# This awk program extract public functions of the class definition present in hxx interface BEGIN { public=0 } # we want to extract each function that is public and that does'nt contain # the patterns : public, private, // (comments), { and } public == 1 && $1 !~ /public/ && $1 !~ /private/ && $1 !~ /\/\/*/ && $1 !~ /{|}/ { for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) printf "%s ", $i # change line if last field contains ";" -> one function per line in output if ( $NF ~ /;/ ) printf "\n" } $1 == "class" && $0 !~ /;/ {public=1} # we test matching against /;/ to get rid of forward declaration $1 ~ /public/ {public=1} $1 ~ /private/ {public=0} $1 ~ /}/ {public=0}