionals :</tr></table> -->
+ <div class="col-sm-4 panel panel-default" > <!-- Panel Arbre Options -->
+ <div class="panel-heading">Optionals</div>
+ <div class="panel-body">
+ <div id="Optionals"></div>
+ <div id="bebe"></div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <!-- <footer class="footer"> -->
+ <!-- <nav class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-bottom"> -->
+ <!-- <nav class="navbar navbar-inverse"> -->
+ <!-- <div class="container-fluid"> -->
+ <!-- <div class="navbar-header" > -->
+ <!-- <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">Messages</a> -->
+ <!-- </div> -->
+ <!-- <h2>Messages</h2> -->
+ <!-- <span id="tree1-messages" class="nav navbar-nav col-sm-12 navbar-right alert alert-success" >....</span> -->
+ <footer id="tree1-messages" class="container-fluid footer col-sm-12 alert alert-success" >....</footer>
+ <!-- alert alert-success alert-info alert-warning alert-danger -->
+ <!-- </div> -->
+ <!-- </nav> -->
+ <!-- </footer> -->
+ </div>
+</div> <!-- fin container-fluid principal-->
+ <script>
+//$.ui.fancytree.debugLevel=4; // Set the fancyTree debug level
+//Créer une fonction pour désactiver toutes les classes d'alert pour positionner une seule
+let treeMessage=function(msgCssSelStr,messageClass,message) {
+ const messageClasses = new Set(["alert-success","alert-info","alert-warning","alert-danger"]);
+ if (messageClasses.has(messageClass)) {
+ $(msgCssSelStr).removeClass("alert-success alert-info alert-warning alert-danger");
+ $(msgCssSelStr).addClass(messageClass);
+ if ( messageClass == "alert-danger" ) {
+ $.ui.fancytree.error(message); // debugLevel >= 1
+ } else if ( messageClass == "alert-warning" ) {
+ $.ui.fancytree.warn(message); // debugLevel >= 2
+ } else if ( messageClass == "alert-info" ) {
+ $.ui.fancytree.info(message); // debugLevel >= 3
+ } else {
+ console.debug(message); // debugLevel >= 4
+ };
+ $(msgCssSelStr).text(message);
+ } else {
+ alert("The messageClass : |"+messageClass+"| is not in "+messageClasses); //TODO afficher la chaine messageClasses
+ };
+// TODO : Il faudrait s'assurer que si une requête de ce type est envoyée au serveur
+// on récupère bien l'evenement appendChild --> validation, promise...
+// TODO : ?async?
+function callService(serviceName, obj, callBack) {
+ let msgCssSelStr = '#tree1-messages';
+ var success = function(data, status) {
+ message="Successfull "+serviceName+" call with status : " + status;
+ treeMessage(msgCssSelStr,"alert-success",message) ;
+ callBack(data);
+ };
- //Créer une fonction pour désactiver toutes les classes d'alert pour positionner une seule
- let treeMessage=function(msgCssSelStr,messageClass,message) {
- const messageClasses = new Set(["alert-success","alert-info","alert-warning","alert-danger"]);
- if (messageClasses.has(messageClass)) {
- $(msgCssSelStr).text(message);
- $(msgCssSelStr).removeClass("alert-success alert-info alert-warning alert-danger");
- $(msgCssSelStr).addClass(messageClass);
+ let url = "{{ url_for('appendChild') }}";
+ let newurl = url.replace("appendChild", serviceName); //TODO : Trouver une meilleure solution !
+ $.ajax({
+ type : "POST",
+ url : newurl,
+ data : JSON.stringify(obj),
+ contentType : "application/json; charset=utf-8",
+ dataType : "json",
+ success : success,
+ failure : function(errMsg) { alert(errMsg); }
+ });
+function clickOnRemove(treeCssSelStr, msgCssSelStr, key ) {
+ var tree = $.ui.fancytree.getTree(treeCssSelStr);
+ var _key = key;
+ if ( key == "") {
+ activeNode = tree.activeNode;
+ if ( activeNode != null) {
+ _key = activeNode.key;
} else {
- alert("The messageClass : |"+messageClass+"| is not in "+messageClasses);
- };
- }
+ return;
+ };
+ };
- //TODO : Il faudrai s'assurer que si une requête de ce type est envoyée au serveur
- // on récupère bien l'evenement appendChild --> validation, promise...
- function clickOnCommand(treeCssSelStr, msgCssSelStr, cmdName ) {
- tree = $.ui.fancytree.getTree("#tree1");
- activeNode = tree.activeNode;
- if ( activeNode == null) {
- index=0; pos=0;
- } else {
- parentList = activeNode.getParentList();
+ let checkCallBack = function(data) {
+ // Tester data == NULL !
+ ret = data['ret'];
+ if ( ret == null ) {
+ let message = "Unsuccessfull removeNode processing for key " + _key + ". removeNode has returned a null id.";
+ treeMessage(msgCssSelStr,"alert-danger",message) ;
+ };
+ };
+ callService('removeNode', {id: _key}, checkCallBack);
+// TODO : Il faudrait s'assurer que si une requête de ce type est envoyée au serveur
+// on récupère bien l'evenement appendChild --> validation, promise...
+function sendAppendChild( key, name, pos) {
+ let msgCssSelStr = '#tree1-messages';
+ let checkCallBack = function(data) {
+ // Tester data == NULL !
+ rId = data['id'];
+ if ( rId == null ) {
+ let message = "Unsuccessfull appendChild processing for command " + name + ". appendChild has returned a null id.";
+ treeMessage(msgCssSelStr,"alert-danger",message) ;
+ };
+ };
+ callService('appendChild', {id: key, name:name, pos:pos }, checkCallBack);
+function getParentCommandNode(node) {
+ if ( node == null ) return null;
+ let parentList = node.getParentList(false,true); // default : (false,false)==(rootNode exclus, not self)
+ return parentList[1]; // parentList()[0] is always the efficas <code> name
+// TODO Vérif assertion : Les functions clickOn ont des arguments en chaîne de caractères pour être facilement
+// utilsées dans les attributs des elements html on="clickOn('arg1','arg2',)"
+function clickOnCommand(treeCssSelStr, msgCssSelStr, cmdName, key ) {
+ tree = $.ui.fancytree.getTree(treeCssSelStr);
+ if ( key != "") {
+ activeNode=tree.getNodeByKey(key);
+ } else {
+ activeNode = tree.activeNode;
+ };
+ if ( activeNode == null) {
+ index=0; pos=0;
+ } else {
+ parentList = activeNode.getParentList(); // default : (false,false)==(rootNode exclus, not self)
console.log("clickOnCommand : parentList "+parentList)
- if ( parentList.length == 0 ) {
- console.log("clickOnCommand : index is forced = 0");
- index=0; pos=0; // le root node est actuellement le nom de code !
+ if ( parentList.length == 0 ) { // TODO : Verif, ne devrait pas être possible
+ console.log("clickOnCommand : index is forced = 0");
+ index=0; pos=0; // The first node is always the code name
} else {
if ( parentList.length == 1 ) {
activeCommandKey = activeNode.key;
} else {
- activeCommandKey = parentList[1].key; //activeNode.getParentList()[0] is always the root node so [1] is always the first level, the eficas command level (the code name by now)
+ activeCommandKey = parentList[1].key; //activeNode.getParentList()[0] is always the <efficas code> node so [1] is always the first level, the eficas command level
console.log("clickOnCommand : activeCommandKey "+activeCommandKey)
- // commandList = tree.rootNode.getChildren() // le root node est actuellement le nom de code !
- commandList = tree.rootNode.getChildren()[0].getChildren(); // le root node est actuellement le nom de code !
- index = commandList.findIndex(function(n){return n.key == activeCommandKey;}); pos=index+1;
+ commandList = tree.rootNode.getChildren()[0].getChildren(); // le premier node est actuellement le nom de code
+ index = commandList.findIndex(function(n){return n.key == activeCommandKey;}); pos=index+1;
- }
- console.log("clickOnCommand : index = "+index);
- let success=function(data, status) {
- console.log("Successfully appendChild message for command " + cmdName + " sent: " + "\nStatus: " + status);
- // rChangeIsAccepted = data.changeIsAccepted;
- rId = data['id'];
- // rValidite = data['validite'];
- console.log( {'data': data } );
- console.log( {'rId': rId } );
- //console.log( {'rValidite': rValidite } );
- //console.log( {'rChangeIsAccepted': rChangeIsAccepted } );
- if ( rId == null ) {
- let message = "Unsuccessfull appendChild for command " + cmdName + ". appendChild has returned a null id."
- console.log(message);
- $(msgCssSelStr).text(message);
- //Créer une fonction pour désactiver toutes les classes d'alert pour positionner une seule
- $(msgCssSelStr).removeClass("alert-success alert-info alert-warning alert-danger");
- $(msgCssSelStr).addClass("alert-danger");
- }
- // if ( rChangeIsAccepted ) {
- // node.data.wValue = rValue
- // node.data.validite = rValidite
- // //node.data = data.source ?? Essayer de remplacer la source complète du noeud
- // console.log('rValue : '+rValue);
- // console.log('rValidite : '+rValidite);
- // } else {
- // // Gérer le input pour laisser le focus et passer en rouge
- // };
- // node.render(true,false); //force rendering the node (not parents nor descendants)
- // //node.renderStatus(); //CSS element updates
- };
- $.ajax({
- type : "POST",
- url : "{{ url_for('appendChild') }}",
- data : JSON.stringify({id: tree.rootNode.children[0].key, name:cmdName, pos:pos }),
- contentType : "application/json; charset=utf-8",
- dataType : "json",
- success : success,
- failure : function(errMsg) { alert(errMsg); }
- })
- };
- var source = new EventSource("{{ url_for('sse.stream') }}");
- // --- propageValid ---
- source.addEventListener('propageValide', function(event) {
- const data = JSON.parse(event.data);
- var id = data.id;
- var valid = data.valid;
- var message = data.message;
- // alert("The server says " + data.message);
- console.log("The server says " + data.message +" , id: "+id);
- $("#tree1-messages").text(message);
- var tree=$.ui.fancytree.getTree("#tree1");
- //var activeNode = tree.getActiveNode();
+ }
+ console.log("clickOnCommand : index = "+index);
+ sendAppendChild( tree.rootNode.children[0].key, cmdName, pos);
+var source = new EventSource("{{ url_for('sse.stream') }}");
+// --- propageValid ---
+(function (treeCssSelStr, msgCssSelStr) {
+ let _treeCssSelStr = treeCssSelStr; //inutile
+ let _msgCssSelStr = msgCssSelStr; //inutile
+ // var _tree = $.ui.fancytree.getTree(_treeCssSelStr);
+ source.addEventListener('propageValide', function(event) {
+ const data = JSON.parse(event.data);
+ var id = data.id;
+ var valid = data.valid;
+ var message = "The server says " + data.message +" , id: "+id;
+ var tree = $.ui.fancytree.getTree(_treeCssSelStr);
+ treeMessage(_msgCssSelStr,"alert-info",message);
+ // console.log("_tree : "+ _tree); //?Expliquer pourquoi null: à cause de $.?
- node.data.validite=valid; //Pas encore réussi à tester ...
+ node.data.validite=valid; //TODO : ?? Pas encore réussi à tester ... ??
node.render(true,false); //force rendering the node (not parents nor descendants)
- //node.renderStatus(); //CSS element updates
- //activeNode.addChildren({
- // title: "Document using a custom icon",
- // icon: "customdoc1.gif"
- //});
- }, false);
- // --- appendChildren ---
- (function (treeCssSelStr, msgCssSelStr) {
- let _treeCssSelStr = treeCssSelStr; //inutile
- let _msgCssSelStr = msgCssSelStr; //inutile
- var _tree = $.ui.fancytree.getTree(_treeCssSelStr);
- source.addEventListener('appendChildren', function(event) {
+ //node.renderStatus(); //CSS element updates
+ }, false);
+// --- appendChildren ---
+(function (treeCssSelStr, msgCssSelStr) {
+ let _treeCssSelStr = treeCssSelStr; //inutile
+ let _msgCssSelStr = msgCssSelStr; //inutile
+ var _tree = $.ui.fancytree.getTree(_treeCssSelStr);
+ source.addEventListener('appendChildren', function(event) {
const data = JSON.parse(event.data);
- var id = data.id;
- const source = data.fcyTreeSrc;
- var pos = data.pos;
- var message = data.message;
- console.log("The server says " + data.message);
- //$(_msgCssSelStr).text(message);
- treeMessage(_msgCssSelStr,"alert-success",message);
- //var activeNode = tree.getActiveNode();
+ var id = data.id;
+ const source = data.fcyTreeSrc;
+ var pos = data.pos;
+ //var message = data.message;
+ var message = "The server says " + data.message +" , id: "+id;
+ treeMessage(_msgCssSelStr,"alert-info",message);
console.log("_tree : "+ _tree); //?Expliquer pourquoi null: à cause de $.?
- var tree = $.ui.fancytree.getTree(_treeCssSelStr);
- node = tree.getNodeByKey(id);
- countChildren = node.countChildren(false);
+ var tree = $.ui.fancytree.getTree(_treeCssSelStr);
+ var node = tree.getNodeByKey(id);
+ var countChildren = node.countChildren(false);
console.log("countChildren : "+ countChildren);
console.log("pos : "+ pos);
- if ( pos >= countChildren) {
+ if ( pos >= countChildren) {
- } else {
+ } else {
- }
- <!-- node.addChildren({ -->
- <!-- title: "Document using a custom icon", -->
- <!-- icon: "customdoc1.gif" -->
- <!-- }); -->
- }, false);
- })('#tree1','#tree1-messages');
- // --- deleteChildren ---
- source.addEventListener('deleteChildren', function(event) {
- const data = JSON.parse(event.data);
- <!-- const keySet = new Set(data.idList); -->
- const keyList = data.idList;
- var message = data.message;
- <!-- const nodeAsKey = function (node,keys) { -->
- <!-- //?keySet = _isFunction(match) ? keys : _makeNodeTitleMatcher(match); -->
- <!-- if (node.key === key ) return true; -->
- <!-- return false; -->
- <!-- }; -->
- <!-- var myNodeAsKey= function(n) {return nodeAsKey(n,'efbab07c5d8e11ecbd14ac220bca9aa6');} -->
- //alert("The server says " + data.message);
- console.log("The server says " + data.message);
- $("#tree1-messages").text(message);
- var tree = $.ui.fancytree.getTree("#tree1");
- nodeList = keyList.map( (x) => { return tree.getNodeByKey(x) } );
- nodeList.map( (x) => { x.remove()} );
- //tree.findAll(match);
- //var activeNode = tree.getActiveNode();
- //activeNode.addChildren({
- // title: "Document using a custom icon",
- // icon: "customdoc1.gif"
- //});
- }, false);
- source.addEventListener('error', function(event) {
- alert("Failed to connect to event stream. Is Redis running?");
+ }
+ <!-- node.addChildren({ -->
+ <!-- title: "Document using a custom icon", -->
+ <!-- icon: "customdoc1.gif" -->
+ <!-- }); -->
+ }, false);
+// --- deleteChildren ---
+(function (treeCssSelStr, msgCssSelStr) {
+ let _treeCssSelStr = treeCssSelStr; //inutile
+ let _msgCssSelStr = msgCssSelStr; //inutile
+ var _tree = $.ui.fancytree.getTree(_treeCssSelStr);
+ source.addEventListener('deleteChildren', function(event) {
+ const data = JSON.parse(event.data);
+ // const keySet = new Set(data.idList);
+ const keyList = data.idList;
+ var tree = $.ui.fancytree.getTree("#tree1");
+ var message = "The server says " + data.message +" , keyList: "+keyList;
+ treeMessage(_msgCssSelStr,"alert-info",message);
+ // const nodeAsKey = function (node,keys) {
+ // //?keySet = _isFunction(match) ? keys : _makeNodeTitleMatcher(match);
+ // if (node.key === key ) return true;
+ // return false;
+ // };
+ // var myNodeAsKey= function(n) {return nodeAsKey(n,'efbab07c5d8e11ecbd14ac220bca9aa6');}
+ //alert("The server says " + data.message);
+ //TODO : Vérifier les keys doublons demandées en supression !
+ nodeList = keyList.map( (x) => { return tree.getNodeByKey(x) } );
+ nodeList.map( (x) => { x.remove()} );
+ //tree.findAll(match);
+ //var activeNode = tree.getActiveNode();
+ //activeNode.addChildren({
+ // title: "Document using a custom icon",
+ // icon: "customdoc1.gif"
+ //});
}, false);
+source.addEventListener('error', function(event) {
+ alert("Failed to connect to event stream. Is Redis running?");
+}, false);
- function getTree1() {
+function getTree1() {
// Some logic to retrieve, or generate tree structure
return {{ tree|tojson }};
- }
- <!-- function getTree2() { -->
- <!-- // Some logic to retrieve, or generate tree structure -->
- <!-- return {{ mcTraiteJson|tojson }}; -->
- <!-- } -->
+ // function getTree2() {
+ // // Some logic to retrieve, or generate tree structure
+ // return {{ mcTraiteJson|tojson }};
+ // }
+ // $("#tree1").fancytree({ source: [ {title: "Node 1", key: "1000"},{title: "Folder 2", key: "2", folder: true, children: [ {title: "Node 2.1", key: "3000"},{title: "Node 2.2", key: "44"} ]} ], })
+ // $("#tree1").fancytree({ source: JSON.parse(getTree1()), })
-<!-- $("#tree1").fancytree({ source: [ {title: "Node 1", key: "1000"},{title: "Folder 2", key: "2", folder: true, children: [ {title: "Node 2.1", key: "3000"},{title: "Node 2.2", key: "44"} ]} ], }) -->
-<!-- $("#tree1").fancytree({ source: JSON.parse(getTree1()), }) -->
//Doublon cf. base.html
- var glyph_opts = {
- preset: "bootstrap3",
- map: {
- }
- };
+var glyph_opts = {
+ preset: "bootstrap3",
+ // preset: "awesome3",
+ // preset: "awesome4",
+ // preset: "awesome5",
+ // preset: "material",
+ map: {
+ }
- $(function(){
- $("#tree1").fancytree({
- //focusOnSelect:true,
- debug:4,
- //extensions: ["dnd5", "edit", "glyph", "wide", "table", "gridnav"],
- extensions: [ "glyph", "table", "ariagrid"],
- //extensions: [ "glyph", "table", "gridnav"],
- checkbox: true, // Activate the use of checkboxes next to the nodes
- // selectMode: 1: single selection
- // Only one node is selected at any time.
- // selectMode: 2: multiple selection (default)
- // Every node may be selected independently.
- // selectMode: 3: hierarchical selection
- // (De)selecting a node will propagate to all descendants. Mixed states will be displayed as partially selected using a tri-state checkbox.
- selectMode: 1,
- dnd5: { // unused drag&drop module
- dragStart: function(node, data) { return true; },
- dragEnter: function(node, data) { return true; },
- dragDrop : function(node, data) { data.otherNode.copyTo(node, data.hitMode); }
- },
- glyph: glyph_opts,
- source: JSON.parse(getTree1()),
- //wide: {
- // iconWidth: "1em", // Adjust this if @fancy-icon-width != "16px"
- // iconSpacing: "0.5em", // Adjust this if @fancy-icon-spacing != "3px"
- // labelSpacing: "0.1em", // Adjust this if padding between icon and label != "3px"
- // levelOfs: "1.5em" // Adjust this if ul padding != "16px"
- //},
- icon: function(event, data) {
- <!-- if( data.node.isFolder() ) { -->
- <!-- return "glyphicon glyphicon-book"; -->
- <!-- } -->
- if( data.node.data.classeAccas == "MCSIMP") {
- return "glyphicon glyphicon-leaf";
- } else {
- return "glyphicon glyphicon-list-alt";
- }
- <!-- return "glyphicon glyphicon-list-alt"; -->
- },
- table: { // Options for the table extension
- checkboxColumnIdx: 1, // Tree Nodes Checkboxes are rendered at column #1 (numbered from #0)
- nodeColumnIdx: 2, // Tree Nodes are rendered at column #2
- indentation : 10 // Tree Nodes indentation between levels
- },
- gridnav: {
- autofocusInput: true, // Focus first embedded input if node gets activated
- handleCursorKeys: true // Allow UP/DOWN in inputs to move to prev/next node
- },
- ariagrid: {
- cellFocus: 'allow'
- },
- //lazyLoad: function(event, data) {
- // data.result = {url: "ajax-sub2.json", debugDelay: 1000};
- //}
- // renderStatusColumns: Pour le CSS
- renderColumns: function(event, data) {
- // Pour tester ds la console :
- //var tree=$.ui.fancytree.getTree("#tree1")
- //p1=tree.getNodeByKey('8304986a334211ec853cac220bca9aa6')
- //$(p1.tr).find(">td")
- //import {createTree, version} from 'jquery.fancytree'
- //const tree = createTree('#tree', { ... });
- //var node = tree.getActiveNode();
- var node = data.node,
- $tdList = $(node.tr).find(">td");
- var _attr=''
- //Render Column #0
- $tdList.eq(0).text(node.getIndexHier());
- //Render Column #3
- // Jaune Eficas #ffff00
- // Rouge Eficas #ff0000
- // Vert Eficas #00ff00
- if (node.data.classeAccas == "MCSIMP") {
- //VALIDATION STATES - Bootstrap includes validation styles for error, warning, and success messages.
- //To use, add .has-warning, .has-error, or .has-success to the parent element
- if( node.data.validite ) {
- _attr='has-success has-feedback';
- // $(".fancytree-exp-n > td:nth-child(2) span").filter(".fancytree-checkbox").css('background-color','blue')
- $tdList.eq(1).find("span").filter(".fancytree-checkbox").css('background-color','#00ff00'); // Update the checkbox validation state TODO: create a CSS class
- } else {
- _attr='has-error has-feedback';
- //$tdList.eq(1).css('background-color','red'); // Update the checkbox validation state TODO: create a CSS class
- $tdList.eq(1).find("span").filter(".fancytree-checkbox").css('background-color','#ff0000'); // Update the checkbox validation state TODO: create a CSS class
- } //TODO: paramétrer l'attribut/framework
- console.log("node.data.validite, _attr :"+node.data.validite+" , "+_attr);
- // $tdList.eq(3).html("<simp><input type='input' class='form-control-sm' id='simp1' placeholder='"+node.data.wValue+"' value='"+node.data.wValue+"'></simp>");
- $tdList.eq(3)
- .html(
- "<form class='was-validated'>"+ //'was-validated' ??
- "<div class='form-group'>" +
- // "<div class='form-group "+ _attr + "'>" +
- // "<div class='form-group has-error'>" +
- "<input type='input' class='form-control input-sm' id='simp1' placeholder='" + node.data.wValue + //TODO:intosugg
- "' value='"+node.data.wValue+"' required>"+
- //"<div class='valid-feedback'>Valid.</div>"+
- //"<div class='invalid-feedback'>Please fill out this field.</div>"+
- "</div>"+
- "</form>"
- )
- .addClass(_attr)
- .find("input").css('color','black'); //TODO : A placer ds le CSS
- $tdList.eq(4)
- .html("<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-plus' onclick='alert(\"glyphicon-plus : "+node.key+"\")'></span>"+
- "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-trash'></span>"+
- "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-book''></span>");
- } else { // Not an SIMP
- $tdList.eq(2).prop("colspan", 4).nextAll().remove(); //Merge unused columns for easy keyboard navigation
- return;
- }
- },
- defaultGridAction: function( event, data ) { //(used by ext-aria) The user hit enter on the active row or cell.
- var node = data.node
- var rValue,rValidite,rChangeIsAccepted
- if (node.data.classeAccas == "MCSIMP") {
- $input=$(node.tr).find('input')
- value=$input.val()
- // Called when ENTER is pressed in cell-mode.
- // Return false to prevent default
- //data.activeTd contains the currently active <td> element or null
- //data.colIdx contains the 0-based column index or -1
+ $("#tree1").fancytree({
+ //focusOnSelect:true,
+ debug:4,
+ //extensions: ["dnd5", "edit", "glyph", "wide", "table", "gridnav"],
+ extensions: [ "glyph", "table", "ariagrid"],
+ //extensions: [ "glyph", "table", "gridnav"],
+ checkbox: true, // Activate the use of checkboxes next to the nodes
+ // selectMode: 1: single selection
+ // Only one node is selected at any time.
+ // selectMode: 2: multiple selection (default)
+ // Every node may be selected independently.
+ // selectMode: 3: hierarchical selection
+ // (De)selecting a node will propagate to all descendants. Mixed states will be displayed as partially selected using a tri-state checkbox.
+ selectMode: 1,
+ escapeTitles: true,
+ dnd5: { // unused drag&drop module
+ dragStart: function(node, data) { return true; },
+ dragEnter: function(node, data) { return true; },
+ dragDrop : function(node, data) { data.otherNode.copyTo(node, data.hitMode); }
+ },
+ glyph: glyph_opts,
+ source: JSON.parse(getTree1()), //TODO: Vérifier que la transformation JSON n'est pas double avec Flask
+ //wide: {
+ // iconWidth: "1em", // Adjust this if @fancy-icon-width != "16px"
+ // iconSpacing: "0.5em", // Adjust this if @fancy-icon-spacing != "3px"
+ // labelSpacing: "0.1em", // Adjust this if padding between icon and label != "3px"
+ // levelOfs: "1.5em" // Adjust this if ul padding != "16px"
+ //},
+ icon: function(event, data) {
+ // if( data.node.isFolder() ) {
+ // return "glyphicon glyphicon-book";
+ // }
+ if( data.node.data.classeAccas == "MCSIMP") {
+ return "glyphicon glyphicon-leaf";
+ } else if( data.node.data.classeAccas == "PROCEDURE") {
+ return "glyphicon glyphicon-tree-deciduous";
+ } else if( data.node.data.classeAccas == "MCFACT") {
+ return "glyphicon glyphicon-grain";
+ } else {
+ return "glyphicon glyphicon-tree-deciduous";
+ };
+ },
+ // icon: function(event, data) {
+ // if( data.node.type ) {
+ // return "ft-ico-" + data.node.type;
+ // }
+ // },
+ tooltip: function(event, data) {
+ // Create dynamic tooltips
+ return data.node.title + " (" + data.node.key + ")";
+ },
+ table: { // Options for the table extension
+ checkboxColumnIdx: 1, // Tree Nodes Checkboxes are rendered at column #1 (numbered from #0)
+ nodeColumnIdx: 2, // Tree Nodes are rendered at column #2
+ indentation : 10 // Tree Nodes indentation between levels
+ },
+ gridnav: {
+ autofocusInput: true, // Focus first embedded input if node gets activated
+ handleCursorKeys: true // Allow UP/DOWN in inputs to move to prev/next node
+ },
+ ariagrid: {
+ cellFocus: 'allow'
+ },
+ // viewport: {
+ // enabled: true,
+ // count: 15,
+ // },
+ //TODO : Mettre en place le lazyload
+ //lazyLoad: function(event, data) {
+ // data.result = {url: "ajax-sub2.json", debugDelay: 1000};
+ //}
+ // renderStatusColumns: Pour le CSS
+ renderColumns: function(event, data) {
+ // Pour tester ds la console :
+ //var tree=$.ui.fancytree.getTree("#tree1")
+ //p1=tree.getNodeByKey('8304986a334211ec853cac220bca9aa6')
+ //$(p1.tr).find(">td")
+ //import {createTree, version} from 'jquery.fancytree'
+ //const tree = createTree('#tree', { ... });
+ //var node = tree.getActiveNode();
+ var node = data.node,
+ $tdList = $(node.tr).find(">td");
+ let classeAccas = node.data.classeAccas;
+ let validite = node.data.validite;
+ let wValue = node.data.wValue;
+ let statut = node.data.statut;
+ let cmdName = node.data.nomCommande; // undefined if classeAccas != 'MCFACT'
+ let repeatable = node.data.repetable; // ?? undefined if classeAccas != 'MCFACT' ??
+ let infoOptionnels = node.data.infoOptionnels;
+ let key = node.key;
+ let name = node.title;
+ var _attr = ''
+ //Render Column #0
+ $tdList.eq(0).text(node.getIndexHier());
+ //Render Column #2 (icon color)
+ if( validite ) { //TODO : les deux attributs crées un dépacement du input du row
+ _attr='has-success has-feedback';
+ // $(".fancytree-exp-n > td:nth-child(2) span").filter(".fancytree-checkbox").css('background-color','blue')
+ //$tdList.eq(1).find("span").filter(".fancytree-checkbox").css('background-color','#00ff00'); // Update the checkbox validation state TODO: create a CSS class
+ $tdList.eq(2).find("span").filter(".fancytree-custom-icon").css('color','#00ff00'); // Update the checkbox validation state TODO: create a CSS class
+ } else {
+ _attr='has-error has-feedback';
+ //$tdList.eq(1).css('background-color','red'); // Update the checkbox validation state TODO: create a CSS class
+ // $tdList.eq(1).find("span").filter(".fancytree-checkbox").css('background-color','#ff0000'); // Update the checkbox validation state TODO: create a CSS class
+ $tdList.eq(2).find("span").filter(".fancytree-custom-icon").css('color','#ff0000'); // Update the checkbox validation state TODO: create a CSS class
+ } //TODO: paramétrer l'attribut/framework
+ console.log("node.data.validite, _attr :"+validite+" , "+_attr);
+ //Render Column #3 (input field)
+ // Jaune Eficas #ffff00, Rouge Eficas #ff0000, Vert Eficas #00ff00
+ if ( classeAccas == "MCSIMP" ) {
+ //VALIDATION STATES - Bootstrap includes validation styles for error, warning, and success messages.
+ //To use, add .has-warning, .has-error, or .has-success to the parent element
+ // $tdList.eq(3).html("<simp><input type='input' class='form-control-sm' id='simp1' placeholder='"+wValue+"' value='"+wValue+"'></simp>");
+ $tdList.eq(3)
+ .html(
+ "<form>"+
+ "<div class='form-group'>" +
+ "<input type='input' class='form-control input-sm' id='"+key+"' placeholder='"
+ + wValue + //TODO:intosugg
+ "' value='"+wValue+"' required>"+
+ "</div>"+
+ "</form>"
+ )
+ .addClass(_attr)
+ .find("input").css('color','black'); //TODO : A placer ds le CSS
+ actionListIndex=4;
+ // $tdList.eq(actionListIndex)
+ // .html("<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign' onclick='alert(\"glyphicon-plus-sign : "+key+"\")'></span>");
+ if (statut == 'f') {
+ $tdList.eq(actionListIndex+1)
+ .html("<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-trash' onclick='alert(\"glyphicon-trash : "+key+"\")'></span>");
+ };
+ $tdList.eq(actionListIndex+2)
+ .html("<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign' onclick='alert(\"glyphicon-question-sign : "+key+"\")'></span>");
+ } else { // Not classeAccas == "MCSIMP"
+ //$tdList.eq(2).prop("colspan", 2).nextAll().remove(); //Merge unused columns for easy keyboard navigation
+ if ( classeAccas == "PROCEDURE" || classeAccas == "OPER" ) {
+ plusFunction = "clickOnCommand( \"#tree1\", \"#tree1-messages\", \""+name+"\", \""+key+"\" )";
+ trashFunction = "clickOnRemove( \"#tree1\", \"#tree1-messages\", \""+key+"\" )";
+ } else if ( classeAccas == "MCFACT" && repeatable ) {
+ plusFunction = "sendAppendChild( \""+key+"\", \""+cmdName+"\",null)";
+ } else {
+ plusFunction = undefined;
+ // plusFunction = "alert(\"glyphicon-plus-sign : "+key+"\")";
+ trashFunction = undefined;
+ trashFunction = "alert(\"glyphicon-trash : "+key+"\")";
+ };
+ $tdList.eq(2).prop("colspan", 2); //Merge unused columns for easy keyboard navigation
+ actionListIndex=3;
+ if ( plusFunction != undefined ) {
+ $tdList.eq(actionListIndex)
+ .html("<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign' onclick='"+plusFunction+"'></span>");
+ };
+ if ( trashFunction != undefined ) {
+ if (statut == 'f') {
+ $tdList.eq(actionListIndex+1)
+ .html("<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-trash' onclick='"+trashFunction+"'></span>");
+ };
+ };
+ $tdList.eq(actionListIndex+2)
+ .html("<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign' onclick='alert(\"glyphicon-question-sign : "+key+"\")'></span>");
+ };
+ // La souris entre dans un row :
+ // cmdHasOptional: Si mon topLevelParent (ma Commande) a des facultatifs, le optTopLevelParent doit être le mien // topLevelParent peut être moi
+ // cmdHasNoOptional: Si mon topLevelParent (ma Commande) n'a pas de facultatifs, le optTopLevelParent doit être vide // topLevelParent peut être moi
+ // If (cmdHasOptional): { displayAllOptUntilMyParent: L'arbre des facultatifs partant de mon topLevelParent jusqu'à mon parent doit d'afficher }
+ //let optTree = $.ui.fancytree.getTree("#Optionals");
+ // let optTreeCommandName = optTree.getFirstChild().title;
+ // let parentCommandNode = getParentCommandNode(node);
+ // console.debug(parentCommandNode);
+ //let parentCommandName = parentCommandNode.name;
+ let hasOpt=function(node) {
+ if ( node == null ) return false;
+ if ( node.data.infoOptionnels != undefined) return true ;
+ };
+ $(node.tr).mouseenter(function(){
+ // if ( parentCommandNode.hasOpt() ) {
+ // BUG: !!!!!! Ts les noeuds du chemin
+ // if ( hasOpt(parentCommandNode) ) {
+ // // TODO : Optimiser un arbre complet avec masquage/demasquage en fction du row
+ // // if ( parentCommandName != optTreeCommandName ) {
+ // // buildOptionalTree(parentCommandNode);
+ // // } else {
+ // // // expand first parent optionals node
+ // // }
+ // buildOptionalTree(node)
+ // } else {
+ // if ( optTree != null) { optTree.destroy();}; // Supress optional keywords
+ // };
+ optTreeSrc=buildOptionalTreeSrc(node);
+ optFunction = "sendAppendChild( \""+key+"\", \""+cmdName+"\",null)";
+ optTreeOptions = {};
+ //$("#bebe").text("---------"+optTreeSrc);
+ //console.debug('optTreeSrc :'+optTreeSrc);
+ // if ( optTreeSrc.length == 0 ) {
+ let optTree = $.ui.fancytree.getTree("#Optionals");
+ if (optTree != null) { optTree.destroy();};
+ // } else {
+ let $optTree = $("#Optionals").fancytree( { source: optTreeSrc } );
+ //let optTree = $optTree.fancytree;
+ optTree = $.ui.fancytree.getTree("#Optionals");
+ optTree.expandAll();
+ // };
+ });
+ let buildOptionalTreeSrc=function(node) {
+ if ( node == null ) return [];
+ let parentList = node.getParentList(false,false); // default : (false,false)==(rootNode exclus, not self)
+ if ( parentList.length > 0 ) { parentList=parentList.slice(1);}; // The first node is the code node
+ // La construction des optionals en suivant les parents fonctionnent car les SIMP ne portent pas les optionnals
+ // [ {title: "Node 1"}, {title: "Folder 2", children: [ {title: "Node 2.1"}, {title: "Node 2.2"} ]} ]
+ // [ {title: "Node 1"} ] + [ {title: "Folder 2", children: [ {title: "Node 2.1"}, {title: "Node 2.2"} ]} ]
+ let _optToChild=function(optKeywords) {
+ return optKeywords.map((o)=>{ return {'title':o} });
+ };
+ let _build=function(parentList) {
+ if ( parentList.length == 0 ) return [];
+ node = parentList[0];
+ if (hasOpt(node)) {
+ optKeywords = node.data.infoOptionnels[0];
+ } else {
+ optKeywords = [];
+ };
+ return [{"title": node.title,
+ "children": _optToChild(optKeywords).concat(_build(parentList.slice(1))) }];
+ };
+ return _build(parentList);
+ };
+ // // let findName(treeObj,name){ return treeObj.findFirst((n)=>{if (n.title==name) {return n}}) };
+ // $(node.tr).mouseenter(function(){
+ // if ( optTree != null) {
+ // if ( name != optTree.getFirstChild().title ) {
+ // if ( infoOptionnels != undefined) {
+ // console.log("You entered p1! : "+node.title+" , "+infoOptionnels.toString());
+ // let opt = node.data.infoOptionnels[0];
+ // if ( opt != [] ) {
+ // let optNodes = opt.map((o)=>{return {'title':o} });
+ // let optTreeSrc = [{'title': node.title, 'children': optNodes}];
+ // let $optTree = $("#Optionals").fancytree( { source: optTreeSrc} );
+ // //let optTree = $optTree.fancytree;
+ // let optTree = $.ui.fancytree.getTree("#Optionals");
+ // optTree.expandAll();
+ // };
+ // } else {}; // infoOptionnels == undefined
+ // } else {
+ // };
+ // } else { //optTree not null
+ // };
+ // });
+ // // $(node.tr).mouseleave(function(){
+ // // console.log("You leave p1! : "+node.title+" , infoOptionnels : ",infoOptionnels.toString());
+ // // });
+ },
+ defaultGridAction: function( event, data ) { //(used by ext-aria) The user hit enter on the active row or cell.
+ var node = data.node
+ var rValue,rValidite,rChangeIsAccepted
+ let _msgCssSelStr='#tree1-messages'; //TODO: A déplacer
+ if (node.data.classeAccas == "MCSIMP") {
+ $input=$(node.tr).find('input');
+ value=$input.val();
+ // Called when ENTER is pressed in cell-mode.
+ // Return false to prevent default
+ // data.activeTd contains the currently active <td> element or null
+ // data.colIdx contains the 0-based column index or -1
+ console.log("event.type, data :"+event.type+" , "+data);
+ if( !data.activeTd ) {
+ alert( "Custom default action for row: " + data.node.title );
+ // we don't return false, so default action is applied:
+ } else if ( data.colIdx != 3 ) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-alert
+ alert( "Custom default action: " + data.node.title );
+ return false;
+ };
+ let checkCallBack = function(data) {
+ // Tester data == NULL !
+ var changeIsAccepted = data.changeIsAccepted;
+ var wValue = data.source['wValue'];
+ var validite = data.source['validite'];
+ //node.fromDict()
+ //source=JSON.parse(getTree1())
+ if ( changeIsAccepted ) {
+ // $.ui.fancytree.assert(value == wValue); il faut gérer les représentations des types pour activer cet assert
+ node.data.wValue = wValue
+ node.data.validite = validite
+ treeMessage(_msgCssSelStr,"alert-success","Changing SIMP "+node.title+" value to "+value+" has been accepted.");
+ //node.data = data.source ?? A priori, il est inutile d'essayer de remplacer la source complète du noeud
+ console.log('wValue : '+wValue);
+ console.log('validite : '+validite);
+ } else {
+ // Gérer le input pour laisser le focus et passer en rouge
+ let message = "Unsuccessfull SIMP processing for |" + node.getPath() + "|, value |"+value+"| has not been accepted.";
+ treeMessage(_msgCssSelStr,"alert-warning",message) ;
+ };
+ node.render(true,false); //force rendering the node (not parents nor descendants)
+ //node.renderStatus(); //CSS element updates
+ };
+ callService('updateSimp', {id: node.key, value:value }, checkCallBack);
+ } // MCSIMP
+ },
+ lazyLoad: function(event, data) {
+ var node = data.node;
console.log("event.type, data :"+event.type+" , "+data);
- if( !data.activeTd ) {
- alert( "Custom default action for row: " + data.node.title );
- // we don't return false, so default action is applied:
- } else if ( data.colIdx != 3 ) {
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-alert
- alert( "Custom default action: " + data.node.title );
- return false;
- };
- let success=function(data, status) {
- <!-- alert("Successfully Value Sent: " + value + "\nStatus: " + status +"\ndata.changeIsAccepted :" +data.changeIsAccepted ); -->
- console.log("Successfully Value Sent: " + value + "\nStatus: " + status +"\ndata.changeIsAccepted :" +data.changeIsAccepted );
- rChangeIsAccepted = data.changeIsAccepted;
- rValue = data.source['wValue'];
- rValidite = data.source['validite'];
- console.log( {'data': data } );
- console.log( {'rValue': rValue } );
- console.log( {'rValidite': rValidite } );
- console.log( {'rChangeIsAccepted': rChangeIsAccepted } );
- if ( rChangeIsAccepted ) {
-node.data.wValue = rValue
-node.data.validite = rValidite
-//node.data = data.source ?? Essayer de remplacer la source complète du noeud
-console.log('rValue : '+rValue);
-console.log('rValidite : '+rValidite);
- } else {
-// Gérer le input pour laisser le focus et passer en rouge
- };
-node.render(true,false); //force rendering the node (not parents nor descendants)
-//node.renderStatus(); //CSS element updates
- };
- $.ajax({
- type : "POST",
- url : "{{ url_for('updateSimp') }}",
- data : JSON.stringify({id: node.key, value:value }),
- contentType : "application/json; charset=utf-8",
- dataType : "json",
- // The callback function when the web service return success.
- success: success,
- // The callback function when the web service return fail.
- failure: function(errMsg) {
- alert(errMsg);
- }
- })
- }
- },
- lazyLoad: function(event, data) {
- var node = data.node;
- console.log("event.type, data :"+event.type+" , "+data);
- // Issue an Ajax request to load child nodes
- data.result = {
- url: "/getBranchData",
- data: {key: node.key}
- }
- },
- icon: function(event, data) {
- if( data.node.type ) {
- return "ft-ico-" + data.node.type;
- }
- },
- activate: function(event, data) {
- console.log("event.type, data :"+event.type+" , "+data);
- },
- deactivate: function(event, data) {
- console.log("event.type, data :"+event.type+" , "+data);
- },
- beforeActivate: function(event, data) {
- console.log("event.type, data :"+event.type+" , "+data);
- },
- beforeSelect: function(event, data) {
- console.log("event.type, data :"+event.type+" , "+data);
- },
- activateCell: function(event, data) {
- console.log("event.type, data :"+event.type+" , "+data);
- },
- select: function(event, data) {
- console.log("event.type, data :"+event.type+" , "+data);
- },
- beforeUpdateViewport: function(event, data) {
- console.log("event.type, data :"+event.type+" , "+data);
- },
- click: function(event, data) {
- console.log("event.type, data :"+event.type+" , "+data);
- },
- blur: function(event, data) {
- console.log("event.type, data :"+event.type+" , "+data);
- },
- blurTree: function(event, data) {
- console.log("event.type, data :"+event.type+" , "+data);
- },
- focusTree: function(event, data) {
- console.log("event.type, data :"+event.type+" , "+data);
- },
- keydown: function(event, data) {
- console.log("event.type, data :"+event.type+" , "+data);
- },
+ // Issue an Ajax request to load child nodes
+ data.result = {
+ url: "/getBranchData",
+ data: {key: node.key}
+ }
+ },
+ activate: function(event, data) {
+ console.log("event.type, data :"+event.type+" , "+data);
+ },
+ deactivate: function(event, data) {
+ console.log("event.type, data :"+event.type+" , "+data);
+ },
+ beforeActivate: function(event, data) {
+ console.log("event.type, data :"+event.type+" , "+data);
+ },
+ beforeSelect: function(event, data) {
+ console.log("event.type, data :"+event.type+" , "+data);
+ },
+ activateCell: function(event, data) {
+ console.log("event.type, data :"+event.type+" , "+data);
+ },
+ select: function(event, data) {
+ console.log("event.type, data :"+event.type+" , "+data);
+ },
+ beforeUpdateViewport: function(event, data) {
+ console.log("event.type, data :"+event.type+" , "+data);
+ },
+ click: function(event, data) {
+ console.log("event.type, data :"+event.type+" , "+data);
+ },
+ blur: function(event, data) {
+ console.log("event.type, data :"+event.type+" , "+data);
+ },
+ blurTree: function(event, data) {
+ console.log("event.type, data :"+event.type+" , "+data);
+ },
+ focusTree: function(event, data) {
+ console.log("event.type, data :"+event.type+" , "+data);
+ },
+ keydown: function(event, data) {
+ console.log("event.type, data :"+event.type+" , "+data);
+ },
- });
<!-- var $searchableTree = $('#tree1').treeview({ -->
<!-- data: getTree1() -->
{% endblock %}
+// # Différents tests :
+var tree1=$.ui.fancytree.getTree("#tree1")
+a={ source: [ {title: "Node 1", key: "1000"},{title: "Folder 2", key: "2", folder: true, children: [ {title: "Node 2.1", key: "3000"},{title: "Node 2.2", key: "44"} ]} ], }
+$("#Optionals").fancytree( a )
+$.ui.fancytree.createTree('#Optionals', a)
+var tree2=$.ui.fancytree.getTree("#Optionals")
+$("#bebe").fancytree( { source: b} )
+$("#bebe").fancytree( { source: tree1.toDict()} )
+classeAccas == "MCSIMP"
+let myOpt=[}
+p1.visit( (n)=>{if (n.data.classeAccas == "MCSIMP") {myOpt.push(n)}}, true)
+var tree1=$.ui.fancytree.getTree("#tree1")
+var optNodes= opt.map((o)=>{return {'title':o} })
+optTreeSrc=[{'title': p1.title+' (optionals)', 'children': optNodes}];
+$optTree=$("#bebe").fancytree( { source: optTreeSrc} )
+#var optTree=$.ui.fancytree.getTree("#bebe")