# ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Notes about usage of Netgen with SALOME # ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- 1. Netgen home page ------------------- Netgen mesher's home page is: https://sourceforge.net/projects/netgen-mesher/. ----------------------- 2. Minimal requirements ----------------------- Minimal version of Netgen required for SALOME is 5.3.1. ---------------------------------------- 3. Build Netgen for SALOME NETGEN Plugin ---------------------------------------- 3.1. Download Netgen archive (here netgen-5.3.1.tar.gz) from the project's site: $ wget https://vorboss.dl.sourceforge.net/project/netgen-mesher/netgen-mesher/5.3/netgen-5.3.1.tar.gz 3.2. Unpack an archive: $ tar xfz netgen-5.3.1.tar.gz 3.3. Patch the Netgen distribution for SALOME $ cd netgen-5.3.1 $ patch -p1 < /path/to/netgenplugin_src_dir/src/NETGEN/netgen53ForSalome.patch Here, "/path/to/netgenplugin_src_dir" is a path to NETGENPLUGIN source directory. This is the same directory where this Readme file is located. Netgen plugin sources can be retrieved from the Git repository: $ git clone http://git.salome-platform.org/gitpub/plugins/netgenplugin.git 3.4. Configure the netgen compilation: $ cd netgen-5.3.1 $ ./configure --prefix=/path/to/the/installation/directory \ --with-occ=${CAS_ROOT_DIR} \ --with-tcl=${TCLHOME}/lib --with-tk=${TCLHOME}/lib \ --with-tclinclude=${TCLHOME}/include Note: Netgen depends on some products like Open CASCADE Technology and Tcl/Tk. These products should be specified to the configure script via options. 3.5. Compile and install netgen mesher: $ make install 3.6. Patch the installation directory by copying header files needed by NETGEN Plugin. For this purpose you can use the script /path/to/netgenplugin_src_dir/src/NETGEN/netgen_copy_include_for_salome. $ /path/to/netgenplugin_src_dir/src/NETGEN/netgen_copy_include_for_salome \ . /path/to/the/installation/directory The first argument is the directory containing the Netgen sources. The second argument is the installation directory of Netgen mesher.