The Netgen 4.3 from the web location : is used in the SMESH Module of Salome2 distribution. How to build Netgen for Salome ------------------------------ Patch the official netgen 4.3 distribution: $ cd netgen43 $ patch -p1 < patch_directory/netgen43ForSalome.patch Then run $ sh Additional information for maintainers -------------------------------------- The SMESH Engine of SALOME2 (particularly the m4 file check_Netgen.m4) assume that Netgen is installed in the directory as follow: prompt> ls bin/ cshrc_for_netgen doc/ include/ lib/ tutorials/ prompt> ls /bin LINUX/ prompt> ls /bin/LINUX/ demoapp/ ng ng.tcl ngtcltk/ startup.tcl prompt> ls /bin/LINUX/demoapp/ demoapp.tcl prompt> ls /bin/LINUX/ngtcltk/ dialog.tcl menustat.tcl ngicon.tcl parameters.tcl drawing.tcl nghelp.tcl ngvisual.tcl variables.tcl prompt> ls /doc/ ng4.pdf prompt> ls /include/ nglib.h prompt> ls /lib/ LINUX/ prompt> ls /lib/LINUX/ libcsg.a libgeom2d.a libla.a libnginterface.a libstlgeom.a libgen.a libgprim.a libmesh.a libopti.a libvis.a prompt> ls /tutorials/ boxcyl.geo cylinder.geo ficherea.geo part1.stl square.in2d cone.geo cylsphere.geo hinge.stl sculpture.geo trafo.geo cubeandspheres.geo demo2d.in2d lshape3d.geo shaft.geo twobricks.geo cube.geo ellipsoid.geo manyholes.geo sphere.geo twocubes.geo cubemcyl.geo ellipticcyl.geo matrix.geo sphereincube.geo twocyl.geo cubemsphere.geo All *.tcl files are needed to control and initiate the Netgen mesher throughout its MHI (Machine Human Interface)./bin/LINUX/ng is the Netgen executable with its embarked MHI. All the libraries *.a should be compiled without the option -DOPENGL which is only needed for the Netgen MHI. netgen43 is assumed to be the directory downloaded from the above web location archive of Netgen. The library /lib/LINUX/libnginterface.a should contain the objects nglib.o (from netgen43/libsrc/interface/nglib.cpp) and ngnewdelete.o (from netgen43/ngtcltk/ngnewdelete.cpp). To have that kind of distribution from the version in the above web location you should first compile Netgen as suggested in the netgen43/README.INSTALL file. It will then produce the executable ng linked statically with the libraries *.a. Then modify the Makefiles to remove -DOPENGL from compiler flags list, add the objects nglib.o and ngnewdelete.o to the library libnginterface.a and recompile the libraries only. From the above web location perhaps, you will have to alter some Netgen sources to compile them; if you find any difficulties to do that, just ask me. Nadir ******************************** * Dr Nadir Bouhamou * * Ingénieur-chercheur * * Engineer-Researcher * * * * CEA Saclay * * DEN/DM2S/SFME/LGLS * * Bat 454 Pièce 5A * * 91191 Gif-Sur-Yvette cédex * * * * Tél: +33 (0)1 69 08 73 07 * * Fax: +33 (0)1 69 08 96 96 * * email: * ********************************