fm_advparamcontainer 0 0 393 565 Form 2 0 0 Parameters 2 1 Container container name: name of the container when instanciated at runtime mode: working dir: Use python cache Parallel parameters nb procs: 0 0 0 0 Qt::RightToLeft false MPI container PaCO++ lib: false Qt::Horizontal 50 20 Qt::Vertical 20 168 true Resource hostname: O.S.: nb procs: Qt::Horizontal 20 20 0 0 mem mb: Qt::Horizontal 20 20 0 0 required memory (megaBytes) cpu clock: Qt::Horizontal 20 20 0 0 required cpu clock frequency (MHz) nb nodes: Qt::Horizontal 20 20 0 0 nb proc / node: Qt::Horizontal 20 20 0 0 policy: 0 0 Component list: example: GEOM, SMESH 0 0 Restricted resource list: example: machine1, machine2 false 3