-- File : Partition_Loop.cdl -- Created: Thu Aug 02 16:07:39 2001 -- Author : Benedicte MARTIN -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 2001 class Loop from Partition ---Purpose: Builds the loops from a set of edges on a face. uses Face from TopoDS, Edge from TopoDS, ListOfShape from TopTools, DataMapOfShapeListOfShape from TopTools is Create; Init (me : in out; F : Face from TopoDS) ---Purpose: Init with the set of edges must have -- pcurves on . is static; AddEdge (me : in out; E : in out Edge from TopoDS; LV : ListOfShape from TopTools) ---Purpose: Add E with . will be copied and trim -- by vertices in . is static; AddConstEdge (me : in out; E : Edge from TopoDS) ---Purpose: Add as const edge, E can be in the result. is static; Perform(me : in out) ---Purpose: Make loops. is static; NewWires (me) ---Purpose: Returns the list of wires performed. -- can be an empty list. ---C++: return const & returns ListOfShape from TopTools; WiresToFaces (me : in out) ---Purpose: Build faces from the wires result. is static; NewFaces (me) ---Purpose: Returns the list of faces. ---Warning: The method as to be called before. -- can be an empty list. ---C++: return const & returns ListOfShape from TopTools; fields myFace : Face from TopoDS; myConstEdges : ListOfShape from TopTools; myNewWires : ListOfShape from TopTools; myNewFaces : ListOfShape from TopTools; end Loop;