--- /dev/null
+# Creation of a Solid(s) from connected faces
+import salome
+import GEOM
+from salome.geom import geomBuilder
+geompy = geomBuilder.New(salome.myStudy)
+gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")
+# create a box
+box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(200, 200, 200)
+# make a copy of a box translated by X coordinate
+box_translation = geompy.MakeTranslation(box, 200, 0, 0)
+# extract shells from boxes
+box_shell = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(box, geompy.ShapeType["SHELL"])[0]
+box_translation_shell = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(box_translation, geompy.ShapeType["SHELL"])[0]
+# extract faces from boxes
+box_faces = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(box, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])
+box_translation_faces = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(box_translation, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])
+# create solids from shells
+msf_shells_noint = geompy.MakeSolidFromConnectedFaces([box_shell, box_translation_shell],0)
+msf_shells_int = geompy.MakeSolidFromConnectedFaces([box_shell, box_translation_shell], 1)
+# create solids from faces
+msf_faces_noint = geompy.MakeSolidFromConnectedFaces(box_faces+box_translation_faces, 0)
+msf_faces_int = geompy.MakeSolidFromConnectedFaces(box_faces+box_translation_faces, 1)
+# add objects in the study
+id_solid_shells_noint = geompy.addToStudy(msf_shells_noint,"Solid_from_shells_no_intersect")
+id_solid_shells_int = geompy.addToStudy(msf_shells_int,"Solid_from_shells_intersect")
+id_solid_faces_noint = geompy.addToStudy(msf_faces_noint,"Solid_from_faces_no_intersect")
+id_solid_faces_int = geompy.addToStudy(msf_faces_int,"Solid_from_faces_intersect")
+# display the results
\page create_solid_page Solid
-\n To create a \b Solid in the <b>Main Menu</b> select <b>New Entity - > Build - >
+To create a \b Solid in the <b>Main Menu</b> select <b>New Entity - > Build - >
-You can create a \b Solid from a list of shells.
+Firstly, you can create a \b Solid from a list of shells.
The \b Result will be a \b GEOM_Object (SOLID).
-\n <b>TUI Command:</b> <em>geompy.MakeSolid(ListOfShape),</em> where
-ListOfShape is a list of shells from which the solid is constructed.
-\n <b>Arguments:</b> Name + A closed shell or a list of closed shells.
+<b>TUI Command:</b> <em>geompy.MakeSolid(ListOfShape),</em> where
+\c ListOfShape is a list of shells from which the solid is constructed.
+<b>Arguments:</b> Name + A closed shell or a list of closed shells.
\image html neo-obj6.png
-\n <b>Example:</b>
\image html solidsn.png "Solid"
+Secondly, it is possible to create a \b Solid (or a compound of solids) from a list of
+connected faces or shells.
+The \b Result will be a \b GEOM_Object (SOLID or COMPOUND).
+<b>TUI Command:</b> <em>geompy.MakeSolidFromConnectedFaces(ListOfShape, isIntersect),</em> where
+\c ListOfShape is a list of faces and/or shells from which the solid is constructed and
+\c isIntersect is a boolean flag which, when set to \c True, forces performing intersection
+between arguments
+<b>Arguments:</b> Name + A set of connected faces and/or shells + Boolean flag.
+\image html neo-obj6_2.png
Our <b>TUI Scripts</b> provide you with useful examples of creation of
-\ref tui_creation_solid "Advanced Geometric Objects".
+\ref tui_creation_solid "Solid from shell" and
+\ref tui_creation_solid_from_faces "Solid from connected faces".
<br><h2>Creation of a Solid</h2>
+\anchor tui_creation_solid_from_faces
+<br><h2>Creation of a Solid from the set of connected faces</h2>
\anchor tui_creation_compound
<br><h2>Creation of a Compound</h2>
GEOM_Object MakeCompound (in ListOfGO theShapes);
+ /*!
+ * \brief Make a solid (or solids) from connected set of faces and/or shells.
+ * \param theFacesOrShells List of faces and/or shells.
+ * \param isIntersect If TRUE, forces performing intersections between arguments.
+ *
+ * \return New GEOM_Object, containing the created solid (or compound of solids).
+ */
+ GEOM_Object MakeSolidFromConnectedFaces (in ListOfGO theFacesOrShells, in boolean isIntersect);
* \brief Replace coincident faces in \a theShapes by one face.
* \param theShapes Initial shapes.
GEOM_Object MakeSolidShell (in GEOM_Object theShell) ;
GEOM_Object MakeSolidShells (in GEOM_List theShells) ;
GEOM_Object MakeCompound (in GEOM_List theShapes) ;
+ GEOM_Object MakeSolidFromConnectedFaces (in GEOM_List theFacesOrShells,
+ in boolean isIntersect);
GEOM_Object MakeGlueFaces (in GEOM_Object theShape,
in double theTolerance,
in boolean doKeepNonSolids);
+ solid_from_faces.png
+ <component-service>
+ <service-name>MakeSolidFromConnectedFaces</service-name>
+ <service-author>SALOME team</service-author>
+ <service-version>@SALOMEGEOM_VERSION@</service-version>
+ <service-comment>unknown</service-comment>
+ <service-by-default>0</service-by-default>
+ <inParameter-list>
+ <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>theFacesOrShells</inParameter-name>
+ <inParameter-type>GEOM/GEOM_List</inParameter-type>
+ <inParameter-comment>unknown</inParameter-comment>
+ </inParameter>
+ <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>isIntersect</inParameter-name>
+ <inParameter-type>boolean</inParameter-type>
+ <inParameter-comment>unknown</inParameter-comment>
+ </inParameter>
+ </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
+ <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>return</outParameter-name>
+ <outParameter-type>GEOM/GEOM_Object</outParameter-type>
+ <outParameter-comment>unknown</outParameter-comment>
+ </outParameter>
+ </outParameter-list>
+ <DataStream-list></DataStream-list>
+ </component-service>
<service-author>SALOME team</service-author>
BuildGUI_SolidDlg::BuildGUI_SolidDlg( GeometryGUI* theGeometryGUI, QWidget* parent )
: GEOMBase_Skeleton( theGeometryGUI, parent )
- QPixmap image0( SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr()->loadPixmap( "GEOM", tr( "ICON_DLG_BUILD_SOLID" ) ) );
- QPixmap image1( SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr()->loadPixmap( "GEOM", tr( "ICON_SELECT" ) ) );
+ QPixmap image0( SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr()->loadPixmap( "GEOM", tr( "ICON_SELECT" ) ) );
+ QPixmap image1( SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr()->loadPixmap( "GEOM", tr( "ICON_DLG_BUILD_SOLID" ) ) );
+ QPixmap image2( SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr()->loadPixmap( "GEOM", tr( "ICON_DLG_SOLID_FROM_FACES" ) ) );
setWindowTitle( tr( "GEOM_SOLID_TITLE" ) );
mainFrame()->GroupConstructors->setTitle( tr( "GEOM_SOLID" ) );
- mainFrame()->RadioButton1->setIcon( image0 );
- mainFrame()->RadioButton2->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose );
- mainFrame()->RadioButton2->close();
+ mainFrame()->RadioButton1->setIcon( image1 );
+ mainFrame()->RadioButton2->setIcon( image2 );
mainFrame()->RadioButton3->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose );
GroupSolid = new DlgRef_1Sel1Check( centralWidget() );
- GroupSolid->GroupBox1->setTitle( tr( "GEOM_ARGUMENTS" ) );
+ GroupSolid->GroupBox1->setTitle( tr( "GEOM_SOLID_SHELLS" ) );
GroupSolid->TextLabel1->setText( tr( "GEOM_OBJECTS" ) );
GroupSolid->CheckButton1->setText( tr( "GEOM_CREATE_SINGLE_SOLID" ) );
- GroupSolid->PushButton1->setIcon( image1 );
+ GroupSolid->PushButton1->setIcon( image0 );
GroupSolid->LineEdit1->setReadOnly( true );
+ GroupFaces = new DlgRef_1Sel1Check( centralWidget() );
+ GroupFaces->GroupBox1->setTitle( tr( "GEOM_SOLID_FACES" ) );
+ GroupFaces->TextLabel1->setText( tr( "GEOM_OBJECTS" ) );
+ GroupFaces->CheckButton1->setText( tr( "GEOM_SOLID_FROM_FACE_OPT" ) );
+ GroupFaces->PushButton1->setIcon( image0 );
+ GroupFaces->LineEdit1->setReadOnly( true );
QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout( centralWidget() );
layout->setMargin( 0 ); layout->setSpacing( 6 );
layout->addWidget( GroupSolid );
+ layout->addWidget( GroupFaces );
connect( buttonOk(), SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnOk() ) );
connect( buttonApply(), SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnApply() ) );
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(constructorsClicked(int)), this, SLOT(ConstructorsClicked(int)));
connect( GroupSolid->PushButton1, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( SetEditCurrentArgument() ) );
+ connect( GroupFaces->PushButton1, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( SetEditCurrentArgument() ) );
connect( GroupSolid->CheckButton1, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( EnableNameField( bool ) ) );
connect( ( (SalomeApp_Application*)( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication() ) )->selectionMgr(),
initName( tr( "GEOM_SOLID" ) );
+ ConstructorsClicked(0);
return false;
+ myEditCurrentArgument->setText("");
+ ConstructorsClicked(getConstructorId());
return true;
+// function : ConstructorsClicked()
+// purpose : Radio button management
+void BuildGUI_SolidDlg::ConstructorsClicked(int constructorId)
+ switch (constructorId) {
+ case 0:
+ {
+ globalSelection();
+ GroupFaces->hide();
+ GroupSolid->show();
+ myEditCurrentArgument = GroupSolid->LineEdit1;
+ GroupSolid->LineEdit1->setText("");
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1:
+ {
+ globalSelection();
+ GroupSolid->hide();
+ GroupFaces->show();
+ myEditCurrentArgument = GroupFaces->LineEdit1;
+ GroupFaces->LineEdit1->setText("");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ qApp->processEvents();
+ updateGeometry();
+ resize(minimumSizeHint());
+ SelectionIntoArgument();
// function : SelectionIntoArgument()
//myShells = getSelected( TopAbs_SHELL, -1 );
QList<TopAbs_ShapeEnum> types;
+ if (myEditCurrentArgument == GroupSolid->LineEdit1)
types << TopAbs_SHELL << TopAbs_COMPOUND;
+ else if (myEditCurrentArgument == GroupFaces->LineEdit1)
+ types << TopAbs_FACE << TopAbs_SHELL << TopAbs_COMPOUND;
myShells = getSelected( types, -1 );
if ( !myShells.isEmpty() ) {
void BuildGUI_SolidDlg::SetEditCurrentArgument()
QPushButton* send = (QPushButton*)sender();
- if ( send != GroupSolid->PushButton1 )
- return;
- //globalSelection( GEOM_SHELL );
TColStd_MapOfInteger aMap;
- aMap.Add( GEOM_SHELL );
QList<int> aSubShapes;
- aSubShapes.append( GEOM_SHELL );
- globalSelection( aMap, aSubShapes );
- myEditCurrentArgument = GroupSolid->LineEdit1;
+ if (send == GroupSolid->PushButton1) {
+ aMap.Add( GEOM_SHELL );
+ aSubShapes.append( GEOM_SHELL );
+ globalSelection( aMap, aSubShapes );
+ myEditCurrentArgument = GroupSolid->LineEdit1;
+ }
+ else if (send == GroupFaces->PushButton1) {
+ aMap.Add( GEOM_SHELL );
+ aMap.Add( GEOM_FACE );
+ aSubShapes.append( GEOM_SHELL );
+ aSubShapes.append( GEOM_FACE );
+ globalSelection( aMap, aSubShapes );
+ myEditCurrentArgument = GroupFaces->LineEdit1;
+ }
void BuildGUI_SolidDlg::ActivateThisDialog()
- connect( ( (SalomeApp_Application*)( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication() ) )->selectionMgr(),
- SIGNAL( currentSelectionChanged() ), this, SLOT( SelectionIntoArgument() ) );
+ connect(myGeomGUI->getApp()->selectionMgr(), SIGNAL(currentSelectionChanged()),
+ this, SLOT(SelectionIntoArgument()));
- //globalSelection( GEOM_SHELL );
- TColStd_MapOfInteger aMap;
- aMap.Add( GEOM_SHELL );
- QList<int> aSubShapes;
- aSubShapes.append( GEOM_SHELL );
- globalSelection( aMap, aSubShapes );
+ ConstructorsClicked(getConstructorId());
GEOM::MeasureOpPtr anOp;
- if (!GroupSolid->CheckButton1->isChecked() || myShells.count() == 1) {
- for (int i = 0, n = myShells.count(); i < n && ok; i++) {
- CORBA::String_var aRes = anOp->IsGoodForSolid(myShells[i].get());
- if (strlen(aRes.in())) {
- msg = QObject::tr(aRes.in()).arg(GEOMBase::GetName(myShells[i].get()));
- ok = false;
- }
- }
+ if (getConstructorId() == 0 && (!GroupSolid->CheckButton1->isChecked() || myShells.count() == 1)) {
+ for (int i = 0, n = myShells.count(); i < n && ok; i++) {
+ CORBA::String_var aRes = anOp->IsGoodForSolid(myShells[i].get());
+ if (strlen(aRes.in())) {
+ msg = QObject::tr(aRes.in()).arg(GEOMBase::GetName(myShells[i].get()));
+ ok = false;
+ }
+ }
return ok;
bool BuildGUI_SolidDlg::execute( ObjectList& objects )
GEOM::GEOM_IShapesOperations_var anOper = GEOM::GEOM_IShapesOperations::_narrow( getOperation() );
+ GEOM::GEOM_Object_var anObj;
+ switch (getConstructorId()) {
+ case 0:
+ {
+ if ( GroupSolid->CheckButton1->isChecked() ) {
+ GEOM::ListOfGO_var objlist = new GEOM::ListOfGO();
+ objlist->length( myShells.count() );
+ for ( int i = 0; i < myShells.count(); i++ )
+ objlist[i] = myShells[i].copy();
+ anObj = anOper->MakeSolidShells( objlist.in() );
+ if ( !anObj->_is_nil() ) objects.push_back( anObj._retn() );
+ }
+ else {
+ for ( int i = 0, n = myShells.count(); i< n; i++ ){
+ anObj = anOper->MakeSolidShell( myShells[ i ].get() );
+ if ( !anObj->_is_nil() ) objects.push_back( anObj._retn() );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1:
+ {
+ GEOM::ListOfGO_var objlist = new GEOM::ListOfGO();
+ objlist->length( myShells.count() );
+ for ( int i = 0; i < myShells.count(); i++ )
+ objlist[i] = myShells[i].copy();
- if ( GroupSolid->CheckButton1->isChecked() ) {
- GEOM::ListOfGO_var objlist = new GEOM::ListOfGO();
- objlist->length( myShells.count() );
- for ( int i = 0; i < myShells.count(); i++ )
- objlist[i] = myShells[i].copy();
- GEOM::GEOM_Object_var anObj = anOper->MakeSolidShells( objlist.in() );
- if ( !anObj->_is_nil() )
- objects.push_back( anObj._retn() );
- }
- else {
- for ( int i = 0, n = myShells.count(); i< n; i++ ) {
- GEOM::GEOM_Object_var anObj = anOper->MakeSolidShell( myShells[ i ].get() );
+ anObj = anOper->MakeSolidFromConnectedFaces( objlist.in(), GroupFaces->CheckButton1->isChecked() );
- if ( !anObj->_is_nil() )
- objects.push_back( anObj._retn() );
+ if ( !anObj->_is_nil() ) objects.push_back( anObj._retn() );
+ break;
QList<GEOM::GeomObjPtr> myShells;
DlgRef_1Sel1Check* GroupSolid;
+ DlgRef_1Sel1Check* GroupFaces;
private slots:
void ClickOnOk();
bool ClickOnApply();
void SetEditCurrentArgument();
void SelectionIntoArgument();
+ void ConstructorsClicked( int );
void ActivateThisDialog();
void EnableNameField( bool );
+ <message>
+ <source>ICON_DLG_SOLID_FROM_FACES</source>
+ <translation>solid_from_faces.png</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>ICO_SOLID_FROM_FACES</source>
+ <translation>solid_from_face.png</translation>
+ </message>
<translation>Try to create a planar face</translation>
+ <message>
+ <source>GEOM_SOLID_FROM_FACE_OPT</source>
+ <translation>Intersect shapes</translation>
+ </message>
<translation>Cannot build a planar face: required tolerance is
<translation>Solid Construction</translation>
+ <message>
+ <source>GEOM_SOLID_SHELLS</source>
+ <translation>Make Solid From Shells</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>GEOM_SOLID_FACES</source>
+ <translation>Make Solid From Connected Set Of Faces/Shells</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MEN_SOLID_FROM_FACES</source>
+ <translation>Solid from connected faces</translation>
+ </message>
<translation>Privilégier la création d'une face plane</translation>
+ <message>
+ <source>GEOM_SOLID_FROM_FACE_OPT</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">Intersect shapes</translation>
+ </message>
<translation>Impossible de construire une face plane:
<translation>Construction d'un solide</translation>
+ <message>
+ <source>GEOM_SOLID_SHELLS</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">Make Solid From Shells</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>GEOM_SOLID_FACES</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">Make Solid From Connected Set Of Faces/Shells</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MEN_SOLID_FROM_FACES</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">Solid from connected faces</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>GEOM_SOLID_FROM_FACE_OPT</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">Intersect shapes</translation>
+ </message>
<translation>平坦な面を作成できません: 作成された顔があまりにも高い耐性</translation>
+ <message>
+ <source>GEOM_SOLID_SHELLS</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">Make Solid From Shells</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>GEOM_SOLID_FACES</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">Make Solid From Connected Set Of Faces/Shells</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>MEN_SOLID_FROM_FACES</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">Solid from connected faces</translation>
+ </message>
SHAPE_ARG_SHAPES = 1, // for Wire, Shell, Solid and Compound
SHAPE_ARG_BASE = 2, // for Face, Solid and Sub-shape
SHAPE_ARG_PLANAR = 3, // for Face
+ SHAPE_ARG_INTERSECT = 3, // for Solid From Connected Faces (NOTE: same value as SHAPE_ARG_PLANAR is used!)
SHAPE_ARG_SUBTYPE = 4, // for Sub-shape
SHAPE_ARG_INDICES = 5, // for Sub-shape
SHAPE_ARG_TOLERANCE = 6, // linear tolerance (for Wire, Edge)
Standard_Real GetAngularTolerance() { return _func->GetReal(SHAPE_ARG_ANGLE_TOL); }
+ void SetIsIntersect(const Standard_Boolean isIntersect)
+ {_func->SetInteger(SHAPE_ARG_INTERSECT, isIntersect ? 1 : 0);}
+ Standard_Boolean GetIsIntersect() { return (_func->GetInteger(SHAPE_ARG_INTERSECT) == 1); }
Handle(GEOM_Function) _func;
return aShape;
+ * MakeSolidFromConnectedFaces
+ */
+Handle(GEOM_Object) GEOMImpl_IShapesOperations::MakeSolidFromConnectedFaces
+ (std::list<Handle(GEOM_Object)> theFacesOrShells,
+ const Standard_Boolean isIntersect)
+ SetErrorCode(KO);
+ //Add a new object
+ Handle(GEOM_Object) aSolid = GetEngine()->AddObject(GetDocID(), GEOM_SOLID);
+ //Add a new function
+ Handle(GEOM_Function) aFunction =
+ aSolid->AddFunction(GEOMImpl_ShapeDriver::GetID(), SOLID_FACES);
+ if (aFunction.IsNull()) return NULL;
+ //Check if the function is set correctly
+ if (aFunction->GetDriverGUID() != GEOMImpl_ShapeDriver::GetID()) return NULL;
+ GEOMImpl_IShapes aCI (aFunction);
+ Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) aShapesSeq = new TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient;
+ // Shapes
+ std::list<Handle(GEOM_Object)>::iterator it = theFacesOrShells.begin();
+ for (; it != theFacesOrShells.end(); it++) {
+ Handle(GEOM_Function) aRefSh = (*it)->GetLastFunction();
+ if (aRefSh.IsNull()) {
+ SetErrorCode("NULL argument shape for the shape construction");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ aShapesSeq->Append(aRefSh);
+ }
+ aCI.SetShapes(aShapesSeq);
+ aCI.SetIsIntersect(isIntersect);
+ //Compute the shape
+ try {
+ if (!GetSolver()->ComputeFunction(aFunction)) {
+ SetErrorCode("Shape driver failed");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Standard_Failure) {
+ Handle(Standard_Failure) aFail = Standard_Failure::Caught();
+ SetErrorCode(aFail->GetMessageString());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ //Make a Python command
+ GEOM::TPythonDump pd (aFunction);
+ pd << aSolid << " = geompy.MakeSolidFromConnectedFaces([";
+ // Shapes
+ it = theFacesOrShells.begin();
+ if (it != theFacesOrShells.end()) {
+ pd << (*it++);
+ while (it != theFacesOrShells.end()) {
+ pd << ", " << (*it++);
+ }
+ }
+ pd << "]," << (isIntersect ? "True" : "False") << ")";
+ SetErrorCode(OK);
+ return aSolid;
* MakeGlueFaces
Standard_EXPORT Handle(GEOM_Object) MakeCompound (std::list<Handle(GEOM_Object)> theShapes);
+ Standard_EXPORT Handle(GEOM_Object) MakeSolidFromConnectedFaces (std::list<Handle(GEOM_Object)> theFacesOrShells,
+ const Standard_Boolean isIntersect);
Standard_EXPORT Handle(GEOM_Object) MakeGlueFaces (std::list< Handle(GEOM_Object) >& theShapes,
const Standard_Real theTolerance,
const Standard_Boolean doKeepNonSolids);
#include <Standard_TypeMismatch.hxx>
#include <Standard_ConstructionError.hxx>
+#include <BOPAlgo_PaveFiller.hxx>
+#include <BOPAlgo_MakerVolume.hxx>
+#include <list>
//modified by NIZNHY-PKV Wed Dec 28 13:48:20 2011f
// void KeepEdgesOrder(const Handle(TopTools_HSequenceOfShape)& aEdges,
TopoDS_Shape aShape;
TCollection_AsciiString aWarning;
- TopAbs_ShapeEnum anExpectedType = TopAbs_SHAPE;
+ std::list<TopAbs_ShapeEnum> anExpectedType;
BRep_Builder B;
if (aType == WIRE_EDGES) {
- anExpectedType = TopAbs_WIRE;
+ anExpectedType.push_back(TopAbs_WIRE);
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) aShapes = aCI.GetShapes();
aShape = MakeWireFromEdges(aShapes, aTolerance);
else if (aType == FACE_WIRE) {
- anExpectedType = TopAbs_FACE;
+ anExpectedType.push_back(TopAbs_FACE);
Handle(GEOM_Function) aRefBase = aCI.GetBase();
TopoDS_Shape aShapeBase = aRefBase->GetValue();
else if (aType == FACE_WIRES) {
- anExpectedType = TopAbs_FACE;
+ anExpectedType.push_back(TopAbs_FACE);
// Try to build a face from a set of wires and edges
int ind;
else if (aType == FACE_FROM_SURFACE) {
- anExpectedType = TopAbs_FACE;
+ anExpectedType.push_back(TopAbs_FACE);
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) aShapes = aCI.GetShapes();
else if (aType == SHELL_FACES) {
- anExpectedType = TopAbs_SHELL;
+ anExpectedType.push_back(TopAbs_SHELL);
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) aShapes = aCI.GetShapes();
unsigned int ind, nbshapes = aShapes->Length();
else if (aType == SOLID_SHELLS) {
- anExpectedType = TopAbs_SOLID;
+ anExpectedType.push_back(TopAbs_SOLID);
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) aShapes = aCI.GetShapes();
unsigned int ind, nbshapes = aShapes->Length();
aShape = Sol;
else if (aType == COMPOUND_SHAPES) {
- anExpectedType = TopAbs_COMPOUND;
+ anExpectedType.push_back(TopAbs_COMPOUND);
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) aShapes = aCI.GetShapes();
unsigned int ind, nbshapes = aShapes->Length();
else if (aType == EDGE_WIRE) {
- anExpectedType = TopAbs_EDGE;
+ anExpectedType.push_back(TopAbs_EDGE);
Handle(GEOM_Function) aRefBase = aCI.GetBase();
TopoDS_Shape aWire = aRefBase->GetValue();
aShape = MakeEdgeFromWire(aWire, LinTol, AngTol);
+ else if (aType == SOLID_FACES) {
+ anExpectedType.push_back(TopAbs_SOLID);
+ anExpectedType.push_back(TopAbs_COMPOUND);
+ anExpectedType.push_back(TopAbs_COMPSOLID);
+ Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) aShapes = aCI.GetShapes();
+ unsigned int ind, nbshapes = aShapes->Length();
+ // add faces
+ BOPCol_ListOfShape aLS;
+ for (ind = 1; ind <= nbshapes; ind++) {
+ Handle(GEOM_Function) aRefShape = Handle(GEOM_Function)::DownCast(aShapes->Value(ind));
+ TopoDS_Shape aShape_i = aRefShape->GetValue();
+ if (aShape_i.IsNull()) {
+ Standard_NullObject::Raise("Shape for solid construction is null");
+ }
+ aLS.Append(aShape_i);
+ }
+ BOPAlgo_MakerVolume aMV;
+ aMV.SetArguments(aLS);
+ aMV.SetIntersect(aCI.GetIsIntersect());
+ aMV.Perform();
+ if (aMV.ErrorStatus()) return 0;
+ aShape = aMV.Shape();
+ }
else if (aType == EDGE_CURVE_LENGTH) {
- anExpectedType = TopAbs_EDGE;
+ anExpectedType.push_back(TopAbs_EDGE);
GEOMImpl_IVector aVI (aFunction);
("Shape for isoline construction is not a face");
} else if (aType == EDGE_UV) {
- anExpectedType = TopAbs_EDGE;
+ anExpectedType.push_back(TopAbs_EDGE);
GEOMImpl_IShapeExtend aSE (aFunction);
Handle(GEOM_Function) aRefEdge = aSE.GetShape();
TopoDS_Shape aShapeEdge = aRefEdge->GetValue();
aShape = ExtendEdge(anEdge, aSE.GetUMin(), aSE.GetUMax());
} else if (aType == FACE_UV) {
- anExpectedType = TopAbs_FACE;
+ anExpectedType.push_back(TopAbs_FACE);
GEOMImpl_IShapeExtend aSE (aFunction);
Handle(GEOM_Function) aRefFace = aSE.GetShape();
aSE.GetVMin(), aSE.GetVMax());
} else if (aType == SURFACE_FROM_FACE) {
- anExpectedType = TopAbs_FACE;
+ anExpectedType.push_back(TopAbs_FACE);
GEOMImpl_IShapeExtend aSE (aFunction);
Handle(GEOM_Function) aRefFace = aSE.GetShape();
// Check if the result shape type is compatible with the expected.
const TopAbs_ShapeEnum aShType = aShape.ShapeType();
- if (anExpectedType != TopAbs_SHAPE && anExpectedType != aShType) {
- Standard_ConstructionError::Raise("Result type check failed");
+ if (!anExpectedType.empty()) {
+ bool ok = false;
+ std::list<TopAbs_ShapeEnum>::const_iterator it;
+ for (it = anExpectedType.begin(); it != anExpectedType.end() && !ok; ++it)
+ ok = (*it == TopAbs_SHAPE || *it == aShType);
+ if (!ok)
+ Standard_ConstructionError::Raise("Result type check failed");
theOperationName = "SOLID";
AddParam( theParams, "Objects", aCI.GetShapes() );
+ theOperationName = "SOLID_FROM_FACES";
+ AddParam( theParams, "Objects", aCI.GetShapes() );
+ AddParam( theParams, "Is intersect", aCI.GetIsIntersect() );
+ break;
theOperationName = "COMPOUND";
AddParam( theParams, "Objects", aCI.GetShapes() );
#define EDGE_UV 16
#define FACE_UV 17
+#define SOLID_FACES 19
return GetObject(anObject);
+ * MakeSolidFromConnectedFaces
+ */
+GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr GEOM_IShapesOperations_i::MakeSolidFromConnectedFaces
+ (const GEOM::ListOfGO& theFacesOrShells,
+ const CORBA::Boolean isIntersect)
+ GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aGEOMObject;
+ //Set a not done flag
+ GetOperations()->SetNotDone();
+ int ind, aLen;
+ std::list<Handle(GEOM_Object)> aShapes;
+ //Get the shapes
+ aLen = theFacesOrShells.length();
+ for (ind = 0; ind < aLen; ind++) {
+ Handle(GEOM_Object) aSh = GetObjectImpl(theFacesOrShells[ind]);
+ if (aSh.IsNull()) return aGEOMObject._retn();
+ aShapes.push_back(aSh);
+ }
+ // Make Solid
+ Handle(GEOM_Object) anObject =
+ GetOperations()->MakeSolidFromConnectedFaces(aShapes, isIntersect);
+ if (!GetOperations()->IsDone() || anObject.IsNull())
+ return aGEOMObject._retn();
+ return GetObject(anObject);
* MakeGlueFaces
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr MakeCompound (const GEOM::ListOfGO& theShapes);
+ GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr MakeSolidFromConnectedFaces (const GEOM::ListOfGO& theFacesOrShells,
+ CORBA::Boolean isIntersect);
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr MakeGlueFaces (const GEOM::ListOfGO& theShape,
CORBA::Double theTolerance,
CORBA::Boolean doKeepNonSolids);
return NULL;
+// MakeSolidFromConnectedFaces:
+GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr GEOM_Superv_i::MakeSolidFromConnectedFaces (GEOM::GEOM_List_ptr theFacesOrShells,
+ CORBA::Boolean isIntersect)
+ beginService( " GEOM_Superv_i::MakeSolidFromConnectedFaces" );
+ MESSAGE("GEOM_Superv_i::MakeSolidFromConnectedFaces");
+ if (GEOM_List_i<GEOM::ListOfGO>* aListImpl =
+ dynamic_cast<GEOM_List_i<GEOM::ListOfGO>*>(GetServant(theFacesOrShells, myPOA).in())) {
+ getShapesOp();
+ GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr anObj = myShapesOp->MakeSolidFromConnectedFaces(aListImpl->GetList(), isIntersect);
+ endService( " GEOM_Superv_i::MakeSolidFromConnectedFaces" );
+ return anObj;
+ }
+ endService( " GEOM_Superv_i::MakeSolidFromConnectedFaces" );
+ return NULL;
// MakeGlueFaces:
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr MakeSolidShell (GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theShell);
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr MakeSolidShells (GEOM::GEOM_List_ptr theShells);
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr MakeCompound (GEOM::GEOM_List_ptr theShapes);
+ GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr MakeSolidFromConnectedFaces (GEOM::GEOM_List_ptr theFacesOrShells,
+ CORBA::Boolean isIntersect);
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr MakeGlueFaces (GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr theShape,
CORBA::Double theTolerance,
CORBA::Boolean doKeepNonSolids);
CORBA::Short theShapeType,
GEOM::shape_state theState);
// BlocksOperations //
prism1_faces[3], prism1_faces[4],
prism1_faces[5], prism1_faces[2]])
Solid = geompy.MakeSolid([Shell1]) #(List of GEOM_Object)->GEOM_Object
+ Box1_translation = geompy.MakeTranslation(Box1, 10, 0, 0)
+ Box1_shell = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(Box1, geompy.ShapeType["SHELL"])[0]
+ Box1_translation_shell = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(Box1_translation, geompy.ShapeType["SHELL"])[0]
+ Solid_from_shells = geompy.MakeSolidFromConnectedFaces([Box1_shell, Box1_translation_shell], 1) #(List of GEOM_Object, Boolean)->GEOM_Object
# Create Isoline
Isoline = geompy.MakeIsoline(Face1, True, 0.5) #(1 GEOM_Object, Boolean, Double)->GEOM_Object
id_Prism1 = geompy.addToStudy(Prism1, "Prism by Two Pnt")
id_Shell1 = geompy.addToStudy(Shell1, "Shell from Prism1 faces")
id_Solid = geompy.addToStudy(Solid, "Solid")
+ id_Solid1 = geompy.addToStudy(Solid_from_shells, "Solid1")
id_Compound = geompy.addToStudy(Compound, "Compound")
id_Plane2 = geompy.addToStudy(Plane2, "Plane on Face")
id_Partition = geompy.addToStudy(Partition, "Partition")
id_Partition1 = geompy.addToStudy(Partition1, "Half Partition")
#Decompose objects
# SubShape
RaiseIfFailed("MakeCompound", self.ShapesOp)
self._autoPublish(anObj, theName, "compound")
return anObj
+ ## Create a solid (or solids) from the set of faces and/or shells.
+ # @param theFacesOrShells List of faces and/or shells.
+ # @param isIntersect If TRUE, forces performing intersections
+ # between arguments; otherwise (default) intersection is not performed.
+ # @param theName Object name; when specified, this parameter is used
+ # for result publication in the study. Otherwise, if automatic
+ # publication is switched on, default value is used for result name.
+ #
+ # @return New GEOM.GEOM_Object, containing the created solid (or compound of solids).
+ #
+ # @ref tui_creation_solid_from_faces "Example"
+ @ManageTransactions("ShapesOp")
+ def MakeSolidFromConnectedFaces(self, theFacesOrShells, isIntersect = False, theName=None):
+ """
+ Create a solid (or solids) from the set of connected faces and/or shells.
+ Parameters:
+ theFacesOrShells List of faces and/or shells.
+ isIntersect If TRUE, forces performing intersections
+ between arguments; otherwise (default) intersection is not performed
+ theName Object name; when specified, this parameter is used.
+ for result publication in the study. Otherwise, if automatic
+ publication is switched on, default value is used for result name.
+ Returns:
+ New GEOM.GEOM_Object, containing the created solid (or compound of solids).
+ """
+ # Example: see GEOM_TestAll.py
+ anObj = self.ShapesOp.MakeSolidFromConnectedFaces(theFacesOrShells, isIntersect)
+ RaiseIfFailed("MakeSolidFromConnectedFaces", self.ShapesOp)
+ self._autoPublish(anObj, theName, "solid")
+ return anObj
# end of l3_advanced
## @}