myValidator = new SUIT_FileValidator( this );
+ \brief Constructor.
+ \param parent parent widget
+ \param initial initial file (or directory) dialog box to be opened on
+ \param filters file filters list
+ \param caption dialog box title
+ \param open if \c true dialog box is used for file opening, otherwise - for saving
+ \param showQuickDir if \c true the quick directory list widgets will be shown
+ \param validator custom file validator
+SUIT_FileDlg::SUIT_FileDlg(QWidget* parent,
+ const QString& initial,
+ const QStringList& filters,
+ const QString& caption /* = QString()*/,
+ const bool open /* = true*/,
+ const bool showQuickDir /* = true*/,
+ SUIT_FileValidator* validator /* = 0*/)
+: SUIT_FileDlg (parent, open, showQuickDir, true)
+ setFileMode(open ? ExistingFile : AnyFile);
+ QString tmpfilename = initial;
+ tmpfilename = tmpfilename.simplified();
+ tmpfilename = tmpfilename.replace(QRegExp("\\*"), "").replace(QRegExp("\\?"), "" );
+ if (!tmpfilename.isEmpty())
+ processPath(tmpfilename);
+ if (filters.isEmpty())
+ setNameFilter(tr("ALL_FILES_FILTER")); // All files (*)
+ else
+ setNameFilters(filters);
+ if (!caption.isEmpty())
+ setWindowTitle(caption);
+ if (validator)
+ setValidator(validator);
\brief Destructor.
return fileName;
// current file extension
- QString anExt = "." + SUIT_Tools::extension( fname ).trimmed();
+ QString anExt = "." + SUIT_Tools::extension(fname, true).trimmed();
// If the file already has extension and it does not match the filter there are two choices:
// - to leave it 'as is'
const QStringList& filters, const QString& caption,
const bool open, const bool showQuickDir,
SUIT_FileValidator* validator )
- SUIT_FileDlg fd( parent, open, showQuickDir, true );
- fd.setFileMode( open ? ExistingFile : AnyFile );
- QString tmpfilename = initial;
- tmpfilename = tmpfilename.simplified();
- tmpfilename = tmpfilename.replace(QRegExp("\\*"), "" ).replace(QRegExp("\\?"), "" );
- if ( filters.isEmpty() )
- fd.setNameFilter( tr( "ALL_FILES_FILTER" ) ); // All files (*)
- else
- fd.setNameFilters( filters );
- if ( !caption.isEmpty() )
- fd.setWindowTitle( caption );
- if ( !tmpfilename.isEmpty() )
- fd.processPath( tmpfilename );
- if ( validator )
- fd.setValidator( validator );
+ SUIT_FileDlg fd(parent, initial, filters, caption, open, showQuickDir, validator);
QString filename;
caption, open, showQuickDir, validator );
+ \brief Show dialog box for the file opening/saving.
+ This method can be used to select the file for opening
+ or saving. The behavior is defined by the \a open parameter.
+ Note, that selection validation depends on the dialog mode used.
+ If \a initial parameter is not null string it is used as starting directory
+ or file at which dialog box is opened.
+ The parameter \a filters defines file filters (wildcards) to be used.
+ If filters list is empty, "All files (*)" is used by default.
+ The parameter \a selectedFilter outputs a filter selected by user.
+ The parameter \a caption is used as dialog box title. If it is
+ is empty, the default title is used.
+ The parameter \a showQuickDir specifies if it is necessary to
+ show additional quick directories list controls in the bottom part
+ of the dialog box.
+ The validation of the user selection is done with help of the file
+ validator (SUIT_FileValidator class). The last parameter \a validator
+ can be used to pass the custom file validator to the dialog box.
+ \param parent parent widget
+ \param initial initial file (or directory) dialog box to be opened on
+ \param filters file filters list
+ \param selectedFilter outputs a filter selected by user
+ \param caption dialog box title
+ \param open if \c true dialog box is used for file opening, otherwise - for saving
+ \param showQuickDir if \c true the quick directory list widgets will be shown
+ \param validator custom file validator
+ \return selected file name or null string if dialog box is cancelled
+ \sa getOpenFileNames(), getExistingDirectory()
+QString SUIT_FileDlg::getFileName(QWidget* parent,
+ const QString& initial,
+ const QStringList& filters,
+ QString& selectedFilter,
+ const QString& caption /* = QString()*/,
+ const bool open /* = true*/,
+ const bool showQuickDir /* = true*/,
+ SUIT_FileValidator* validator /* = 0*/)
+ SUIT_FileDlg fd(parent, initial, filters, caption, open, showQuickDir, validator);
+ QString filename;
+ if (fd.exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
+ {
+ filename = fd.selectedFile();
+ selectedFilter = fd.selectedNameFilter();
+ }
+ QApplication::processEvents();
+ return filename;
\brief Show dialog box for the multiple files selection.
SUIT_FileDlg( QWidget*, bool, bool = true, bool = true );
+ SUIT_FileDlg(QWidget* parent,
+ const QString& initial,
+ const QStringList& filters,
+ const QString& caption = QString(),
+ const bool open = true,
+ const bool showQuickDir = true,
+ SUIT_FileValidator* validator = 0);
virtual ~SUIT_FileDlg();
bool isOpenDlg() const;
const bool = true,
SUIT_FileValidator* = 0 );
+ static QString getFileName(QWidget* parent,
+ const QString& initial,
+ const QStringList& filters,
+ QString& selectedFilter,
+ const QString& caption = QString(),
+ const bool open = true,
+ const bool showQuickDir = true,
+ SUIT_FileValidator* validator = 0);
static QStringList getOpenFileNames( QWidget*,
const QString&,
const QStringList&,