0019819: EDF 643 VISU : Scalar bar ergonomics
Scalar bar ergonomics is updated.
Two Parameters ?Title width (%)? and ?Title height (%)? are replaced with one parameter ?Title size (%)?.
Two Parameters ?Labels width (%)? and ?Labels height (%)? are replaced with one parameter ?Labels size (%)?.
Format of labels is stored as integer value specified format precision instead of string value representing format. This integer value is used by Preferences and ?Bar properties? dialog box. All other internal objects (actors and presentations) uses format as string values. Two auxiliary methods VISU_Prs3dUtils::ToFormat() and VISU_Prs3dUtils::ToPrecision() are created for converting precision to format and vice versa.
Label ?Dimensions? of ?Scalar bar properties? pane is replaced with ?Dimensions (in % of the size of view)?