#============================================================================== # File : supervisionexample.py # Created : 23 nov 2001 # Author : Jean Rahuel # Project : SALOME # Copyright : CEA #============================================================================== from SuperV import * # load this object with Nodes, Links and Datas stored in GraphEssai.xml # (GraphEssai.xml was created with python in SuperVisionTest and GraphEssai.py) myGraph = Graph("@ROOT_BUILDDIR@/share/salome/resources/superv/GraphEssai.xml") #myGraph = Graph("/home/data/jr_HEAD/build/share/salome/resources/superv/GraphEssai.xml") # This DataFlow is "valid" : no loop, correct links between Nodes etc... print myGraph.IsValid() # Get Nodes myGraph.PrintNodes() Add,Sub,Mul,Div = myGraph.Nodes() # Load Datas Addx = Add.Input("x",3.) Addy = Add.Input("y",4.5) Subx = Sub.Input("x",1.5) # Get Output Port Addz = Add.Port('z') Subz = Sub.Port('z') Mulz = Mul.Port('z') Divz = Div.Port('z') # This DataFlow is "executable" : all pending Ports are defined with Datas print myGraph.IsExecutable() # Starts only execution of that DataFlow and gets control immediatly print myGraph.Run() # That DataFlow is running ==> 0 (false) print myGraph.IsDone() # Events of execution : aStatus,aNode,anEvent,aState = myGraph.Event() while aStatus : print aNode.Thread(),aNode.SubGraph(),aNode.Name(),anEvent,aState aStatus,aNode,anEvent,aState = myGraph.Event() print myGraph.IsDone() # Wait for Completion (but it is already done after event loop ...) print "Done : ",myGraph.DoneW() # Get result print "Result : ",Divz.ToString() # Intermediate results : print "Intermediate Result Add\z : ",Addz.ToString() print "Intermediate Result Sub\z : ",Subz.ToString() print "Intermediate Result Mul\z : ",Mulz.ToString() print " " print "Type : print myGraph.IsDone()" print " If execution is finished ==> 1 (true)" print " " print "Type : print Divz.ToString()" print " You will get the result" print " " print "Type : myGraph.PrintPorts()" print " to see input and output values of the graph" print " " print "Type : Add.PrintPorts()" print "Type : Sub.PrintPorts()" print "Type : Mul.PrintPorts()" print "Type : Div.PrintPorts()" print " to see input and output values of nodes" # Export will create newsupervisionexample.xml and the corresponding .py file print myGraph.Export("@ROOT_BUILDDIR@/share/salome/resources/superv/newsupervisionexample.xml") print " " print "See file @ROOT_BUILDDIR@/share/salome/resources/superv/newsupervisionexample.xml" print "See file @ROOT_BUILDDIR@/share/salome/resources/superv/newsupervisionexample.py"