TopIIVolMeshMainFrame 0 0 663 298 Tetra Mesh from cloud of xyz points mesh generator Qt::Vertical 20 40 10 Input Mesh 10 10 DEM input file 18 18 Qt::Vertical 20 40 Compute Close Qt::Horizontal 40 20 10 Help Options 0 999999999 10 Number of points in X direction Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Distributed Qt::Horizontal 40 20 0 999999999 1 Number of processors Qt::Horizontal 45 20 0 999999999 10 Number of points in Y direction Display mesh 0 999999999 1 Number of partitions in X direction 0 999999999 10 Number of points in Z direction 0 999999999 1 Number of partitions in Y direction -999999999 999999999 0 Depth in Z direction 0 999999999 1 Number of partitions in Z direction Workspace 0 0 qpbMeshFile qleMeshFile qsbXPoints qsbYPoints qsbZPoints qsbDepth qcbDistributed qsbNBprocs qsbXParts qsbYParts qsbZParts qcbDisplayMesh qleTmpDir qpbCompute qpbClose qpbHelp