from distutils.core import setup, Extension import os,sys TCLHOME=os.getenv("TCLHOME") if not TCLHOME: print "TCLHOME not set : use /usr" TCLHOME="/usr" TCLINCL=os.path.join(TCLHOME,"include") TCLLIB=os.path.join(TCLHOME,"lib") # _CS_gbo_ Ajout de TKHOME pour la modularité des installations. Si # TKHOME n'est pas définie, elle prend la valeur de TCLHOME. TKHOME=os.getenv("TKHOME") if not TKHOME: print "TKHOME not set : use ", TCLHOME TKHOME=TCLHOME TKINCL=os.path.join(TKHOME,"include") TKLIB=os.path.join(TKHOME,"lib") # _CS_gbo_ Ajout de TIXHOME pour la modularité des installations. Si # TIXHOME n'est pas définie, elle prend la valeur de TCLHOME. TIXHOME=os.getenv("TIXHOME") if not TIXHOME: print "TIXHOME not set : use ", TCLHOME TIXHOME=TCLHOME TIXINCL=os.path.join(TIXHOME,"include") TIXLIB=os.path.join(TIXHOME,"lib") QT_INCLUDES="@QT_INCLUDES@".split() SIP_INCLUDES="@SIP_INCLUDES@".split() QT_LIBS="@QT_MT_LIBS@".split() SIP_LIBS="@SIP_LIBS@".split() PYQT_LIBS="@PYQT_LIBS@".split() PYDIR=sys.prefix VERS="%s.%s" % (sys.version_info[0],sys.version_info[1]) def find_file(filename, std_dirs, paths): """Searches for the directory where a given file is located, and returns a possibly-empty list of additional directories, or None if the file couldn't be found at all. 'filename' is the name of a file, such as readline.h or libcrypto.a. 'std_dirs' is the list of standard system directories; if the file is found in one of them, no additional directives are needed. 'paths' is a list of additional locations to check; if the file is found in one of them, the resulting list will contain the directory. """ # Check the standard locations for dir in std_dirs: f = os.path.join(dir, filename) # if os.path.exists(f): return [] # _CS_gbo_ A priori, c'est plutôt ce comportement qu'il faut implémenter if os.path.exists(f): return [dir] # Check the additional directories for dir in paths: f = os.path.join(dir, filename) if os.path.exists(f): return [dir] # Not found anywhere return None inc_dirs=[TCLINCL,TKINCL,TIXINCL] lib_dirs=[TCLLIB,TKLIB,TIXLIB] # _CS_gbo_ Je pense qu'il faut dissocier la recherche dans les # répertoires définis sur la base de TCLHOME (paramétrage utilisateur) # de la recherche aux emplacement système par défaut. Par ailleurs, le # positionnement du numéro de version sert ici à définir le nom de la # bibliothèques à lié ( par exemple). Il serait plus # pertinant de faire le même contrôle que pour les includes tcl_includes = find_file('tcl.h', inc_dirs, []) tk_includes = find_file('tk.h', inc_dirs, []) if tcl_includes and tk_includes: # On recherche la bibliothèque "versionnées" for version in ['8.4', '8.3', '8.2', '8.1', '8.0']: libtcl = 'libtcl' + version + '.so' libtk = 'libtk' + version + '.so' tcl_lib = find_file(libtcl, lib_dirs, []) tk_lib = find_file(libtk, lib_dirs, []) if tcl_lib and tk_lib: # On retiend ce numéro de version break # # Recherche des includes dans les emplacement système par # défaut. Cette boucle est entammée uniquement si les include n'ont pas # encore été déterminés. # if not tcl_includes or not tk_includes or not tcl_lib or not tk_lib: for version in ['8.4', '8.3', '8.2', '8.1', '8.0']: # Check for the include files on Debian, where # they're put in /usr/include/{tcl,tk}X.Y debian_tcl_include = [ '/usr/include/tcl' + version ] debian_tk_include = [ '/usr/include/tk' + version ] + debian_tcl_include tcl_includes = find_file('tcl.h', [], debian_tcl_include) tk_includes = find_file('tk.h', [], debian_tk_include) if tcl_includes and tk_includes: break # _CS_gbo_ Si quand bien même on ne trouve pas les éléments # recherchés, je pense qu'il faut arrêter le setup, il y a un problème # de configuration. if not tcl_includes or not tk_includes: print " Impossible de définir la configuration Tcl/Tk" sys.exit(1) print "Found Tk version:",version print "Found Tcl includes:",tcl_includes print "Found Tk includes:",tk_includes include_dirs=[".", "@srcdir@"]+tcl_includes+tk_includes libs_tk=["tk"+version,"tcl"+version] setup(name="notifqt", version="1.0", ext_modules=[ Extension("notifqt", ["@srcdir@/notifqtmodule.cpp", "moc_notify.cpp", ], include_dirs=include_dirs, library_dirs=lib_dirs, libraries=libs_tk, extra_compile_args= SIP_INCLUDES + QT_INCLUDES, extra_objects=[], extra_link_args=QT_LIBS + PYQT_LIBS + SIP_LIBS, ) ])