Ht = H["Tangent"].asMatrix(ValueForMethodForm = Xa)
Ht = Ht.reshape(-1,len(Xa.A1)) # ADAO
HessienneI = []
- nb = len(Xini)
+ nb = len(Xa.A1)
for i in range(nb):
_ee = numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros(nb)).T
_ee[i] = 1.
HessienneI.append( ( BI*_ee + Ha((Xa,RI*_HtEE)) ).A1 )
HessienneI = numpy.matrix( HessienneI )
A = HessienneI.I
+ if min(A.shape) != max(A.shape):
+ raise ValueError("The 3DVAR a posteriori covariance matrix A is of shape %s, despites it has to be a squared matrix. There is an error in the observation operator."%str(A.shape))
if logging.getLogger().level < logging.WARNING: # La verification n'a lieu qu'en debug
L = numpy.linalg.cholesky( A )
# ---------------------------------
if "APosterioriCovariance" in self._parameters["StoreSupplementaryCalculations"]:
A = B - K * Hm * B
+ if min(A.shape) != max(A.shape):
+ raise ValueError("The 3DVAR a posteriori covariance matrix A is of shape %s, despites it has to be a squared matrix. There is an error in the observation operator."%str(A.shape))
if logging.getLogger().level < logging.WARNING: # La verification n'a lieu qu'en debug
L = numpy.linalg.cholesky( A )