MODEL_EXPORT virtual std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>
feature(const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Result>& theResult);
+ //! Creates a folder (group of the features in the object browser)
+ //! \param theAddBefore a feature, the folder is added before
+ //! (if empty, the folder is added after the last feature)
+ MODEL_EXPORT virtual std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Folder> addFolder(
+ std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature> theAddBefore = std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>());
+ //! Removes the folder from the document (all features in the folder will be kept).
+ MODEL_EXPORT virtual void removeFolder(std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Folder> theFolder);
+ //! Search a folder above the list of features applicable to store them
+ //! (it means the list of features stored in the folder should be consequential)
+ //! \return Empty pointer if there is no applicable folder
+ MODEL_EXPORT virtual std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Folder> findFolderAbove(
+ const std::list<std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature> >& theFeatures);
+ //! Search a folder below the list of features applicable to store them
+ //! (it means the list of features stored in the folder should be consequential)
+ //! \return Empty pointer if there is no applicable folder
+ MODEL_EXPORT virtual std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Folder> findFolderBelow(
+ const std::list<std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature> >& theFeatures);
+ //! Search a folder containing the given feature.
+ //! Addtionally calculates a zero-based index of the feature in this folder.
+ //! \param theFeature feature to search
+ //! \param theIndexInFolder zero-based index in the folder or -1 if the feature is top-level.
+ //! \return the folder containing the feature or empty pointer if the feature is top-level.
+ MODEL_EXPORT virtual std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Folder> findContainingFolder(
+ const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>& theFeature,
+ int& theIndexInFolder);
+ //! Add a list of features to the folder. The correctness of the adding is not performed
+ //! (such checks have been done in corresponding find.. method).
+ //! \return \c true if the movement is successfull
+ MODEL_EXPORT virtual bool moveToFolder(
+ const std::list<std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature> >& theFeatures,
+ const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Folder>& theFolder);
+ //! Remove features from the folder
+ //! \param theFeatures list of features to be removed
+ //! \param theBefore extract features before the folder (this parameter is applicable only
+ //! when all features in the folder are taking out,
+ //! in other cases the direction is taken automatically)
+ //! \return \c true if the features have been moved out
+ MODEL_EXPORT virtual bool removeFromFolder(
+ const std::list<std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature> >& theFeatures,
+ const bool theBefore = true);
///! Returns true if parametric updater need to execute feature on recomputartion
///! On abort, undo or redo it is not necessary: results in document are updated automatically
- bool& executeFeatures() {return myExecuteFeatures;}
+ bool executeFeatures() {return myExecuteFeatures;}
+ ///! On abort, undo or redo it is not necessary: results in document are updated automatically
+ void setExecuteFeatures(const bool theFlag);
//! Registers the name of the shape for the topological naming needs
void addNamingName(const TDF_Label theLabel, std::string theName);