TODO : ------ 3 - propagate the update of filters connected directly or not (typically ExtractGroup) to the MEDReader when the groups have been updated. UC :, then extractgroup, then return to MEDReader properties and select zeField3_1 & zeField4_1 -> ExtractGroup filter is out of date and "Apply" button not green. Known bug : ----------- Warning for users : ------------------- Try to avoid to change the localization along time on a same field because it leads to an unfriendly behavior when playing. (bug seen in EDF2420 in ssnp121.rmed when applying GaussPoint filter and running different time steps. TODO in MED: ------------ - Manage degenerated cases. DONE ---- 0- Sur le time quand tout a echouer prendre le plus grand < (07/01/2014) 1 - Load, Load -> throw because of missynchronization of time. -> Alejandro (07/01/2014) 1 - ELNO to be added only once not for each GAUSS_NE -> To test a file having > 1 field with GAUSS_NE 1 - Keep tracks of built support to accelerate rendering in MEDFileFieldRepresentation. 2 - in branch EDF1 : adm_local_without_kernel to put in install of MED_SRC when in STANDALONE mode. 0 - test22 doit etre sur les seg2 et tri3 1 - When Reload Applied it is possible with gui to unselect all ! 0 - protect ExtractGroup against throw 0 - protect ExctractCellType against throw 0 - Extract cell type + Extract Group 0 - bug client side when the field having the max number of TS is not first. 0 - ELGA arrays choice of GaussPoints filter 0 - Manage file containing only cartesian meshes. 0 - Bug on vtkExtractGroup when attempting to extract on empty group. Previously, it led to SIGSEGV. 0 - Add the frequency information in mode mode in the name of arrays in DataSet. 0 - Addition of MeshName property in ExtractGroup (see 0 - Bug when fields contains @ 1 - Bug on reload the first leaf is not systematically activated.