- cdebug << "GraphEditor::OutNode::IsLinksCompatible: "<<aLink.FromNodeName << "("<<aLink.FromServiceParameterName
- <<") --> "<<aLink.ToNodeName<<"("<<aLink.ToServiceParameterName<<") = " << (b ? "OK" : "Not compatible (ERROR)") << endl;
- if ( !b )
- MESSAGE( "Graph structure ERROR: type of port \""<<aLink.FromServiceParameterName<<"\" of node \""
- <<aLink.FromNodeName<<"\" is not compatible with type of linked port \""
- <<aLink.ToServiceParameterName<<"\" of node \""<<aLink.ToNodeName<<"\"" );
- }
- return b;
+ cdebug << "GraphEditor::OutNode::IsLinksCompatible: " << aLink.FromNodeName << "( "
+ << aLink.FromServiceParameterName << " " << anOutPort->PortType()
+ << " ) --> " << aLink.ToNodeName <<"( " << aLink.ToServiceParameterName << " "
+ << anInPort->PortType() << " ) = " << (b ? "OK" : "Not compatible (ERROR)") << endl;
+ if ( !b ) {
+ RetVal = false ;
+ MESSAGE( "Graph structure ERROR: type of port \"" << aLink.FromServiceParameterName
+ << "\" of node \"" << aLink.FromNodeName
+ << "\" is not compatible with type of linked port \""
+ << aLink.ToServiceParameterName << "\" of node \"" << aLink.ToNodeName<<"\"" ) ;
+ ostringstream aTypeOutPortstr ;
+ aTypeOutPortstr << anOutPort->PortType() ;
+ ostringstream aTypeInPortstr ;
+ aTypeInPortstr << anInPort->PortType() ;
+ string anErrorMessage = string( "PortTypes of " ) + string( aLink.FromNodeName ) +
+ string( "( " ) + aLink.FromServiceParameterName +
+ string( " ) " ) + aTypeOutPortstr.str() + string( " and " ) +
+ string( aLink.ToNodeName ) + string( "( " ) +
+ string( aLink.ToServiceParameterName ) +
+ string( " ) " ) + aTypeInPortstr.str() +
+ string( " are not compatibles.\n" ) ;
+ Graph()->SetMessages( anErrorMessage ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ cdebug_out << "Editor::OutNode::IsLinksCompatible() RetVal " << RetVal << endl ;
+ return RetVal ;