0022108: EDF 2547 SMESH: Duplicate elements only
+ void _pyGen::addFilterUser( Handle(_pyCommand)& theCmd, const Handle(_pyObject)& user );
+ * \brief Replaces "mesh.GetIDSource([id1,id2])" argument of a given command by
+ * a list "[id1,id2]" if the list is an accesible type of argument.
+ */
+ void GetIDSourceToList( Handle( _pyCommand)& theCommand )
+ * \brief Replaces "SMESH.PointStruct(x,y,z)" and "SMESH.DirStruct( SMESH.PointStruct(x,y,z))"
+ * arguments of a given command by a list "[x,y,z]" if the list is accesible
+ * type of argument.
+ */
+ void StructToList( Handle( _pyCommand)& theCommand )