-- File: BlockFix_BlockFixAPI.cdl -- Created: Tue Dec 7 17:56:09 2004 -- Author: Pavel Durandin -- ---Copyright: Open CASCADE SA 2004 class BlockFixAPI from BlockFix inherits TShared from MMgt ---Purpose: uses Shape from TopoDS, ReShape from ShapeBuild is Create returns BlockFixAPI from BlockFix; ---Purpose: Empty constructor SetShape(me: mutable; Shape: Shape from TopoDS); ---Purpose: Sets the shape to be operated on ---C++: inline Perform(me: mutable); ---Purpose: Shape(me) returns Shape from TopoDS; ---Purpose: Returns resulting shape. ---C++: inline Context(me:mutable) returns ReShape from ShapeBuild; ---Purpose: Returns modifiable context for storing the -- mofifications ---C++: inline ---C++: return & Tolerance (me:mutable) returns Real; ---Purpose: Returns modifiable tolerance of recognition ---C++: inline ---C++: return & fields myContext : ReShape from ShapeBuild; myShape : Shape from TopoDS; myTolerance : Real from Standard; end BlockFixAPI from BlockFix;