Code Wrapping into SALOME with hxx2salome ========================================= 1 Context --------- Assuming you want to integrate the component "COMP" into SALOME, you may use the hxx2salome command. If you are able to read this document, it is assumed that you succeeded running hxx2salome command. The command you typed looks like: hxx2salome -g -s sh ${COMP_CPP_ROOT_DIR} COMP.hxx ${COMP_ROOT_DIR} where: ${COMP_CPP_ROOT_DIR} : is the directory (absolute path) where the component to be integrated lies something as /export/home/john/COMP/COMP_CPP_INSTALL COMP.hxx : is the header file describing the methods to be wrapped (must lie in one unique occurence in ${COMP_CPP_ROOT_DIR} tree) : is the library file containing the implemented methods of the component (must lie in one unique occurence in ${COMP_CPP_ROOT_DIR} tree) ${COMP_BUILD_ROOT_DIR} : is the directory (absolute path) where the component building tree has to be installed something as /usr/local/salome_3.x.x/COMPONENTS -g : is an hxx2salome option asking for the GUI part of the component -s sh : is an hxx2salome option asking to use a sh-style environment file The present file is ${COMP_ROOT_DIR}/COMP/COMP_SRC/doc/dev_guide.txt 2 Implementing your wrapper --------------------------- In the ${COMP_BUILD_ROOT_DIR}/COMP/COMP_SRC/src/COMP directory you will find a COMP_i.hxx file describing all wrapped methods from your component. 2.1 Implementation for testing component from console In the same ${COMP_BUILD_ROOT_DIR}/COMP/COMP_SRC/src/COMP directory you will find a file. Edit it to add (at bottom part) some calls to your component methods. They will look like: my_COMP.method(...). 2.2 Implementation for testing component from SALOME GUI If you used option -g, you will find another directory named ${COMP_BUILD_ROOT_DIR}/COMP/COMP_SRC/src/COMPGUI. You have to edit the following files: COMPGUI.h : Mainly changing the class fields that are only preferences-oriented in the template COMPGUI.cxx : - Constructor to fit your needs, - initialize to define your menus, toolbars, dialogs and preferences as shown in template - OnMyNewItem, OnCallAction and equivalent own call-back routine names (template includes examples in OnCallAction to retrieve user preferences values). Here are included the calls to component library. They will look like: COMPgen->method( arg1, arg2, ... ); - createPreferences to define your own user preferences data entries - preferencesChanged to get prepared for automatic SALOME call-back COMP_msg_en.po: Resources file with all English text strings used in the source code COMPGUI.cxx COMP_msg_xx.po: Resources file with all strings translated in language xx (for instance fr) 3 Building your component ------------------------- When your implementation is ready, the SALOME client side of the component is built the regular way: check definition of environment variables (COMP_SRC_DIR, COMP_BUILD_DIR, COMP_ROOT_DIR) in file ${COMP_BUILD_ROOT_DIR}/COMP/COMP_SRC/ and source it cd ${COMP_SRC_DIR} ./build_configure mkdir -p ${COMP_BUILD_DIR} cd ${COMP_BUILD_DIR} ${COMP_SRC_DIR}/configure --prefix=${COMP_ROOT_DIR} make make install 4 Using your component ---------------------- To be done once: edit your configuration file ~/.SalomeApprc.3.x.x: Somewhere between and add:
In launch section add reference to COMP
To be done at login: source the Salome environment source the component environment file (${COMP_BUILD_ROOT_DIR}/COMP/COMP_SRC/ To be done at execution: run Salome (runSalome command) kill any still runing process if necessary ( command)