// Copyright (C) 2014-2015 EDF-R&D // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com // %ExportedHeaderCode #include %End class HYDROData_Image : public HYDROData_Entity { %ConvertToSubClassCode switch ( sipCpp->GetKind() ) { case KIND_IMAGE: sipType = sipType_HYDROData_Image; break; default: // We don't recognise the type. sipType = NULL; } %End %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: enum TransformationMode { ManualGeodesic = 0, ManualCartesian, CartesianFromFile, ReferenceImage }; public: /** * Stores the image * \param theImage new image */ void SetImage( const QImage& theImage ); /** * Load the image from file * \param theFilePath path to image */ bool LoadImage( const QString& theFilePath ); /** * Returns the kept image */ QImage Image(); /** * Stores the image file path * \param theFilePath image file path */ void SetFilePath( const QString& theFilePath ); /** * Returns uploaded image file path */ QString GetFilePath() const; /** * Stores the image transformation * \param theTrsf new transformation */ void SetTrsf( const QTransform& theTrsf ); /** * Returns the kept transformation, or "identity" if not yet stored */ QTransform Trsf() const; /** * Updates the matrix of transformation in accordance with reference points. * \param theTrsf new transformation */ void UpdateTrsf(); /** * Returns true if transformation is done by two points only */ bool IsByTwoPoints() const; /** * Removes all references from this image. */ bool HasReferences() const; /** * Removes all references from this image. */ void RemoveAllReferences(); /** * Stores the transformation points in local cs of image * \param thePointA point A * \param thePointB point B * \param thePointC point C */ void SetLocalPoints( const QPoint& thePointA, const QPoint& thePointB, const QPoint& thePointC = QPoint( INT_MIN, INT_MIN ), const bool theIsUpdate = true ); /** * Returns the transformation points in local cs of image * \param thePointA point A * \param thePointB point B * \param thePointC point C * \return true if all parameters has been set before */ bool GetLocalPoints( QPoint& thePointA /Out/, QPoint& thePointB /Out/, QPoint& thePointC /Out/ ) const; /** * Returns true if local points has been set before */ bool HasLocalPoints() const; /** * Stores the transformation points in global cs * \param theMode transformation mode * \param thePointA point A * \param thePointB point B * \param thePointC point C */ void SetGlobalPoints( const TransformationMode& theMode, const QPointF& thePointA, const QPointF& thePointB, const QPointF& thePointC = QPoint( INT_MIN, INT_MIN ), const bool theIsUpdate = true ); /** * Returns the transformation points in global cs * \param theMode transformation mode * \param thePointA point A * \param thePointB point B * \param thePointC point C * \return true if all parameters has been set before */ bool GetGlobalPoints( TransformationMode& theMode, QPointF& thePointA /Out/, QPointF& thePointB /Out/, QPointF& thePointC /Out/ ) const; /** * Get transformation points from the file and stores them in global cs * \param theFileName the image georeferencement file name * \return true in case of success */ bool SetGlobalPointsFromFile( const QString& theFileName ); /** * Returns true if global points has been set before */ bool HasGlobalPoints() const; /** * Stores the transformation points in reference image local cs * \param theRefImage reference image * \param thePointA point A * \param thePointB point B * \param thePointC point C */ void SetReferencePoints( HYDROData_Image theRefImage, const QPointF& thePointA, const QPointF& thePointB, const QPointF& thePointC = QPoint( INT_MIN, INT_MIN ), const bool theIsUpdate = true ) [void ( const opencascade::handle&, const QPointF&, const QPointF&, const QPointF&, const bool )]; %MethodCode Handle(HYDROData_Image) aRefImage = Handle(HYDROData_Image)::DownCast( createHandle( a0 ) ); if ( !aRefImage.IsNull() ) { Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS sipSelfWasArg ? sipCpp->HYDROData_Image::SetReferencePoints( aRefImage, *a1, *a2, *a3, a4 ) : sipCpp->SetReferencePoints( aRefImage, *a1, *a2, *a3, a4 ); Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS } %End /** * Returns the transformation points in reference image local cs * \param theRefImage reference image * \param thePointA point A * \param thePointB point B * \param thePointC point C * \return true if all parameters has been set correctly */ bool GetReferencePoints( HYDROData_Image theRefImage, QPointF& thePointA /Out/, QPointF& thePointB /Out/, QPointF& thePointC /Out/ ) const [bool ( const opencascade::handle&, QPointF&, QPointF&, QPointF& )]; %MethodCode Handle(HYDROData_Image) aRefImage = Handle(HYDROData_Image)::DownCast( createHandle( a0 ) ); if ( !aRefImage.IsNull() ) { Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS sipRes = sipSelfWasArg ? sipCpp->HYDROData_Image::GetReferencePoints( aRefImage, *a1, *a2, *a3 ) : sipCpp->GetReferencePoints( aRefImage, *a1, *a2, *a3 ); Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS } %End /** * Returns true if reference points has been set before */ bool HasReferencePoints() const; /** * Stores the reference image for transformation * \param theRefImage reference image */ void SetTrsfReferenceImage( HYDROData_Image theRefImage ) [void ( const opencascade::handle& )]; %MethodCode Handle(HYDROData_Image) aRefImage = Handle(HYDROData_Image)::DownCast( createHandle( a0 ) ); if ( !aRefImage.IsNull() ) { Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS sipSelfWasArg ? sipCpp->HYDROData_Image::SetTrsfReferenceImage( aRefImage ) : sipCpp->SetTrsfReferenceImage( aRefImage ); Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS } %End /** * Returns the reference image for transformation */ HYDROData_Image GetTrsfReferenceImage() const [opencascade::handle ()]; %MethodCode Handle(HYDROData_Image) aRefImage; Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS aRefImage = sipSelfWasArg ? sipCpp->HYDROData_Image::GetTrsfReferenceImage() : sipCpp->GetTrsfReferenceImage(); Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS sipRes = (HYDROData_Image*)createPointer( aRefImage ); %End /** * Removes the reference image for transformation */ void RemoveTrsfReferenceImage(); /** * Stores the transformation mode */ void SetTrsfMode( const TransformationMode& theMode ); /** * Returns the transformation mode */ TransformationMode GetTrsfMode() const; /** * Returns the number of referenced objects * \return zero if there is no references */ int NbReferences() const; /** * Appends reference to other object (image or polyline). * \param theReferenced the object referenced by this */ void AppendReference( HYDROData_Entity theReferenced ) [void ( const opencascade::handle& )]; %MethodCode Handle(HYDROData_Entity) aRef = createHandle( a0 ); if ( !aRef.IsNull() ) { Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS sipSelfWasArg ? sipCpp->HYDROData_Image::AppendReference( aRef ) : sipCpp->AppendReference( aRef ); Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS } %End /** * Returns reference by index. * \param theIndex number of reference [0; NbReference) * \returns the referenced object, or Null if index is invalid */ HYDROData_Entity Reference( const int theIndex ) const [opencascade::handle ()]; %MethodCode Handle(HYDROData_Entity) aRef; Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS aRef = sipSelfWasArg ? sipCpp->HYDROData_Image::Reference( a0 ) : sipCpp->Reference( a0 ); Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS sipRes = createPointer( aRef ); %End /** * Updates reference by index. If index is one-bigger than \a NbReferences, * this method appends it to the end (NbReferences is incremented). * \param theIndex number of reference [0; NbReference] * \param theReferenced the object referenced by this */ void ChangeReference( const int theIndex, HYDROData_Entity theReferenced ) [void ( const int, const opencascade::handle& )]; %MethodCode Handle(HYDROData_Entity) aRef = createHandle( a1 ); if ( !aRef.IsNull() ) { Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS sipSelfWasArg ? sipCpp->HYDROData_Image::ChangeReference( a0, aRef ) : sipCpp->ChangeReference( a0, aRef ); Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS } %End /** * Removes reference by index * \param theIndex number of reference [0; NbReference) */ void RemoveReference( const int theIndex ); /** * Removes all references. */ void ClearReferences(); /** * Stores the operator name * \param theOpName name of the operator that must be executed for image update */ void SetOperatorName(const QString theOpName); /** * Returns the operator name * \returns the name of the operator that must be executed for image update */ QString OperatorName() const; /** * Stores the operator arguments * \param theArgs array that stores the operator arguments, needed for execution */ void SetArgs(const QByteArray& theArgs); /** * Returns the operator arguments * \returns array that stores the operator arguments, needed for execution */ QByteArray Args() const; /** * Marks the image as self-split. * \param theFlag is true for self-split image */ void SetIsSelfSplit(bool theFlag); /** * Checks that the image is self-split. * \returns true if image is self-split */ bool IsSelfSplit() const; protected: /** * Creates new object in the internal data structure. Use higher level objects * to create objects with real content. */ HYDROData_Image(); /** * Destructs properties of the object and object itself, removes it from the document. */ ~HYDROData_Image(); };