Multiple fixes to Gmsh functionality and upgrade to Gmsh 4.8.4
- FIX 1 : Gmsh 3D algorithm was wrongly mapped (Bug ref. spns #24634)
the user was unable to choose properly the 3D meshing algorithm. The
correction for this is in GMSHPlugin_mesher.cxx, correct mapping is
now chosen << mapAlgo3d[_algo3d]) >>
- FIX 2 :Compound meshing issue that resulted in extra unwanted edges
from the geometry object (Bug ref. #bos 24165) is now fixed. Added a
new function SetCompoundMeshVisibility() in GMSHPlugin_Mesher.cxx
that helps elimenating these edges while transfer to SMESH. Note this
artifact is native to Gmsh.
- ADDITIONAL CHANGE 1: 3D algorthims used in Gmsh 4.8.4 have changed
(Delaunay, Frontal-Delaunay, MMG3D, R-Tree) are the ones avaliable in
4.8.4. Compared to 4.1.4 no more FrontalHex and Fontal in 3D, also we
have added Delaunay in 3D which was missing bedofe.
- ADDITIONAL CHANGE 2: Delaunay in 3D is now the default algorithm.