# Copyright (C) 2006-2022 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com # # This awk program contains the type mapping tables - and the treatments # for code generation # BEGIN { # # file name generation print "Functions parsing (for debug parse4)" > "parse_result"; dispatch_file="code_dispatch" class_cpp=class_name"_cpp" print "//\n// generated part\n//\n" > dispatch_file print "#include \n" >> dispatch_file print "#include \"Any.hxx\"\n" >> dispatch_file print "struct returnInfo {\n int code;\n std::string message;\n};\n\n" >> dispatch_file print "extern \"C\"" >> dispatch_file print "void * __init() {" >> dispatch_file print "\n "class_name " *Obj = new " class_name ";\n return Obj;\n}\n" >> dispatch_file print "extern \"C\"" >> dispatch_file print "void __terminate(void ** vObj) {" >> dispatch_file print "\n "class_name " *Obj = ("class_name" *) *vObj;\n delete Obj;\n *vObj = NULL;\n}\n" >> dispatch_file print "extern \"C\"" >> dispatch_file print "void __run(void * O, const char * service, int nbIn, int nbOut," >> dispatch_file print " YACS::ENGINE::Any ** argIn, YACS::ENGINE::Any ** argOut, returnInfo *r)" >> dispatch_file print " {" >> dispatch_file print " if (O == NULL) {" >> dispatch_file print " r->code = -1;" >> dispatch_file print " r->message = \"Component "class_name" has not been initialized\";" >> dispatch_file print " return;" >> dispatch_file print " }\n" >> dispatch_file print " returnInfo return_code;" >> dispatch_file print " return_code.message = \"\";" >> dispatch_file print " return_code.code = 0;\n" >> dispatch_file print " int kIn = 0, kOut = 0;" >> dispatch_file; print " "class_name" * Obj = ("class_name" *) O;">> dispatch_file; print "\n try {\n" >> dispatch_file; # # # # table for c++ code generation : argument's processing # cpp_arg["int"]=" int argIn%d = argIn[kIn++]->getIntValue();\n" cpp_arg["double"]=" double argIn%d = argIn[kIn++]->getDoubleValue();\n" cpp_arg["float"]=" float argIn%d = argIn[kIn++]->getDoubleValue();\n" cpp_arg["long"]=" long argIn%d = argIn[kIn++]->getIntValue();\n" cpp_arg["short"]=" short argIn%d = (short) argIn[kIn++]->getIntValue();\n" cpp_arg["unsigned"]=" unsigned argIn%d = (unsigned ) argIn[kIn++];->getIntValue()\n" cpp_arg["const char*"]=" const char * argIn%d = argIn[kIn++]->getStringValue().c_str();\n" cpp_arg["const std::string&"]=" const std::string& argIn%d = argIn[kIn++]->getStringValue();\n" cpp_arg["const std::vector&"]=" YACS::ENGINE::SequenceAny * sA\n"\ " = dynamic_cast(argIn[kIn]);\n"\ " if (NULL == sA) {\n"\ " r->code = -1;\n"\ " r->message = \"sequence expected\";\n"\ " return;\n"\ " }\n"\ " unsigned int i, n = sA->size();\n"\ " std::vector argIn%d(n);\n"\ " for (i=0; igetDoubleValue();\n"\ " kIn++;\n" cpp_arg["int&"]=" int argOut%d;\n" cpp_arg["double&"]=" double argOut%d;\n" cpp_arg["float&"]=" float argOut%d;\n" cpp_arg["long&"]=" long argOut%d;\n" cpp_arg["short&"]=" short argOut%d;\n" cpp_arg["unsigned&"]=" unsigned argOut%d;\n" cpp_arg["std::string&"]=" std::string argOut%d;\n" cpp_arg["std::vector&"]=" std::vector argOut%d;\n" cpp_out["int&"]=" argOut[kOut++] = YACS::ENGINE::AtomAny::New(argOut%d);" cpp_out["double&"]=" argOut[kOut++] = YACS::ENGINE::AtomAny::New(argOut%d);" cpp_out["float&"]=" argOut[kOut++] = YACS::ENGINE::AtomAny::New(argOut%d);" cpp_out["long&"]=" argOut[kOut++] = YACS::ENGINE::AtomAny::New(argOut%d);" cpp_out["short&"]=" argOut[kOut++] = YACS::ENGINE::AtomAny::New(argOut%d);" cpp_out["unsigned&"]=" argOut[kOut++] = YACS::ENGINE::AtomAny::New(argOut%d);" cpp_out["std::string&"]=" argOut[kOut++] = YACS::ENGINE::AtomAny::New(argOut%d);" cpp_out["std::vector&"]=" argOut[kOut++] = YACS::ENGINE::SequenceAny::New(argOut%d);" cpp_out["int"]=" argOut[kOut++] = YACS::ENGINE::AtomAny::New(argOut%d);" cpp_out["double"]=" argOut[kOut++] = YACS::ENGINE::AtomAny::New(argOut%d);" cpp_out["float"]=" argOut[kOut++] = YACS::ENGINE::AtomAny::New(argOut%d);" cpp_out["long"]=" argOut[kOut++] = YACS::ENGINE::AtomAny::New(argOut%d);" cpp_out["short"]=" argOut[kOut++] = YACS::ENGINE::AtomAny::New(argOut%d);" cpp_out["unsigned"]=" argOut[kOut++] = YACS::ENGINE::AtomAny::New(argOut%d);" cpp_out["std::string"]=" argOut[kOut++] = YACS::ENGINE::AtomAny::New(argOut%d);" cpp_out["std::vector"]=" argOut[kOut++] = YACS::ENGINE::SequenceAny::New(argOut%d);" type_in=1 type_out=2 type_arg["int"]= type_in type_arg["double"]= type_in type_arg["float"]= type_in type_arg["long"]= type_in type_arg["short"]= type_in type_arg["unsigned"]= type_in type_arg["const char*"]= type_in type_arg["const std::string&"]= type_in type_arg["const std::vector&"]= type_in type_arg["int&"]= type_out type_arg["double&"]= type_out type_arg["float&"]= type_out type_arg["long&"]= type_out type_arg["short&"]= type_out type_arg["unsigned&"]= type_out type_arg["std::string&"]= type_out type_arg["std::vector&"]= type_out # # # record sep is ");\n" whith blanks all around, and optional "(" at the beginning RS="[(]?[ ]*[)][ ]*;[ ]*\n?" FS="[ ]*[(,][ ]*" # field sep is either "(" or "," surrounded by blanks } # --------------------- treatment 1 ---------------------------------- # # extract from fields types, function name, and argument's names # { nitems = split($0, items); print "Function : ",$0 >> "parse_result"; # print for debug for (i=1; i<=nitems; i++) { print " -> ",i," : ",items[i] >> "parse_result"; split(items[i], j, " "); l=0; for (k in j) {l++;} k=j[1]; for (ll=2; ll> dispatch_file; for (i=2; i<=nitems; i++) { printf cpp_arg[type[i]],(i-1),(i-1) >> dispatch_file; } # Internal function call with local arguments # if no return value, return NULL if (type[1] == "void") { s = " "; } else { s=" "type[1]" argOut0 = "; } s = s"Obj->"name[1]"("; for (i=2; i1) { if (way[nitems] == type_in) { s=s"argIn"(nitems-1); } else if (way[nitems] == type_out) { s=s"argOut"(nitems-1); } } s=s");" print s >> dispatch_file; if (type[1] != "void") { printf cpp_out[type[1]],0 >> dispatch_file; } for (i=2; i> dispatch_file; } } print "\n }\n else" >> dispatch_file; } # END { print " {\n // error in function name" >> dispatch_file print " return_code.code = -1;" >> dispatch_file print " return_code.message = std::string(service) + \" is not the name of a service\";\n }" >> dispatch_file print "\n }\n catch(std::exception & e) {\n" >> dispatch_file print " return_code.code = -1;" >> dispatch_file; print " return_code.message = std::string(\"internal exception in \") + service + \" : \" + e.what();" >> dispatch_file; print "\n }\n catch(...) {\n" >> dispatch_file print " return_code.code = -1;" >> dispatch_file; print " return_code.message = std::string(\"internal exception in \") + service;" >> dispatch_file; print " }" >> dispatch_file print " *r = return_code;\n}" >> dispatch_file print "\n#include \n" >> dispatch_file print "extern \"C\"" >> dispatch_file print "\nvoid __ping() {\n" >> dispatch_file print " std::cerr << \"ping\" << std::endl;\n}" >> dispatch_file }