// Copyright (C) 2007-2020 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com // #ifndef __BBTREEPTS_TXX__ #define __BBTREEPTS_TXX__ #include #include #include #include #include template class BBTreePts { private: BBTreePts* _left; BBTreePts* _right; int _level; double _max_left; double _min_right; const double *_pts; typename std::vector _elems; bool _terminal; ConnType _nbelems; double _epsilon; static const int MIN_NB_ELEMS=15; static const int MAX_LEVEL=20; public: /*! Constructor of the bounding box tree \param [in] pts pointer to the array containing the points that are to be indexed. \param [in] elems array to the indices of the elements contained in the BBTreePts \param [in] level level in the BBTreePts recursive structure \param [in] nbelems nb of elements in the BBTreePts \param [in] epsilon precision to which points are decided to be coincident. Contrary to BBTree, the absolute epsilon is computed. So the internal epsilon is always positive. Parameters \a elems and \a level are used only by BBTreePts itself for creating trees recursively. A typical use is therefore : \code int nbelems=... double* pts= new double[dim*nbelems]; // filling pts ... ... BBTreePts<2> tree = new BBTreePts<2>(elems,0,0,nbelems,1e-12); \endcode */ BBTreePts(const double *pts, const ConnType *elems, int level, ConnType nbelems, double epsilon=1e-12): _left(0),_right(0),_level(level),_pts(pts),_terminal(nbelems < MIN_NB_ELEMS || level> MAX_LEVEL),_nbelems(nbelems),_epsilon(std::abs(epsilon)) { double *nodes=new double[nbelems]; _elems.resize(nbelems); for (ConnType i=0;i(nodes, nodes+nbelems/2, nodes+nbelems); double median=*(nodes+nbelems/2); delete [] nodes; std::vector new_elems_left,new_elems_right; new_elems_left.reserve(nbelems/2+1); new_elems_right.reserve(nbelems/2+1); double max_left = -std::numeric_limits::max(); double min_right= std::numeric_limits::max(); for(ConnType i=0;imedian) { new_elems_right.push_back(elem); if(mxmax_left) max_left=mx; } } _max_left=max_left+_epsilon; _min_right=min_right-_epsilon; ConnType *tmp; tmp=0; if(!new_elems_left.empty()) tmp=&(new_elems_left[0]); _left=new BBTreePts(pts, tmp, level+1, (ConnType)new_elems_left.size(),_epsilon); tmp=0; if(!new_elems_right.empty()) tmp=&(new_elems_right[0]); _right=new BBTreePts(pts, tmp, level+1, (ConnType)new_elems_right.size(),_epsilon); } ~BBTreePts() { delete _left; delete _right; } /*! returns in \a elem an element potentially containing the point pointed to by \a xx Contrary to BBTreePts::getElementsAroundPoint the norm 2 is used here. \param[in] xx pointer to query point coords \param[in] threshold detection precision \param[out] elem the element intersecting the bounding box \sa BBTreePts::getElementsAroundPoint */ double getElementsAroundPoint2(const double *xx, double threshold, ConnType& elem) const { // terminal node : return list of elements intersecting bb if(_terminal) { double ret=std::numeric_limits::max(); for(ConnType i=0;i<_nbelems;i++) { const double* const bb_ptr=_pts+_elems[i]*dim; double tmp=0.; for(int idim=0;idimgetElementsAroundPoint2(xx,threshold,elem); if(xx[_level%dim]-s>_max_left) return _right->getElementsAroundPoint2(xx,threshold,elem); ConnType eleml,elemr; double retl=_left->getElementsAroundPoint2(xx,threshold,eleml); double retr=_right->getElementsAroundPoint2(xx,threshold,elemr); if(retl& elems) const { // terminal node : return list of elements intersecting bb if(_terminal) { for(ConnType i=0;i<_nbelems;i++) { const double* const bb_ptr=_pts+_elems[i]*dim; bool intersects = true; for(int idim=0;idimgetElementsAroundPoint(xx,elems); return; } if(xx[_level%dim]>_max_left) { _right->getElementsAroundPoint(xx,elems); return; } _left->getElementsAroundPoint(xx,elems); _right->getElementsAroundPoint(xx,elems); } ConnType size() const { if(_terminal) return _nbelems; return _left->size()+_right->size(); } }; #endif