-// Project MULTIPR, IOLS WP1.2.1 - EDF/CS
-// Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME v3.2 platform
- * \file MULTIPR_Mesh.cxx
- *
- * \brief see MULTIPR_Mesh.hxx
- *
- * \author Olivier LE ROUX - CS, Virtual Reality Dpt
- *
- * \date 01/2007
- */
-// Includes section
-#include "MULTIPR_Mesh.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Nodes.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Elements.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Family.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Profil.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_GaussLoc.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Field.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_MeshDis.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_PointOfField.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_DecimationFilter.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Utils.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Exceptions.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_Globals.hxx"
-#include "MULTIPR_API.hxx"
-using namespace std;
-namespace multipr
-// Class Mesh implementation
- mNodes = NULL;
- mElements = NULL;
- reset();
- reset();
-void Mesh::reset()
- mMEDfilename[0] = '\0';
- mMEDfile = 0;
- mMeshName[0] = '\0';
- mMeshUName[0] = '\0';
- mMeshDesc[0] = '\0';
- mMeshDim = -1;
- for (int itDim = 0 ; itDim < 3 ; itDim++)
- {
- mMeshBBoxMin[itDim] = numeric_limits<med_float>::quiet_NaN();
- mMeshBBoxMax[itDim] = numeric_limits<med_float>::quiet_NaN();
- }
- if (mNodes != NULL) { delete mNodes; mNodes = NULL; }
- if (mElements != NULL) { delete mElements; mElements = NULL; }
- for (unsigned itFam = 0 ; itFam < mFamilies.size() ; itFam++)
- {
- delete mFamilies[itFam];
- }
- mFamilies.clear();
- mFamIdToFam.clear();
- for (unsigned itGroup = 0 ; itGroup < mGroups.size() ; itGroup++)
- {
- delete mGroups[itGroup];
- }
- mGroups.clear();
- mGroupNameToGroup.clear();
- for (unsigned itGaussLoc = 0 ; itGaussLoc < mGaussLoc.size() ; itGaussLoc++)
- {
- delete mGaussLoc[itGaussLoc];
- }
- mGaussLoc.clear();
- mGaussLocNameToGaussLoc.clear();
- for (unsigned itField = 0 ; itField < mFields.size() ; itField++)
- {
- delete mFields[itField];
- }
- mFields.clear();
- for (unsigned itProfil = 0 ; itProfil < mProfils.size() ; itProfil++)
- {
- delete mProfils[itProfil];
- }
- mProfils.clear();
- mFlagPrintAll = false;
-vector<string> Mesh::getNameScalarFields() const
- vector<string> res;
- for (unsigned itField = 0 ; itField < mFields.size() ; itField++)
- {
- Field* currentField = mFields[itField];
- // only get scalar fields, not vectorial fields
- // (because, currently, decimation can only be performed on scalar fields)
- if (currentField->getNumberOfComponents() == 1)
- {
- res.push_back(currentField->getName());
- }
- }
- return res;
-int Mesh::getTimeStamps(const char* pFieldName) const
- for (unsigned itField = 0 ; itField < mFields.size() ; itField++)
- {
- Field* currentField = mFields[itField];
- if (strcmp(currentField->getName(), pFieldName) == 0)
- {
- return currentField->getNumberOfTimeSteps();
- }
- }
- return 0;
-Field* Mesh::getFieldByName(const char* pFieldName) const
- if (pFieldName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("pFieldName should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- Field* retField = NULL;
- // for each field
- for (unsigned itField = 0 ; itField < mFields.size() ; itField++)
- {
- Field* currentField = mFields[itField];
- if (strcmp(pFieldName, currentField->getName()) == 0)
- {
- // field found!
- retField = currentField;
- break;
- }
- }
- return retField;
-GaussLoc* Mesh::getGaussLocByName(const char* pGaussLocName) const
- if (pGaussLocName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("pGaussLocName should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- map<string, GaussLoc*>::const_iterator itGaussLoc = mGaussLocNameToGaussLoc.find(pGaussLocName);
- GaussLoc* retGaussLoc = NULL;
- if (itGaussLoc != mGaussLocNameToGaussLoc.end())
- {
- retGaussLoc = (*itGaussLoc).second;
- }
- return retGaussLoc;
-int Mesh::getNumberOfElements() const
- if (mElements == NULL) throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return mElements->getNumberOfElements();
-Mesh* Mesh::createFromSetOfElements(const std::set<med_int>& pSetOfElements, const char* pNewMeshName)
- if (pNewMeshName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("pNewMeshName", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Create a new mesh
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Mesh* mesh = new Mesh();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Build name of the new mesh
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- strcpy(mesh->mMeshName, pNewMeshName);
- MULTIPR_LOG("Mesh name=|" << mesh->mMeshName << "|" << endl);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Fill general infos
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- strcpy(mesh->mMeshUName, mMeshUName);
- strcpy(mesh->mMeshDesc, mMeshDesc);
- mesh->mMeshDim = mMeshDim;
- mesh->mMeshType = mMeshType;
- MULTIPR_LOG("Mesh u. name=|" << mesh->mMeshUName << "|" << endl);
- MULTIPR_LOG("Mesh desc=|" << mesh->mMeshDesc << "|" << endl);
- MULTIPR_LOG("Mesh dim=" << mesh->mMeshDim << endl);
- MULTIPR_LOG("Mesh Type=" << mesh->mMeshType << endl);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Build nodes and elements
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // get all elements involved
- mesh->mElements = mElements->extractSubSet(pSetOfElements);
- MULTIPR_LOG((*(mesh->mElements)) << endl);
- // get all nodes involved
- const set<med_int> setOfNodes = mesh->mElements->getSetOfNodes();
- mesh->mNodes = mNodes->extractSubSet(setOfNodes);
- MULTIPR_LOG((*(mesh->mNodes)) << endl);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Remap nodes
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- mesh->mElements->remap();
- MULTIPR_LOG((*(mesh->mElements)) << endl);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Build families
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- MULTIPR_LOG("Build fam.:" << endl);
- // get families of nodes
- {
- set<med_int> famOfNodes = mesh->mNodes->getSetOfFamilies();
- for (set<med_int>::iterator itFam = famOfNodes.begin() ; itFam != famOfNodes.end() ; itFam++)
- {
- Family* famSrc = mFamIdToFam[*itFam];
- cout << (*famSrc) << endl;
- Family* famDest = famSrc->extractGroup(NULL);
- mesh->mFamilies.push_back(famDest);
- }
- }
- // get families of elements
- {
- set<med_int> famOfElt = mesh->mElements->getSetOfFamilies();
- for (set<med_int>::iterator itFam = famOfElt.begin() ; itFam != famOfElt.end() ; itFam++)
- {
- Family* famSrc = mFamIdToFam[*itFam];
- Family* famDest = famSrc->extractGroup(NULL);
- mesh->mFamilies.push_back(famDest);
- }
- }
- MULTIPR_LOG("Finalize:");
- // fill families with elements and build groups
- mesh->finalizeFamiliesAndGroups();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Create new fields and collect Gauss
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // for each field
- set<string> newSetOfGauss;
- for (unsigned itField = 0 ; itField < mFields.size() ; itField++)
- {
- Field* currentField = mFields[itField];
- Field* newField;
- if (currentField->isFieldOnNodes())
- {
- newField = currentField->extractSubSet(setOfNodes);
- }
- else
- {
- newField = currentField->extractSubSet(pSetOfElements);
- }
- if (!newField->isEmpty())
- {
- mesh->mFields.push_back(newField);
- newField->getSetOfGaussLoc(newSetOfGauss);
- }
- }
- MULTIPR_LOG("Collect fields: ok: #gauss=" << newSetOfGauss.size() << endl);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Build Gauss infos
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- for (set<string>::iterator itSet = newSetOfGauss.begin() ; itSet != newSetOfGauss.end(); itSet++)
- {
- const string& keyName = (*itSet);
- GaussLoc* gaussLoc = getGaussLocByName(keyName.c_str());
- if (gaussLoc != NULL)
- {
- GaussLoc* copyGaussLoc = new GaussLoc(*gaussLoc);
- mesh->mGaussLoc.push_back(copyGaussLoc);
- mesh->mGaussLocNameToGaussLoc.insert(make_pair(copyGaussLoc->getName(), copyGaussLoc));
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Compute bbox
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- mesh->mNodes->getBBox(mesh->mMeshBBoxMin, mesh->mMeshBBoxMax);
- return mesh;
-Mesh* Mesh::createFromGroup(const Group* pGroup, const char* pNewMeshName)
- if (pGroup == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("pGroup should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pNewMeshName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("pNewMeshName should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (strlen(pNewMeshName) > MED_TAILLE_NOM) throw IllegalArgumentException("pNewMeshName length too long", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Create a new mesh
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Mesh* mesh = new Mesh();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Build name of the new mesh
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- strcpy(mesh->mMeshName, pNewMeshName);
- MULTIPR_LOG("Mesh name=|" << mesh->mMeshName << "|" << endl);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Fill general infos
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- strcpy(mesh->mMeshUName, mMeshUName);
- strcpy(mesh->mMeshDesc, mMeshDesc);
- mesh->mMeshDim = mMeshDim;
- mesh->mMeshType = mMeshType;
- MULTIPR_LOG("Mesh u. name=|" << mesh->mMeshUName << "|" << endl);
- MULTIPR_LOG("Mesh desc=|" << mesh->mMeshDesc << "|" << endl);
- MULTIPR_LOG("Mesh dim=" << mesh->mMeshDim << endl);
- MULTIPR_LOG("Mesh Type=" << mesh->mMeshType << endl);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Build nodes and elements
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // get all elements involved
- const set<med_int> setOfElt = pGroup->getSetOfElt();
- mesh->mElements = mElements->extractSubSet(setOfElt);
- MULTIPR_LOG((*(mesh->mElements)) << endl);
- // get all nodes involved
- const set<med_int> setOfNodes = mesh->mElements->getSetOfNodes();
- mesh->mNodes = mNodes->extractSubSet(setOfNodes);
- MULTIPR_LOG((*(mesh->mNodes)) << endl);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Remap nodes
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- mesh->mElements->remap();
- MULTIPR_LOG((*(mesh->mElements)) << endl);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Build families
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- MULTIPR_LOG("Build fam.:" << endl);
- // get families of nodes
- {
- set<med_int> famOfNodes = mesh->mNodes->getSetOfFamilies();
- for (set<med_int>::iterator itFam = famOfNodes.begin() ; itFam != famOfNodes.end() ; itFam++)
- {
- Family* famSrc = mFamIdToFam[*itFam];
- Family* famDest = famSrc->extractGroup(pGroup->getName().c_str());
- mesh->mFamilies.push_back(famDest);
- }
- }
- // get families of elements
- {
- set<med_int> famOfElt = mesh->mElements->getSetOfFamilies();
- for (set<med_int>::iterator itFam = famOfElt.begin() ; itFam != famOfElt.end() ; itFam++)
- {
- Family* famSrc = mFamIdToFam[*itFam];
- Family* famDest = famSrc->extractGroup(pGroup->getName().c_str());
- mesh->mFamilies.push_back(famDest);
- }
- }
- MULTIPR_LOG("Finalize:");
- // fill families with elements and build groups
- mesh->finalizeFamiliesAndGroups();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Create new fields and collect Gauss
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // for each field
- set<string> newSetOfGauss;
- for (unsigned itField = 0 ; itField < mFields.size() ; itField++)
- {
- Field* currentField = mFields[itField];
- Field* newField;
- if (currentField->isFieldOnNodes())
- {
- newField = currentField->extractSubSet(setOfNodes);
- }
- else
- {
- newField = currentField->extractSubSet(setOfElt);
- }
- if (!newField->isEmpty())
- {
- mesh->mFields.push_back(newField);
- newField->getSetOfGaussLoc(newSetOfGauss);
- }
- }
- MULTIPR_LOG("Collect fields: ok: #gauss=" << newSetOfGauss.size() << endl);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Build Gauss infos
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- for (set<string>::iterator itSet = newSetOfGauss.begin() ; itSet != newSetOfGauss.end(); itSet++)
- {
- const string& keyName = (*itSet);
- GaussLoc* gaussLoc = getGaussLocByName(keyName.c_str());
- if (gaussLoc != NULL)
- {
- GaussLoc* copyGaussLoc = new GaussLoc(*gaussLoc);
- mesh->mGaussLoc.push_back(copyGaussLoc);
- mesh->mGaussLocNameToGaussLoc.insert(make_pair(copyGaussLoc->getName(), copyGaussLoc));
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Compute bbox
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- mesh->mNodes->getBBox(mesh->mMeshBBoxMin, mesh->mMeshBBoxMax);
- return mesh;
-MeshDis* Mesh::splitGroupsOfElements()
- MeshDis* meshDis = new MeshDis();
- meshDis->setSequentialMEDFilename(mMEDfilename);
- // get prefix from the original MED filename
- string strPrefix = removeExtension(mMEDfilename, ".med");
- int numGroup = 1;
- // for each group
- for (unsigned itGroup = 0 ; itGroup < mGroups.size() ; itGroup++)
- {
- Group* currentGroup = mGroups[itGroup];
- // skip this group if it is a group of nodes
- if (currentGroup->isGroupOfNodes())
- {
- continue;
- }
- char strPartName[256];
- sprintf(strPartName, "%s_%d", mMeshName, numGroup);
- char strMEDfilename[256];
- sprintf(strMEDfilename, "%s_grain%d.med", strPrefix.c_str(), numGroup);
- Mesh* mesh = createFromGroup(currentGroup, mMeshName);
- // skip the group which contain all the others groups, even it contains only 1 group
- if ((mesh->mElements->getNumberOfElements() == mElements->getNumberOfElements()) && (mGroups.size() > 1))
- {
- delete mesh;
- continue;
- }
- meshDis->addMesh(
- mMeshName,
- numGroup,
- strPartName,
- "localhost",
- strMEDfilename,
- mesh);
- numGroup++;
- }
- return meshDis;
-Mesh* Mesh::decimate(
- const char* pFilterName,
- const char* pArgv,
- const char* pNameNewMesh)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Check parameters
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (pFilterName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("pFilterName should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pArgv == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("pArgv should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pNameNewMesh == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("pNameNewMesh should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Instanciate filter used for decimation
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- DecimationFilter* filter = DecimationFilter::create(pFilterName);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Create new mesh by decimating current one
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Mesh* decimatedMesh = filter->apply(this, pArgv, pNameNewMesh);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Cleans
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- delete filter;
- return decimatedMesh;
-void Mesh::getAllPointsOfField(Field* pField, int pTimeStepIt, std::vector<PointOfField>& pPoints)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Check arguments
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (pField == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("field should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pTimeStepIt < 1) throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid field iteration; should be >= 1", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (mMeshDim != 3) throw UnsupportedOperationException("not yet implemented", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pField->getType() != MED_FLOAT64) throw UnsupportedOperationException("not yet implemented", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pField->getNumberOfComponents() != 1) throw UnsupportedOperationException("field have more than 1 component (vectorial field, expected scalar field)", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Collect points
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (pField->isFieldOnNodes())
- {
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // Case 1: field of nodes
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- if (mNodes == NULL) throw IllegalStateException("no nodes in the current mesh", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- // for each node
- for (int itNode = 0, size = mNodes->getNumberOfNodes() ; itNode < size ; itNode++)
- {
- // collect coordinates and value of the point
- const med_float* coo = mNodes->getCoordinates(itNode);
- const med_float* val =
- reinterpret_cast<const med_float*>(pField->getValue(pTimeStepIt, itNode + 1));
- // add new point
- pPoints.push_back(PointOfField(coo[0], coo[1], coo[2], val[0]));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // Case 2: field of elements
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- if (mElements == NULL) throw IllegalStateException("no elements in the current mesh", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (mElements->getTypeOfPrimitives() != MED_TETRA10) throw UnsupportedOperationException("only support TETRA10 mesh", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- const string& nameGaussLoc = pField->getNameGaussLoc(pTimeStepIt);
- GaussLoc* gaussLoc = getGaussLocByName(nameGaussLoc.c_str());
- if (gaussLoc == NULL) throw IllegalStateException("no Gauss localization for these elements", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- int numGauss = pField->getNumberOfGaussPointsByElement(pTimeStepIt);
- int size = gaussLoc->getDim() * gaussLoc->getNumGaussPoints();
- med_float* cooGaussPts = new med_float[size];
- int dim = mElements->getTypeOfPrimitives() / 100;
- int numNodes = mElements->getTypeOfPrimitives() % 100;
- size = dim * numNodes;
- med_float* cooNodes = new med_float[size];
- // for each elements
- for (int itElt = 0, size = mElements->getNumberOfElements() ; itElt < size ; itElt++)
- {
- // get coordinates of nodes of the current elements
- mElements->getCoordinates(itElt, mNodes, cooNodes, 4);
- // compute coordinates of gauss points
- gaussLoc->getCoordGaussPoints(cooNodes, cooGaussPts);
- //printArray2D(cooGaussPts, 5, 3, "Gauss pt"); // debug
- const med_float* val =
- reinterpret_cast<const med_float*>(pField->getValue(pTimeStepIt, itElt + 1));
- // for each point of Gauss of the element
- med_float* srcCoo = cooGaussPts;
- for (int itPtGauss = 0 ; itPtGauss < numGauss ; itPtGauss++)
- {
- pPoints.push_back(PointOfField(srcCoo[0], srcCoo[1], srcCoo[2], val[itPtGauss]));
- srcCoo += 3;
- }
- }
- delete[] cooNodes;
- delete[] cooGaussPts;
- }
-float Mesh::evalDefaultRadius(int pN) const
- if (mFields.size() == 0) return 1.0f;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Compute default radius
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- med_float volumeBBox =
- (mMeshBBoxMax[0] - mMeshBBoxMin[0]) *
- (mMeshBBoxMax[1] - mMeshBBoxMin[1]) *
- (mMeshBBoxMax[2] - mMeshBBoxMin[2]);
- if (isnan(volumeBBox))
- {
- return 1.0f;
- }
- const med_float k = 0.8; // considered 80% of the volume
- // get nunmber of gauss points in the field
- try
- {
- Field* anyField = mFields[mFields.size()-1];
- int numTimeSteps = anyField->getNumberOfTimeSteps();
- int numGaussPoints = getNumberOfElements() * anyField->getNumberOfGaussPointsByElement(numTimeSteps-1);
- med_float radius = med_float(pow( (3.0/4.0) * pN * k * volumeBBox / (3.1415 * numGaussPoints), 1.0/3.0));
- return float(radius);
- }
- catch (...)
- {
- return 1.0f;
- }
-med_geometrie_element CELL_TYPES[MED_NBR_GEOMETRIE_MAILLE] =
- "MED_SEG2",
- "MED_SEG3",
- "MED_TRIA3",
- "MED_TRIA6",
- "MED_QUAD4",
- "MED_QUAD8",
- "MED_TETRA10",
- "MED_HEXA8",
- "MED_HEXA20",
- "MED_PENTA15",
- "MED_PYRA5",
- "MED_PYRA13"
-void Mesh::readSequentialMED(const char* pMEDfilename, const char* pMeshName)
- reset();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Check arguments
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- MULTIPR_LOG("Check arguments: ");
- if (pMEDfilename == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("pMEDfilename should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pMeshName == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("pMeshName should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- strncpy(mMEDfilename, pMEDfilename, 256);
- strncpy(mMeshName, pMeshName, MED_TAILLE_NOM);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Open MED file (READ_ONLY)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- MULTIPR_LOG("Open MED file: ");
- mMEDfile = MEDouvrir(mMEDfilename, MED_LECTURE); // open MED file for reading
- if (mMEDfile <= 0) throw FileNotFoundException("MED file not found", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Check valid HDF format
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- MULTIPR_LOG("Format HDF: ");
- if (MEDformatConforme(mMEDfilename) != 0) throw IOException("invalid file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Get MED version
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- MULTIPR_LOG("MED version: ");
- med_int verMajor, verMinor, verRelease;
- med_err ret = MEDversionLire(mMEDfile, &verMajor, &verMinor, &verRelease);
- if (ret != 0) throw IOException("error while reading MED version", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- MULTIPR_LOG(verMajor << "." << verMinor << "." << verRelease << ": OK\n");
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Check that there is no profil
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- MULTIPR_LOG("#profils must be 0: ");
- med_int nbProfils = MEDnProfil(mMEDfile);
- if (nbProfils != 0) throw UnsupportedOperationException("not yet implemented", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Read all Gauss localizations
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- readGaussLoc();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Read scalars (should be 0)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- MULTIPR_LOG("Scalars: ");
- med_int nbScalars = MEDnScalaire(mMEDfile);
- if (nbScalars != 0) throw UnsupportedOperationException("not yet implemented", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- MULTIPR_LOG(nbScalars << ": OK\n");
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Find the mesh
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // read number of meshes
- MULTIPR_LOG("Num meshes: ");
- med_int nbMeshes = MEDnMaa(mMEDfile);
- if (nbMeshes <= 0) throw IOException("i/o error while reading number of meshes in MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- MULTIPR_LOG(nbMeshes << ": OK\n");
- med_int meshIndex = -1;
- // iteration over mesh to find the mesh we want
- // for each mesh in the file (warning: first mesh is number 1)
- for (int itMesh = 1 ; itMesh <= nbMeshes ; itMesh++)
- {
- char meshName[MED_TAILLE_NOM + 1];
- ret = MEDmaaInfo(
- mMEDfile,
- itMesh,
- meshName,
- &mMeshDim,
- &mMeshType,
- mMeshDesc);
- if (ret != 0) throw IOException("i/o error while reading mesh information in MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- MULTIPR_LOG("Mesh: |" << meshName << "|");
- // test if the current mesh is the mesh we want
- if (strcmp(pMeshName, meshName) == 0)
- {
- // *** mesh found ***
- MULTIPR_LOG(" OK (found)\n");
- meshIndex = itMesh;
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- // not the mesh we want: skip this mesh
- MULTIPR_LOG(" skipped\n");
- }
- }
- if (meshIndex == -1)
- {
- throw IllegalStateException("mesh not found in the given MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Check mesh validity
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // dimension of the mesh must be 3 (= 3D mesh)
- MULTIPR_LOG("Mesh is 3D: ");
- if (mMeshDim != 3) throw UnsupportedOperationException("dimension of the mesh should be 3; other dimension not yet implemented", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- // mesh must not be a grid
- MULTIPR_LOG("Mesh is not a grid: ");
- if (mMeshType != MED_NON_STRUCTURE)
- throw UnsupportedOperationException("grid not supported", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- // mesh must only contain TETRA10 elements
- MULTIPR_LOG("Only TETRA10: ");
- med_connectivite connectivite = MED_NOD; // NODAL CONNECTIVITY ONLY
- bool onlyTETRA10 = true;
- int numTetra10 = -1;
- for (int itCell = 0 ; itCell < MED_NBR_GEOMETRIE_MAILLE ; itCell++)
- {
- med_int meshNumCells = MEDnEntMaa(
- mMEDfile,
- mMeshName,
- CELL_TYPES[itCell],
- connectivite);
- if ((meshNumCells > 0) && (strcmp(CELL_NAMES[itCell], "MED_TETRA10") != 0))
- {
- onlyTETRA10 = false;
- break;
- }
- if (strcmp(CELL_NAMES[itCell], "MED_TETRA10") == 0)
- {
- numTetra10 = meshNumCells;
- }
- }
- if (!onlyTETRA10) throw UnsupportedOperationException("mesh should only contain TETRA10 elements", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- MULTIPR_LOG(numTetra10 << ": OK\n");
- // everything is OK...
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Check num joint = 0
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- MULTIPR_LOG("Num joints: ");
- med_int numJoints = MEDnJoint(mMEDfile, mMeshName);
- MULTIPR_LOG(numJoints << ": OK\n");
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Check num equivalence = 0
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- MULTIPR_LOG("Num equivalences: ");
- med_int numEquiv = MEDnEquiv(mMEDfile, mMeshName);
- MULTIPR_LOG(numEquiv << ": OK\n");
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Read nodes
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- mNodes = new Nodes();
- mNodes->readMED(mMEDfile, mMeshName, mMeshDim);
- mNodes->getBBox(mMeshBBoxMin, mMeshBBoxMax);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Read elements
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- mElements = new Elements();
- mElements->readMED(mMEDfile, mMeshName, mMeshDim, MED_MAILLE, MED_TETRA10);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Read families
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- readFamilies();
- finalizeFamiliesAndGroups();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Read fields
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- readFields();
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Close the MED file
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- MULTIPR_LOG("Close MED file: ");
- ret = MEDfermer(mMEDfile);
- if (ret != 0) throw IOException("i/o error while closing MED file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-void Mesh::writeMED(const char* pMEDfilename)
- MULTIPR_LOG("Write MED: " << pMEDfilename << endl);
- if (pMEDfilename == NULL) throw NullArgumentException("pMEDfilename should not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (strlen(pMEDfilename) == 0) throw IllegalArgumentException("pMEDfilename size is 0", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- remove(pMEDfilename);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Create the new MED file (WRITE_ONLY)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- med_idt newMEDfile = MEDouvrir(const_cast<char*>(pMEDfilename), MED_CREATION);
- if (newMEDfile == -1) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Write scalars
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // no scalars to write
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Create mesh: must be created first
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- med_err ret = MEDmaaCr(
- newMEDfile,
- mMeshName,
- mMeshDim,
- mMeshDesc);
- if (ret != 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- MULTIPR_LOG(" Create mesh: |" << mMeshName << "|: OK" << endl);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Write nodes and elements (mesh must exist)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- mNodes->writeMED(newMEDfile, mMeshName);
- MULTIPR_LOG(" Write nodes: ok" << endl);
- mElements->writeMED(newMEDfile, mMeshName, mMeshDim);
- MULTIPR_LOG(" write elt: ok" << endl);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Write families (mesh must exist)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- for (unsigned itFam = 0 ; itFam < mFamilies.size() ; itFam++)
- {
- Family* fam = mFamilies[itFam];
- fam->writeMED(newMEDfile, mMeshName);
- }
- MULTIPR_LOG(" Write families: ok" << endl);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Write profil
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // no profil
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Write Gauss localization (must be written before fields)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- for (unsigned itGaussLoc = 0 ; itGaussLoc < mGaussLoc.size() ; itGaussLoc++)
- {
- GaussLoc* gaussLoc = mGaussLoc[itGaussLoc];
- gaussLoc->writeMED(newMEDfile);
- }
- MULTIPR_LOG(" Write Gauss: ok" << endl);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Write fields
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- for (unsigned itField = 0 ; itField < mFields.size() ; itField++)
- {
- Field* field = mFields[itField];
- field->writeMED(newMEDfile, mMeshName);
- }
- MULTIPR_LOG(" Write fields: ok" << endl);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Close the new MED file
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ret = MEDfermer(newMEDfile);
- if (ret != 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-void Mesh::readGaussLoc()
- MULTIPR_LOG("Gauss ref: ");
- med_int numGauss = MEDnGauss(mMEDfile);
- if (numGauss < 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- MULTIPR_LOG(numGauss << ": OK\n");
- for (int itGauss = 1 ; itGauss <= numGauss ; itGauss++)
- {
- GaussLoc* gaussLoc = new GaussLoc();
- gaussLoc->readMED(mMEDfile, itGauss);
- MULTIPR_LOG((*gaussLoc) << endl);
- mGaussLoc.push_back(gaussLoc);
- mGaussLocNameToGaussLoc.insert(make_pair(gaussLoc->getName(), gaussLoc));
- }
-void Mesh::readFamilies()
- med_int numFamilies = MEDnFam(mMEDfile, mMeshName);
- if (numFamilies <= 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- for (int itFam = 1 ; itFam <= numFamilies ; itFam++)
- {
- Family* fam = new Family();
- fam->readMED(mMEDfile, mMeshName, itFam);
- mFamilies.push_back(fam);
- }
-void Mesh::finalizeFamiliesAndGroups()
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Build mapping between family id and pointers towards families
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- for (unsigned itFam = 0 ; itFam < mFamilies.size() ; itFam++)
- {
- Family* fam = mFamilies[itFam];
- mFamIdToFam.insert(make_pair(fam->getId(), fam));
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Fill families of nodes
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- for (int itNode = 1 ; itNode <= mNodes->getNumberOfNodes() ; itNode++)
- {
- // get family of the ith nodes
- int famIdent = mNodes->getFamIdent(itNode - 1); // MED nodes start at 1
- map<med_int, Family*>::iterator itFam = mFamIdToFam.find(famIdent);
- if (itFam == mFamIdToFam.end()) throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- Family* fam = (*itFam).second;
- // insert the current node to its family
- fam->insertElt(itNode);
- fam->setIsFamilyOfNodes(true);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Fill families of elements
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- for (int itElt = 1 ; itElt <= mElements->getNumberOfElements() ; itElt++)
- {
- // get family of the ith element (MED index start at 1)
- int famIdent = mElements->getFamilyIdentifier(itElt - 1);
- map<med_int, Family*>::iterator itFam = mFamIdToFam.find(famIdent);
- if (itFam == mFamIdToFam.end()) throw IllegalStateException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- Family* fam = (*itFam).second;
- // insert the current node its family
- fam->insertElt(itElt);
- fam->setIsFamilyOfNodes(false);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Build groups
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // for each family
- for (unsigned itFam = 0 ; itFam < mFamilies.size() ; itFam++)
- {
- mFamilies[itFam]->buildGroups(mGroups, mGroupNameToGroup);
- }
-void Mesh::readFields()
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Read number of fields
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- MULTIPR_LOG("Read fields: ");
- med_int numFields = MEDnChamp(mMEDfile, 0);
- if (numFields <= 0) throw IOException("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- MULTIPR_LOG(numFields << ": OK\n");
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Iterate over fields
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // for each field, read number of components and others infos
- for (int itField = 1 ; itField <= numFields ; itField++)
- {
- Field* field = new Field();
- field->readMED(mMEDfile, itField, mMeshName);
- // if the nth field does not apply on our mesh => slip it
- if (field->isEmpty())
- {
- delete field;
- }
- else
- {
- mFields.push_back(field);
- }
- }
-ostream& operator<<(ostream& pOs, Mesh& pM)
- pOs << "Mesh: " << endl;
- pOs << " MED file =|" << pM.mMEDfilename << "|" << endl;
- pOs << " Name =|" << pM.mMeshName << "|" << endl;
- pOs << " Unv name =|" << pM.mMeshUName << "|" << endl;
- pOs << " Desc =|" << pM.mMeshDesc << "|" << endl;
- pOs << " Dim =" << pM.mMeshDim << endl;
- pOs << " Type =" << ((pM.mMeshType == MED_STRUCTURE)?"STRUCTURE":"NON_STRUCTURE") << endl;
- pOs << " BBox =[" << pM.mMeshBBoxMin[0] << " ; " << pM.mMeshBBoxMax[0] << "] x [" << pM.mMeshBBoxMin[1] << " ; " << pM.mMeshBBoxMax[1] << "] x [" << pM.mMeshBBoxMin[2] << " ; " << pM.mMeshBBoxMax[2] << "]" << endl;
- if (pM.mFlagPrintAll)
- {
- cout << (*(pM.mNodes)) << endl;
- cout << (*(pM.mElements)) << endl;
- pOs << " Families : #=" << pM.mFamilies.size() << endl;
- for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < pM.mFamilies.size() ; i++)
- {
- cout << (*(pM.mFamilies[i])) << endl;
- }
- pOs << " Groups : #=" << pM.mGroups.size() << endl;
- for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < pM.mGroups.size() ; i++)
- {
- cout << (*(pM.mGroups[i])) << endl;
- }
- pOs << " Gauss loc: #=" << pM.mGaussLoc.size() << endl;
- for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < pM.mGaussLoc.size() ; i++)
- {
- cout << (*(pM.mGaussLoc[i])) << endl;
- }
- pOs << " Fields : #=" << pM.mFields.size() << endl;
- for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < pM.mFields.size() ; i++)
- {
- cout << (*(pM.mFields[i])) << endl;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- pOs << " Nodes : #=" << pM.mNodes->getNumberOfNodes() << endl;
- const set<med_int>& setOfNodes = pM.mElements->getSetOfNodes();
- if (setOfNodes.size() == 0)
- {
- pOs << " Elt : #=" << pM.mElements->getNumberOfElements() << endl;
- }
- else
- {
- set<med_int>::iterator itNode = setOfNodes.end();
- itNode--;
- pOs << " Elt : #=" << pM.mElements->getNumberOfElements() << " node_id_min=" << (*(setOfNodes.begin())) << " node_id_max=" << (*itNode) << endl;
- }
- pOs << " Families : #=" << pM.mFamilies.size() << endl;
- pOs << " Groups : #=" << pM.mGroups.size() << endl;
- pOs << " Gauss loc: #=" << pM.mGaussLoc.size() << endl;
- pOs << " Fields : #=" << pM.mFields.size() << endl;
- }
- return pOs;
-} // namespace multipr
-// EOF