// Copyright (C) 2007-2012 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com // #ifndef __POINTLOCATORALGOS_TXX__ #define __POINTLOCATORALGOS_TXX__ #include "InterpolationUtils.hxx" #include "CellModel.hxx" #include "BBTree.txx" #include #include #include namespace INTERP_KERNEL { class GenericPointLocatorAlgos { public: virtual ~GenericPointLocatorAlgos() { } virtual std::list locates(const double* x, double eps) = 0; }; template class PointLocatorAlgos: public GenericPointLocatorAlgos { private : double* _bb; BBTree* _tree; const MyMeshType& _mesh; public: PointLocatorAlgos(const MyMeshType& mesh):_mesh(mesh) { typedef typename MyMeshType::MyConnType ConnType; const int SPACEDIM=MyMeshType::MY_SPACEDIM; const NumberingPolicy numPol=MyMeshType::My_numPol; int nelem = _mesh.getNumberOfElements(); _bb = new double[SPACEDIM*2*nelem]; const ConnType* conn = _mesh.getConnectivityPtr(); const ConnType* conn_index = _mesh.getConnectivityIndexPtr(); const double* coords=_mesh.getCoordinatesPtr(); for (int i=0; i::max(); _bb[2*(i*SPACEDIM+idim)+1]=-std::numeric_limits::max(); } for (int index= conn_index[i]; index < conn_index[i+1];index++) { //coordelem points to the coordinates of the current node of the i-th element const double* coordelem = coords+OTT::ind2C(conn[OTT::ind2C(index)])*SPACEDIM; //the bounding box is updated by checking wheher the node is at the min/max in exach dimension for (int idim=0; idim_bb[2*(i*SPACEDIM+idim)+1])?coordelem[idim]:_bb[2*(i*SPACEDIM+idim)+1]; } } } _tree=new BBTree(_bb,0,0,nelem); } ~PointLocatorAlgos() { delete[] _bb; delete _tree; } //returns the list of elements that contains //the point pointed to by x std::list locates(const double* x, double eps) { typedef typename MyMeshType::MyConnType ConnType; const NumberingPolicy numPol=MyMeshType::My_numPol; std::vector candidates; _tree->getElementsAroundPoint(x,candidates); std::list retlist; for(unsigned int i=0; i< candidates.size(); i++) { int ielem=candidates[i]; if (elementContainsPoint(ielem,x,eps)) retlist.push_back(OTT::indFC(ielem)); } return retlist; } static bool isElementContainsPointAlg2D(const double *ptToTest, const double *cellPts, int nbEdges, double eps) { /* with dimension 2, it suffices to check all the edges and see if the sign of double products from the point is always the same. C / \ / \ Xo / \ A-------B here XA^XC and XC^XB have different signs*/ const int SPACEDIM=MyMeshType::MY_SPACEDIM; int* sign = new int[nbEdges]; for (int iedge=0; iedgeeps) sign[iedge]=1; else sign[iedge]=0; } bool ret=decideFromSign(sign, nbEdges); delete [] sign; return ret; } static bool isElementContainsPointAlg3D(const double *ptToTest, const typename MyMeshType::MyConnType *conn_elem, int conn_elem_sz, const double *coords, const CellModel& cmType, double eps) { const int SPACEDIM=MyMeshType::MY_SPACEDIM; typedef typename MyMeshType::MyConnType ConnType; const NumberingPolicy numPol=MyMeshType::My_numPol; int nbfaces = cmType.getNumberOfSons2(conn_elem,conn_elem_sz); int *sign = new int[nbfaces]; int *connOfSon = new int[conn_elem_sz]; for (int iface=0; iface::coo2C(connOfSon[0])); const double* BB=coords+SPACEDIM*(OTT::coo2C(connOfSon[1])); const double* CC=coords+SPACEDIM*(OTT::coo2C(connOfSon[2])); double Vol=triple_product(AA,BB,CC,ptToTest); if (Vol<-eps) sign[iface]=-1; else if (Vol>eps) sign[iface]=1; else sign[iface]=0; } bool ret=decideFromSign(sign, nbfaces); delete [] sign; delete [] connOfSon; return ret; } static bool isElementContainsPoint(const double *ptToTest, NormalizedCellType type, const double *coords, const typename MyMeshType::MyConnType *conn_elem, int conn_elem_sz, double eps) { const int SPACEDIM=MyMeshType::MY_SPACEDIM; typedef typename MyMeshType::MyConnType ConnType; const NumberingPolicy numPol=MyMeshType::My_numPol; const CellModel& cmType=CellModel::GetCellModel(type); // if (SPACEDIM==2) { int nbEdges=cmType.getNumberOfSons(); double *pts = new double[nbEdges*SPACEDIM]; for (int iedge=0; iedge::ind2C(conn_elem[iedge])); std::copy(a,a+SPACEDIM,pts+iedge*SPACEDIM); } bool ret=isElementContainsPointAlg2D(ptToTest,pts,nbEdges,eps); delete [] pts; return ret; } if (SPACEDIM==3) { return isElementContainsPointAlg3D(ptToTest,conn_elem,conn_elem_sz,coords,cmType,eps); } if(SPACEDIM==1) { double p1=coords[(OTT::ind2C(conn_elem[0]))]; double p2=coords[(OTT::ind2C(conn_elem[1]))]; double delta=fabs(p1-p2)+eps; double val=*ptToTest-std::min(p1,p2); return val>-eps && val::ind2C(conn_index[i]); int conn_elem_sz=conn_index[i+1]-conn_index[i]; NormalizedCellType type=_mesh.getTypeOfElement(OTT::indFC(i)); return isElementContainsPoint(x,type,coords,conn_elem,conn_elem_sz,eps); } static bool decideFromSign(const int* sign, int nbelem) { int min_sign = 1; int max_sign = -1; for (int i=0; imax_sign)?sign[i]:max_sign; } return (min_sign!=-1 || max_sign!=1); } }; template class PointLocatorInSimplex : public PointLocatorAlgos { const MyMeshType& _mesh; public: PointLocatorInSimplex(const MyMeshType& mesh) :PointLocatorAlgos(mesh),_mesh(mesh) { } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Returns nodes composing the simplex the point x is in */ //================================================================================ virtual std::list locates(const double* x, double eps) { typedef typename MyMeshType::MyConnType ConnType; const NumberingPolicy numPol=MyMeshType::My_numPol; std::list simplexNodes; std::list candidates = PointLocatorAlgos::locates(x,eps); std::list::iterator eIt = candidates.begin(); for ( ; eIt != candidates.end(); ++eIt ) { const int i = OTT::ind2C( *eIt ); const double* coords= _mesh.getCoordinatesPtr(); const ConnType* conn=_mesh.getConnectivityPtr(); const ConnType* conn_index= _mesh.getConnectivityIndexPtr(); const ConnType* conn_elem=conn+OTT::ind2C(conn_index[i]); int conn_elem_sz=conn_index[i+1]-conn_index[i]; NormalizedCellType type=_mesh.getTypeOfElement(OTT::indFC(i)); CellModel cell = CellModel::GetCellModel(type); if ( cell.isQuadratic() ) throw Exception("P2 not implemented yet"); if ( cell.isSimplex()) { for ( int n = 0; n < conn_elem_sz; ++n ) simplexNodes.push_back( conn_elem[ n ]); } else { NormalizedCellType simlexType = cell.getDimension()==3 ? NORM_TETRA4 : NORM_TRI3; std::vector sonNodes; NormalizedCellType sonType; const unsigned nbSons = cell.getNumberOfSons2( conn_elem, conn_elem_sz ); for ( unsigned s = 0; s < nbSons; ++s ) { sonNodes.resize( cell.getNumberOfNodesConstituentTheSon2( s, conn_elem, conn_elem_sz )); cell.fillSonCellNodalConnectivity2( s, conn_elem, conn_elem_sz, &sonNodes[0], sonType ); std::set sonNodesSet( sonNodes.begin(), sonNodes.end() ); std::set< std::set< ConnType > > checkedSonSimplex; for ( unsigned sn = 0; sn < sonNodes.size(); ++sn ) { std::vector< ConnType > simplexConn( cell.getDimension() + 1 ); unsigned n; for ( n = 0; n < cell.getDimension()-1; ++n ) simplexConn[n] = sonNodes[ (sn+n) % sonNodes.size() ]; for ( unsigned n2 = 0; n2 < sonNodes.size()-cell.getDimension()+1; ++n2 ) { simplexConn[n] = sonNodes[ (sn+n+n2) % sonNodes.size() ]; std::set< ConnType > sonSimplex( simplexConn.begin(), --simplexConn.end()); if ( checkedSonSimplex.insert( sonSimplex ).second ) { for ( unsigned cn = 0; cn < conn_elem_sz; ++cn ) if ( !sonNodesSet.count( conn_elem[cn] )) { simplexConn.back() = conn_elem[cn]; if ( this->isElementContainsPoint( x, simlexType, coords, &simplexConn[0], simplexConn.size(), eps )) { simplexNodes.insert( simplexNodes.end(), simplexConn.begin(), simplexConn.end()); return simplexNodes; } } } } } } } } return simplexNodes; } }; } #endif