HXX2Salome HXX2Salome 0 0 520 383 Form1 Input 10 10 500 190 Input EnvFileButton 380 150 80 30 Browse ... IncludeFileLabel 60 70 110 30 <p align="right">C++ include file</p> File containing the main C++ component class declaration EnvFileLabel 30 150 140 30 <p align="right">Environment file</p> shell script where specific environment variable can be initialized for the component SourceTree 30 30 140 40 <p align="right">C++ component tree<br>(absolute path)</p> This directory (or one ot its subdirectories) contains the main C++ include file and the main shared library of the component LibraryText 180 110 190 30 SourceTreeText 180 30 190 30 IncludeText 180 70 190 30 SourceTreeButton 380 30 80 30 Browse ... IncludeButton 380 70 80 30 Browse ... LibraryButton 380 110 80 30 Browse ... LibraryLabel 30 110 140 30 <p align="right">Shared library</p> Shared library (.so file) containing the compiled C++ component EnvFileText 180 150 190 30 CloseButton 390 340 86 28 Close GenButton 30 340 86 28 Generate Output 10 200 500 130 Output OutputTreeButton 380 30 80 30 Browse ... OutputTreeLabel 30 30 140 30 Salome component tree OutputTreeText 180 30 190 30 bash csh ShellChoice 90 69 90 30 ShellText 40 69 40 30 Shell Compile 200 70 210 30 Compile Salome Component textLabel1 230 90 259 30 (if checked, generation can take a long time) CloseButton pressed() HXX2Salome CloseButton_pressed() SourceTreeButton pressed() HXX2Salome SourceTreeButton_pressed() SourceTreeText textChanged(const QString&) HXX2Salome newComponentTree() IncludeText textChanged(const QString&) HXX2Salome newIncludeFile() LibraryText textChanged(const QString&) HXX2Salome newSharedLibrary() EnvFileText textChanged(const QString&) HXX2Salome newEnvFile() OutputTreeButton pressed() HXX2Salome newOutputTree() OutputTreeText textChanged(const QString&) HXX2Salome newOutputTree() IncludeButton pressed() HXX2Salome IncludeButton_pressed() LibraryButton pressed() HXX2Salome LibraryButton_pressed() EnvFileButton pressed() HXX2Salome EnvFileButton_pressed() OutputTreeButton pressed() HXX2Salome OutputTreeButton_pressed() GenButton pressed() HXX2Salome GenerateButton_pressed() ShellChoice activated(int) HXX2Salome ShellChoice_activated(int) hxx2salome.ui.h QString CppLibDir; QString SalomeDir; QString CppDir; QString CppInc; QString CppLib; QString EnvFile; QString CppIncDir; int shell; CloseButton_pressed() SourceTreeButton_pressed() newComponentTree() newIncludeFile() newSharedLibrary() newEnvFile() newOutputTree() OutputTreeButton_pressed() IncludeButton_pressed() LibraryButton_pressed() EnvFileButton_pressed() shellChanged( int n ) GenerateButton_pressed() ShellChoice_activated( int n ) init() destroy()