while (grIt->more()) {
SMESH_Group * group = grIt->next();
if ( !group ) continue;
- MESSAGE("Group: " << group->GetName());
SMESHDS_GroupBase* groupDS = group->GetGroupDS();
if ( !groupDS ) continue;
- MESSAGE("group->SMDSGroup().GetType(): " << (groupDS->GetType()));
- MESSAGE("group->SMDSGroup().GetType()==anElem->GetType(): " << (groupDS->GetType()==anElem->GetType()));
- MESSAGE("currentEnfVertex->grpName.compare(group->GetStoreName())==0: " << (groupName.compare(group->GetName())==0));
if ( groupDS->GetType()==anElem->GetType() && groupName.compare(group->GetName())==0) {
SMESHDS_Group* aGroupDS = static_cast<SMESHDS_Group*>( groupDS );
- MESSAGE("Elem ID added in group: " << anElem->GetID());
groupDone = true;
MESSAGE("Successfully added enforced element to existing group " << groupName);
TopoDS_Shape theSolid,
vector <const SMDS_MeshNode*> & theNodeByGhs3dId,
map<const SMDS_MeshNode*,int> & theNodeToGhs3dIdMap,
- std::map<std::vector<double>, std::string> & enfVerticesWithGroup,
+ std::vector<std::string> & aNodeGroupByGhs3dId,
std::vector<std::string> & anEdgeGroupByGhs3dId,
std::vector<std::string> & aFaceGroupByGhs3dId)
- if (enfVerticesWithGroup.find(coords) != enfVerticesWithGroup.end())
- updateMeshGroups(theHelper->GetMesh(), aGMFNode, enfVerticesWithGroup[coords]);
+ if (aGMFID-1 < aNodeGroupByGhs3dId.size() && !aNodeGroupByGhs3dId.at(aGMFID-1).empty())
+ updateMeshGroups(theHelper->GetMesh(), aGMFNode, aNodeGroupByGhs3dId.at(aGMFID-1));
case GmfEdges:
if (fullyCreatedElement) {
aCreatedElem = theHelper->AddEdge( node[0], node[1], /*id =*/0, /*force3d =*/false );
- updateMeshGroups(theHelper->GetMesh(), aCreatedElem, anEdgeGroupByGhs3dId[iElem]);
+ if (!anEdgeGroupByGhs3dId[iElem].empty())
+ updateMeshGroups(theHelper->GetMesh(), aCreatedElem, anEdgeGroupByGhs3dId[iElem]);
case GmfTriangles:
aCreatedElem = theHelper->AddFace( node[0], node[1], node[2], /*id =*/0, /*force3d =*/false );
for ( int iRef = 0; iRef < nbRef; iRef++ )
nodeAssigne[ nodeID[ iRef ]] = 1;
- updateMeshGroups(theHelper->GetMesh(), aCreatedElem, aFaceGroupByGhs3dId[iElem]);
+ if (!aFaceGroupByGhs3dId[iElem].empty())
+ updateMeshGroups(theHelper->GetMesh(), aCreatedElem, aFaceGroupByGhs3dId[iElem]);
case GmfQuadrilaterals:
std::vector <const SMDS_MeshNode*> & theNodeByGhs3dId,
std::vector <const SMDS_MeshNode*> & theEnforcedNodeByGhs3dId,
std::map<const SMDS_MeshNode*,int> & aNodeToGhs3dIdMap,
+ std::vector<std::string> & aNodeGroupByGhs3dId,
std::vector<std::string> & anEdgeGroupByGhs3dId,
std::vector<std::string> & aFaceGroupByGhs3dId,
GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis::TIDSortedNodeGroupMap & theEnforcedNodes,
GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis::TIDSortedElemGroupMap & theEnforcedEdges,
GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis::TIDSortedElemGroupMap & theEnforcedTriangles,
+ std::map<std::vector<double>, std::string> & enfVerticesWithGroup,
GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis::TGHS3DEnforcedVertexCoordsValues & theEnforcedVertices)
MESSAGE("writeGMFFile w/o geometry");
GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis::TGHS3DEnforcedVertexCoordsValues::const_iterator vertexIt;
std::vector<double> enfVertexSizes;
const SMDS_MeshElement* elem;
- TIDSortedElemSet anElemSet, theKeptEnforcedEdges, theKeptEnforcedTriangles/*, theKeptEnforcedQuadrangles*/;
- // GHS3D does not accept EdgesP2 in input mesh file (Ghs3d 4.2)
-// TIDSortedElemSet aQuadElemSet, aQuadEnforcedEdgeSet, aQuadEnforcedTriangleSet, aQuadEnforcedQuadrangleSet;
+ TIDSortedElemSet anElemSet, theKeptEnforcedEdges, theKeptEnforcedTriangles;
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr nodeIt;
- map<const SMDS_MeshNode*,int> /*aNodeToGhs3dIdMap,*/ anEnforcedNodeToGhs3dIdMap;
+ map<const SMDS_MeshNode*,int> anEnforcedNodeToGhs3dIdMap;
GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis::TIDSortedElemGroupMap::iterator elemIt;
TIDSortedElemSet::iterator elemSetIt;
bool isOK;
while ( eIt->more() )
elem = eIt->next();
- // GHS3D does not accept EdgesP2 in input mesh file (Ghs3d 4.2)
-// if (elem->IsQuadratic())
-// aQuadElemSet.insert(elem);
-// else
nodeIt = elem->nodesIterator();
nbNodes = elem->NbCornerNodes();
int newId = aNodeToGhs3dIdMap.size() + anEnforcedNodeToGhs3dIdMap.size() + 1; // ghs3d ids count from 1
anEnforcedNodeToGhs3dIdMap.insert( make_pair( node, newId ));
- // GHS3D does not accept EdgesP2 in input mesh file (Ghs3d 4.2)
-// if (elem->IsQuadratic())
-// aQuadEnforcedEdgeSet.insert(elem);
-// else
int newId = aNodeToGhs3dIdMap.size() + anEnforcedNodeToGhs3dIdMap.size() + 1; // ghs3d ids count from 1
anEnforcedNodeToGhs3dIdMap.insert( make_pair( node, newId ));
- // GHS3D does not accept TrianglesP2 in input mesh file (Ghs3d 4.2)
-// if (elem->IsQuadratic())
-// aQuadEnforcedTriangleSet.insert(elem);
-// else
- // Iterate over the enforced nodes
- GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis::TIDSortedNodeGroupMap::const_iterator enfNodeIt;
- std::cout << theEnforcedNodes.size() << " nodes from enforced nodes ..." << std::endl;
- for(enfNodeIt = theEnforcedNodes.begin() ; enfNodeIt != theEnforcedNodes.end() ; ++enfNodeIt)
+ // Iterate over the enforced nodes given by enforced elements
+ ghs3dNodeIt = theEnforcedNodeByGhs3dId.begin();
+ after = theEnforcedNodeByGhs3dId.end();
+ std::cout << theEnforcedNodeByGhs3dId.size() << " nodes from enforced elements ..." << std::endl;
+ for ( ; ghs3dNodeIt != after; ++ghs3dNodeIt )
- const SMDS_MeshNode* node = enfNodeIt->first;
+ const SMDS_MeshNode* node = *ghs3dNodeIt;
std::vector<double> coords;
std::cout << "Node at " << node->X()<<", " <<node->Y()<<", " <<node->Z() << " found" << std::endl;
- if (theEnforcedVertices.find(coords) != theEnforcedVertices.end())
- continue;
- // Test if point is inside shape to mesh
- gp_Pnt myPoint(node->X(),node->Y(),node->Z());
- TopAbs_State result = pntCls->GetPointState( myPoint );
- if ( result != TopAbs_IN )
+ if (theEnforcedVertices.find(coords) != theEnforcedVertices.end())
- theRequiredNodes.push_back(node);
+// theRequiredNodes.push_back(node);
- // Iterate over the enforced nodes given by enforced elements
- ghs3dNodeIt = theEnforcedNodeByGhs3dId.begin();
- after = theEnforcedNodeByGhs3dId.end();
- std::cout << theEnforcedNodeByGhs3dId.size() << " nodes from enforced elements ..." << std::endl;
- for ( ; ghs3dNodeIt != after; ++ghs3dNodeIt )
+ // Iterate over the enforced nodes
+ GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis::TIDSortedNodeGroupMap::const_iterator enfNodeIt;
+ std::cout << theEnforcedNodes.size() << " nodes from enforced nodes ..." << std::endl;
+ for(enfNodeIt = theEnforcedNodes.begin() ; enfNodeIt != theEnforcedNodes.end() ; ++enfNodeIt)
- const SMDS_MeshNode* node = *ghs3dNodeIt;
+ const SMDS_MeshNode* node = enfNodeIt->first;
std::vector<double> coords;
std::cout << "Node at " << node->X()<<", " <<node->Y()<<", " <<node->Z() << " found" << std::endl;
if (theEnforcedVertices.find(coords) != theEnforcedVertices.end())
+ // Test if point is inside shape to mesh
+ gp_Pnt myPoint(node->X(),node->Y(),node->Z());
+ TopAbs_State result = pntCls->GetPointState( myPoint );
+ if ( result != TopAbs_IN )
+ continue;
- theOrderedNodes.push_back(node);
+// theOrderedNodes.push_back(node);
+ int requiredNodes = theRequiredNodes.size();
-// int requiredNodes = theRequiredNodes.size();
int solSize = 0;
std::vector<std::vector<double> > ReqVerTab;
if (nbEnforcedVertices) {
GmfSetKwd(idx, GmfVertices, theOrderedNodes.size()/*+solSize*/);
for (ghs3dNodeIt = theOrderedNodes.begin();ghs3dNodeIt != theOrderedNodes.end();++ghs3dNodeIt)
GmfSetLin(idx, GmfVertices, (*ghs3dNodeIt)->X(), (*ghs3dNodeIt)->Y(), (*ghs3dNodeIt)->Z(), dummyint);
-// for (int i=0;i<solSize;i++) {
-// std::cout << ReqVerTab[i][0] <<" "<< ReqVerTab[i][1] << " "<< ReqVerTab[i][2] << std::endl;
-// GmfSetLin(idx, GmfVertices, ReqVerTab[i][0], ReqVerTab[i][1], ReqVerTab[i][2], dummyint);
-// }
std::cout << "End writting required nodes in GmfVertices" << std::endl;
-// if (requiredNodes + solSize) {
-// GmfSetKwd(idx, GmfRequiredVertices, requiredNodes+solSize);
-// if (requiredNodes) {
-// std::cout << "Begin writting required nodes in GmfRequiredVertices" << std::endl;
-// int startId = theOrderedNodes.size()-requiredNodes+1;
-// std::cout << "startId: " << startId << std::endl;
-// for (int i=0;i<requiredNodes;i++)
-// GmfSetLin(idx, GmfRequiredVertices, startId+i);
-// std::cout << "End writting required nodes in GmfRequiredVertices" << std::endl;
-// }
- if (solSize) {
-// std::cout << "Begin writting required vertices in GmfRequiredVertices" << std::endl;
-// int startId = theOrderedNodes.size()+1;
-// std::cout << "startId: " << startId << std::endl;
-// for (int i=0;i<solSize;i++)
-// GmfSetLin(idx, GmfRequiredVertices, startId+i);
-// std::cout << "End writting required vertices in GmfRequiredVertices" << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Begin writting in sol file" << std::endl;
+ if (requiredNodes + solSize) {
+ std::cout << "Begin writting in req and sol file" << std::endl;
+ aNodeGroupByGhs3dId.resize( requiredNodes + solSize );
idxRequired = GmfOpenMesh(theRequiredFileName, GmfWrite, GMFVERSION, GMFDIMENSION);
if (!idxRequired) {
return false;
int TypTab[] = {GmfSca};
- GmfSetKwd(idxRequired, GmfVertices, solSize);
- GmfSetKwd(idxSol, GmfSolAtVertices, solSize, 1, TypTab);
+ GmfSetKwd(idxRequired, GmfVertices, requiredNodes + solSize);
+ GmfSetKwd(idxSol, GmfSolAtVertices, requiredNodes + solSize, 1, TypTab);
+ int usedEnforcedNodes = 0;
+ for (ghs3dNodeIt = theRequiredNodes.begin();ghs3dNodeIt != theRequiredNodes.end();++ghs3dNodeIt) {
+ GmfSetLin(idxRequired, GmfVertices, (*ghs3dNodeIt)->X(), (*ghs3dNodeIt)->Y(), (*ghs3dNodeIt)->Z(), dummyint);
+ GmfSetLin(idxSol, GmfSolAtVertices, 0.0);
+ aNodeGroupByGhs3dId[usedEnforcedNodes] = theEnforcedNodes.find((*ghs3dNodeIt))->second;
+ usedEnforcedNodes++;
+ }
for (int i=0;i<solSize;i++) {
std::cout << ReqVerTab[i][0] <<" "<< ReqVerTab[i][1] << " "<< ReqVerTab[i][2] << std::endl;
std::cout << "enfVertexSizes.at("<<i<<"): " << enfVertexSizes.at(i) << std::endl;
double solTab[] = {enfVertexSizes.at(i)};
GmfSetLin(idxRequired, GmfVertices, ReqVerTab[i][0], ReqVerTab[i][1], ReqVerTab[i][2], dummyint);
GmfSetLin(idxSol, GmfSolAtVertices, solTab);
+ aNodeGroupByGhs3dId[usedEnforcedNodes] = enfVerticesWithGroup.find(ReqVerTab[i])->second;
+ std::cout << "aNodeGroupByGhs3dId["<<usedEnforcedNodes<<"] = \""<<enfVerticesWithGroup.find(ReqVerTab[i])->second<<"\""<<std::endl;
+ usedEnforcedNodes++;
- std::cout << "End writting in sol file" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "End writting in req and sol file" << std::endl;
-// }
-// // GmfRequiredVertices + GmfSolAtVertices
-//// std::cout << "theRequiredNodes.size() + solSize: " << theRequiredNodes.size()+ solSize << std::endl;
-//// std::cout << "theRequiredNodes.size(): " << theRequiredNodes.size() << std::endl;
-// std::cout << "solSize: " << solSize << std::endl;
-//// if (theRequiredNodes.size()+ solSize) {
-//// GmfSetKwd(idx, GmfRequiredVertices, theRequiredNodes.size()+solSize);
-//// if (theRequiredNodes.size()) {
-//// std::cout << "Begin writting required nodes in GmfRequiredVertices" << std::endl;
-//// int startId = theOrderedNodes.size()-theRequiredNodes.size();
-//// std::cout << "startId: " << startId << std::endl;
-//// for (int i=1;i<=theRequiredNodes.size();i++)
-//// GmfSetLin(idx, GmfRequiredVertices, startId+i);
-//// std::cout << "End writting required nodes in GmfRequiredVertices" << std::endl;
-//// }
-// if (solSize) {
-// std::cout << "Begin writting in sol file" << std::endl;
-// GmfSetKwd(idx, GmfRequiredVertices, solSize);
-// idxSol = GmfOpenMesh(theSolFileName, GmfWrite, GMFVERSION, GMFDIMENSION);
-// if (!idxSol) {
-// GmfCloseMesh(idx);
-// if (idxRequired)
-// GmfCloseMesh(idxRequired);
-// return false;
-// }
-// int TypTab[] = {GmfSca};
-//// GmfSetKwd(idxRequired, GmfVertices, solSize);
-// GmfSetKwd(idxSol, GmfSolAtVertices, solSize, 1, TypTab);
-// for (int i=0;i<solSize;i++) {
-// double solTab[] = {enfVertexSizes.at(i)};
-// GmfSetLin(idx, GmfRequiredVertices, theOrderedNodes.size()+i+1);
-// GmfSetLin(idxSol, GmfSolAtVertices, solTab);
-//// GmfSetLin(idxRequired, GmfVertices, ReqVerTab[i][0], ReqVerTab[i][1], ReqVerTab[i][2], dummyint);
-// }
-// std::cout << "End writting in sol file" << std::endl;
-// }
-//// }
- // GHS3D does not accept quadratic elements in input mesh file (Ghs3d 4.2)
- int nedge[2], ntri[3]/*, nquad[4]*/ /*, nedgeP2[3], ntriP2[6], nquadQ2[9]*/;
+ int nedge[2], ntri[3];
// GmfEdges
int usedEnforcedEdges = 0;
if (theKeptEnforcedEdges.size()) {
// GmfCloseMesh(idxRequired);
- // GHS3D does not accept EdgesP2 in input mesh file (Ghs3d 4.2)
-// // GmfEdgesP2
-// int usedEnforcedEdgesP2 = 0;
-// if (aQuadEnforcedEdgeSet.size()) {
-// // idxRequired = GmfOpenMesh(theRequiredFileName, GmfWrite, GMFVERSION, GMFDIMENSION);
-// // if (!idxRequired)
-// // return false;
-// GmfSetKwd(idx, GmfEdgesP2, aQuadEnforcedEdgeSet.size());
-// // GmfSetKwd(idxRequired, GmfEdges, theKeptEnforcedEdges.size());
-// for(elemIt = aQuadEnforcedEdgeSet.begin() ; elemIt != aQuadEnforcedEdgeSet.end() ; ++elemIt) {
-// elem = (*elemIt);
-// nodeIt = elem->nodesIterator();
-// int index=0;
-// while ( nodeIt->more() ) {
-// // find GHS3D ID
-// const SMDS_MeshNode* node = castToNode( nodeIt->next() );
-// map< const SMDS_MeshNode*,int >::iterator it = anEnforcedNodeToGhs3dIdMap.find(node);
-// if (it == anEnforcedNodeToGhs3dIdMap.end())
-// throw "Node not found";
-// nedgeP2[index] = it->second;
-// index++;
-// }
-// GmfSetLin(idx, GmfEdgesP2, nedgeP2[0], nedgeP2[1], nedgeP2[2], dummyint);
-// // GmfSetLin(idxRequired, GmfEdges, nedge[0], nedge[1], dummyint);
-// usedEnforcedEdgesP2++;
-// }
-// // GmfCloseMesh(idxRequired);
-// }
- if (usedEnforcedEdges/*+usedEnforcedEdgesP2*/) {
- GmfSetKwd(idx, GmfRequiredEdges, usedEnforcedEdges/*+usedEnforcedEdgesP2*/);
- for (int enfID=1;enfID<=usedEnforcedEdges/*+usedEnforcedEdgesP2*/;enfID++) {
+ if (usedEnforcedEdges) {
+ GmfSetKwd(idx, GmfRequiredEdges, usedEnforcedEdges);
+ for (int enfID=1;enfID<=usedEnforcedEdges;enfID++) {
GmfSetLin(idx, GmfRequiredEdges, enfID);
- // GHS3D does not accept EdgesP2 in input mesh file (Ghs3d 4.2)
-// // GmfTrianglesP2
-// int usedEnforcedTrianglesP2 = 0;
-// if (aQuadElemSet.size()+aQuadEnforcedTriangleSet.size()) {
-// GmfSetKwd(idx, GmfTrianglesP2, aQuadElemSet.size()+aQuadEnforcedTriangleSet.size());
-// for(elemIt = aQuadElemSet.begin() ; elemIt != aQuadElemSet.end() ; ++elemIt) {
-// elem = (*elemIt);
-// nodeIt = elem->nodesIterator();
-// int index=0;
-// while ( nodeIt->more() ) {
-// // find GHS3D ID
-// const SMDS_MeshNode* node = castToNode( nodeIt->next() );
-// map< const SMDS_MeshNode*,int >::iterator it = aNodeToGhs3dIdMap.find(node);
-// if (it == aNodeToGhs3dIdMap.end())
-// throw "Node not found";
-// ntriP2[index] = it->second;
-// index++;
-// }
-// GmfSetLin(idx, GmfTrianglesP2, ntriP2[0], ntriP2[1], ntriP2[2], ntriP2[3], ntriP2[4], ntriP2[5], dummyint);
-// }
-// if (aQuadEnforcedTriangleSet.size()) {
-// for(elemIt = aQuadEnforcedTriangleSet.begin() ; elemIt != aQuadEnforcedTriangleSet.end() ; ++elemIt) {
-// elem = (*elemIt);
-// nodeIt = elem->nodesIterator();
-// int index=0;
-// while ( nodeIt->more() ) {
-// // find GHS3D ID
-// const SMDS_MeshNode* node = castToNode( nodeIt->next() );
-// map< const SMDS_MeshNode*,int >::iterator it = anEnforcedNodeToGhs3dIdMap.find(node);
-// if (it == anEnforcedNodeToGhs3dIdMap.end())
-// throw "Node not found";
-// ntriP2[index] = it->second;
-// index++;
-// }
-// GmfSetLin(idx, GmfTrianglesP2, ntriP2[0], ntriP2[1], ntriP2[2], ntriP2[3], ntriP2[4], ntriP2[5], dummyint);
-// usedEnforcedTrianglesP2++;
-// }
-// }
-// }
- if (usedEnforcedTriangles/*+usedEnforcedTrianglesP2*/) {
- GmfSetKwd(idx, GmfRequiredTriangles, usedEnforcedTriangles/*+usedEnforcedTrianglesP2*/);
- for (int enfID=1;enfID<=usedEnforcedTriangles/*+usedEnforcedTrianglesP2*/;enfID++)
- GmfSetLin(idx, GmfRequiredTriangles, anElemSet.size()/*+aQuadElemSet.size()*/+enfID);
+ if (usedEnforcedTriangles) {
+ GmfSetKwd(idx, GmfRequiredTriangles, usedEnforcedTriangles);
+ for (int enfID=1;enfID<=usedEnforcedTriangles;enfID++)
+ GmfSetLin(idx, GmfRequiredTriangles, anElemSet.size()+enfID);
- // TODO
-// // GmfQuadrangles
-// int usedEnforcedQuadrilaterals = 0;
-// if (anEnforcedQuadrangleSet.size()) {
-// GmfSetKwd(idx, GmfQuadrilaterals, anEnforcedQuadrangleSet.size());
-// for(elemIt = anEnforcedQuadrangleSet.begin() ; elemIt != anEnforcedQuadrangleSet.end() ; ++elemIt) {
-// elem = (*elemIt);
-// nodeIt = elem->nodesIterator();
-// int index=0;
-// for ( int j = 0; j < 4; ++j ) {
-// // find GHS3D ID
-// const SMDS_MeshNode* node = castToNode( nodeIt->next() );
-// map< const SMDS_MeshNode*,int >::iterator it = anEnforcedNodeToGhs3dIdMap.find(node);
-// if (it == anEnforcedNodeToGhs3dIdMap.end())
-// throw "Node not found";
-// nquad[index] = it->second;
-// index++;
-// }
-// GmfSetLin(idx, GmfQuadrilaterals, nquad[0], nquad[1], nquad[2], nquad[3], dummyint);
-// usedEnforcedQuadrilaterals++;
-// }
-// }
-// // GHS3D does not accept EdgesP2 in input mesh file (Ghs3d 4.2)
-// // GmfQuadranglesQ2
-// int usedEnforcedQuadrilateralsQ2 = 0;
-// if (aQuadEnforcedQuadrangleSet.size()) {
-// GmfSetKwd(idx, GmfQuadrilateralsQ2, aQuadEnforcedQuadrangleSet.size());
-// for(elemIt = aQuadEnforcedQuadrangleSet.begin() ; elemIt != aQuadEnforcedQuadrangleSet.end() ; ++elemIt) {
-// elem = (*elemIt);
-// nodeIt = elem->nodesIterator();
-// int index=0;
-// while ( nodeIt->more() ) {
-// // find GHS3D ID
-// const SMDS_MeshNode* node = castToNode( nodeIt->next() );
-// map< const SMDS_MeshNode*,int >::iterator it = anEnforcedNodeToGhs3dIdMap.find(node);
-// if (it == anEnforcedNodeToGhs3dIdMap.end())
-// throw "Node not found";
-// nquadQ2[index] = it->second;
-// index++;
-// }
-// //
-// // !!! The last value in nquadQ2 is missing because in Salome the quadratic quadrilaterals have only 8 points !!!
-// //
-// GmfSetLin(idx, GmfQuadrilateralsQ2, nquadQ2[0], nquadQ2[1], nquadQ2[2], nquadQ2[3], nquadQ2[4], nquadQ2[5], nquadQ2[6], nquadQ2[7], nquadQ2[8], dummyint);
-// usedEnforcedQuadrilateralsQ2++;
-// }
-// }
-// if (usedEnforcedQuadrilaterals+usedEnforcedQuadrilateralsQ2) {
-// GmfSetKwd(idx, GmfRequiredQuadrilaterals, usedEnforcedQuadrilaterals+usedEnforcedQuadrilateralsQ2);
-// for (int enfID=1;enfID<=usedEnforcedQuadrilaterals+usedEnforcedQuadrilateralsQ2;enfID++)
-// GmfSetLin(idx, GmfRequiredQuadrilaterals, enfID);
-// }
if (idxRequired)
- const SMDS_MeshNode* enfNode;
+// const SMDS_MeshNode* enfNode;
GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis::TIDSortedNodeGroupMap enforcedNodes = GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis::GetEnforcedNodes(_hyp);
- GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis::TIDSortedNodeGroupMap::const_iterator enfNodeIt = enforcedNodes.begin();
- for ( ; enfNodeIt != enforcedNodes.end() ; ++enfNodeIt)
- {
- enfNode = enfNodeIt->first;
- coords.clear();
- coords.push_back(enfNode->X());
- coords.push_back(enfNode->Y());
- coords.push_back(enfNode->Z());
- if (enfVerticesWithGroup.find(coords) == enfVerticesWithGroup.end())
- enfVerticesWithGroup.insert(make_pair(coords,enfNodeIt->second));
- }
+// GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis::TIDSortedNodeGroupMap::const_iterator enfNodeIt = enforcedNodes.begin();
+// for ( ; enfNodeIt != enforcedNodes.end() ; ++enfNodeIt)
+// {
+// enfNode = enfNodeIt->first;
+// coords.clear();
+// coords.push_back(enfNode->X());
+// coords.push_back(enfNode->Y());
+// coords.push_back(enfNode->Z());
+// if (enfVerticesWithGro
+// enfVerticesWithGroup.insert(make_pair(coords,enfNodeIt->second));
+// }
GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis::TIDSortedElemGroupMap enforcedEdges = GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis::GetEnforcedEdges(_hyp);
std::vector <const SMDS_MeshNode*> aNodeByGhs3dId, anEnforcedNodeByGhs3dId;
std::map<const SMDS_MeshNode*,int> aNodeToGhs3dIdMap;
- std::vector<std::string> anEdgeGroupByGhs3dId, aFaceGroupByGhs3dId;
+ std::vector<std::string> aNodeGroupByGhs3dId, anEdgeGroupByGhs3dId, aFaceGroupByGhs3dId;
SMESH_ProxyMesh::Ptr proxyMesh( new SMESH_ProxyMesh( theMesh ));
if ( theMesh.NbQuadrangles() > 0 )
Ok = writeGMFFile(aGMFFileName.ToCString(), aRequiredVerticesFileName.ToCString(), aSolFileName.ToCString(),
*proxyMesh, &theMesh,
- aNodeByGhs3dId, anEnforcedNodeByGhs3dId, aNodeToGhs3dIdMap, anEdgeGroupByGhs3dId, aFaceGroupByGhs3dId,
- enforcedNodes, enforcedEdges, enforcedTriangles, /*enforcedQuadrangles,*/
- coordsSizeMap);
+ aNodeByGhs3dId, anEnforcedNodeByGhs3dId, aNodeToGhs3dIdMap,
+ aNodeGroupByGhs3dId, anEdgeGroupByGhs3dId, aFaceGroupByGhs3dId,
+ enforcedNodes, enforcedEdges, enforcedTriangles,
+ enfVerticesWithGroup, coordsSizeMap);
// -----------------
TCollection_AsciiString cmd = TCollection_AsciiString((char*)GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis::CommandToRun( _hyp, false ).c_str());
cmd += TCollection_AsciiString(" --in ") + aGenericName;
- if ( nbEnforcedVertices + nbEnforcedVertices)
+ if ( nbEnforcedVertices + nbEnforcedNodes)
cmd += TCollection_AsciiString(" --required_vertices ") + aGenericNameRequired;
cmd += TCollection_AsciiString(" --out ") + aResultFileName;
cmd += TCollection_AsciiString(" 1>" ) + aLogFileName; // dump into file
theHelper, theShape, aNodeByGhs3dId, aNodeToGhs3dIdMap,
- enfVerticesWithGroup, anEdgeGroupByGhs3dId, aFaceGroupByGhs3dId);
+ aNodeGroupByGhs3dId, anEdgeGroupByGhs3dId, aFaceGroupByGhs3dId);
// ---------------------
// remove working files
std::vector <const SMDS_MeshNode*> dummyNodeVector;
std::map<const SMDS_MeshNode*,int> dummyNodeMap;
std::map<std::vector<double>, std::string> dummyEnfVertGroup;
- std::vector<std::string> dummyElemGroup1, dummyElemGroup2;
+ std::vector<std::string> dummyElemGroup;
bool ok = readGMFFile(theGMFFileName,
- helper, theMesh.GetShapeToMesh(), dummyNodeVector, dummyNodeMap, dummyEnfVertGroup, dummyElemGroup1, dummyElemGroup2);
+ helper, theMesh.GetShapeToMesh(), dummyNodeVector, dummyNodeMap, dummyElemGroup, dummyElemGroup, dummyElemGroup);
return ok;
#include "SMESH_Group_i.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Gen_i.hxx"
#include "SMESH_TypeDefs.hxx"
+#include "SMESHDS_GroupBase.hxx"
#define GHS3D_VERSION 41
SALOME::ExceptionStruct ExDescription;
ExDescription.text = ex.what();
ExDescription.type = SALOME::BAD_PARAM;
- ExDescription.sourceFile = "GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis::GetEnforcedVertex(x,y,z)";
- ExDescription.lineNumber = 0;
+ ExDescription.sourceFile = "GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis_i.cxx";
+ ExDescription.lineNumber = 513;
throw SALOME::SALOME_Exception(ExDescription);
catch (SALOME_Exception& ex) {
SALOME::ExceptionStruct ExDescription;
ExDescription.text = ex.what();
ExDescription.type = SALOME::BAD_PARAM;
- ExDescription.sourceFile = "GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis::GetEnforcedVertexGeom(theVertex)";
- ExDescription.lineNumber = 0;
+ ExDescription.sourceFile = "GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis_i.cxx";
+ ExDescription.lineNumber = 538;
throw SALOME::SALOME_Exception(ExDescription);
catch (SALOME_Exception& ex) {
SALOME::ExceptionStruct ExDescription;
ExDescription.text = ex.what();
ExDescription.type = SALOME::BAD_PARAM;
- ExDescription.sourceFile = "GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis::RemoveEnforcedVertex(x,y,z)";
- ExDescription.lineNumber = 408;
+ ExDescription.sourceFile = "GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis_i.cxx";
+ ExDescription.lineNumber = 625;
throw SALOME::SALOME_Exception(ExDescription);
catch (SALOME_Exception& ex) {
SALOME::ExceptionStruct ExDescription;
ExDescription.text = ex.what();
ExDescription.type = SALOME::BAD_PARAM;
- ExDescription.sourceFile = "GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis::RemoveEnforcedVertex(x,y,z)";
- ExDescription.lineNumber = 408;
+ ExDescription.sourceFile = "GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis_i.cxx";
+ ExDescription.lineNumber = 648;
throw SALOME::SALOME_Exception(ExDescription);
catch (SALOME_Exception& ex) {
bool res = _SetEnforcedMesh(theSource, theType, -1.0, theGroupName);
SMESH_Mesh_i* theMesh_i = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_Mesh_i*>( theSource);
SMESH_Group_i* theGroup_i = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_Group_i*>( theSource);
- if (theGroup_i)
+ SMESH_GroupOnGeom_i* theGroupOnGeom_i = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_GroupOnGeom_i*>( theSource);
+ if (theGroup_i or theGroupOnGeom_i)
SMESH::TPythonDump () << _this() << ".SetEnforcedMeshWithGroup( "
<< theSource << ", " << theType << ", \"" << theGroupName << "\" )";
SALOME::ExceptionStruct ExDescription;
ExDescription.text = "Bad version of GHS3D. It must >= 4.2.";
ExDescription.type = SALOME::BAD_PARAM;
- ExDescription.sourceFile = "GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis::SetEnforcedMesh(theSource, theType)";
- ExDescription.lineNumber = 463;
+ ExDescription.sourceFile = "GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis_i.cxx";
+ ExDescription.lineNumber = 719;
throw SALOME::SALOME_Exception(ExDescription);
bool GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetEnforcedMesh(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr theSource, SMESH::ElementType theType)
throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
+ MESSAGE("GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetEnforcedMesh");
#if GHS3D_VERSION >= 42
bool res = _SetEnforcedMesh(theSource, theType, -1.0);
SMESH_Mesh_i* theMesh_i = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_Mesh_i*>( theSource);
SMESH_Group_i* theGroup_i = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_Group_i*>( theSource);
- if (theGroup_i)
+ SMESH_GroupOnGeom_i* theGroupOnGeom_i = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_GroupOnGeom_i*>( theSource);
+ if (theGroup_i or theGroupOnGeom_i)
SMESH::TPythonDump () << _this() << ".SetEnforcedMesh( "
<< theSource << ", " << theType << " )";
SALOME::ExceptionStruct ExDescription;
ExDescription.text = "Bad version of GHS3D. It must >= 4.2.";
ExDescription.type = SALOME::BAD_PARAM;
- ExDescription.sourceFile = "GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis::SetEnforcedMesh(theSource, theType)";
- ExDescription.lineNumber = 463;
+ ExDescription.sourceFile = "GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis_i.cxx";
+ ExDescription.lineNumber = 750;
throw SALOME::SALOME_Exception(ExDescription);
SALOME::ExceptionStruct ExDescription;
ExDescription.text = "Size cannot be negative";
ExDescription.type = SALOME::BAD_PARAM;
- ExDescription.sourceFile = "GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis::SetEnforcedMeshSize(theSource, theType)";
- ExDescription.lineNumber = 475;
+ ExDescription.sourceFile = "GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis_i.cxx";
+ ExDescription.lineNumber = 781;
throw SALOME::SALOME_Exception(ExDescription);
bool res = _SetEnforcedMesh(theSource, theType, theSize,theGroupName);
SMESH_Mesh_i* theMesh_i = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_Mesh_i*>( theSource);
SMESH_Group_i* theGroup_i = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_Group_i*>( theSource);
- if (theGroup_i)
+ SMESH_GroupOnGeom_i* theGroupOnGeom_i = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_GroupOnGeom_i*>( theSource);
+ if (theGroup_i or theGroupOnGeom_i)
SMESH::TPythonDump () << _this() << ".SetEnforcedMeshSizeWithGroup( "
<< theSource << ", " << theType << ", " << theSize << ", \"" << theGroupName << "\" )";
SALOME::ExceptionStruct ExDescription;
ExDescription.text = "Size cannot be negative";
ExDescription.type = SALOME::BAD_PARAM;
- ExDescription.sourceFile = "GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis::SetEnforcedMeshSize(theSource, theType)";
- ExDescription.lineNumber = 475;
+ ExDescription.sourceFile = "GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis_i.cxx";
+ ExDescription.lineNumber = 812;
throw SALOME::SALOME_Exception(ExDescription);
bool res = _SetEnforcedMesh(theSource, theType, theSize);
SMESH_Mesh_i* theMesh_i = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_Mesh_i*>( theSource);
SMESH_Group_i* theGroup_i = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_Group_i*>( theSource);
- if (theGroup_i)
+ SMESH_GroupOnGeom_i* theGroupOnGeom_i = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_GroupOnGeom_i*>( theSource);
+ if (theGroup_i or theGroupOnGeom_i)
SMESH::TPythonDump () << _this() << ".SetEnforcedMeshSize( "
<< theSource << ", " << theType << ", " << theSize << " )";
bool GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis_i::_SetEnforcedMesh(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr theSource, SMESH::ElementType theType, double theSize, const char* theGroupName)
throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
+ MESSAGE("GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis_i::_SetEnforcedMesh");
if (CORBA::is_nil( theSource ))
SALOME::ExceptionStruct ExDescription;
ExDescription.text = "The source mesh CORBA object is NULL";
ExDescription.type = SALOME::BAD_PARAM;
- ExDescription.sourceFile = "GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis::_SetEnforcedMesh(theSource, theType, theSize, theGroupName)";
+ ExDescription.sourceFile = "GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis_i.cxx";
ExDescription.lineNumber = 840;
throw SALOME::SALOME_Exception(ExDescription);
if ((theType != SMESH::NODE) && (theType != SMESH::EDGE) && (theType != SMESH::FACE))
- SALOME::ExceptionStruct ExDescription;
- ExDescription.text = "Bad elementType";
- ExDescription.type = SALOME::BAD_PARAM;
- ExDescription.sourceFile = "GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis::_SetEnforcedMesh(theSource, theType, theSize, theGroupName)";
- ExDescription.lineNumber = 840;
- throw SALOME::SALOME_Exception(ExDescription);
+ return 0;
+// SALOME::ExceptionStruct ExDescription;
+// ExDescription.text = "Bad elementType";
+// ExDescription.type = SALOME::BAD_PARAM;
+// ExDescription.sourceFile = "GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis_i.cxx";
+// ExDescription.lineNumber = 840;
+// throw SALOME::SALOME_Exception(ExDescription);
SMESH::array_of_ElementType_var types = theSource->GetTypes();
-// MESSAGE("Required type is "<<theType);
-// MESSAGE("Available types:");
-// for (int i=0;i<types->length();i++){MESSAGE(types[i]);}
+ MESSAGE("Required type is "<<theType);
+ MESSAGE("Available types:");
+ for (int i=0;i<types->length();i++){MESSAGE(types[i]);}
if ( types->length() >= 1 && types[types->length()-1] < theType)
- SALOME::ExceptionStruct ExDescription;
- ExDescription.text = "The source mesh has bad type";
- ExDescription.type = SALOME::BAD_PARAM;
- ExDescription.sourceFile = "GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis::_SetEnforcedMesh(theSource, theType, theSize, theGroupName)";
- ExDescription.lineNumber = 840;
- throw SALOME::SALOME_Exception(ExDescription);
+ return 0;
+// SALOME::ExceptionStruct ExDescription;
+// ExDescription.text = "The source mesh has bad type";
+// ExDescription.type = SALOME::BAD_PARAM;
+// ExDescription.sourceFile = "GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis_i.cxx";
+// ExDescription.lineNumber = 840;
+// throw SALOME::SALOME_Exception(ExDescription);
- SMESHDS_Mesh* theMeshDS;
- SMESH_Mesh_i* anImplPtr = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_Mesh_i*>(theSource->GetMesh());
- if (anImplPtr)
- theMeshDS = anImplPtr->GetImpl().GetMeshDS();
- else
- return false;
SMESH_Mesh_i* theMesh_i = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_Mesh_i*>( theSource);
SMESH_Group_i* theGroup_i = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_Group_i*>( theSource);
+ SMESH_GroupOnGeom_i* theGroupOnGeom_i = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_GroupOnGeom_i*>( theSource);
TIDSortedElemSet theElemSet;
if (theMesh_i)
try {
- return this->GetImpl()->SetEnforcedMesh(anImplPtr->GetImpl(), theType, theSize, theGroupName);
+ return this->GetImpl()->SetEnforcedMesh(theMesh_i->GetImpl(), theType, theSize, theGroupName);
catch (const std::invalid_argument& ex) {
SALOME::ExceptionStruct ExDescription;
ExDescription.text = ex.what();
ExDescription.type = SALOME::BAD_PARAM;
- ExDescription.sourceFile = "GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis::_SetEnforcedMesh(theSource, theType, theSize, theGroupName)";
+ ExDescription.sourceFile = "GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis_i.cxx";
ExDescription.lineNumber = 840;
throw SALOME::SALOME_Exception(ExDescription);
catch (SALOME_Exception& ex) {
-// SMESH::long_array_var anIDs = theMesh_i->GetElementsByType(theType);
-// if ( anIDs->length() == 0 ){MESSAGE("The source mesh is empty");}
-// for (int i=0; i<anIDs->length(); i++) {
-// CORBA::Long ind = anIDs[i];
-// const SMDS_MeshElement * elem = theMeshDS->FindElement(ind);
-// if (elem)
-// theElemSet.insert( elem );
-// }
-//// }
-// MESSAGE("Add "<<theElemSet.size()<<" types["<<theType<<"] from source mesh");
else if (theGroup_i && types->length() == 1 && types[0] == theType)
- SMESH::long_array_var anIDs = theGroup_i->GetListOfID();
- if ( anIDs->length() == 0 ){MESSAGE("The source group is empty");}
- for (int i=0; i<anIDs->length(); i++) {
- CORBA::Long ind = anIDs[i];
- if (theType == SMESH::NODE)
- {
- const SMDS_MeshNode * node = theMeshDS->FindNode(ind);
- if (node)
- theElemSet.insert( node );
- }
- else
- {
- const SMDS_MeshElement * elem = theMeshDS->FindElement(ind);
- if (elem)
- theElemSet.insert( elem );
- }
+ MESSAGE("The source is a group")
+ try {
+ return this->GetImpl()->SetEnforcedGroup(theGroup_i->GetGroupDS()->GetMesh(),theGroup_i->GetListOfID(), theType, theSize, theGroupName);
- MESSAGE("Add "<<theElemSet.size()<<" types["<<theType<<"] from source group "<< theGroup_i->GetName());
+ catch (const std::invalid_argument& ex) {
+ SALOME::ExceptionStruct ExDescription;
+ ExDescription.text = ex.what();
+ ExDescription.type = SALOME::BAD_PARAM;
+ ExDescription.sourceFile = "GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis_i.cxx";
+ ExDescription.lineNumber = 840;
+ throw SALOME::SALOME_Exception(ExDescription);
+ }
+ catch (SALOME_Exception& ex) {
+ }
+ }
+ else if (theGroupOnGeom_i && types->length() == 1 && types[0] == theType)
+ {
+ MESSAGE("The source is a group on geom")
try {
- return this->GetImpl()->SetEnforcedElements(theElemSet, theType, theSize, theGroupName);
+ return this->GetImpl()->SetEnforcedGroup(theGroupOnGeom_i->GetGroupDS()->GetMesh(),theGroupOnGeom_i->GetListOfID(), theType, theSize, theGroupName);
catch (const std::invalid_argument& ex) {
SALOME::ExceptionStruct ExDescription;
ExDescription.text = ex.what();
ExDescription.type = SALOME::BAD_PARAM;
- ExDescription.sourceFile = "GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis::_SetEnforcedMesh(theSource, theType, theSize, theGroupName)";
+ ExDescription.sourceFile = "GHS3DPlugin_Hypothesis_i.cxx";
ExDescription.lineNumber = 840;
throw SALOME::SALOME_Exception(ExDescription);