# create a plugin with a custom view that shows up in ParaView's multi-view # manager. this plugin also contains a custom display panel # moc the Qt based .h files QT4_WRAP_CPP(MOC_SRCS MyView.h MyDisplay.h MyViewActiveOptions.h MyViewOptions.h) # invoke macro to create sources for our custom view and display panel ADD_PARAVIEW_VIEW_MODULE( # returns the interfaces defined (pass in # GUI_INTERFACES parameter) IFACES # returns a list of source files for this interface IFACE_SRCS # give the view type # With MyView.h implementing a # pqGenericViewModule and MyView being the XML name # for the view on the server side VIEW_TYPE MyView # the XML group of the view in the server manager xml VIEW_XML_GROUP views # the XML name of the display for this view DISPLAY_XML MyDisplay # the name of the display panel for this display # With MyDisplay.h implementing pqDisplayPanel DISPLAY_PANEL MyDisplay) ADD_PARAVIEW_VIEW_OPTIONS(OPTIONS_IFACE OPTIONS_IFACE_SRCS VIEW_TYPE MyView ACTIVE_VIEW_OPTIONS MyViewActiveOptions) # create a GUI side plugin with the GUI side code ADD_PARAVIEW_PLUGIN(GUISampleView "1.0" GUI_INTERFACES ${IFACES} ${OPTIONS_IFACE} GUI_SOURCES MyView.cxx MyDisplay.cxx MyViewActiveOptions.cxx MyViewOptions.cxx ${MOC_SRCS} ${IFACE_SRCS} ${OPTIONS_IFACE_SRCS}) # create a server side plugin with the server side code ADD_PARAVIEW_PLUGIN(SMSampleView "1.0" SERVER_MANAGER_XML MyViewSM.xml) # one could combine the two plugins into one if desired INSTALL( TARGETS GUISampleView SMSampleView DESTINATION . )